

Discussions on the interactions with neutral agency, non profits organizations, commissions mandated or promoting the governance or monitoring of particular persons and/or issues. Please share your experiences and stories be them positive or negative. Again if you wish your name to be published let us know.

Agencies, commissions and NPO are , in theory, designed to do great work when in practice.It is the moving away from their own mission statements and guidelines where we find the colluding with those they are supposed to bring to task. It is with great disappointment and betrayal when we find out these groups do such a thing as they all have the great power, individually and collectively, to make real social change for all persons.

It is sometimes necessary for NPO to rely on various funding sources including government.That is not the issue.The issue lies in that NPO are not upfront with the most vulnerable people in how much they can support. Community needs NPO to walk through the door and that is exactly where NPO leaves them hanging as not to lose funding. It is about honesty and collusions. NPO have to be honest with their clients or service users so they do not feel the accumulative sting of betrayal when they need allies the most. NPO need to be honest with themselves in how far and how much is to be lost for them to gain funding. Human lives are not meant to be disposable or used for bartering.

Human trafficking is illegal and I feel that is what is going on when NPO/agencies/commissions plead their cases on the backs of the vulnerable for funding. When they get their funding who is left behind?
wuzzupdates: Wayne Anstey responded to my time sensitive matter 5 months after he received the enclosed and he did absolutely nothing regarding the  corruption, abuse, discriminatory and constitutional violations, he did nothing regarding the unacceptable behaviour of his HRM Community Development staff who are receiving  outrageous pay cheques for doing  almost nada.

He did send me a paragraph of crap stating that his staff will respect the community. Not one HRM public servant was held accountable and the HRM Auditor General did not even attempt to contact me. Public servants who receive wages from tax payers and commit crimes in that position are at least committing fraud on the public purse. This would include both Anstey and  his pal Larry.
Keep in mind Wayne was privy and party to the Patrick Murphy rape cover-up  in 2005+.
The following is a request for HRM legal Wayne Anstey to investigate the unconstitutional and corrupt behaviour of named HRM public servants/community developers on the issue of them stealing the Dartmouth North Community Centre from the community. The document was hand delivered July 30 2010 and as of August 9 2010 no word from his office or that of the municipal auditor general. I voice message was left by me today August 9 2010 with the admin assistant.

Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)
Attn: Operations Deputy Wayne Anstey and Municipal Auditor General Larry Munroe

Time Sensitive: Please respond immediately by suspending the management transfer to HRM on August 10 2010 until the matter has been dealt with properly and legally.
Re: Dartmouth North Community Centre (herein DNCC)

Re: Requesting an investigation into the fraudulent unethical and unconstitutional behaviour and agenda of Community Development- HRM employees: Annette Verge(AV), Joan MacDonnell (JM), Cathy MacKinnon (CM), Norma Maclean (NM), Matt Maguire (MM), Debbie MacKenzie (DM) and city councillor Jim Smith(JS).

July 29 2010

I will attempt to do my best in sharing with you the amount of organized and systemic inappropriate behaviour, mindset, apathy and corruption I witnessed from the aforementioned who created such a hostile environment that spits in the face of our Charted Constitution and begs to be investigated. The comfort these public servants had in acting badly is disturbing but empowered by someone or something in your department for it was too organized and disruptive to be accidental. The lack of respect was appalling yet not shocking. One need only walk through this community once be it tomorrow or 20 years ago to see how much HRM has already disrespected and grossly neglected this community but on the issue of managing the Dartmouth North Community Centre (DNCC) what I witnessed sickened me into a resignation as I will not partake in those behaviours or agendas that I know to be wrong and illegal. What I witnessed is a new low for this community by municipal public servants including the city councillor who sat back idle claiming innocent. 
They say in the movies that vampires cannot enter your home unless invited in and such did occur in this community when former chair of the DNCC board set down in allegiance with these corrupt HRM to actualize the unconstitutional behaviour and agenda of HRM. The fact that HRM sought to keep this allegiance despite the overwhelming incompetent of this chair and his ongoing unethical practice including harassment of Centre staff and fraud, is evident to their motives for they knew I as vice chair would not wed or bed their corrupt agenda that spits in the face of this community. 

They took legion with former chair Darrell Dando knowing he did not want to have anything to do with the DNCC board for a couple of years now and knew they could manipulate him being corrupt, incompetent and with his own agenda. They knew to appease his ego and manipulated him into giving them what they wanted: the Dartmouth North Community Centre. The fact that supposed educated HRM aligned with such depravity to accomplish their agenda is a sickness I know to be epidemic throughout HRM department including the mayor, city council and the police department so while this level of pathology does not shock me the fact that HRM raped the rights of this community in broad daylight with the deliberate absence of the city councillor is appalling beyond measure. The depravity I witnessed harmed me so badly it took me this time to be able to sit down and draft this communication for your immediate attention before the illegal transferring of the DNCC management is completed.

I cannot speak to events that occurred before my sitting on the DNCC Board but my presence is not needed for when I joined DNCC the level of Board incompetence, negligence and apathy was already quite overwhelming which created a perfect breeding ground for further invites to those who feed off the vulnerable. For things to be as disgraceful as they were at DNCC, HRM who brags of a 3 years involvement, must have been sitting idle by like crows on the flanks of our highways waiting for roadkill.

I cannot possibly have enough time to itemize every infraction and I am available if you should need further information or clarification so the enclosed is not an exhaustive account but enough, I hope, to reveal bad business on this issue by HRM public servants who were ask to leave their power/privy at the door but left their ethics, decorum and legalities at the door instead. I am concluding Debbie MacKenzie's name for I have been waiting for contact information going on 5 weeks now because she has refused to co-operate with my request for this information so that I can contact the pertinent persons for this investigation. She ignored 4 of my calls for this info and had she not forgotten she is a public servant and that the information I requested was public information this communication would have been available for your perusal before now. 

Her refusal to give me this information is an act of corruption as she knew I was requesting an investigation and needed the proper connects and contacts of management who would do this. I have had to guess who this should be so if you are not the 'right' people please forward to the right people and department. This organized protection of unethical conduct by HRM employees who are public servants is unacceptable. The deliberate refusal by a public servant to give public assistance to a member of the public is equally appalling and reflects a mentality reeking of pomposity.

When I went for my DNCC interview for a position on the Board I was impressed that there was an interview process in place but it did not take me long to realize that those conducting the interview had no business being on the Board for various reasons from gross incompetence, lack of sufficient and necessary experience and education and ongoing unethical practices. I was lied to by Darrell (herein DD) Dando the chair at the time stating that there was a chance that HRM may take over the FLA but that we would remain a governance board until that happened and that we had another 2-3 year term. This led to the belief that we would and could continue to be governing but this had been the lie for HRM and Dando had already put into motion that the DNCC would be HRM in less than 4 months regardless of anyone's efforts: they just needed warm bodies to pretend to be in discussion and needed that many signatures for the FLA to transfer from Community hands into HRM hands. 

Had I been told they just needed signatures and that this was inevitably going to HRM within months I would not have wasted one second with such a plan which is exactly why I was lied to and I found out others were lied to a well by the HRM monkey Darrell Dando who is a disgrace to community advocacy and governing boards. He is currently committing federal fraud by claiming to be actively disabled while at the same time working diligently full-time with his private construction business and this is who you went into legion with?

One does not need to be in DD company for long to realize he talks too much saying literally nothing but filling the air with gibberish,untruths and self importance. People like him eventually tell on themselves and it would be his behaviour that caused so much work, directions, lies, mutiny and corruption to the FLA process at DNCC that your HRM employees fed from. It was through DD that the HRM plan was revealed which caused the inevitable breakdown and subsequent and continual lies to the larger community.

DD would drop verbal bombs such as staff needed to start looking for jobs and this months before D-Day or FLA decision. It was so bad that staff asked me as vice chair to talk to this chair because his confusing and negativity was affecting staff morale. When I approached him about his comments he would flip the script saying that he just wanted to prepare them but that he was fighting for us to remain a governing board. What made this worse is HRM Matt Maguire was doing the same, suggesting that staff get other jobs but in our pretend Steering meetings he would partake in the collective HRM lie that the FLA discussions would be a democratic and pensive process and 'that HRM was working with us not against us'.

It did not take long for me to realize the Board was not functioning as a Board in any regard. In fact it was not a Board in the traditional or contemporary sense of the word. I attended a Board meeting (BM) where we were told there would also be Steering Commeetings. Immediately at this BM it was clear that there was no process, functionality, sub-committees, programming, structure or strategy to approach the Steering Comm for the discussion of the DNCC Facility Lease Agreement (FLA).

At this first BM we had votes for director positions that in retrospect is where the corruption can be traced and every minute after that. One BM, Vicki, was the vice chair and only attended that meeting and one Steering afterwards. Clearly she was there for the chair vote who is also a good personal friend as were 3 other members at the table. Such nepotism and planting of positions is frowned upon especially when they are not bringing anything to the table other than warm body. So by one vote the existing chair remained chair while he nominated me for vice chair and again I realize this was part of the corrupt plan to keep DD chair to actualize the agenda of HRM. What is very telling is those who only knew me for a month as a Centre guest voted for me over the chair they had known for many years. The fact I was not chair by 1 vote is critical to this discussion because the vote was corrupted before it was taken by having personal friends at the table and a public servant with loyalties to government who are her clients (Sue Lemon) being seated on the Board after I joined and not before. She was believed to be a HRM plant by many BM. 

Had I been chair we would not be having this discussion which is exactly why I was not chair. The chair's confirmation is highly suspect and was organized so that DD could continue to control the direction of strategy and discussion from that moment on that escalated in mutiny and immeasurable distrust for chair (his pals), Sue Lemon and the entire HRM staff that were over-represented at each Steering Committee which is a draconian and psychological tactic of intimidation, tyranny and control of information flow.

As mentioned I cannot possibly itemize each infraction as mental abuses, constitutional violations, patronizing/inappropriate and condescending tones and attitudes and agendas are often intangible.

When it became clear that the chair was not functional I set out to put function in place including sub-committees for staff and grievances which in turn revealed deplorable behaviour by the chair and vice chair who knowingly spied on a staff member for personal retaliation and harassed her to the point of discomfort and labour violations while putting into the community that this staff was stealing money from the Centre and tried to pull me in collusion against her. I was sickened by this degenerate behaviour that was in effect before I joined the Board and the lack of accountability was rampant breeding ground for such illegal behaviour a perfect place for HRM to feed from. What needs to be asked is HRM knew fine well that the DNCC did not have an operational Board yet did nothing to assist any process to ensure an operational Board-what needs to be asked is why HRM could out of one side of their mouth constantly attack the Board for not be stable yet use them to sign the FLA-that I brought up that we had only been together for 2months and had not worked on any programs or projects yet but they were in the works- I suggested that we be given the 2-3 years we were told we had to turn things around with an ethical, capable and knowledgeable Board and this was ignored. 

There is something disturbing that HRM could have so little respect for the Board members and community as a collective but manipulated them, pretended to have respect for them and appeased them until it it was time to sign the FLA over to HRM. 
HRM did not bother to find out that the DNCC Board was so dysfunctional and incompetent that they had not legally registered with Joint Stocks as an Association since 2005 and this can be confirmed by their records. Any discussion to sign the FLA over to HRM prior to the 2010 filing of directors should be null and voided and again the Joint stock registration and the signing of the FLA over to HRM happened within such a short time frame that this in itself should be deemed an unethical action by HRM. There was no chair when the FLA was signed over. The fact that the HRM went into contract for the FLA with a Board that was incompetent and corrupt without a chair and vice chair is despicable. 
What also needs to be asked is if the Board was so unstable for HRM then why were they stable enough to sign over the FLA? A Board of only 2 months should not have the authority even if filed legally with Joint Stocks especially when that filing was just to satisfy the HRM requirement to have enough warm bodies with signatures for the transfer of the FLA. Often JM and AV mentioned at Steer meetings that the Board was unstable however they knew that for years as did Jim Smith and did nothing to empower the Board or community to change that and of course they wanted the Centre so why bother assisting the Board to become stronger and capable. 
Of course the bonus for HRM is that they can tell the community with a straight face that the Board is to blame for losing the Centre. It is exactly this realization that motivated me into telling the community about the HRM coercion and abuse so they could steal the Centre from the community. No one was shocked as this would be business in the community as usual. 
HRM, through their spy DD, would sabotage any attempts/plans that was set up by me as vice chair to show how sustainable the Centre could be with educated and experienced Board members- Joan/Annette and Norma knew I am an experienced and educated community advocate and this was another reason why I posed a threat to them. It is a pathetic day when anyone rapes their own community on behalf of HRM.

As the unethics of previous board members became obvious I submitted official grievances to the new subcommittees but the vice chair resigned before her justification/defence meeting and I submitted a motion for chair to be immediately removed after putting together a file of past and ongoing violations that raped By laws, civic and legal rights as well as contaminated the Board, the Centre and Community with pathological lying and sabotaging. 

It was also revealed albeit too late that DD was the Board spy for AV yet he made sure we thought it was MM doing all the 'report back' on what should have been private Board meeting information. The facilitator had the audacity to ask for Board minutes which we closed for what should be obvious reasons. Even now thinking about the deplorable behaviour of HRM, facilitators who were recommended by HRM and and the chair makes me sick. 
When it was shared at the SteerComm that we were having 2 BM a month the facilitator blurted that we should have our meetings with them in front of every one. This is what started the Great Divide at these meetings as both the HRM and facilitators acted so unprofessional while I waited for chair to protect the Board but of course he would not so I was forced every meting to pet the Board for the onslaught of abusive attitudes from HRM until they started speaking up for themselves. The constant boundary violations by the facilitators was finally brought to task by me at my last meeting with these corrupt persons. 

After some homework it was outed that 2 HRM (CM, JM) recommended these facilitators Grant MacDonald and Joel Stoddard who clearly were the wrong choice and would not have been my choice as chair. Clearly they had the same prejudicial behaviour toward members of this community as HRM unapologetically revealed meeting after meeting.

Because the chair worked so hard to sabotage everything I put in place I asked for 2 BM a month until Decision Day. Still the chair managed to control the meetings with nonsense and tangents and gossip and distractions, never getting to the discussions that were imperative to the FLA decision. He and HRM would lie to the community in a power point saying many meetings were had in discussion about what type of board DNCC would become and after several lies I finally stood up and told the community the truth which was met with loud applause which clearly told HRM they were not welcome here. 

While I spoke to the small crowd- efforts were made by chair/HRM/Jim Smith to make sure there were not a lot of people/residents in attendance- community all but MM were facing the audience while I spoke MM glared and sneered at me knowing the public could not see his gestures of disdain and contempt. I had to strain myself to stay focused and engaged with the audience but I wanted to let them know how ignorant and and bold these corrupt public servants really were.
I would leave meetings exhausted from the overt agenda of drowning our voices and treating us like we we uncivilized and stupid. Combine that with the 30-40 hour week I had to put in as vice chair to clean up the disgraceful mess left by the previous Board and sitting chair DD. Every Board meeting then became consumed with grievances against Board members from sexual harassment to blatant By- law violations to flagrant and illegal harassment of Centre staff by chair. 
All these grievance issues should have been dealt with by chair before I joined however because of his own gross incompetence and unethical behaviour there was no accountability in place creating a very hostile and distrusting work place making it tense for staff and board. HRM was fully aware that chair DD was removed from his position by a motion submitted by me that I justified during a 20 minute presentation of information that took 4 hours to compile there were so many infractions by chair DD. Yet HRM continued to communicate through him for what should be obvious reasons. The official grievance are on file at DNCC so I will not reiterate them here.

The lack of previous subcommittees allowed the corruption to breed, it allowed HRM to sit drooling on the flanks as they sneaked in to steal the Centre from the Community without them knowing. One day myself and another BM distributed fliers for 6 hours around the community about the FLA decision to only have them mysteriously disappear. JS the elected municipal official for this community was brought to task at a recent meeting by me in asking why did he think he has informed the community using Eastlink when he knows this community does not watch Eastlink. Not once did he publish in his newsletter that there were urgent community meetings that need community attention. Oddly he knows how to go door to door at election time but claims to have used a medium he knew would be useless in this community which reveals how detached and unengaged he is with this community unless he wants to engage for his own reasons. 

JS was on the Steering Committee as an member and was absent 100% of the meetings. When AV and JM started making issues with the lack of attendance of BM I brought up the ongoing absence of JS who later in a public forum lied to the public claiming he did not know the meetings had been changed to Thursday from Tuesday accommodating his city hall schedule. I had no idea that this city councillor was 5 years old. He had 5 employes at every meeting and not one told him that his absence was causing an issue for the current vice chair?
The chair would repeatedly tell me after each meeting that JS would send regrets then stopped even doing that. I told DD to bring in the MLA instead. DD said he could not do that because JS and TZ did not get along. DD was told that was irrelevant as we needed community representation, 
Jim Smith the city councillor and Steering Commmember failed the community on the issue of the Community Centre. I then asked the chair to bring in the pro bono lawyer he claimed his pal at the table had, that did not happen either. I have come to realize Jim Smith's role is one of corrupt collusion and apathy. He is playing 'see no evil-hear no evil' when he should have been at every meeting, he is paid to represent the community and his absence was a loud statement that he could not be bothered. JS did publish an email after I sent out an mass email to the members about HRM being the lesser of two evils to have the DNCC- FLA. 

He stated he was never told about the meetings so did not send regrets and even with this bold outing of lying by chair DD, HRM still signed a lease with him. JS was an official member on the Steering and 5 of your HRM staff never said a word about his absences? 
Another BM resigned soon after me because of the outrageous behaviour of the chair/his pals and HRM in particular AV, JM and MM. After just one meeting with them she shared that she had felt very sick about the manner that the BM were spoken to and were allowed to be spoken to by the chair despite my many emails to him requesting that he protect the BM formally to HRM( and the facilitators they recommended) and speak to them about their outrageous behaviour at meetings.

He never did so I was forced to almost each meeting. This distraught BM asked how me and her friend endured that abuse/disrespect meeting after meeting. My answer: we had no choice.
For HRM to knowingly engage with a chair that was illiterate, irresponsible, corrupt openly committing fraud violating Board BY laws, paying himself with DNCC funds without Board approval for items and reimbursements, inappropriate conduct and unethical abuses of authority as chair is deplorable, illegal and vulgar business, it is not community copesetic.

Annette Verge:
  • clearly the ring leader who did control most meetings and did not want to participate in exercises she deemed to insulting to her intelligence/position which reeked of prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour/attitudes until I had enough of it and pointed out her arrogant behaviour.
  • That a list of Board questions was presented in advance to HRM to answer in what we were told was in good faith and instead of answering the questions AV in her witch hunt against me, blamed me for the questions and went on to complain about my tone of voice which was not an issue any other week. This was another draconian tactic to deny and deflect attention away from HRM in avoiding the questions. AV and JM ignored 3 board members who stated the questions were not mine and were a sum total of questions asked by Board members current and in the past. AV ignored this information as it squashed her agenda and she escalated in her tone and attack against me. Clearly HRM did not want to answer questions (see enclosed email). Oddly their corrupt 'plant' Sue Lemon picked my one and only question in the list to have HRM answer which revealed the recklessness and arbitrary behaviour, they would attack me on anything despite how unreasonable and unfounded. Lemon did not know at that time it was my question that intrigued her, one HRM answered thinking it was hers I think. After rude outburst by AV, HRM answered most questions eventually. I guess they ran out of abusive tricks that night? Despite the abuse AV did to me with the help of her HRM posse I stayed with the board.
  • One occasion she reached a new low even for her-she stated she did not like my tone of voice-I had respiratory issues and laryngitis for 5 weeks from the stress/corruption I endured/witnessed from HRM and the chair and his minions at the Board. Had I been Black she would not dare talk about my tone or voice but this was yet another draconian tactic to attack the me as I was clearly the only one empowering and educating the Board which was getting stronger each week as I put accountability and strategy into place. Clearly HRM knew I was a threat to their highjack plans and needed to 'disable' me at any cost. Because I am a person with disabilities my health rapidly declined, I was forced to resign-I also knew what was taking place and my signature would not be on the FLA that let HRM steal the Centre from the Community.
  • I pointed out she did not have a problem with my tone she had an issue with my having a voice at all.
  • I pointed out that while my voice may bother her, it paled in comparison to her belligerence, prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour and that her outbursts said more about her and nothing about me.
  • She constantly talked about how unstable the Board was yet offered nothing to change that, ironically it was that instability that allowed HRM to steal that Centre like vultures
  • had an annoying proclivity for twisted my words to suit her agenda and when she was corrected she would become more defensive.
  • When I shared that I did not trust the Board because we had been so new and had not had a chance to work together she became my new BFF until I put plans into effect to empower the Board though knew most of the Board had to go for many reasons.
  • Did initiate unconstitutional discussions against me by inciting, provoking and soliciting fear in remaining Board members by asking if they were afraid of me and feared for their safety.
  • Hours after I put motion on the floor to have chair Darrell Dando removed from chair for corruption, unethical practices etc out of nowhere Sue Lemon put out a motion for my removal accusing me of things the chair was doing. She knew with the chair removed I would slide into that role and would make sure HRM would not get the Centre as I would make sure the community could sustain it for another 3 years term for an honest review at that time. Lemon did not have any support with her motion however the evidence of her pathology was too disturbing for me to keep company with and it was reported to another forum. What made this worse is just the week before she sent me an email about what a wonderful job I was doing, when she set the motion on the floor to have me removed as vice chair she did so with deliberate malice and intent to act corruptly.
  • That HRM had their plant Sue Lemon attempt to provoke me at the Community meeting by deliberately coming to me at the back of the room, passing everyone else, to give me an application to join the Board after she knew I resigned in part due to her corruption which was the final attack I could endure from HRM. She approached me even after I told her to stay away from me- she placed an application on my briefcase behind my back. I have no doubt that this was AV's plan to provoke me into them calling police removing any opportunity for me to educate the public with the truth. Their plan did not work but it is duly noted as so depraved that this alone begs for an investigation.
  • Attacked me for questions list and tone of voice but complimented the chair on a letter/email that I drafted and they knew I did because they knew the chair to be illiterate and uneducated and could not possibly have authored the email in question. This is further evidence to their intent to target me which in unconstitutional and that their attacks were erroneous and randomly reckless.
  • Overtly classist
Joan M:
  • the second in command/ supportive ring leader to AV who would use the draconian tactic of sitting on the opposite side of the room as AV every meeting
  • often spoke in condescending tones to BM in assuming the role of corrector
  • like AV assumed the meeting tasks/exercises were beneath her
  • spoke to BM as if we were stupid
  • after my sharing about the outrageous conduct of HRM at one of the Steering meetings and after resigning from the Board due to the outrageous amounts of unethical and
    unconstitutional behaviour and after outing HRM and their abusive, coercive agenda in a public setting to the community that a week ago JM had the audacity to put on a show for someone walking from the Centre with her and as she walked she waved to me knowing how I felt about her and such an action is evidence to how pathological she is.
  • Colluded with Annette with blaming me for the questions list and deliberately would deflect attention away from HRM in patronizing ways.
  • It was through Joan using my phrases verbatim that I knew the chair was sharing my info from private board meetings with HRM which was highly unethical yet HRM especially Joan and Annette continued to use this chair as their liaison knowing only someone as unethical as they were would do their bidding.
  • Overtly classist
Cathy M: did not openly abuse anyone at the meetings and I believe she has authentic moments but she allowed the ongoing disrespect, unethics and unconstitutional behaviour so she is complicit in her silent consent of her co-worker acting untoward on several occasions.

Norma M:
  • I first met NM filling in for Marilyn Smith and I noticed her incompetence at that time so when I seen her meeting after meeting at DNCC I was confused as to her purpose as she really was not needed there.
  • On one occasion NM spoke with a patronizing attitude that sounded silly little girl walking her mother shoes, clearly she was trying to emulate Annette or Joan. She claimed in an unacceptable tone that she was 'disappointed' that we -meaning the chair -did not confirm a community meeting date with HRM first. The chair was responsible for that oversight but did not require her attitude.
  • Overtly classist
Matt M:
  • kharma perhaps got him as I was told he now is calling his former HRM gal-pals- evil bitches.
  • At meetings MM was inappropriate and condescending along constitutional lines clearly he thinks people in this community are contagious, stupid and unimportant. His classism is very obvious.
  • His lack of authentic engagement with Centre guests was noticeable by several guests.
  • On occasions he would correct people and assume they were stupid. He would with a sneering curtness assume to explain words and concepts to us and this despite my having 3 university degrees and was a former public servant which he was shocked about which in turn revealed his overt ignorance about persons in this community.
  • Often took credit for events and programs that he did not do or played a peripheral role with.
  • Often used tones that are patronizing and clearly the power position of public servant goes to his head..
  • was very rude to me during my outing of HRM abuse at a community meeting by trying to intimidate me with sneers and disdainful glares
Again I am requesting an immediate suspension of the transfer of the FLA to HRM hands on August10 2010. The amount of constitutional violations and illegalities in this matter require your immediate attention. The Centre was wrongly given to HRM under lies, corruption, abuse of authority, discrimination, prejudice, depravity, spying, sabotaging and pathological behaviour that would or should render such contractual transfers null and void.

Last week the remaining Board which was shamefully incompetent, illiterate, lazy and corrupt all resigned from the DNCC Board to avoid being answerable to the community. They let their auditor do all the talking during a previous meeting which I stopped, the community had a right to see the Board could not respond sufficiently or intelligently. They knew more angry people were coming to have answers about how HRM got the Centre. This would be the same Board HRM had sign the FLA over from the community. HRM knew how illiterate, incompetent and corrupt the remaining Board was and stayed in allegiance with them but only until they obtained their goal: the Dartmouth North Community Centre. 

Those who gave the Centre to HRM did the cowardice thing in resigning to avoid accounting to the community because they knew it was not supported by the community. They denied the truth from the community which is so pathetic that it is difficult to process and each of them are disgrace to my community. In fact I would offer that although the aforementioned have much in common with the community pimps and drug dealers, they are far worse as these pimps and drug dealers cannot blend successfully with civilized society.

They should have resigned before they wrongfully gave the Centre to the HRM without community consent and knowledge.

U and I are found in Community

What happens when agencies have volunteers who are corrupt and harm community?

This matter involves an ongoing matter with HRM that will be posted shortly. The Dartmouth North Community Centre much like the rest of this community, was once again raped by municipal government agencies and public servants that runs along flagrant constitutional violations and depraved behaviour. 
In this matter Sue Lemon-HR for government joined the DNCC Board and her behaviour was suspect by a few members however giving here the benefit of the doubt her agenda at the community table was soon revealed for all its malicious and corrupt intent. What Sue Lemon did in her role as volunteer board member while also being an active Board member with the Dartmouth Community Health Board (CHB) and Capital Health is appalling and is contrary to the vision and mandate codified by CHB with regards to being involved with community.

I sent these materials to Mary Russell, the authority for CHB, and CHB took the position that since Lemon was not sitting at the DNCC Board with CHB authority I should take it up with DNCC when it should have been intuitively obvious that such was no plausible or possible.

Capital Health-Community Health Board
3825 Joseph Howe Drive Halifax
April 13 2010
Hello Mary Russell,
It is with great concern for community health and building trusting synergistic relations that I am sending you this communication as the inappropriate and harmful behaviour of one of your volunteers, Sue Lemon, has caused a great disturbance in the current and futuristic realities of Dartmouth North. I realize that there is no protocol in place for you to address this issue as it pertains directly to the community and another board, also, there are no quantitative measures for the amount of collateral damages this one person has caused. 
However when your volunteers join community based organizations in the guise of being an ally by claiming to be the co-chair of the Dartmouth Community Health Board and that with making such a public statement implies to be working with that mandate and with such authoritative point of reference and that such causes irreparable damages in that community it becomes a matter for you attention.
I did contact Monique Mullins-Roberts for a Community Board contact and she has identified you. I would have preferred an email address for you but she didnot answer that email.
Because the behaviour, for the most part, of your volunteer took place with the confines of 'closed board meetings' I can only make certain comments with respect to confidential matters that were exploited by your volunteer for a personal retaliatory agenda that has no place at board meetings especially in vulnerable communities where there is a history of distrust and 'agenda' that have harmed the community and Dartmouth North Community Centre (herein DNCC) thus far. I have enclosed an email she authored and I did request that she drop off a copy to the front desk at DNCC with her signature but she has refused to do this to date so I hope you receive her email as a legitimate document without her signature. She did know when I requested in person a copy with her signature that I would be taking the matter of her vicious and self serving agenda outside the confines of the Board and that my comments were made in the company of other board members during meeting as I believe ethical practices require transparency.
That I recently joined the governing board of DNCC that was comprised of community residents which made the board appealing to me as community voice has an important role in those matters that pertain to the community directly. I believe within a couple of weeks of my joining your volunteer, Sue Lemon (herein SL) joined as a board member as well.
That at our first shared meeting I introduced the 12 Determinants of Health as a plausible and appropriate working modality for us as a governing board since there had been no philosophy or practice in place for several years prior to my joining. Being a community advocate for decades I knew the importance of including the determinants of health as some of us working at the grass roots level were working with that framework long before it had a name other than an holistic approach. 
When SL intimated that she was part of the DCHB, I anticipated a great working relationship with her as I knew by being on the DCHB she was very familiar with the Public Health Federal Promotion and that it was inevitable to be the best of all choices as a solid framework for the board to use as a focus in this particular community with so many influences shaping the health of individuals, families and the community at large. So in retrospect I should have noticed the red flag this early when she didnot respond at all to my passing around information about the Determinants for futuristic discussion with the new board, I just assumed she was shy being a newbie and not from the community.
At this time I was under the impression that despite ongoing and previous talks with HRM, DNCC still had a chance to stay as a governing board with new future. I would discover this was a deliberate false impression and your volunteer played a damaging role in making sure the community could not have a governing board, while some others did not trust her quietness thinking SL was a HRM spy/plant. I do believe that her loyalty to government as a human resource consultant who has been employed by government disabled her from thinking in the best interests of the community and her email attacking me directly and solely without just cause or substantiation is further evidence to her agenda to make sure HRM got what they wanted and to hell with what community residents/voice wanted as governing board. Attacking the strongest, most educated and experienced person on the board is a draconian tactic and one that was unconstitutional never mind unprofessional and malicious.
There are too many examples to rely on as lending to her inconsistent contributions, detached mentality to the experiences of other members/staff that were feeling disrespected by HRM and others, lack of meaningful commitment despite many requests for assistance, unrealistic allegiance with a unethical sitting chair despite the damages he did to the board and community, inability to assess current and historic realities of community and among its members and the inability to accurately assess the experiences of female staff and board members who have been targets of abuse and unethical behaviour of other board members namely the chair and inability to realize that such behaviour has legal ramifications, deliberate refusal to engage according to her abilities despite a repeatedly voiced need and that such refusal to contribute caused harm to others so I will use her email to use as a guide to reveal that Sue Lemon did not have been acting ethically or meaningfully and that her concerning and contrary behaviour did harm me personally and did play the most significant role in my resignation as her attack was so shocking and uncalled for that I could no longer share the 'room' with someone that had such an ease with being sneaky and sly. Her attack came at a time my health was declining due to being forced to do 35-40 hours/week of board work because people like Sue Lemon didnot step up to share the workload of past outstanding issues and setting forth a safe working environment with a responsible and accountable board. 
Sue Lemon stood on the side lines the entire time despite her qualifications and this alone brings her motives into suspect especially when her attack was to attempted to have me step down as vice chair, to have me removed for her own reasons that were not supported by others though I was carrying the board.
When one peruses the Health Board website it is easy to understand that the intention is to act as an assisting ally to promote a better quality of life for communities in a mutual respectful and synergistic relationship. Dartmouth North is a notoriously impoverished and vulnerable community that requires the most compassionate, impartial, non-judgemental, and authentic allies. By acting contrary to the community's wish to have a governing board and by pushing the agenda of HRM to be other than a governing board Sue Lemon knew by removing me, the drive behind the governing board therefore the threat to HRM management, was eliminated. 
She waited until I had been verbally abused by HRM just days before and she used some of their words in her own email to justify her own position, she did finally admit that she only put a motion on the floor to have me removed from executive position and next in line to chair because I had put a motion against the chair and that she did hers after she seen my motion to have the sitting chair removed (for unethical and unconstitutional behaviour that violated Labour laws which is contrary to the best interests of the Centre and community). 
For anyone to use this serious situation to piggyback their own agenda is disturbing and unethical in their own right. Had she pulled this timed stunt with an experienced board she would have been held accountable however I highly doubted she would have pulled this stunt in the first place and only did so because the existing board was very inexperienced,displaced, laissez-fairre and underdeveloped having been passengers for too long instead of a working governing board that this community desperately needs.
The very fact that she had zero support for her motion to have me removed as vice chair the board not only ignored her motion but asked me to step into chair when they supported my motion to have chair removed which was supported by ample evidence and documentation. When she realized she had no support she then became passive and tried to hide her agenda as just an opinion though such opinions are dangerous in nature and given her qualifications she knew better than to make and publish unwarranted and unfounded opinions for the purpose of deliberately disrupting the board. It begs the question: why would any one attempt to get rid of the very person doing most of the work and support and staff/member healing? Why was I such a threat to Sue Lemon who had not exchanged more than 5 words to me in 3 months?
Her shyness to date was now not to be trusted by me although others didnot trust her from the first meeting which lead me to make my own enquiries. You cannot imagine my shock when I seen how active and vocal she was on your board versus her silence and lack of commitment to any discussions or project over 3 months on the DNCC board. Her email attack came out of nowhere and her outburst at our last meeting clearly revealed a vicious tone and intent, her ability to make eye contact with everyone but me was further evidence that she knew I called her correctly as being viciously motivated. 
When I mentioned the results of enquiry to her and the board's attention via our last board meeting she remained silent, avoided eye contact with anyone and looked at the table but then had another vicious outburst toward me interrupting me during a segment of time allotted for me. When I pointed out that she already had her 15 minutes to speak she became rude and mocked me. 
I reminded her that the rules were the chair's rules but that didnot matter to Sue, in is quite obvious to me that Sue has an aversion to facts on any issue regarding the truth and has a flair for the dramatics and linguistic manipulation. Notwithstanding the obvious unethical and agenda driven outburst, her behaviour is in direct violation to the tenets of the 2005 Community Health Plan and various other goals and visions listed on your site which is made worse by the fact she is not a resident in this community.
I realize it may be difficult to fully understand the concerns I have made without being able to provide full narrative but I am sure you also understand that I will protect the confidentiality of other members and staff as much as I can. Despite these limitations it should be obvious that Sue Lemon had an agenda that was not based on fact, truth or substantiation. For example the timing of her motion to have me removed when we have never shared more than 5 words all term nor has she had any chats with most members other than with her select few which would include the sitting chair. She has never offered to facilitate or initiate projects despite her self claimed years of credentials and experience, she did offer to join the PERSONNEL Committee which was vital as we outstanding, safety and legal issues but her came with a caveat, she was not really available and despite 5 requests she never stepped up forcing me to work on my own grievances as well as others on my own despite her qualifications. 
She knew March was critical and made sure not to be available, during this meeting she knew no one stepped up, she still didnot although she said she would. I needed her assistance and even overlooked her continue use of addressing me with a wrong name as evident in emails, but now I have to questions her insensitivity on that as well.
Some items will be speculation however at the end of your perusal the fact remains that your Community Health Board volunteer, Sue Lemon, did not act in the best interests of the DNCC or community, in fact acted contrary to their wishes and did so with deliberation and with clear prejudice attempted to assassinate my character and deflect responsibility from those who did cause damages to the Centre, the community and the future of the Centre in the community. S
he took unreasonable and noted visible allegiance with the chair which made already suspicious members more suspicious of her intention of being on this board. I am told she still is referring to him as strong good leader despite the evidence to the contrary and there is something very wrong and perhaps clinical when your volunteer continues to support those who conduct themselves illegally and badly for selfish reasons.
I have also included her email that she made praise about my contributions which should bring her motives in suspect including the timing to place a motion against me, the driving force for a governing board, and that her email and motion is sent out publicly just after I placed one against the sitting chair, Sue Lemon knew that with him removed as vice chair I would via board process move into chair position and she was adamant about me not being there, her email should reveal to you that she attempted to throw spaghetti at the wall and hoped something would stick, the action of someone that has nothing substantial and is very desperate with an agenda. 
Again please note her unethical and manipulative behaviour made me so disgusted that it was responsible for my resignation, the very goal she set out to achieve.

Sue Lemon's email dated March 27 2010
  • Please note that this email was sent out after I, as vice chair and sitting executive of the PERSONNEL COMM reminded members that when we decided to have closed meetings and minutes we had to abide by confidentiality in the strictest sense to eliminate possible legalities and that grievances filed are subject to that same process and respect of privy and made a stressed point that grievances are not to be sent out on public email list serves for legal reasons. This is an issue I remind board members during grievances filed and did so during an email just 1 day before SL sent hers publicly. Just the day before I pointed out that while motions are allowed to be submitted via email prior to meetings the justifications/substantiations are to be kept to the privy of confidentiality in our closed meetings. I had just submitted a motion against the chair and explained I will present my matter during the closed meeting. For someone who uses her experience and qualifications as reference point in an attempt to give her motion credibility, her lack of basic board decorum and disrespect for board policy on confidentiality is stunning. Is it ignorance, selective and convenient enforcement of rules or a deliberate attempt to attack the vice chair publicly and with malice and indifference to policy and the only person enforcing policies?
  • Please also note that when Sue Lemon sent this email around on the list serve I had been very ill and was not reading emails but received 2 calls from other board members advising me not to read as it was 'hostile' and showed 'her real agenda at the board'. So while I am doing this communication to you now it will be the first time that I am reading her email per sentence although snippets had been read to me via these phone calls so I would know how this attack was agenda driven. I had heard enough combined with the stress of ongoing bad board behaviour and work load declining my health that it was enough to tender my resignation for it was so abusive and manipulative and unfounded that I realize how desperate HRM and some members were to allow HRM to have the Centre taking it from the community permanently.
  • Please note that SL was told via board meeting that I would not legitimize her motion by defending myself to her , that the onus was her to prove, that my work spoke for itself and that I had no intention validating her vicious attack that was agenda driven. She said nothing but stared at the table. It should be noted here that despite her best efforts in attacking my work ethic and integrity as professional/community -human rights advocate she had no support at the board in her motion, in fact they voted that I be sitting chair.
  • While we are all entitled to our own opinion one hopes that opinions are founded or based on fact that is measurable or noted by others. SL still is adamant that the former chair was a strong, committed leader but she would not know until my presentation a week later and before she was to speak on her motion,that the work she was giving credit to the chair was actually my work. Even though this was made clear via my motion presentation and by the voices of other members she ignored these facts as she tends to do and still attributed my work to the former chair and that such behaviour is suspect and dysfunctional. As a community advocate I prefer not to itemize the accolades of my work as boards should present themselves in the 'we' or 'collective voice' however in this matter the taking claim for work not done and not doing work that should have been done was part of another ethical issue against the board and became a topic for discussion during my motion against the chair which SL ignored.
    Also if you refer to her enclosed March 6 email she does make appreciative mention ' of the work- for all that I am doing for the group' -though I am confused as her involvement with the board was minimal and given her involvement on your team and how vocal she is, her decision to give as little as possible is shameful and created such a burden for me that affected my health. I did tell her I really appreciated her skill set and could really use her experience as a HR person but that did not matter and my request was ignored.
  • Her tactics throughout her email are draconian and not at all sophisticated for those such as myself with the academics and experiences working with human behaviour in particular dysfunctional and clinical behaviours. While I have no intention of psychologically analyzing every sentence I will point out her seasoned ability to be `casually callous` which is very disturbing to me and I will point out when needed.
    To start of by saying she is sorry but she had put an motion against me the vice chair is a contradiction in intention especially given the `unfoundedness` of her comments that came out of nowhere. Keep in mind she joined within weeks of me in December-January and had plenty of opportunity to bring any issue or grievance against me at any time as we had 2 meetings a month at my request and Steering meeting every 2 weeks, she had my email as well. She could have approached me before or after meetings in private or filed a grievance with PERCOMM where I would step down with, she did none of these things but did send me an email complimenting all the the work I did for the group. Contrary, we hardly spoke at all other than `hellos` but she did speak with others so shyness was not an issue. As you can see by her email she had no apparent problem communicating with me via private email. She only filed the motion 1 day after my motion was filed-this chair did not want a governing board and sabotaged all efforts to have one and did severe damage to staff morale through his damages. Had Sue been more involved she would have known much about what really was going on at the Centre giving her an informed opinion. SL knew that I would inherently become the next chair which was something I didnot want and stated that in January however would do so until the next elections if need be.
  • SL makes reference about 'unusual amounts of grievances' yet knew I was the sitting executive on the PERCOMM with two other people that she didnot target, one resigned rather than the board hear about her behaviour toward staff and SL said nothing clearly showing I am her target and no one else. She ignored that the chair was also involved in the process of one grievance but attacking him is not her agenda. Because there had not been a functional board for several years the amount of 'bad behaviour and practice' was embarrassing and needed a quick response if we were to safely work as a team as a governing board. My presence in the Centre (contrary to SL`s absence) created an safety and approachability that staff and members had not enjoyed previously and this encouraged people to come forward with grievances, an act of incredible trust that I worked hard at establishing.
    What SL ignores is the nature of most grievances, 2 in total, were also legal issues that could harm the Centre's credibility for a very long time so were time sensitive. Had she stepped up like she said she would she would have shared the work load and been privy to all the documents/statements as the PERCOM did. Members were encouraged by me to sign out our closed binder to educate themselves and SL chose not to educate herself on either grievance file. I find it disturbing that any board member would have issue with a vice chair who is about setting standards of accountability for safety and ethics, again her comments should be highly suspect. Had she made herself available with the Centre even one time she would have been aware of how distrustful the atmosphere was for some time. To have the opportunity to foster an environment that gives people the ability to feel safe without fear of retaliation was a huge task accomplished. At no time does she mention in her email against me that the chair had caused alot of confusion on one of the grievances and acted unethically with the process of it. This in turn caused extra work and clean up for me, SL was one of those people confused at the chair's approach to this one grievance but she didnot attack him.
  • Her comments about my behaviour are so ridiculous that her agenda is hard to hide. At no time did she present examples/evidence to her allegations and made slanderous global comments that could easily be assigned to the very people she witnessed disrespecting the board every meeting, she ignored the unprofessional behaviour of others, ignored when I had been verbally attacked twice by male member, ignored when the facilitators clearly had no respect for chair but has accused me of such only after HRM did to deflect attention for them refusing to answer some community question. In fact her email reveals how unprofessional SL is and she knows that had this been a developed and experienced board she would not have dared send these allegations around in hopes that have some of it stick. At no time did SL hold the chair accountable for refusing to address the ongoing disrespect issues with HRM/facilitator despite my emails to him to do just that, the class discriminatory behaviour, behaviour continued until I addressed it. One one occasion the facilitator shockingly revealed his lack of respect for the chair and our board process and SL said nothing. I did.
  • Her unprofessional and discriminatory behaviour is also evident when she had repeatedly witnessed the weekly disrespect toward the members, when I addressed it when it occurred it would be dealt with until next time. Finally all came to head one Thursday as the verbal abuse was too targeted and tactical. What is disturbing is that finally members shared that they felt attacked, ridiculed, disrespected, treated like they were stupid and SL was so detached from the collective reality that she said 'all was wonderful'. Why would she say this days before her email for motion, why not share her feelings about me especially since she was the one who asked folks to share how they felt again, something I would not do in an unsafe environment-still folks held back for safety and for fear of losing jobs. SL did not know that it was inappropriate to put people on the spot like that after they had just shared they felt belittled and in front of their bosses.
    What is also disturbing is that she witnesses this oppressive and classist verbal abuse each meeting and said nothing despite her credentials while meeting after meeting I sent emails to the chair to address the issues that were being shared in confidence to me. Clearly SL has an issue with people who strive for safe, respectful and equal voice environments. Though one is entitled to their own opinion her inability to asses and respond to abusive and unconstitutional interactions is unacceptable as it maintains unsafe environments, her inability to accept,assess and validate the voices of community members who were in obvious distress while she thought everything was wonderful is concerning for if she cannot accurately assess the information in front of her own ears and eyes how was she to understand and assess the needs and wants of the community at large, one she didnot engage with or live in? When I brought this up to her she had nothing to say but again averted eye contact with me. Her refusal to accept community voice as equal and legitimate while they were treated like children by HRM is disturbing as well. She is not from this community nor does she know the history/dynamics/issues, I found it very rude of her to ignore the abuse toward members for such complicity is an act of consent and collusion.
  • She then blamed me for submitting certain questions to HRM for their presentation. SL was present when we complied the list for HRM. I apologized for my pathetic handwriting on the flipchart and explained that my hands were sore - I am a person with multiple disabilities including with my hands and the outrageous amount of work (typing, writing,emails) I had to do harmed them constantly so to have to also do flipchart work when SL was quite capable of facilitation is shameful though no one else offered to do the writing to take home and type either. The chair also knew from the first meeting I was compiling questions that members wanted to ask but wanted to remain anonymous so I included them in the HRM list.
    HRM did not want to answer certain questions that were asked of members and the list became known as 'my list' for another tactical attack by HRM. Even though another members stated three times that the questions were from awhile back, HRM and SL ignored these qualifying statements because they ruined their agenda to target just me. Even though SL had wanted my actual question answered by HRM she blamed me for the list but only in her motion email. This was the complete opposite of her position the Thursday night they were discussed as she said they were valid as they came from members, my position exactly! But she switched her position for her email which again goes to agenda. In fact she made such a dramatic display about how sorry she was for the questions that her unpredictable behaviour became a possible safety issue. HRM had played the victim saying their feelings were hurt by my questions and she now wanted to apologize yet oddly SL a member of the board never once asked HRM to apologize to the board for its ongoing prejudicial behaviour. SL like HRM knew I was the only one standing in the way of HRM having the Centre permanently so when I didnot resign after the HRM attack and their fake victimology, SL came in from behind with her attack and achieved her goal, to remove me as vice chair through my resignation that was the direct result of her malicious personal attack, by harming me she harmed my community!
  • When another board member pointed out to SL that the questions should have been sent by chair, SL just said she never thought of that. She was so casual in her tone, she would not think of that because she had an agenda to assassinate me so anything that was about facts would be ignored by her. It was already explained how I do the drafts and send them to chair to be sent out by chair, on the questions issue chair asked me to send the question out and in retrospect this may have been planned the entire time as an excuse to target me by HRM/SL.
    Again not only did the board not address or respond to her motion they voted me in as chair once the previous one had been removed and despite SL's A+ effort to demean me and my work ethic which is culturally based and entrenched ( I am a landed immigrant), I knew I could not work with her as I had seen her kind before and they are very dangerous to work with. When I told her I could not work with her because of her malicious and vicious personal attack and agenda she just looked at the table and smiled. It was very disturbing. Two board members tried to pass it off as just her opinion in hopes that I didnot take it so seriously but the damage was done as she intended and I knew why and how she had done it and didnot feel safe. Her clever and seasoned melodramatics did not wash but nonetheless revealed her manipulative abilities by trying to beguile her reading audience into seeing things her way, and although it didnot work the damage was again done to me.
  • Her comments about my ongoing anger and hostility are quite unprofessional as she assumed to have qualifications she does not have, nor am I in a therapeutic relationship with her to give her consent to assess my behaviour and such assumptions are reckless. Because she had already told everyone she was co-chair on your health board such personal attacks delivered from one who claims Health authority as a reference are most dangerous and slanderous. While she talked about my hostility and anger while others who actually engage and worked with me talked about how much they were learning and how much safer the relationship between staff and board was becoming. Again such contrary views held by SL have to be agenda driven as these are only her comments that she said nothing about for 3 full months. She didnot even approach the chair about them so for someone so qualified why remain silent about this behaviour she claims me, the vice chair, had demonstrated repeatedly which she claimed was causing so much damage and harm to the Centre, board and community?
    She blamed me for crippling the board which again is quite an offensive accusation and strange for those of us that were and are dedicated to functionality, tasks and projects. Direction, focus and tasks are the reason why the board stayed active, those who are not accountable, who do not step to the plate to carry their weight, who do not meaningfully engage at meetings are the ones who cripple boards. But nothing crippled this board faster than her vicious personal attack to remove the only person keeping the board and staff hopeful and empowered with a future direction and hope. Sue Lemon crippled the Dartmouth North Community Board by making sure to remove the driving mechanism behind the empowerment of community voice, her loyalty to public servants which was obvious clearly disabled her objectivity and ability to think as a community board member. Perhaps had she lived in the community or worked as I do with poverty/health/addictions/police/ human rights/housing issues she would understand my passion and dedication to impoverished and vulnerable community issues and voice. But for the fact of my work to date which was supported by other board members, nothing would have been done and despite SL being told this repeatedly she had her own agenda and would not allow the facts to get in her way.
  • She then presents me as a lone ranger never seeking group discussion which is absolutely scary. The facts do show that I was all about collective voice but that is difficult to accomplish when some of the board felt no confidence in their board abilities as newbies, the most of the others like Sue Lemon acted as passengers and never volunteered to do anything. SL would not know that I shared with 3 other members that for every meeting I was going to see how long it took others to talk/contribute before we were abused by HRM/facilitators. At no time despite being posed questions did anyone speak and you could set your watch by when we would start being spoken to like we were incapable and uneducated I would step in to support the board from those class prejudices. So to make us look good as a collective instead of allowing HRM to perpetuate their class stereotypes I would have to jump in to salvage the discussion. At no time did SL step in to defend the board. Please note that at any time SL was capable of speaking on her behalf or that of the board and she chose not therefore delegated, through her continued silence and apathy,the chore of board rep back to me. When other members spoke about their lack of experiences or their silence conveyed that, HRM would throw this in our faces as negatives which I, not SL, would have to correct. It is pathetic day when those who have done nothing on a board have the grandiose audacity to accuse the ones doing the work and keeping the board stimulated and active of hogging all the work and voice. Had she volunteered she would have seen the work accomplished in small groups that worked very well but soon they too were getting angry at the lack of support people like SL were not showing, not stepping up leaving the same folks doing the work every time. Her allegations would be most amusing if her tactics were not so pathetic.
    Please keep in mind that despite having about 13 meetings her concerns were never once voiced to anyone and only attacked me after I placed a motion on the floor against the chair which was supported by vote. Perhaps this was just a case of jealousy as several members mentioned that they learned so much about board process and role expectation/function for me, something they should have also learned from SL who bragged about all her experiences and qualifications in her email yet no one seen her do any work to see her credibility for themselves. What is most suspicious is that while she never worked on a task or in group she never targets the others who did, she just mentions that I didnot share the decisions yet this would not be true at all.
  • Sue Lemon again loses credibility as she boasts of all her years on boards and committees and never once sincerely offered to work on tasks or join committees that need a lot of work, at no time did she offer any insight to discussion, in fact sat very quietly every meeting which made a few members very suspicious of her motivations for being on the board. Oddly it would be me that defended her each time. The very fact she states that she likes me and has an appreciation for my skills set is such a novice tactic that I feel pity for her attempt to pretend to be unbiased and her unauthentic comments reveal a grandiose and arrogant person who uses themselves as standard of measure which is also narcissistic at best. Again we had never shared more than 5 words in 3 months until her motion so liking or disliking someone would be most odd. Given her vicious and malicious commentary her insincerity is an attempt to fool the unassuming reader into believing her false image of being unbiased and without prejudice. Not only is she biased and prejudicial, her refusal to contribute and engage reveals a worthlessness-that the Centre and board was not worthy of her experience and knowledge. Oddly the chair requested that I be vice chair during elections though Sue had more experience in human resources which would be handy as an executive, perhaps chair knew she would not be fool enough as I was to do most of his work. While Sue gives the chair credit for all my work she was made aware that I did the activities/agenda /letters/proposals etc and sent them to chair for he didnot want to do the work or be there on the board as he himself repeatedly admitted which harmed morale of members and staff. Despite having the facts again Sue chose to ignore them which goes to agenda as she credits chair for all my work but bashed me for all my work.
  • Her recommendation that I should take a break as vice chair is the most arrogant and presumptuous comment I have read in long time. To assume again to have the qualifications to assess my behaviour is unprofessional and unethical, by stating it would help me refocus my energy is as patronizing as it gets. The issue is not my focus it was her lack of focus at a critical time where the most important Centre decision was to be made that would impact the community in a dramatic way, it required focus and focus the community deserves. Sue Lemon, like so many, deflect attention away from themselves because they are incapable of owning her role in the dysfunction of the board that caused people like me a lot of unnecessary hardships- a workload of 35-40 hours week for board work that would have been alleviated had she stepped up and carried her weight. When I asked her if she was capable of owning her role in causing such a work load for me she looked at the table and said nothing. This unreasonable workload in turn affected my health which in turn interfered with my weekly medical treatments causing other medical issues which were all avoided had the board worked as a board instead of 2-3 members carrying 12 people. I can excuse those who were new to a point but Sue Lemon's refusal to step up because of her community and board indifference and apathy created harm to me personally and to the board by my resigning as was her intention of her vicious attack on my character.
    There are two types of people: those who do and those who benefit from those who do, Her refusal to share insights, concern to the workload or process are detrimental to any board and you cannot imagine my shock then anger when I read the minutes of a health board meeting, her commitment and involvement and her voice were undeniable. She clearly thinks them more worthy of her experience, voice and time than Dartmouth North?
    She clearly has discriminating attitudes towards people of Dartmouth North for when we finally got to share more about ourselves for a sense of cohesion, I had shared that I was a former provincial public servant-her reaction, which was shock, was visceral in her facial gestures. When it came to her turn she looked at the table and said she was there because the she had a soft spot for the community. Although such answers may be real they are patronizing. Her lack of commitment to the Board and Centre, her refusal to offer voice or time, her attacking the only one working from a community-based framework, her attack against the only person who would actualize a governing board consisting of community members belied her.
Her timing, melodramatics and multi-complaint against me, the one keeping the board active and functional came out of nowhere. The strategy of attacking for the sole purpose of removing the only person encouraging the board to be a working governing board, leaving the board without ethical and experienced leadership because of the inevitable resignation from such vicious attacks, is draconian at its finest. She clearly attempted to beguile the members through insincere compliments into thinking her way and such a tactic is despicable and reveals how desperate she was. This begs the question is why was she so determined on having me removed all of a sudden with an onslaught of allegations that were unfounded and not supported by others and that such motion was only delivered via email a day after my motion to remove an unethical chair??
She knew by chair being rightfully removed I would be the new chair and I would not allow HRM to take over the Centre against community wishes.
    Clearly Sue Lemon likes throwing spaghetti at the walk hoping something stuck.
There is a final report to community booked for April 26 6:00pm and I invite you to be there. Sue Lemon took full advantage of the inexperienced and overwhelmed board, she did not predict that when I resigned because of her they panicked and moved to disband the board altogether. Sue Lemon panicked when the board wanted to disband after my resignation. She immediately pushed for an advisory board which was odd behaviour as it sounded rehearsed and revealed was in keeping with the HRM agenda all along as they pushed for DNCC to be advisory as well.

Sue Lemon is not to be trusted as a community volunteer and particularly not in this community which is not her community. She has done enough damage with her 'outside' agenda that spits in the face of those who actually live here and wanted the management to remain in the Dartmouth North community hands. She made sure that would not happen.
It is a pathetic day when people use communities to further their own agenda where the very people who cannot 'afford' the harm, are harmed the most.
As I stated, I do not know what the Community Health Board has in place to address the deplorable, unethical and unconstitutional behaviour of its members but I do know that you have a responsibility to make sure your members do not act untoward communities or its people.
What makes this more despicable is on one occasion during our last meeting when she realized she had no support on her motion she tried to wiggle her way out of discussing it and I would not let her. She had worked so hard at being manipulative and slanderous that I wanted her to 'own' it instead of hiding behind an email. She then made a disturbing comment as she was speaking about my 'fabricated behaviour' though would not look me in the face. Sue Lemon stated that I do not speak like her. I was stunned at the narcissism she was revealing which had no place at any board nevermind her obvious ignorance toward other cultures. 
I am, for one, very thankful I do not speak like Sue Lemon. She hardly spoke at all on most issues but never spoke when she should have while board members were being verbally demeaned by facilitators and HRM staff. She never spoke when it was time to step up to do the work and other arduous tasks. She never spoke in 13 meetings about her deeply rooted issues with my conduct. She only spoke when it was her own creations that were void of truth, she spoke when she could not assess other people's realities-people who live in this community-further evidence of her prejudicial behaviour toward the voice of this community. In fact given that when she spoke it was fabrications, malicious and detached from reality it was best that she didnot speak at all.

Sadly because of Sue Lemon and my subsequent resignation, I do not work with unethical persons, the board collapsed. Have no doubt your member Sue Lemon played a significant and detrimental role in the demeaning of community residents/ members through her loud silence and collusion with HRM and their agenda to take the Centre from the community. 
Sue Lemon made sure there would be no governing board in this community. The last thing this vulnerable community needed was another white person who didnot live in the community or live in poverty coming into their community making decisions that only benefited others just like her and not at all like them. She is in shameful violation of the Community Health Board initiative, purpose, plan and vision and have no doubt this is just the beginning of this discussion.

(2) Addendum to the grievance documentation already delivered on April 22 2010 to Mary Russsell at the Joseph Howe Capital Health Community Health Board Office

As of today, May 2 2010, there has been no response from Mary Russell

Hello Mary Russell-Capital Health Community Health Board,
You were invited to attend the community meeting held April 26 2010 and I can only hope that you used that as an opportunity to see how unethical the practices are that involved one of your own, Sue Lemon. I am sending this to you as an addendum to her ongoing pathological and provocative behaviour. I do not want to misconstrue your silence but want you to know that this issue will be discussed at the community level and I will make sure the Community is aware that YOU are aware of the pathological nature of one of your co-chairs and that such behaviour did harm a person in this community ergo did hard the future of the Centre and this Community and that she did also take visible allegiance with corrupt and unconstitutional HRM staff and an unethical former chair Darrell Dando.

Despite all her efforts in colluding with the corruption of HRM and trying to silence me, it backfired as I did take the opportunity to inform the Community during that meeting about how unethical the Board and HRM were. It was not the time nor place to make my attention be specifically about Sue Lemon and the Dartmouth Community Health Board, I have much time to do that in the near future.

As I have already submitted a lengthy account of her role in the ongoing illegal, unethical and unconstitutional practices of the DNCC-HRM board where Sue Lemon played a vital and pivotal role in ensuring that HRM took the Centre from the Community, I am giving this further information to you so that you have exactly the same information I will be giving the Community. Your silence on this matter is also duly noted.
  • That I was told by other board members that as soon as I resigned Sue Lemon assumed a sudden verbal role with the Board and that having that position may have been her intention this entire time of fabricating malicious information with a motion to remove me from vice chair.
  • She she panicked when the Board decided to Disband immediately after they heard about my resignation and she quite oddly became vocal that they should consider an advisory role yet she never said a word about supporting the board in a governing role the entire time she had been on the board which again goes to her collusion with HRM to take the Centre from the Community via making sure there was no governing board.
  • That the Board announced Monday past that they were becoming a Community Board which has no influence on the functionality of the Centre and how it needs to respond to Community and that your volunteer was part of that decision to disempower the community voice.
  • That Sue Lemon's visible allegiance with HRM on Monday evening fully revealed her deliberate manipulations on Board members in promoting her illusion that she was a community board member with no agenda. Her allegiance with HRM abusers/tactical team Annette Verge and Joan MacDonnell was overt confirmation that she, who never spoke openly with them during the months I knew her, now revealed and confirmed her agenda and intent to deceive the Board into believing she was neutral when she, in fact, was aligned with HRM and their unethical and unconstitutional agenda to take the Centre from the Community by whatever means necessary which ran along libel, slanderous, pathological, unethical and unconstitutional lines.
  • That during the community meeting two Board members, ST and Sue Lemon did have application sheets for anyone who wanted to join their new community board and that I watched as ST started handing them out with the first person in the first row and along the row while Sue Lemon made a point of walking passed approximately 30 people in rows, never passing out one application and walked all around to the back of the room to where I was sitting on my own on the opposite side of the room and she, with obvious purpose and intent, came straight to me and only me and with a fake smile proceeded to pass me an application to join the new board. She was fully aware that I had resigned from the DNCC Board due to the ongoing verbal abuse, unconstitutional attacks to my character, ongoing sabotaging/lying that she did. I already knew she was unethical and pathological but had no idea to this extent. When I realized she was coming straight for me with a purposeful agenda where she ignored every one else at this time, I realized that she is more pathological than I had speculated in the original document/grievance to you. She attempted to give me an application of which I said very directly to her face-'get away from me you corrupt piece of shit'. Now this would have shocked most people but Sue Lemon never broke stride or smile and while I was looking at her from my right side she walked behind me and placed an application on my brief case which was on the seat to the left of me and kept walking. She truly is a very sick individual and this latest stunt of hers was further evidence of how methodical and disturbing she is which sits along sociopathic tendencies.
  • That I was told that the HRM did try to instill fear on the Board through their tactics to again make it look like the Board's decision to have police there namely on-site officer Randy Wood for fear that I would create issues if they stopped me from speaking to the community about the truth. I am told via board member privy that Sue Lemon deliberately and premeditated an action to provoke me into a verbal public response so HRM could call police to have me removed before I could speak to the community about what connivers they truly are. That her plan to single me out combined with her malicious letter/email shows a deliberate attempt to provoke and harm me. This backfired as I mentioned as I did get the chance to speak to the community about the abuse and unethical behaviour of the Board and HRM.
  • That I will make sure your Health Board gets the attention it deserves for having in its membership a volunteer so clinical and corrupt that she came into a vulnerable community that is not hers for the sole purpose to align with the unconstitutional and unethical agenda of HRM to disrupt and dismantle, through any means necessary, the governing function of the Board at the Dartmouth North Community Centre.
  • Your silence is consent and the overwhelming support my truth received by the community let me know this community will not tolerate the likes of Sue Lemon coming into their community and harming it for selfish and personal/professional gain, disloyalty and allegiance with HRM who have historically harmed this community in so many ways with impunity.
  • I have contacted another agency to see if I can have Sue Lemon criminally charged for malicious persecution and provocation with intent to have me removed from a public event which is a constitutional violation to free assembly as well. Sadly much of amoral and unethical behaviour are not criminal when they ought to be but I will do my best to make sure Sue Lemon is held accountable for her deplorable and degenerate conduct in my community.
(3) Emailed to CHB -Mary Russell August 9 2010

Hello Mary,

I apologize for my tardy reply.

The concern you raise is that DNCC is not capable of dealing with the issues created by Sue Lemon. My contact with you was because she is also on your Board and portraying herself as an volunteer in this community while she has created irreversible damages with legal implications while she was at DNCC. She announced she was on your Board and such published information gives her that implied authority.

What sadly has come out of the matter is that the remaining DNCC resigned losing their charitable status which has Sue Lemon's influence and agenda all over it. What is most odd that since the former chair was removed by motion Sue with all her credentials and experiences never stepped up to take over the role to represent the Board/community knowing that the remaining Board was incompetent and inexperienced. She sat back after the damage she helped create and let the DNCC implode on itself harming this community.

As I pointed out to you I realize that she was not at the DNCC with your authority however she cannot both be the person who played a significant role in the destruction of the DNCC Board while claiming to be on your Board under the guise of assisting and empowering the very same community she damaged running along constitutional lines.

Unlike you I do not feel the need to keep matters this volatile and appalling separate for any person that works in this community whether waged or unwaged. Anyone who harms this community or persons within this community such as myself should not be protected by other agencies.

What she did is not acceptable nor will it be silenced just because the DNCC is no more in large part due to Sue Lemon's personal agenda that is contrary to empowering community and promoting healthier communities.

When members of your Board harm persons and communities already vulnerable whether with your authority or not, it should be of great concern to you and the overall message sent to community health boards, it is akin to letting child molesters work in day cares.

This letter was also submitted to Maria Franks of the Board for Dalhousie Law School, no contacts or discussions were made to sure this never happens again.

Dalhousie Law School
Dawn Russell
May 5 2005
Re: Donna Frahney , Dalhousie Legal Aid, Maureen MacDoanld, Student facility, Jeanne Faye

I am told that you are the one to direct this communication to though my intent is not to find resolution as the damage has already occurred and its effects immeasurable. It is to educate you on the issue of gross negligence, apathy and politicking that went on regarding my file with Dalhousie Legal Aid (herein DLA) since the summer of 2001. You will have to excuse me if it is a bit overwhelming as I write this to you while in the throws of yet another serious crisis that was avoidable had DLA acted in a manner that was becoming of ethics and integrity. The lack of humanity regarding this case cannot be express in my words but I will attempt to share with you what has occurred. I cannot remember all the names of students, there has been a few but because most of this time I was already in severe emotional crisis for the racial violence of Mulgrave Park I can only remember those I called the most for help. This is not an exhaustive account.

I first approached Jeanne Faye after already filing my first residential application against Irvine Carvery of Metro Regional Housing Authority for gross negligence of enforcing the Residential Act as he allowed certain people, some he was related to, to commit continual acts of violence against my home and family ( filing May 2001). Above me the most violent people played loud hard core rap music booming through my home and the screams of daily domestic violence occurred. I will not account everything as it is already in my file at DLA but it was the deliberate lack of action that caused me to file against IC and as I was too sick by then I asked JF to help me. I know she would not know that people like me do not ask for help but this in itself was telling of how ill I was .The thing is I was not that ill when I moved into MP in July 2000 but daily violence from above was so traumatizing that within months I was losing hair and sleep. The silence for Pat Lawrence, IC and the police left me alone to deal with lawlessness of immeasurable understanding.

The police sergeant Steven Sykes was also the one who botched my rape case and was the reason my family was in poverty and public housing in the first place. After much bad publicity and a new sexual assault unit based on my complaint against the police he had a personal agenda to leave my family to fend for itself and often officers quite openly argued with me rather than deal with the abuse for upstairs. Even elders in the community said they never seen a white person so badly treated by police. You can not image the rage I felt at that time. But my son had to live with it until every time I had to send him away for fear of hurting him by mistake. Do you have any idea what that does to a child when a mother must send her only child away because of the gross corruption of police and housing ?
Jeanne briefly explained that the DLA has students that would help with this case. I was instantly relieved as I had carried too much for too long cleaning up other people’s legal messes. Jeanne would periodically receive messages from me, sometimes upset at the outrageous and ongoing abuse from upstairs, she was a solid grounding for some time, so I thought.

The first student I had was Nicolette (sp).This was overwhelming as the info had given to her was a lot and contained itemized versions of the abuse of MRHA office and IC. We spoke often and I felt ready to go to the hearing in December after a few silly delays. I was not prepared for what happened .Up until this time I had to use therapy time that is designated for my rape for IC so not to go over the table when we met in the room for the hearing. This is a full time job already. When we started with the hearing Nicolette and DF were there and at this time I was told DF was N supervisor. And all Nicolete had with her was a good copy of her conclusion.

I WAS STUNNED. We had to take time to photocopy and sort out papers. You can see by the decision that it was clear that even the adjudicator thought I represented my own case and name the others as secondary. This student was not even prepared and DF obviously did not check to see if she was. I HAD to present the case WHILE controlling basic urges to assault Irvine Carvery at the same time while in the throws of PTSD from the abuse. Please keep in mind I am not a violent person but over a year of his racism and daily abuses of upstairs was enough to drive you to the edge. This has been well documented by my medical team and DLA knew. It was an act of betrayal I had not planned and did damage to my ability to trust outsiders. I spent 3 weeks on bed rest in severe depression afterward as JF knew due to having represented my own case while already not well. I was devastated and of course the order said to evict me. This led to a crisis level I never knew existed .How could I be a danger to a community when I was the only one making it safe. I then realized that I was a threat not a danger to the way of life. I was order and peace, two things not allowed in public housing.

In just over a year my health rapidly declined and was still doing so. Ironically MRHA staff J Orlando said I didnot qualify for housing as I had to be sick. This was because I looked healthier than most due to my wellness program that was arrested soon after the abuse started as I could never get the rest I needed in my own home. MRHA and the student was made fully aware of the effects to my health on a regular basis. I cannot remember dates or chronological order of students which is evidence to the state of trauma I was undergoing. Thankfully I have the unbiased evidence of the Red Cross (google Red Cross and hard core rap) that loud hard core rap is a tool for torture of POW at long periods of time . I heard it every day all day for 3 years.

JF and I set to work on the appeal of the Bickle decision for the residential tenancy board. With the overwhelming evidence I had substantiated by the police incident report I could get he was out of line calling me the danger to the community. Even IC two fabricated witness said I was no problem in the community and I had charges against both families. I had told JF that Bickle and IC had chatted after the hearing and knew each other. It was no shock that the decision came in the way it did after I could get my head around unethical behaviour.

It was given to a young woman whose name escaped me. We again went over the info to date to prepare for the appeal. Again there were silly delays on defence side while still daily my family dealt with outrageous racial abuse from upstairs. There came a point where this student had put the affidavits together and it was just about my son and me coming in to sign them. There had been some talk on transfer my family out of the Park and I openly and politically resented the idea. Being on a wellness program with no vehicle J Orlando from housing and I selected MP as it was the closest to all my appointments. To move me did not suit my purpose and only sought to embolden my worse abusers Irvine Carvery and those he empowered. I was not going to collude with his racial politics against whites in the Park and was quite adamant about the abusers being the ones to move. Who was going to pay for all my hook-ups? I was not about to undo all the teachings to my son that good people are rewarded and bad people have consequences. The department of Housing, Community Services and Justice taught my son otherwise. An appointment was made for my son and me to get to DLA on Gottigen Street to sign. When I go there another person, Angela was there who had remembered me from social work school. She then said there was a new plan.

I WAS STUNNED. I had just spoken with the student the day before for about an hour. The direction was clear: if housing found my son and me a single dwelling on Bay Road then we would move provided they pay for the hook-up. Angela had a different plan, to settle for a transfer. I cannot express all that was involved but there was yet another betrayal and for the first time it was more than clear that DLA had its own agenda even if it was at my cost. She had the audacity to ask me to list the things I did for the community. It was clear that she had no concept of the dynamics of the ‘claimant’ part of the equation. I walked out the office having found out that no paper work was even done for us to sign. I was so upset at yet another betrayal. What did they not understand about this violence that was consuming my family? I left this student a voice mail of which JF left me one in response as I had hurt the student’s feelings. I found that offensive for they had betrayed and lied to me. It was clear that JF was unaware that this student had tricked me as the meeting had nothing to do with what we discussed the day before at length. I wrote JF about what happened. It was clear that nobody even JF understood the trauma and violence my family was in. IT was not for a lack of my calls sometimes crying that I could not handle the music, violence... ‘Could you please help?’ I would come to appreciate that JF telling me, with her tone, that if we proceed there would be a student, a subtle threat that if I did not like it, do it myself. Unbeknownst to her and most definitely me I had been doing it myself the entire time. I have fully appreciated the discrimination in such subtle threats. Was I not single parent enough, disabled enough, isolated enough, suffering enough, immigrant enough, poor enough? Did becoming a law student excuse the lack of humanity? If it were not for my fighting over several years the HRM police department would not have a special unit for sexual assault. That was done on my own sadly Avalon had passed the buck but greatly benefited from my ethics, tenacity and moral outraged while in and out of hospitalizations. Did being that traumatized stop me or excuse me from doing the right thing or does the fact that someone is fighting for their life change to investment? Did I give up the 9 years fight resulting a serious judicial reprimand of Victim Services for the treatment of victims ? I will not embarrass those involved here on what I did in fact accomplish in the Park while I died. Some of us are not into such showmanship: we just get the work done.

JF took over the case. And we spend almost 6 hours in appeals where I met one of the wisest people I have ever met. Adjudicator David Parker was not confused at all about what was going on. IC managed to infuriate JF and DP stated publicly that I was the only credible person during the hearing. IC had been outed FINALLY. The decision was favourable but the personal costs were too much so only a minor win. IC refused to honour parts of the order and then student Eric was involved.
I spoke with Eric several times as IC REFUSED to execute the order for the repairs DP has stated were to be done. IC had the audacity it suggest that DP was not talking about floor stripping or fixing the broken fence yet those where the only 2 items in front of DP. Knowing I have disabilities IC then suggested quite rudely in writing that he would drop off the chemical to strips my own floors. This was outrageous and discriminatory against me once again. I asked Eric several times to refile to execute the order against IC. Instead Eric had the audacity to suggest that I by- pass stripping floors as long as my walls were painted. I guess he thought it was okay that poor people live on dirty floors. I told him that I was offended by such a suggestion. The painters were to come and they did leaving my home a mess for 3 weeks. When I brought this to Eric’s attention again he dismissed it stating that he knew unreliable painters. What did that have to do with me who had an order and a defiant nasty sociopathic property manager named Irvine Carvery who deliberately acted rebellious because of the order. I was told when it came in he had to take the day off as he was sick.

My floors never were stripped and rewaxed nor was my fence ever fixed and replaced at the rotten places despite my many request to Eric to have another court date to execute the order in place. He never did.

As I said I cannot recall everyone’s names or order as I was too traumatized. My weekly appointments continued with my therapist and the issues that brought me to public housing were ignored as I had to control my rage weekly against my named and same black perps in housing that had IC blessings. Again most of it is all in my Dalhousie file and both Donna and Jeanne were very familiar with the guerilla warfare my family continued to endure long after the order.

Much after this is a blur as day to day were constant fighting with same upstairs neighbours to my left beating his wife and selling drugs, up above beating and doing drugs and to the right selling drugs at all hours with dogs on the go all through the night. I was not getting the respite I needed for my daily wellness regiment and my health continued to decline as noted weekly by physicians. If you were to take a picture of me before and during this housing you would think we were two different people I am told it is exactly what I looked like when I moved in that threatened my female perps as their boyfriends looked my way. With their constant racial nastiness and evil my way it didnot take long before they killed anything good about me. Any wellness programs I had in place prior to Mulgrave and Carvery were regressed to dangerous levels and I had a total of 8 hospital emergency visits of which Dalhousie knew about as well. AND STILL THEY DID NOTHING.

I am unaware of timing at this point but during April of 2002 I contacted Maureen MacDonald, MLA in my area, for her help. I explained in embarrassing detail the violence my family endured giving examples and named my most prominent perps upstairs and Carvery. I explained how he was calling me racial names and allowing people to constantly disrupt my enjoyment any time I walked through the Park or was on my front lawn. He ignored any calls or letters and Pat Lawrence gave him full reign thus deciding to allow him to annihilate my family. He set out to destroy me more for that order and for being white. He told many folks that he was getting ‘rid of the crazy white bitch’ and all of this was told to MM. All she said after about half an hour call was ‘I have to think about it’. I am yet to hear from her. It did not take me long to see that she placed her own political advancement in the black community above the health of a disabled person and family. Had she not been so myopic she would have been able to see that by addressing my much substantiated issues of residential and human right abuse by Carvery she inherently improved the living conditions of my entire community in and around the housing. I am told by a NDP insider that MM is well aware of the likes of Irvine Carvery and still she allowed him to rape my family’s rights.

We later attended a meeting for vandalism and violence. It was the same youth that were smashing out my windows. I watched MM watch as elder in the community cried about their abuse by these thugs and neglect by police. Only the non whites of the North end know this is real. I did bring all this to Mayor Peter Kelly but he chose to be the lily white coward from Bedford that he is. It is not a coincidence that his two police confidants Frank Beazley and Steven Sykes are the reasons why I am in public housing and that police continued to abuse my rights there by allowing same said black to commit crime after crime against my family and property: they cost of their public shame on botching my rape case that was the sole determinant of the new sexual assault unit in the HRM police department thanks to my taking them to a commission, on my own. MM offered no comfort or solace as the WHITE elders spoke on their abuse on that of their neighbours of which new as in the hospital from a beating from same said black youth. MM did not help them, they were the wrong colour.
The one piece of politic that was brought to my attention is the connection between MM and Pat Lawrence. In this meeting I came to appreciate that the connections were protecting themselves as they, in the open as assassinated my family. MM is the MLA in my community with PL being district manager for housing. By silencing my voice they brought no attention to what each of them was getting away with, the worse type of political pimping. It was becoming clear to me that they had a partnership in enabling and colluding with the demise of any non whites in and around the Park under Carvery reign. Please note that elder blacks were also afraid of IC; it is not a coincidence that they only black who got along with IC were the thugs, drug dealer and anyone else engaging in allowed illegal activities. Please note all this info was given to MM, JF, DF, PL and David Morse, not even his relatives wanted him there. And he had no business being there or anywhere with relatives being the worse culprits.

Same insider stated to me that MM thought to have a unit in the Park, it is very clear to me that she has her boundaries very confused. It is not a coincidence that a few years later from my call to MM year later I would see MM name on brochures at a workshop for criminalization of poverty. How ironic. To further her own place in the selected black community she let my family be the sacrificial lamb. There are no words for my disgust. See, they had to work harder to silence me as I am a very credible person academically, historically and politically. I knew what I was talking about and those ethic persons in the Park would beg me to get IC out but I was only one person against such entrenched system of poor bashing and colluding. MM failed to job as MLA and placed my life in jeopardy and I have no doubt her connections with Dalhousie Legal Aid enabled that collusion through their negligence of my housing case. It took me awhile to figure it out but it is crystal clear that by Dalhousie neglecting my case protecting MM. Heaven forbid if the rest of civilization find out that MM is not who she claims to be.

Because of the state of JF health I was often left without people to contact so for months there would be no contact as I had no one to call, no one made themselves available and like anyone else who is barely surviving their ability to ask once again for help has long been raped. I did manage to leave a few messages, as usual, for DF and the student at that time to again please help me the neighbours upstairs were unbearable. No on called back. The message was clear. I cannot recall exactly the time my soul died. Despite the outrageous abuse and violence I have witnessed since the day I was born nothing had the ability to murder my soul. Until now. What was left by the time I got to the Park was devoured by the evil that exists and is allowed to exist. My kind cannot survive in such barbaric standards.

On January 23 2003 I finally received a Nova Scotia Court of Appeals decision after 9 years of fighting, by myself. It was to pay for all the medical damage as the direct result of the injuries I sustained while testifying against my child hood rapist for 5 years. Court lasted 1992-1996 I would be raped on year anniversary to that sentencing and then the rest is already in courts documents to the outrageous abuse sustained by police and my rapist that led to hospitalizations and 2 false incarcerations that led to being used for drug testing without my consent that led to permanent disability that led to public housing (short version) any even then when I arrived in July 2001 I like always said I will make the best of this too.
I could not compete with the allowed systemic violence of Irvine Carvery and known offenders who were given permission by Maureen MacDonald and Pat Lawrence as well as those who claimed to be my residential advocates. I have come to also appreciate that JF who said she forgot to ask me to get medical evidence to the demise of my health from the ongoing and relentless abuse. I now know that the lack of that information in my file allows each and every one of them to look at themselves in the mirror for no human being could allow such damage to happen to a family that had already seen enough. No itemized list of injury or damage, no issue! Anyone working on my file knew I had weekly appointments just to deal with the damage from the trauma of the evil in the Park. Yet not one piece of paper to that fact in the Dalhousie file. Were they afraid it would be found out that MM would be outed for the fraud Maude she is as an advocate on the rights of poor people? MM knew I was regressing badly and she remains silent and selfish with her racial selectivity...
The money I received in 2003 was to last 8 years of repeated service for sexual abuse injury. It was spent by May 2004 as I ran around doing what ever I could to get myself well but I could not compete with such evil. $20,000 ( verify with Dept of Justice) gone in just a year and half to survive that which I would not have had to contend with had I lived in a civil community or had I had a MLA who actually was the humanitarian she claims to be.

But despite all of this trauma suffering, apathy, and damage I was not prepared for September 18 2004. Because there was a counted effort to silence my voice I had met with the Liberal critic for housing. Why? Why would I have to have such a meeting when my MLA claims to be so involved in housing issues in the North end? While I met with the critics my home was robbed. How ironic that I should be in a meeting to address once and for all the systemic racial and classist violence of IC, MM, PL and the violence perps that MY home is robbed. I went into shock I never came out of and to spare the details I could not leave my home after that except for the most serious for medical appointments that were sustaining my life by this time. The police as usual pretend not to know who did it despite his confession. I could not go back into my bedroom for those dynamics as a raped person are profound. But all that attached me to my ancestors and my home land was stolen almost 3, 000 dollars worth. By a person whose family had robbed 6 homes before mine, common info in the park yet they were still there despite the violations to MRHA policy and the residential act...

My health went into a new low while I would go 4-6 days with no sleep as convulsion would not allows me to rest. The convulsions were my body’s attempt to control natural urge to harm people who had harmed every part of my being. I had reached that place every few human beings reach. I had had enough of the allowed gang rape of every right legislated to me with the blessing of those in positions , employed and voted obligated to do just the opposite. It is not a coincidence that the only thing connecting me to all of this violence and abuse was poverty and race, it is not a coincidence that I would be in contentious relations with those who are unethical and in fact sociopathic as they had been allowed to abuse the rights of the poor for too long that it was normalized for them including MM who represent the worse kind.

I spoke one more time in person with Donna at the Gottigen Street office. I made it very clear I had to know if my son could have the lease put in his name as my neighbour was a single man with 2 units. Donna was told in front of her student during the fall of 2003’ I am not going to make It.’ and I cried in her office. And she did nothing. To this day I do not know if my son an transfer all the hard work I DID to his name. Donna knew in October 2003 that I would not make it; she knew what that meant as I cried hopelessly. She did receive my call that I had to be removing immediately from the Park. She knew about my robbery and where and why I was at the critic office. How ironic. She told me housing said I had to be put on a waiting list. WHAT, all this time both housing and Dalhousie suggested I take transfer; a transfer that never existed .I pointed this out to Donna who said nothing. Thankfully we are not all ready to prostitute the moral and value of anyone. I was never going to accept a transfer prior to this that removed me from my daily medial services, I was the only one following the rules, why should I endure the cost of moving and hook-ups and JF and DF knew this. NOW after my robbery I was to be on waiting list!!!! The liars revealed once again.

Had Donna even made one call to housing she would have been told that the upstairs daily offenders were now going to residential hearings ...FINALLY. The result of my meting was that Russell MacKinnon called Housing to set up an appointment to review my file. That afternoon I received a call from one of the only MRHA I would speak to by this point who told me they were filing against Shannon Sparks. I pointed out they ignored the man's name but the office, like David Morse knew many black families were abusing the 'paying rent' for their drug dealing boyfriends. I was also told that they would only be addressing the two noise tickets. That meant all their racial daily abuse and violence would once again be swept under the rug.
The fact that PL field against them after RM call is the most telling of information they knew what they did to me and they knew it was illegal and wrong and would harm anybody especially someone on disability. You may say that it was because of who RM is why PL jumped up but any one who knew RM know he is as convenient as the next one. So with all the Dalhousie involved one call to review the file resulted in hearing against the most barbaric people I have ever met, who murdered my soul every day. The catch, I was not invited. I was stunned. How can you have a hearing about my abuse with me the victim? It was the panic I watched that confirmed for me the Maureen MacDonald knew this entire thing was deliberately quiet after all we know abuse needs privacy. Dalhousie Legal Aid could knowingly neglect my family and the legislation set up to protect my family.

My son had to move out for the last time of along list of homelessness both DF and JF knew. All in the name of what? It is not a coincidence that my family fell apart while the evil ones thrived from our misery, it is not a coincidence that MM , JF and DF sleep at night. I lost contact with any friends I had and shut down for good but only after asking DF if lease transfer were possible. She never did get back to me. This in itself is quite outrageous as MRHA considered me a danger to the community NOW I am safe enough to place on a waiting list. Please note that this is not an exhausted account of events but JF knew that I was a also in battle with the sociopaths of corrupt case workers in the Gottigen Street who would withhold funds, medical trips medicine, you name it they did it often having my son and I living off of $400.00 a month for both of us. It was retaliatory for filing my first report to minister Christie on their abuse since 1997.Again not a coincidence that those who had such power in my life were much less qualified than I was. I could not breathe but the greatest offence is committed by those passing themselves off as humane, advocates of social and political compassion. There betrayal is never reconcilable.

My birthday was rapidly coming and it was the decision to take my life that brought me well deserved peace. To know that I didn’t have to live in world of such hypocrisy and violence and people willing to pursue their own while innocent people died was not a world I wanted to interact with. More important than that , if I didn’t take my life I would start harming others. That saturation had overflowed and I had reached a place of pure defense. If I didn’t take my life I would want to severely harm those who took mine already. How ironic is it that the upstairs sociopaths were ordered to moving out on May 25, the day planned for my death? Why did my words to Donna about not going to make in the past October prompt a distress call to PL at any time who in turn would have told DF that they were ordered out by then, that was 9 months ...9 months the difference between life and death?
Sadly, I am still here. Monies I fought for 9 years since depleted and who is paying for my medial needs now ? In fact they are being withheld again by Community Services. No, they left me to rot so they could not be revealed for the farce they all are. I called DF from the hospital and told her what happened and that my medical team said NO MORE PUBLIC HOUSING. Of course, it was not the housing itself but the outrageous amount of racial and classist hate that murdered me. How can a non-violent community orientated person want to strike back ? How can a warrior now want to take their own life? DF knew IC said that he was going do nothing 'she will get tired of it and move out'. It was in the emergency of the QEII that I was forced to called Eric McIntyre, my biological father and the greatest narcissistic you can ever imagine. No you could not imagine this. As JF knew I was s award of the courts and an immigrant placing me in an isolation category. I had to call him as who did I have to rely on, certainly not Dalhousie who had more than neglected my file ? I called the last person I would want to, the one person who caused this mess in the first place. You see, in 1992 my brother was homeless and prostituting despite Community Service involvement for years. I had to intervene once and for all. That meant against my better judgment I had to collude with Community Services in court matters that SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEALT WITH WHEN I WAS MADE A WARD. But no, Judge Bartlett would have so many victims yet to endure further pain and suffering with his unethical and demeaning decisions. Odd I remember all kinds of advocates there too, not one of them ethical enough to have reported him over years of mysogyny. I will spare you the details of that mess.

From 1992-1994 was court matters against XXXX and XXXXXX McIntyre for the outrageous abuse of two children still left in the home. I had been removed years ago and my 2 other brother were left to 'die' on their own, 4 siblings in all left to suffocate. I hated Community Services since I was a child but no one would come forward and I was forced to testify. Can you even imagine what living fewer than two violent people did to me while trying to recover from all of my own court matters? These family matters lead to a sexual court matter that I was forced into as the disclosure in family court were sent to Susan Potts who in turn left me hanging for Gerald Regan and left me to fight another 9 years for monies already legislatively mine. She would be the same one to say I was not raped in 1997 though all specialists’ reports say the damage they did to me forcing me to testify when I was not psychologically ready is responsible for chronic trauma and injury. AND THUS THE RAPE CONTINUES..... So now I am in a force trauma relationship with the very two people who should have been in prison over 20 years ago had Bartlett not been the judge, had so -called professional lawyers and social workers not sat back and allowed him to abuse his authority. Only the courts would know how many families he destroyed returning children and mothers back to abusive homes. They are the ones who came up with the idea of finding home that could be offered as a special circumstance for the Rentals Supplement Program, a program that despite all the supposed involvement from Dalhousie never knew about as an option to save my family and my life until the very end, a waiting list. I am sure had DF advocated on my behalf knowing the grave seriousness of my condition -I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE IT- she could have convince PL to make sure I did not have to wait especially since it was PL who said I refused transfers in the past.. Did she make the call? No she did not! The greatest form of gross negligence and blatant disregard for a human life.

There is no excuse for this.

Now DF was told by me who EM was and I was told I had a NEW student Megan. Through various communications the home I am in right now was approved for consideration ONLY if approved by the official inspection conducted by MRHA. Of course after just going through what I did they would not dare to pull any more stunts. I underestimated them. It is nothing short of clinically amazing how welfare mentality does not care who wears it. The owners went out of their way to hide things such as repairs , smoking and, molds and dogs, all things I am allergic to. Then we have Dave Pryde an employee for MRHA who spent total of 15 minute doing an official inspection and then we have the McIntyre who have their own interest going on but I could not figure out what it was at this time. They had rejected my first two choices based on their own selfish needs. It didnot take long to know it was all about them, as usual. Everyone involved and in particular Donna F knew the goal for me was to find a safe healthy home in a safe healthy community to start a wellness program of bed rest and a new medication to alleviate the trauma of the last few years of housing so I could resume the healing for years of violent court matters. Sound simple?

From moment one, literally when this house was in our possession I stepped forward into the house and my skin and eyes burned. I started crying ,. I knew I could not live her. AS it was I had been to 18 home viewed within 3 weeks of a 3 week hospitalization with only me doing the work. Now it was useless. I sat on the floor and cried and cried and cried knowing that I could not heal anything as long as MRHA and the McIntyre involved, never mind the lying, lazy owners and real estate agents. I should have been protected by Dalhousie though after all were they not working in my best interest? Megan did say they would keep my file open to make sure the transition went fine. But I could not call until the end of September as I was too ill to do anything but not take my life.

When I did finally call I left a very detailed distress message for Donna F who never returned it. In this call I told her about how sick I was : that my skin burned all the time, that the nicotine/mold/dog environment set off further chemical imbalance and health problems, that I could not be in a situation where the McIntyres were my landlords, that they should be in prison, there was too much unresolved history that further traumatized me, that I was left with all the work /painting/ that caused further medical damage, that I was in suicidal crisis 24 hours a day and escalated into suicidality 22 times in 7 weeks. It was the most humiliating call of my life.

About 4-6 weeks later I received a call from the new student George. He told me that Donna referred him and I told him that less distressed version of the message I left for Donna. I told him that MRHA had again fabricated an inspection and that I was in a home that was too unhealthy for me. He said he would look into it. I told him that I was not well, that it was not going to work and I needed to be put back into public housing immediately. He said he would get back to me. He did. Five weeks later.

By this time I gained 45 pounds from the hormonal/ chemical imbalances that in turn aggravated my osteo-arthritis and fibro myalgia and continual hair loss which is half of the half I lost in housing. I sleep 5-7 hours weekly as the rage, trauma, and imbalance would not allow me. To date my teeth have now misaligned from grinding 24 hours a day. The painting/sanding/scraping I had to do caused permanent damage to my hands and wrist with last testing my hands are equivalent to the functionality of a senior citizen. I had no help and all money was taken out of my funds rendering me poorer than when I was in housing. And all I did was flip from extreme anguish to vibrating rage. No surprises there as I thought about how and who put me in this home. DF was well aware that the doctor at the hospital said I was to find appropriate housing ,then start a new medication , bed rest as the meds cripple me for several weeks then back to my wellness program, back to where I was before the sociopathology of public housing and its evil offenders and those who empower them. As to date not one of the goals and medical directives have been achieved. It is the most barbaric of deaths.

I will not itemize the fighting and damage XXXXX and XXXXXX McIntyre did. But I did find out that one of my siblings was taking them to criminal court for abuse, this was there pay off to me all the more I had to get out. Being in this house and them being in control of my funds and health when they created the mess has caused psychological damage the will not be able to measure in this lifetime. It was a parallel dynamic of my childhood after all what kind of evil knowingly leaves a carpet in a home that is burning someone skin/eyes and lungs? Who lets them do all the work then minimalize the damage/suffering /anguish? A narcissist sociopath does. They should never have been in my life in the first place. Why were they? Oh that is right!

The next call I received from George would end in rage. To date I had not received one from Donna and only 2 from George though they both were aware I could not be exposed to the McIntyre any more as I could not come out of crisis being in this home. Three phone calls in 3 months. It is an isolation without a name. George having received a package with all relevant documents from me had the audacity to say that he still needed to work on it as he had to see if there was any liability on the part of housing.

I WAS STUNNED. What was it he did not understand about my immediate removal to be put back into housing. Was not listening epidemic? When I look back I am amazed that I didnot kill myself! Through clench teeth I asked him if he did any work on this case for ‘he just repeated our last chat over 5 week earlier’. He was silent. Did he actually think his call was acceptable? In all fairness to him Donna had no business referring my case to a student being it was her continual negligence from 2001 that resulted in this mess causing my family unit assassination and my pending death. Never mind the endless suffering. It is not a coincidence that all of them have not had a moment pain while mine has not stopped.

Then facts speak for themselves: they deliberately minimalized the trauma/suffering/damage to get rid of me out of housing, they were hoping to finally
be done with this at any cost, so that MM could continue uninterrupted.

I was the forced to send PL letter for help as it was them AGAIN who fabricated an inspection. How pathetic is that that I would have to step outside my own suicidality to fight my own fight for my life? I still only sleep about 7 hours a week, I never leave this home but for medical appointments once week managing my pain as much as possible. My jaw and teeth have misaligned due to grinding the manifestation of inward anger as I cannot leave my home to go to the wellness program necessary to keep me in a sound place safely venting my anger. I am too sick to interact with the world yet force to stay in a home that has aggravated every part of my existence taking me to places not on the map. How long do you think this gig is going to last?

I finally had to take $160.00 out of my grocery money to file with small claims court, it is a curse being goal and result orientated. How sick is this? I am the one 24 hours controlling serious energy to the point that my son is as homeless as he was in the Park. Nothing changed we were still in evil as it reeked of welfare and housing mentality as anything about laziness, unethics and deceit do. I was supposed to be improving my living condition not being fed to the devil himself. One problem, I was not the legal claimant, I was just a tenant on paper. Great how do I do this one? How do I get resolve while pretending that EM is an injured party? I cannot go into the permanent damage caused by this dynamic that stems from the day I was born.

Some day I do not know when I received the obligatory letter from George that he had completed his legal aid time and was moving on, that my case would be referred to yet another student. You will have to check the file for the dates being that in months only 4 communications resulting in nothing but diversions and immeasurable damage. George did go on to stay that he felt there was no liability for housing and that all concerns should be addressed to the landlord EM. Were they serious?
EM was only THE FUCKING LANDLORD BECAUSE OF MRHA AND DALHOUSIE LEGAL AID misconduct and unethical practices.

I went into a rage that resulted in serious property damage. This letter seriously jeopardized the safety of several people.
I wont get into how I was dying in this house while working in this house while dying in this house while working on a small claims matter while fighting with the McIntyres while dying.. The last thing I needed was another court matter. But for the fact of....

Delay upon delay occurred of course. I will spare you the details of freezing this winter because of items MRHA did not inspect properly. All that I could do was grind my teeth never mind the pain to my muscles. Community Services had the audacity to hold off getting my air purified for 6 months to se what would happen in small claims. Can you imagine? They are still refusing to approve the specialized medications I need to undo all the damage from 2001 on. If you need the doctor notes I can forward them to you each one itemizing the damage this home did to me with the inevitability of vacating the premise. He did ask me who he should send them to, I said no one. He asked about DLA I said they are pretending I do not exist. I cannot describe his face for you but it is the reaction of those who are sincerely humanitarian when having to process acts to the contrary.
Fast forward...as the new year was upon me and the deliberate silence of all involved in this house as I was on bed rest I decided just to take my life again for my birthday. I cannot explain the soulful anguish of knowing I was resuscitated to endure this the same apathy and complacency in housing and poverty? This was what I was kept alive for?

I was stuck on plan A from 1992 when I finished 8 years of university I was going to start saving for a home. Of course as you know now all my hard work was stolen from me but my mind could remember that is where I wanted to be so I set out despite everything to make this as much of a home for my son. I didnot bother to ask Donna yet again for any transfer of lease information , she clearly left me to rot. No doubt doing all this work for naught.

I know it is difficult to comprehend that a person in this time and in this city could be so systemically abused that death is the only defense from the attacks. I was actually looking forward to never having to write any more letters on my behalf. In fact as I prepared for my death I was amazed, through all the shredding I had to do, at how much letter writing on my basic human rights I had accomplished but fell on classists and sexist ears. My worse offenders being those who claimed not to be my offenders. I cannot possibly account for every single thing I would go into crisis and as you can tell by the date it took my some time to finish this letter due to ongoing emotional trauma and physical disabilities the direct result of relentless abuse and violence since 2001 with DLA and MM /MLA permission. Abusers have no where to abuse if held accountable but mine were allowed to perpetrate with impunity.

Fast forward: George said their was no liability, MRHA settled with EM for $4, 500 to cover those items that should have been detected during an official inspection THANKS TO MY WORK however they should have paid closer to $8,000 in small claims court but EM sold me down river. EM was told by a private lawyer that he would not pay that there was a Supreme Court matter against MRHA for outrageous abuse and damages to me as a human being including the fabricated inspection that they did for then Park and the home. Tens of thousands were to be gained. However EM being EM stays away from courts as any abuser would. And sadly if he had been a father he would have been outraged and proceeded but ironically if he had been any kind of father I would not be in this situation to begin with since 1992.

I had to put aside 3 nights to battle with 3 lawyers for 3 named defendants. Can you imagine? It is May I am killing myself on my birthday May 25 2005 and I am preparing to go to legal battle with 3 lawyers and a pompous adjudicator, no shocker there, who all are representing clients that have deceived, lied, fabricated and I am the injured party too sick to leave the home, I cant function yet I have to present the case with EM sitting by side me doing nothing? I had to ask DF via message to send me papers as George did not despite my 2 requests . She sent them in the mail without a note or call. I didnot expect one as in my message I told her that I was not calling on the negligence in the handling of my file. Not once did DF take the initiative to pursue my call or claim which confirms for me that she was well aware that they grossly mishandled my case to protect themselves from any scrutiny from the black community and to protect the political pimping done by MM. I find it as unethical that she would not want to met with me to sort out my claim of negligence even in writing.

On April 15 she was faxed a list of required documents I needed for court as Terry Potter MRHA legal counsel requested them to be put into a booklet prior to the hearing, literally unheard of in small claims. No responses from DF. I went in person to the Gottigen Street office despite my not leaving my home at all for anything but medical needs. No response although DF was told if I didnot receive the papers by April 25 I would be violating an adjudicator order to have said documents in a booklet. The first night of course was adjourned as I didnot have this paper work and I was publicly scolded by this adjudicator, have no doubt I could have been incarcerated that night had I not went straight home. I did let him know that it was out of my hands and that DLA did have a fax on time. I did receive a package second week in May. I opened only this week of July I didnot make it to the bathroom on time as I vomited. There is no clinical name for her behaviour. In this package was a letter with an apology for being tardy on my requests. No explanation to her negligence, the missing assigned student, a suggested meeting to discuss negligence NOTHING but a hope you are well. What kind of human being says a thing like that knowing that it is contrary to the truth and that same said person was responsible. It was clear that she never communicated with me and instructed student to do the same as to not hear from me means they can hide in their worlds of apathy and irresponsibility to come out and say such things that are so far removed from the truth that it is as offensive. DF knew things were far from well.

Weeks before I had called DLA and spoke with Cathy at the front desk, always a pleasant voice. She asked me if things were great as she had not heard from me. I had to hesitate, was this a set up to excuse that I had not called so DF would have a collaboration that I had not called meaning things were okay? I asked her why she said that I had called almost every week before she assumed that I was doing well as she had not heard from me in ages. Fair enough. But how revealing. She had heard from me almost every other week for a paint and floor issues for a period of a few years? NOPE she knew I was in a desperate way but the way it was handled by DLA would not reveal that, she inadvertently acted as my witness to the crisis state of things. Sadly though I did not want to pull her into an issue that was not hers I told her things were going quite badly but we would go with her story as it sounded better. I didnot have the heart to hear my own words that the reason she had not heard from me was because Donna made it very clear she was not going to respond, she had not done so since Nicolette who showed up with one sheet and nothing else forcing me to represent myself in our first meeting years prior.

Ironically my utter hate and disgust for those who placed me in that position that keep me from taking my life.
The decision just came in and no shocker only the real estate agent who did not ask about the environmental concerns is held responsible as much as EM. It is the rest of the decision that is a rape all over again but I am immune to expecting those to act ethically, I am immune to expecting right to be upheld, I am immune to the chronic discrimination of persons with disabilities. The previous owner who lied and presented fixed and fabricated evidence were released from obligation . My life is worth :$1, 500 .

This report is the short version for my own emotional safety. What do I expect from you? Well had I been asked in 2002 I would expect you to do exactly what any ethical person is bound to do by their own standards. Now after the experience I have had by those in positions of social change since 2001, I expect nothing. If this report does not provoke you to investigate the blatant disregard for human life that is well documented by JF, DF and MM then there is nothing that you will do. I find it appalling that as a student teaching facility that this apathy was allowed to be passed on to unassuming students. Have no doubt that Dalhousie Legal Aid had the resources and power to change the course and future of my family and my life at any given time from 2001 and chose to protecting itself instead violating several pieces of legislation themselves. At least at the end of the day you will not be able to say you were not aware of any of these events that destroyed systemically a family who aspired to live in a healthy community. It is not a coincidence that my family was wiped out and my evil offenders and there enablers have all thrived with impunity.

Was I not single parent enough, disabled enough, isolated enough, suffering enough, immigrant enough, poor enough? They say you do not know someone until you have lived with them. Now knowing Maureen MacDonald I know it was because I was not black enough. How ironic! Had I been black I would not have seen a day of this evil. Starting with my rapist who would never have had anything to do with a black woman to the police to cowardly to enforce the law AND Family and Childrens Services Act against blacks in housing, DLA and MM who would not dare appear to be at odds with the black community being too social and politically ignorant to know that the evil in housing IS NOT indicative of the entire black community and that there are as many victims in that community as there are perpetrators of same said community. I wont get in to the chronic enabling of Wanda Thomas Bernard, she has received all of my communications, she knows who she is or Rocky Jones for without the cultural ignorance of Nova Scotians he would be just another lawyer who returns sociopaths to the very communities to continue harming their own, he knows who he is as well.
And who are you? As Martin Luther King Jr. says we are not to be judge by the colour of our skin but by our characters...

If you need copies of the 4 doctors notes on the damage of this house to my health and the medical direction to vacate the premise ASAP please let me know as DF would not have them after making it clear that DLA was not the least bit concerned for my family welfare.

As I said to Donna on my last visit: what did they expect would happen. I was on the Mayors Task Force on Drugs ( 5 years as 2 chairs), I am a child advocate who volunteered at the IWK ( 7 years), I am a social worker by personality and profession, a feminist. I had no business being in public housing and if my rape had been handled properly I would not have seen a day of it. The paper quoted Alan Bickel stating I was a danger to the community. No, I was a threat to its existence as it lacked anything to do with humanity.

Just last week coming from a doctor appointment I drove into the parking lot at Mulgrave Park I could not see my actual home as it was covered in many trees and rose vines. That had been its beauty. JF had visited me one time and as soon as she seen it she stated that she knew exactly why I was fighting so hard for it, it was the nicest place in the Park. I did not cry for long as the rage convulsed my body. I was so detached from the home due to the outrageous abuse and violence that was allowed to happen. My mind could not process that I had actually live there. But I did not live there, I existed in trauma, stress, and illness as I fought evil in its finest form. Until MP I was at the gym every day for 1.5 hours, daily yoga 1 hour, 1 massage a week, reiki and acupuncture 3 times a week. It did not take long before I was too sick to go to my necessary appointments all the time. With all of that positive energy in my life I still could not compete with the evil that has too many faces and names but are most definitely culpable of crimes against humanity.
Please note that Peter Kelly is well aware of what Frank Beazley and Steven Sykes have allowed to go on in the Park in reference to child abuse, women abuse, drugs, beatings and stabbings. He is also aware by way of a 13 page report of the abuse I sustained from LE for reporting crimes in progress committed against me and others. Please note Peter Kelly did nothing. The police made sure I was isolated being a responsible member of that community, have no doubt that the police commission has fabricated reasons for that report not to go to commission and hearing so the public never finds out what is allowed to breed in public housing. The documents have all been filed for along time including with Child Aid Society on the names of police that were told of children in drug homes, neglect and beaten. I was told that not one of the LE or IC or MM or PL called.

Do you know the agony of watching yourself sit around with no purpose but to slowly die?

Completed July 7 2005:
Gayle McIntyre

As of February 2007 not one person from Dalhousie Law School or the Dalhousie legal Aid Board of Directors ever responded to this critical grievance of so many classist, lazy, incompetent colluders of the crimes committed against the poor in public housing.

Not one of these lily whites took an ethical stance yet they go on record for Constitutional Violations against the NS Utility and Review Board on the increased heating costs issues.

wuzzupdates: Donna Frahney not only was never held accountable for her contributing role :
  • to the gang-rape of my tenant and constitutional rights -she knew Irvine Carvery and his posse and Housing  were committing daily hate crimes against my family,
  • or the failure to ensure the David Parker-tenancy-small claims Order against Carvery and MRHA was excuted, 
  • of her failure to communicate with me about Housing options offered to her in 01/04 by P Lawrence 
  • or her  role in the fabricated house inspection of 87 Chater Street  which put me into 30,000 debt
  • or her fabricated letter to me stating since all is fine she was closing my file  though she received several  communications from to get me out of the house arrangement  I was in because she could not be bothered doing her job because she was afraid of Carvery.
  • or for having her student tell me there was nothing they could do legally when they left me there to incur an outrageous house debt and more  small claims hearings they refuse to do though the mess was their doing
  • or the 5 years of torture by Eric McIntyre who molested and  tortured me for 15 years of my child life
  • Donna Frahney is currently the Executive Director for Dalhousie Legal Aid 
A good country for crooks: 
Canada's losing war against white-collar crime

Jan 30 08 John Gray From the September 24, 2007 issue of Canadian Business magazine
Canada isn’t having much luck cleaning up its image as A country that is soft on white-collar crime. While Conrad Black faces up to 35 years in prison after his recent conviction in a Chicago courtroom, Canadian authorities are still licking their wounds after the recent acquittal of former Bre-X chief geologist John Felderhof on civil charges of insider trading.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Four years ago, the RCMP launched its Integrated Market Enforcement Teams, or IMETs, elite squads of investigators who were supposed to work together to crack down on white-collar crime. The results have been disappointing, to say the least. While the U.S. Justice Department has racked up more than 1,200 convictions against high-level executives and scammers in the past five years, the IMETs have managed just two — against the same person.
Canadian Business senior writer John Gray talked with Craig Hannaford and Bill Majcher — two IMET officers who recently left the force — about the problems cops face in getting their man, and what can be done about them. Both have spent their careers trying to protect investors from fraudsters. Hannaford, now a private consultant in Toronto, oversaw the investigation into the collapse of Livent Inc. Majcher is best known for his work in the Bermuda Short sting, a joint RCMP-FBI undercover operation that nabbed corrupt Canadian lawyers Martin Chambers and Simon Rosenfeld in 2002. Majcher is now managing director at the Baron Group, a
Their message: When it comes to white-collar crime, it’s worse than you think.
con't in link
As a member of The Common Front just found out that Dalhousie's own Dawn Russell is part of a new federal committee designed to assist Minister Flaherty as National Security Regulators. Sadly seeing her name discredits the integrity of the entire mission and committee for as you just read she failed to respond to outrageous constitutional and criminal activities committed or hidden by legal aid students and lawyers. Much like the issue of Africville, it is a sad day when unethical persons align with great causes, it keeps people from engaging with confidence..