

Often over looked when discussing the 'wellness' of communities. Individuals and families ( biological, foster, adoptive, extended or social) and communities are all part of various eco-systems that are inter-dependent on each other for survival. One change in that order will cause a change in the order to follow. The environment can be your home, your workplace, your neighbourhood. It can be the park, garden, the lakes, the city, province,country and so forth.

It is about being connected to other life on this planet and it is only through understanding this bond is the inevitable search for accountability and restoration of harmony discussed. Those in poverty in all of its guises have been forced to disconnect from that natural place. It is no wonder when those in our lives, controlling our lives, harming our lives, destroying our lives are part of a system that is socially constructed and therefore has nothing to do with the natural order of life. It is not a coincidence that the government in Nova Scotia has created this damage: it is void of peace, harmony, life and accountability to the greater connect with community.

It is about finding the places of disconnect in our lives and healing them.That sadly is hampered when those in power hold the remedies or access to them. Those in chronic poverty are often without any supports to help that healing process and when the abuse continues the trauma is worsened.

What are some ways you have chosen to help you heal your eco-system and/or environment?
For some it is planting a tree, for others it is to refrain from littering. Some plan social protest marches and other construct soci-political websites. We cannot hold others to standards that we do not hold for yourselves.So what do you expect from others after you first expect from yourself ?


*Residents, including children, sick after large oil spill in the Peace   Region*

4 May 2011 (Edmonton) — Little Buffalo community members, including school
children, continue to experience nausea, burning eyes and headaches after
one of the largest pipeline spills in Alberta history last Friday by Plains
All American leaked nearly 30,000 barrels of oil into Lubicon traditional
territory in the Peace Region of Northern Alberta.

Instead of attending an in-person community meeting, the Alberta Energy
Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) faxed a one-page fact sheet to Little
Buffalo School. The fact sheet indicates that tens of thousands of barrels
of crude oil, or 4,500 cubic metres, has spread into nearby stands of
“stagnant water.” The spill, April 29 at 7:30 a.m., occurred only 300 metres
from local waterways. The ERCB said the spill has been contained, but
community members report that the oil is still leaking into the surrounding
forest and bog. The ERCB also said to the community that there is “no threat
to public safety as a result of the leak.” Yet people are still getting
sick, the local school has been shut down and children ordered to stay at
home. An investigation into the incident is underway.

“It has been four days since classes were suspended due to the noxious
odours in the air. The children and staff at the school were disorientated,
getting headaches and feeling sick to their stomachs,” said Brian Alexander,
the principle of Little Buffalo School. “We tried to send the children
outside to get fresh air as it seemed worse in the school but when we sent
them out they were getting sick as well.

“The company and the ERCB have given us little information in the past five
days. What we do know is that the health of our community is at stake,”
said Chief Steve Noskey. “Our children cannot attend school until there is a
resolution, The ERCB is not being accountable to our community; they did not
even show up to our community meeting to inform us of the unsettling
situation we are dealing with. The company is failing to provide sufficient
information to us so we can ensure that the health and safety of our
community is protected.”

The ERCB fact sheet states that air monitors are in place on site and have
“detected no hydrocarbon levels above Alberta Ambient Air Quality
guidelines.” But this is little consolation for a community that is scared
to breathe the air. Veronica Okemow has six children, the youngest one
attending the school, and she is very worried. “We are deeply concerned
about the health effects on the community,” Okemow said. “It is a scary
thing when your children are feeling sick from the air. People are scared to
breathe in the fumes.”

With both Transcanada and Enbridge pipeline corporations vying to build
massive pipelines to link Tar Sands to the pacific and gulf coasts. First
Nations and American Indian Tribes in the right of way are not convinced
that their lands, air and water will not be put into jeopardy in this high
risk game that Albertan big oil is playing with their lives, say’s Clayton
Thomas-Muller of the Indigenous Environmental Network.

Melina Laboucan-Massimo, a member of the Lubicon Cree First Nation and a
Greenpeace Climate & Energy Campaigner in Alberta said: “The Plains All
American spill marks the second pipeline spill in Alberta in just a week,
with Kinder Morgan spilling just days before. This is an alarm bell for
Alberta residents. If this 45-year-old pipeline were to break elsewhere
along its route there would be more safety and health hazards. Communities
across Alberta and B.C. are demanding an end to this type of risky
development; yet the government refuses to listen. Instead it continues on
as business as usual without plans for the cleaner, healthier, sustainable
future that is possible.”

*For more information, please contact:*

Steve Noskey, Chief of the Lubicon Cree, (780) 649-4466

Brian Alexander, Principle of Little Buffalo School, (780) 629 -2210 (h)
(403) 397-9779 (c)

Melina Laboucan-Massimo, member of the Lubicon Cree and Greenpeace climate
and energy campaigner, (780) 504-5567


Working class hero Lula says capitalism is dead

Working class hero Lula says capitalism is dead

RUKMINI CALLIMACHI, THE ASSOCIATED PRESSPublished: February 07, 2011 2:21 p.m. Last modified: February 07, 2011 2:24 p.m.

DAKAR, Senegal - Brazil's first working class president and an icon of the downtrodden said Monday that the global financial crisis proves capitalism is broken.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also said it was time for affluent countries to begin paying attention to nations like Senegal, ranked as one of the world's poorest.

"For too long, rich countries saw us as peripheral, problematic, even dangerous," said Silva, who stepped down last year with one of the highest approval ratings in his country's history, "Today we are an essential, undeniable part of the solution to the biggest crisis of the last decade — a crisis that was not created by us, but that emerged from the great centres of world capitalism."

His speech marked the second day of the six-day World Social Forum, an annual counterpunch to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

While the latter draws CEOs who sleep in four-star hotels and take turns on the Swiss slopes, the participants in the World Social Forum are happy to camp on the sides of roads or sleep with locals in order to take part in the yearly anti-capitalist gathering.

Instead of suits, they arrive wearing tie-die shirts and trousers of organic cotton, like Lula who addressed the cheering crowd in an informal white shirt. Presentations are frequently ad lib, including a fiery impromptu speech by Bolivian President Evo Morales on Sunday who told the assembled crowd that capitalism was in its death throes.

"We can see it with the global financial crisis. We can see it with climate change and global warming," said Morales, who in 2005 became the first leader to be elected from Bolivia's indigenous majority. "The capitalism of today is a capitalism that no longer produces but just consumes."

The weeklong conference, which has drawn some 30,000 participants from 123 countries, aims to create "open space" for debate on subjects ranging from "the crisis of capitalism" to the African Diaspora. Many participants pointed out that the event is also taking place at a same time of change in Africa.

"If you look across the democratization struggle in Egypt and Tunisia and the challenges in Ivory Coast and Zimbabwe, it is very important for people to express their views and indicate that there is a ruling elite, a very small group of people who are holding us hostage," said Zimbabwean journalist and participant Thomas Deves.

Nilza Iraci, a member of the forum's international organizing committee, says that in the early years, the forum attempted to bridge the gap with Davos. They held a teleconference with members of the Davos conference in an attempt to exchange ideas.

Critics of the forum say it has not effected real change in the 11 years since it started.

Iraci says the event is not meant to effect change, but rather to create a space to network and to share ideas for a new world.
The opening march included a delegation of women from Senegal's provinces who had made their way to Dakar to try to lobby for land rights. In the oceanlike crowd, they ran into Liv Sovik, a communications professor at a school in Rio de Janeiro. She helped the women connect with a leader of the land rights movement that was also at the march, she said.

"It's like a trade fair. You meet to make connections," said Sovik.


Sled dogs slaughtered a massacre: SPCA

Sled dogs slaughtered a massacre: SPCA

Published: February 01, 2011 5:36 a.m. Last modified: January 31, 2011 9:21 p.m.
WHISTLER, B.C. - About 100 sled dogs, some badly maimed and writhing in pain, were killed and dumped in a mass grave after bookings apparently collapsed for a B.C. tour operator following the 2010 Winter Games.

The gruesome event is detailed in documents awarding compensation to a worker who claimed post-traumatic stress disorder after having to shoot the dogs.

Dog-sled tour operators throughout British Columbia and animal welfare workers were horrified at the story, but at the centre of it appears to be a man suffering terrible mental trauma.

An online site offering support to those suffering post-traumatic disorder includes postings made under the name of Bob Fawcett, the same name as the man who bought the dog sled company in 2004.

"I've had a pretty horrible ordeal," said one of the postings last month.

"I live in Whistler, B.C. I was forced to kill and it has pretty much destroyed my soul....."

That post does not elaborate.

Another notes that the photo accompanying the postings was taken from "a dog sled race last year." The picture shows a man on an apparent winter camp-out with two dogs.

Another post said he is using his real name and remarks he is "pretty newly messed up."

He wrote that he has a wife and two children, but just wants to be alone.

"Friends who are trying to help, I just can't do it, can't even tell anyone why I am the way I am. Lots of people know, but things went so wrong. I honestly have to pound myself senseless to have any feelings."

His profile shows he was last on the site Jan. 17.

Marcie Moriarty, general manager of cruelty investigations for the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said she is sickened by the incident.

The man was awarded compensation in a ruling by WorkSafe BC, the provincial body that manages workers' compensation claims. Those documents are confidential, but Moriarty has read them as part of the society's investigation.

She said her stomach churns each time she looks at them. Among the horrors is a description of the shooting of a dog named Nora, who wound up in the mass grave.

"He had to climb down into the grave amidst the 10 or so bodies already there and put her out of her misery," Moriarty said.

"Just that visual. And the fact these killings were taking place in front of the other dogs that were tethered out there.

"We don't put cows down like that. Slaughterhouses have very strict rules for how supposed culling takes place. This violated every one of them."

The name of the man who killed the dogs has not been released, but his lawyer, Cory Steinberg, told CKNW that it was "the worst experience (the man) could ever have imagined."

"He was essentially told to figure out a way to make (the business) more cost-effective. They just had to have less dogs. So he did everything he could finding homes for them, having them adopted, every which way that he could."

Steinberg declined further comment Monday.

The dogs, which were part of a pack of 300, were shot over two days last April.

The WorkSafe documents were obtained by radio station CKNW. The station reported the man was attacked at least twice by nearby dogs as the shootings occurred. He was forced to slit the throat of one animal who jumped on top of him.

"There aren't words to really describe some of the ways these dogs died," said Moriarty.

"I think what gets to me, too, is that every other dog watched. And just the sheer number of dogs."

The dogs were owned by Howling Dog Tours, which is now owned and operated by Outdoor Adventures of Whistler.

Outdoor Adventures did not contest the claims by the man who shot the dogs. In a statement issued Monday, it said it was aware of the efforts to relocate and destroy the dogs last April.

Spokesman Graham Aldcroft held a news conference Monday to say it had only learned of the killings, though the company had an "expectation" that there were efforts to relocate the sled dogs.

Aldcroft said the company was also aware that "at last case, euthanasia may be required. The expectation was that any euthanisation that was required would be conducted in an appropriate, humane and legal manner."

When asked if it was common practice at the company to destroy dogs, Aldcroft would not comment. He said he was not aware of any other dog culls in the company's history.

Outdoor Adventures said it had a financial interest in Howling Dogs for four years, but operational control remained with the worker who killed the dogs.

In the statement, the company said it took over control of the company and said "this employee continues to get our support as he heals from his injuries and illness."

But the operator of Howling Dogs in Canmore, Alta., is outraged at the dogs' treatment.

Rich Bittner said he sold his 50 per cent interest in the Whistler operation in 2004 to a man named Bob Fawcett, and the company name was supposed to change because his company was no longer involved.

The mushing community in Canada is tight-knit and several operators said while they routinely adopt dogs from other companies, they were not asked to take any from Whistler in early 2010.

Tim Tedford runs dog sled tours in the Big White area, near Kelowna. He said he adopted four dogs last fall from another operator in Whistler, although he isn't sure it was the one in question.

"I have to be very clear on this: That behaviour doesn't sound like a real musher," Tedford said in an interview.

While sled dogs are not household pets, most mushers are attached to them in the same way horse owners are to their animals, Tedford said.

"Most mushers love their dogs. That sounds more like an accountant to me. Most mushers would starve themselves before they'd ever neglect their dogs."

Tedford said it sounds like simple greed born from the anticipation of extra business during the Olympics.

Other dog-sled tour operators issued news releases Monday in an effort to distance themselves from what happened in Whistler, including Canadian Dogsled Adventures, which also offers tours in the resort area.

One active B.C. musher said he met Fawcett and team members several times over two to three years of racing.

"Any time that we saw them and their dogs at a race, they were well cared for, well-fed and very socialized," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "(Fawcett) was a guy that was full of life, and he enjoyed (sledding), and he was good at it."

But he added that last year he received a personal email from Fawcett selling "anything and everything" related to the business.

Moriarty said police are applying for a warrant for the file from WorkSafe, and RCMP are also investigating. Following revelations of the cull on Monday, the Vancouver Humane Society called for a ban on the sled dog tour business.

Craig Daniell, executive officer of the SPCA, said he's angry WorkSafe BC kept the information about dog slaughter under wraps for months.

With the ground now frozen, getting access to the dogs' bodies as part of the investigation will be extremely difficult.

"It's absolutely apparent from the facts that are in the WorkSafe document that these are horrendous cases of animal cruelty," he said.

"I think that there really should have been some sort of duty on the part of WorkSafe to be able to pass that document onto other authorities to investigate further." 
 Giving this guy compensation for trauma is like giving it to Hitler or Bush or the Queen of England..the list is long...The WORKSAFE should be investigated for failing to report to authorities..I believe this was a matter of greed and it backfired..Fawcett should be criminally charged for mass murders as should his investors who were no doubt part of the 'downsize dog decision'. Shame on all who knew and did the deed.He was attacked? Of course he was attacked..these dogs are not stupid watching their own slaughter...where is their trauma compensation. Where is mine for reading about this atrocity?


Celebrating 20 years of the David Suzuki Foundation

The Foundation was formed in 1990, after a meeting with a dozen thinkers and activists in 1989 on Pender Island, BC. In January 1991, the Foundation opened its doors and began its work...(con't in link provided)


Declaration of Interdependence

The Declaration of Interdependence expresses our values as an organization. It was written for the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

This we know

We are the earth, through the plants and animals that nourish us.
We are the rains and the oceans that flow through our veins.
We are the breath of the forests of the land, and the plants of the sea.
We are human animals, related to all other life as descendants of the firstborn cell.
We share with these kin a common history, written in our genes.
We share a common present, filled with uncertainty.
And we share a common future, as yet untold.
We humans are but one of thirty million species weaving the thin layer of life enveloping the world.
The stability of communities of living things depends upon this diversity.
Linked in that web, we are interconnected — using, cleansing, sharing and replenishing the fundamental elements of life.
Our home, planet Earth, is finite; all life shares its resources and the energy from the sun, and therefore has limits to growth.
For the first time, we have touched those limits.
When we compromise the air, the water, the soil and the variety of life, we steal from the endless future to serve the fleeting present.

This we believe

Humans have become so numerous and our tools so powerful that we have driven fellow creatures to extinction, dammed the great rivers, torn down ancient forests, poisoned the earth, rain and wind, and ripped holes in the sky.
Our science has brought pain as well as joy; our comfort is paid for by the suffering of millions.
We are learning from our mistakes, we are mourning our vanished kin, and we now build a new politics of hope.
We respect and uphold the absolute need for clean air, water and soil.
We see that economic activities that benefit the few while shrinking the inheritance of many are wrong.
And since environmental degradation erodes biological capital forever, full ecological and social cost must enter all equations of development.
We are one brief generation in the long march of time; the future is not ours to erase.
So where knowledge is limited, we will remember all those who will walk after us, and err on the side of caution.

This we resolve

All this that we know and believe must now become the foundation of the way we live.
At this turning point in our relationship with Earth, we work for an evolution: from dominance to partnership; from fragmentation to connection; from insecurity, to interdependence.


Ecosystems being permanently destroyed by BP oil spill:

-how can this be measured
-what are the future ramifications
-who will pay for the damages
-how will they 'pay'
-will drilling finally stop


Gulf Oil Spill Response News

More Gulf Response News »


N.S. auditor general report flags problems with pollution, mental health

June 02, 2010 2:09 p.m.

HALIFAX - Nova Scotia's auditor general raised red flags Wednesday about the management of contaminated sites in the province and what he called inadequate oversight of the mental health system.

In his latest report, Jacques Lapointe said the Environment Department needs to improve monitoring of polluted sites to ensure risks to third parties, human health and the environment are being appropriately addressed.
"We are concerned that there may be sites in the province for which unacceptable risks have not been properly mitigated," he wrote.
"We identified sites where we believe monitoring activities did not take place in a timely manner."
Lapointe said in some instances the landowner or responsible person was not required to assess and address applicable risks or couldn't afford the cleanup.
He said at sites where cleanup was in progress and being monitored, there was nothing in place to ensure those presenting higher risks were given priority.
Among his many recommendations Lapointe suggests the Environment Department keep cabinet informed about problem sites so the government can make informed decisions.
The auditor general also underlined his frustration with the Department of Health for refusing to hand over budget and planning documents for review.
"This denial of information represents interference with the work of the auditor general and limits our ability to provide the House with complete information about the entities we audit," he said in his report.
After reviewing mental health standards adopted in 2003, Lapointe said he has yet to see a formal plan in place to address areas of non-compliance and funding.
"While certain standards were met most of the time in some districts, the overall lack of compliance is concerning and could negatively impact mental health patient care," he wrote in his report.
Lapointe expressed particular concern about a new initiative intended to provide provincewide wait time information for mental health services. The province's largest district health authority in Halifax, he said, will not be able to join because its current system can't process the new data.

"Manually compiling data from two systems is inefficient and increases the risk of errors," he said. "Additionally, only outpatient wait times will be reported initially, which will limit the usefulness of the information

Quebec fires threaten N.S. air quality


Smoke from more than 50 forest fires in Quebec is threatening to affect air quality in Nova Scotia.

According to a release issued by Environment Canada yesterday morning, the fires raging across Quebec’s northern and central regions have produced “significant” plumes of smoke that appear to be travelling east.

Environment Canada warned of reduced air quality, especially in Nova Scotia’s western region, for yesterday morning and evening. Quebec’s forest fire fighting agency reported 52 fires burning as of mid-afternoon on Saturday. Firefighters from Quebec, New Brunswick, New Hampshire and Maine have been battling the blazes.

Send in your letters to Ontario or use the site form in link
Protect Lake Simcoe


'In the Lake Simcoe and Nottawasaga River Natural Heritage System and Watershed
Protection Area that includes Lake Simcoe and the County of Simcoe,

1. Restore water quality and quantity to levels compatible with cold water fish
reproduction and control of algae and weeds;

2. Recognize the development pressures that the Oak Ridges Moraine, Greenbelt, and

Places to Grow Acts have placed on the Lake Simcoe watershed by creating a natural
heritage and agricultural system to protect green space and restrict new
development to existing and approved settlement areas;

3. Consult with First Nations to identify and protect First Nations heritage sites;

4. Enshrine a governance structure as recommended by the Lake Simcoe

Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS) Working Group and, in large part, by
the LSEMS Steering Committee;

5. Ensure that large-scale resort developments such as Big Bay Point are consistent

with the Lake Simcoe Protection Act;

6. Create recreational access that helps people treasure the lake and does not harm it;

7. Increase commitment to the restoration and rehabilitation of the Lake'.
con't in link

Letter Response from NDP via email

Thank you for your email regarding the need for increased protection for Lake Simcoe and the quality of life in Simcoe County.
As you may recall, during the 2007 election campaign New Democrats called for the immediate cancellation of the Highway 404 extension to Ravenshoe Road. The Hwy. 404 extension will carve through the Greenbelt and drive development on thousands of acres of farmland in south Simcoe County, increasing environmental pressures on Lake Simcoe as you document.
New Democrats do not want to see southern Simcoe County paved over, and we will ensure the McGuinty government keeps its promise to introduce legislation to protect Lake Simcoe. As you will be aware, the government is presently consulting on a discussion paper “Protecting Lake Simcoe: Creating Ontario’s Strategy for Action.” Upon completion of the consultations, we expect to see legislation quickly introduced into the legislature for debate. Once legislation is introduced, New Democrats will work with yourself and other concerned residents of Simcoe County, and elsewhere, to ensure the legislation properly protects Lake Simcoe, in keeping with the important criteria you outline in your letter.
Thank you for your action on this important environmental issue.
Howard Hampton,
MPP Kenora-Rainy River
Ontario NDP Leader
'Bisphenol A in food and beverage containers is the key cause for concern because peer-reviewed scientific studies show that the chemical can potentially cause a number of adverse health effects – obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, prostate cancer – at surprisingly low levels.
The federal government has said it will ban baby bottles made with bisphenol A, and will list the chemical as ‘toxic’ under Canada’s national pollution law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Canadians have 60 days to send in comments about the government’s plan.' con't in link
Let the government know you support its action on bisphenol A, and want regulations in place quickly to protecting Canadians’ health.
See what stores are removing products immediately from their shelves-see link

OTTAWA, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Canadian officials signed an agreement with the Quebec Cree, ending litigation over implementation of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement.
The agreement with the Cree of Eeyou Istchee, which includes $1.4 billion in compensation, was signed Thursday by federal Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl and Matthew Mukash, Grand Chief of the Quebec Cree. con't in link

Background info:

At Grassy Narrows, peaceful mothers, grandmothers and children have maintained the longest running Indigenous logging blockade in Canadian history.

Rainforest Action Network is now offering a rare chance to hear directly from some of these quietly powerful, inspiring women whose bold actions are blazing a path for all people who believe in a just and sustainable future.

sign the petition for cultural self -determinism


 Save Lincolnville Campaign


February 16 2008 at 10:00am in Lincolnville Guysborough County there will be a community march to bring awareness and protests to this issue, an issue that is being deliberately ignored by city council and provincial government. For more information contact the Lincolnville Community Center

City council minutes:

For an informative read in SHUNPIKING Magazine

RESPONSE would like to include that the dynamic that powers such issues are first and foremost environmental classism....regardless of race this would be happening anywhere the community is predominantly poor. It is a misnomer of anyone supporting this campaign to assume that had this been a white community it would not be happening. Race would be but one tentacle of this class issue. Class/caste is the original hierarchy with age, gender and race being used as 'justifications' for the power imbalances and mistreatment of those not in membership with the prevailing power class.
New Internationalists:
The New Internationalist workers' co-operative (NI) exists to report on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice.

* NI opposes all forms of oppression. It campaigns for social and environmental justice worldwide, acting as a vehicle for unheard voices.

* NI adheres to the core co-operative values of self-help, responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.

* NI exists to inform, educate and communicate its message and ideals in an accessible style through the New Internationalist magazine, books, internet and other media.

* NI provides a forum for fresh ideas and radical perspectives. We regularly form alliances with likeminded groups and individuals.

* NI is a financially independent company. It does not distribute profits to its members. If profits are earned they are retained and used to further the aims as set out in this statement.

* NI maintains a democratic, co-operative and non-hierarchical structure and operates an equal opportunity policy. Equality of worth, equality of opportunity and equality of voice are central tenets of co-operative membership and we aim to maintain a safe, healthy and non-discriminatory work environment.

* NI is independent of any political or religious grouping.

* NI operates ethically with all employees, outside contacts and in the environment.

* NI is committed to high quality in all areas of work.

Deeply honoured that they gave us permission to post their information on our site!

1. Check out the site for endangered species in Canada

Think you are a Canucklehead? test you knowledge of Canada Take a quiz and have fun!!!!!

help protect this natural Canadian habitat and ecosystem that sustains the traditional way of life for the Grassy Narrows First Nations. YOUR signature is desperately needed. Please get involved before they cannot evolve!!!!!!!
Letter to me from Ontario Forestlands
Thank you for your letter regarding Weyerhaeuser's use of wood products sourced from the Whiskey Jack forest in Ontario, Canada. Grassy Narrows is an aboriginal community located on the Whiskey Jack forest in Northwestern Ontario. Weyerhaeuser does not operate in this forest. However, some of the wood supply to our plant in Kenora is sourced through a Memorandum of Agreement with Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.on the Whiskey Jack Forest as directed by the Province of Ontario.The Whiskey Jack Sustainable Forest License is managed by Abitibi. I tis developed and approved under regulation and guidelines of the Province of Ontario, which require extensive public consultation.

The Whiskey Jack Forest and Abitibi's environmental practices are also independently certified by third parties to the ISO 14001 environmental standard and the Canadian Standards Association CZ809 standard for sustainability. The latter also requires broad public consultation.Weyerhaeuser takes its commitment to the environment very seriously and is one of just over 100 firms - 93 in the United States and 18 in Canada- listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability North American Index. In addition, we have obtained independent certification that all of the forests we manage or own in North America meet the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard or the Canadian Standards Association sustainable forest management standard, and all of the Weyerhaeuser primary mills in the United States meet the procurement provisions of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard.

Regarding your concern about forestry practices in Ontario, Weyerhaeuserbelieves issues related to treaty rights or co-management of resourcescan only be addressed at a government-to-government level, between Grassy Narrow's council and the provincial government. We have respectfully presented this position to Ontario's Minister of NaturalResources, and we are supportive of the Minister continuing to work toresolve the matter.
Sincerely,Dan DedoGeneral Manager, Ontario Forestlands


( warning: graphic images enclosed in links )

When the 2006 Canadian seal hunt ended in June, hunters had killed more than 336,000 seals -- almost all of them babies as young as 12 days old. While the tragedy of the 2006 seal hunt can never be undone, our campaign to ensure that this was the last hunt we’ll ever have to witness is quickly gaining momentum.

Today, you can help us end the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. You've already signed our pledge to boycott Canadian seafood (thank you!), but please take just a moment to ask at least five friends to sign today.

Because those who kill baby seals are also Canadian fishermen, the boycott of Canadian seafood is designed to hit the sealers in their pocketbooks. In June and July, the boycott received a major boost when the HSUS placed two full-page ads in The New York Times.

The advertisements listed major restaurants and seafood distributors that have already signed on and called for other establishments to join the Canadian seafood boycott. Close to 500 restaurants have already signed the pledge.The Protect Seals campaign is gaining support every day, but there is still so much work to do. Sealing licenses will be made available to fishermen as early as this February -- we have only a few months to convince the Canadian fishing industry and government that continuing the seal hunt will cost far more than they want to pay.
The Humane Society of the United States is on the front lines every year in Canada, fighting to halt this atrocity.
Together, we can keep the pressure on the Canadian government and on the fishing industry that profits from the slaughter of the seals.Canada is sensitive to world opinion, and its fishing industry is vulnerable to the choice of hundreds of thousands of people to refuse to buy Canadian seafood. Each and every person who signs the pledge will increase the pressure on Canada.

You can also stay in touch with our ongoing efforts to end the seal hunt at http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/seal_hunt/
It's truly painful to think about this awful abuse, but your involvement and action today are critical to ending it.
Thank you for standing with us in our fight to abolish the cruel seal hunt forever.

Sincerely,Wayne PacellePresident & CEOThe Humane Society of the United StatesP.S.

for a first-hand look at the horrific slaughter and the experiences of The HSUS teams on the ice.
Warning: This video contains graphic scenes of animal abuse.

Please sign this petition to save the seals...look at the world contest for protest posters. Canada is passive? We look deservingly bad on the world stage for animal cruelty.



Remember back in the day before money was the root of all evil?
Remember back in the day when 6 chickens was equal to a hog?
Okay maybe you can't remember that far back but you have heard of the bartering system.
As we became more technologically advanced we moved away from the very systems of human engaging and interaction that was responsible for healthier economic systems and communities of mutual respect and reciprocity.

In keeping with environmental and eco-system safety and wellness we strongly support the developing of efficient systems for exchange, where ideas, time, costs and labours with compatible needs and plans can be shared.
Create a barter bin where you can: take 'something' out and put something back. 
Exchanging for efficiency allows for more flexibility in service provision and project completion especially among NPO/volunteers/allies with limited or non-existing budgets and incomes.

Find out WHO in your community can use your 'services' as an individual or organization and work out an exchange for something you need.
...and remember this type of system ONLY works when everyone is being fair and square....
Looking for Weather across Canada or your own Backyard?