Read with care,
Victoria Rees, of NS Barrister Society, once again has gangraped several laws including the regulations codified by the NSBS and did so with deliberation to protect the criminal, corrupt, depraved and pathological lawyers of the province of Nova Scotia. Keep in mind their funding is all private meaning it is not funded or financially supported directly by tax payers and as with the rest of our commissions and supposed watchdogs for professional efficacy, standards and integrity, the NSBS also has acted in a manner that is as depraved and illegal as the actions of the lawyers they protect with impunity when they should be ensuring no harm comes to the NS public via the lawyers their register and govern. NSBS chooses with deliberation to hide, protect and collude with the unforgiveable depravity and criminality of the lawyers in this province.
Victoria Rees, of NS Barrister Society, once again has gangraped several laws including the regulations codified by the NSBS and did so with deliberation to protect the criminal, corrupt, depraved and pathological lawyers of the province of Nova Scotia. Keep in mind their funding is all private meaning it is not funded or financially supported directly by tax payers and as with the rest of our commissions and supposed watchdogs for professional efficacy, standards and integrity, the NSBS also has acted in a manner that is as depraved and illegal as the actions of the lawyers they protect with impunity when they should be ensuring no harm comes to the NS public via the lawyers their register and govern. NSBS chooses with deliberation to hide, protect and collude with the unforgiveable depravity and criminality of the lawyers in this province.
Although NSBS is not tax payer funded, many of their lawyers are in fact in waged positions that are, rendering them publci servants therefore are supposedly accountable to ministers, tax payers, the general public and the laws of this province and nation. Enclosed is a near exhaustive account of the crimes committed against me and my family hidden in large part by the Tory government both provincially and nationally with the loyal assistance of the countless minions in various bureaucracies and departments including their pals at the NSBS.
Note: At the time of this submission to the Nova Scotia Barristers Society (NSBS) they had visited this blog several times before this section was published for you the reader. Please take the time to read the Regulations and Professional Conduct sections of the Society and then see how incestuous crimes were allowed to be perpetrated by lawyers in this province in particular those paid by the public I have marked those lawyers with an XXX beside their name. So while the NSBS will continue to protect these sociopathic corrupt legal scumbags the ministers, tax payers and auditor general should not.
Please note that while the NSBS does not have any jurisdiction over those in judgeships they neglected to provide me with contact info so I could redirect my request for investigations to the 'right' people. Please keep in mind that before they were judges they were lawyers first. Ask yourself how many lawyers were aware of the corruption of other lawyers and judges and said nada?
In the case of Raymond Bartlett, he was notoriously known for years to be a mysogynist hiding behind the Bible and sent children back to abusive endangering homes to favour the patriarch as all mothers and children especially female children, were Jezebels according to him and in need of severe discipline. Not one social worker not one lawyer not one court clerk did a thing, it took until his own wife came forward with abuse stories of her own that he was finally disbarred but hoe much damage did he create in his hate for women?.
The following submission is what happened because no one had a spine or even basic sense of morality or a need to protect vulnerable women and children.... because no one brought Bartlett to task, 4 children were torture while 3 were sexually abused over decades....and I was left to clean up the mess starting in 1992 as you will soon read...Again and as with all posts read with care as the incestuous gang-rapes of humanity cannot be unread, unseen, unwitnessed....the number of public servants who willingly murdered my life and my family's life my life in retaliation and submission into silence which you see didnot work, all to hide the crimes of Raymond Bartlet and the Dartmouth Child Welfare Office namely Alfred Doucet, Ann Bond and the many minions in that office who allowed this all to happen.
I was made a ward in 1981 and had they done their legislative duties anytime in that entire decade I would never have run into one of my siblings in 1992 which became my death sentence as you will soon read. Court documents show that in 1981 I begged to have my brother removed immediately from the Eric and Sonya McIntyre home because they were not safe........
Note: At the time of this submission to the Nova Scotia Barristers Society (NSBS) they had visited this blog several times before this section was published for you the reader. Please take the time to read the Regulations and Professional Conduct sections of the Society and then see how incestuous crimes were allowed to be perpetrated by lawyers in this province in particular those paid by the public I have marked those lawyers with an XXX beside their name. So while the NSBS will continue to protect these sociopathic corrupt legal scumbags the ministers, tax payers and auditor general should not.
Please note that while the NSBS does not have any jurisdiction over those in judgeships they neglected to provide me with contact info so I could redirect my request for investigations to the 'right' people. Please keep in mind that before they were judges they were lawyers first. Ask yourself how many lawyers were aware of the corruption of other lawyers and judges and said nada?
In the case of Raymond Bartlett, he was notoriously known for years to be a mysogynist hiding behind the Bible and sent children back to abusive endangering homes to favour the patriarch as all mothers and children especially female children, were Jezebels according to him and in need of severe discipline. Not one social worker not one lawyer not one court clerk did a thing, it took until his own wife came forward with abuse stories of her own that he was finally disbarred but hoe much damage did he create in his hate for women?.
The following submission is what happened because no one had a spine or even basic sense of morality or a need to protect vulnerable women and children.... because no one brought Bartlett to task, 4 children were torture while 3 were sexually abused over decades....and I was left to clean up the mess starting in 1992 as you will soon read...Again and as with all posts read with care as the incestuous gang-rapes of humanity cannot be unread, unseen, unwitnessed....the number of public servants who willingly murdered my life and my family's life my life in retaliation and submission into silence which you see didnot work, all to hide the crimes of Raymond Bartlet and the Dartmouth Child Welfare Office namely Alfred Doucet, Ann Bond and the many minions in that office who allowed this all to happen.
I was made a ward in 1981 and had they done their legislative duties anytime in that entire decade I would never have run into one of my siblings in 1992 which became my death sentence as you will soon read. Court documents show that in 1981 I begged to have my brother removed immediately from the Eric and Sonya McIntyre home because they were not safe........
As soon as I can scan the Rees-NSBS response it will be posted. She stated in a short and sweet paragraph that there will be no investigation into the named because I didnot provide 'evidence. This from a corrupt employee of NSBS who previously ignored irrefutable independent medical evidence of the suffering, injuries and disabilities that were/are the sole and direct result of the criminality, corruption, pathologies and depravity of the Dark Triad: Deborah Conrad, Susan Potts and Edward Gores lawyer for the province of NS. Rees then accepted fabricated and unsubstantiated information from Conrad and Rees knew that Conrad had lied about her crimes in 1992 as the lawyer for Community Services.
Please note the RCMP in particular Sarah Drummond have been sitting on a video file since March 2007 of child sexual abuse and torture by Sonya and Eric McIntyre and police have yet to start the investigation because it incriminates every single one of these scumlawyers-I Because Drummond works in the same division as Penny Hart who corrupted that Patrick Murphy rape case at the same time as RCMPO were corrupting this sexual abuse case. The behaviour of the police reveals again the incestuous nature of the depravity and organized criminality epidemic throughout our police services and justice department. Please keep in mind the police knew since my 16th birthday that I had been sexually abused and tortured and have yet to do anything. I filed at Ottawa RCMP against this corrupt Drummond who then lied stating she tried to contact me and I didnot get back to her so she dropped the case of child sexual abuse/torture, the crimes against me by Alan Abbass/ Devarjan and Yuzda at the hospital, the violence I suffered from Eric McIntrye again 2004-2009 and the criminality of Susan Potts since 1992 who knew McIntyre had sexually abused/tortured me for 15 years and did nothing except took a fabricated statement from Eric McIntyre to incriminate another child molester instead-all this against my consent which you will soon read.
RCMP and Ottawa refuse to give me a copy of my police video statement although by law iI am entitled to a copy.
Perhaps reader once you have accessed this enclosed document you will come to learn what I have been forced to know with each crime committed by a NS public servants: that we are living in a province where the public servants are allowed to commit crimes against humanity.
The only file 'open' at NSBS at this time is the one against Anne Calder and I will post that information when I get it.
The enclosed was received by Nova Scotia Barristers Society of Nova Scotia, in particular, Victoria Rees.
Nova Scotia Barrister Society (NSBS)
September 10 2010
Grievance against Anne Calder et al
Kristene Handley, Danielle Daigle et al
As per our phone conversation 09/10/10 I will submit this for 09/15 2010. Please note this communication will be submitted for further investigation to other agencies with the hopes of criminal charges being laid not only against the lawyers who raped and murdered my life and my family's life but against NSBS for hiding and protecting these criminals who should have been at least disbarred. As no one minister can be as corrupt of former justice ministers Michael Baker and Murray Scott, I can only hope my family will see some form of justice albeit much too late: justice delayed is justice denied.
As I explained to you I have multiple disabilities -the direct and sole result of depraved and corrupt/unconstitutional crimes committed against me by named lawyers and the parade of scum they brought into my life. The amount of depravity and suffering my family has endured because of lawyers in Nova Scotia is both shocking and unforgivable. Because of the damages to my hands I have difficulty typing and cannot write on the forms NSBS provided so submitting this document as an official grievance for each submission, though most of my previous grievances against lawyers, already submitted with not one held accountable for their crimes, corruption, unconstitutional behaviour, depravity and pathologies that caused me and mine immeasurable harm. This document will be submitted to the new justice minster's office, the minister for Community Services, the premier, the auditor general and any other agency that I deem suitable and relevant for a criminal and civil investigation into the deplorable behaviour of NS lawyers who gang raped my family's rights with impunity to protect and hide their own crimes and that of their colleagues.
When public servants and members of the justice system especially lawyers, who are expected to know and uphold the law, act in such a depraved and deplorable manner none of us are safe from such incivility and degeneration.
As explained in my initial grievance against Calder I no longer have access to the copious amounts of emails because Eastlink told me when I moved I could still access them however I did have all of them when I first brought Calder to NSBS V.Rees's and Legal Aid Commission attention and she could have requested them at that time but she chose not to, NS Legal Aid Commission W Yeardon had examples. Crown's D Smith and R Lacey would have copies of some of those emails as would NS Legal Aid (monies owed for transportation). NS Legal Aid has refused to send me copies of any communications because of their crimes which will be discussed again here. You claim I have not submitted supporting evidence yet my statement is a valid piece of testimony and of course there is the well publicized firing and brief requested by Judge Digby because of the behaviour and obvious lack of preparation by Calder during my trial. Of course like any other rape I cannot provide all evidence of the comments Calder said to me about 'flying by the seat of her pants' and 'winging it' and never responding to calls but the lack of calling in witnesses is trial evidence as supported by the trial tapes. You and I both know that it matters not what I submit as history again has shown that NSBS will protect its lawyers at any cost, to hell with the efficacy and integrity of evidence. After what I endured since 1981 myself by the legal profession then to recently learn about the Andrew Pavey situation and the shameful response from NSBS which insults and sickens those of us who do have DID and work with vulnerable families- I expect nothing that resembles accountability from NSBS, you are merely a process I need to use before these matters are submitted elsewhere though the historical lack of accountability and appropriate responding by NSBS is in itself evidence to how organized and systemic the corruption among lawyers really is in this province and government especially public servant lawyers.
Anne Calder did not wake up one day and decide to be so corrupt and immoral that she sold her soul to a raping pimp, she was engaged in that illegal activity at the same as supposedly representing me a rape victim. Acting in such deplorable and depraved manner is not a transient mindset and had the NBSB been qualified to assess such behaviour which NSBS clearly is not, you would know that it speaks to propensity behaviour or misbehaviour if you will. How did you prove that Pavey was having sex and smoking crack with a client while he repeatedly denied it? Did she have supporting evidence other than her testimony? Do you even know that after he finally admitted some of his behaviour you people let Pavey blame DID for his outrageous pathological misconduct though DID does not actualize in such a manner? Then he went off to BC and committed more acts of misconduct but I suppose his alleged DID forced him to do that as well?
This is in chronological order, not in order of severity. What should also be noted is that not only is each occurrence/incident deplorable and depraved in its own right but that the accumulative effects/affects created further trauma in layers and reveal that this was not accidental and quite erosive over time and explains, to those paying attention, what lawyers are culpable and liable for my injuries, loss of family, health, independence, dignity and income. As a Darwinist it goes against every cell of my being to take the time to once again retraumatize myself drafting this document for an agency who will do nothing but add further injury as history has revealed. It defies the rules of evolution to expend this much time and expose myself to this much harm in an attempt to hold accountable those legal sociopaths who will never be held accountable but alas I have seen so much evil designed by the lawyers in this province that it begs me not to be a silent victim. They have taken everything else that all I have left is my victim voice. The accumulation effects of one corrupt deprave lawyer after another is not an accidental occurrence as the first act of corruption begets a chain of corruption, fruits from the poison tree if you will. But for the depraved and deplorable actions of the first legal scum on the list, Bartlett, the rest would never have been in my life raping and murdering it with each minute and act of corruption. They created more damages than all the raping and whipping and torture I endured as child. Sadly they have more in common with child torturers than their victims, each one of them a version of Raymond Bartlett who has been allowed by many including NSBS to continue to harm vulnerable persons with impunity. I have seen a lot of criminality and depravity in my life but nothing compares to that which was committed against me with design and deliberation by Nova Scotia lawyers( judges) registered with NSBarristersSociety.
The following lawyers have committed so many crimes against me that they have permanently altered my ability to be healthy, to earn an income, to parent-have more children to function with quality of life, what I look like, how I walk. They murdered Gail McIntyre so I had to change my name to Gayle McIntyre and they murdered her too so I had to change it to XXXXXXXX just to have something to hold on to, they left me nothing while harming my only child leaving him an orphan without a functional parent while each of them get to enjoy the very things they took from my family.
You people have hidden every single crime committed against me and mine by lawyers and on occasion did not bother to even respond to my filed grievances that are usually hand delivered. I can assure you this matter will not disappear, in fact it will be as public as possible. Keep in mind Bartlett and those who let him commit hate crimes against me as a young woman brought this parade of those just like him into my private life allowing them to cause far more damage than all the child molestation/ brutality I endured for 15 years. In fact since 1992 I have been severely abused by the named lawyers, some worse than others, and the other scum they brought into my life making their depravity longer lasting, 18 years (1992+), than my child torture (1965-1981) with total of 33 years of violence in my life mostly committed by public servants in departments Justice and Community Services. For any child to be tortured and sexually abused in NS and in particular heavily populated Dartmouth means how many public servants failed to do their job?
It will be inevitable that there will be cross filings in my request for criminal investigations since the corruption in NS among public servants and lawyers is incestuous and well entrenched for some time. We have come full circle and it is a clinical anomaly that I am still alive after the named have endangered my life since 1992 with impunity. Ironically it is my immeasurable disgust for the named lawyers and my need for justice that keeps me alive though just barely.
On May 25 2004 I attempted to take my life because of the immeasurable amount of agony, abuse, malicious persecution, deliberate emboldenment of my violent perpetrators, suffering, injuries, poverty, disabilities and familial harm these lawyers brought into my life. As I lay on my floor in public housing compliments of poverty compliments of disabilities compliments of those named, I realized with me dead these sociopathic scum would have gotten away with crimes against humanity. Or at least my murder, as it is they have forever changed the course and future of my family lineage, they have raped my and my family's evolution. They forced me into guerrilla warfare since 1992 slaughtering all that I worked hard for. Have no doubt several on this list should be incarcerated for several crimes including attempted murder, not one able to use ignorance as a defence for they knew all too well what they organized against me to silence me from publicly outing their crimes and from educating the public about how sociopathic our Justice Department really is, our greatest threat to public safety are these employees in the Justice Department given unmonitored state powers and permission, the lawyers.
Those with asterisks * were already reported to NSBS and nothing was done.
xxxJudge Raymond Bartlett-Dartmouth Family Court/ DCS (1980)
xxx*Deborah Conrad-DCS (1992)
xxx*Susan Potts -DOJ (1992)
xxxDon Presse
xxx*Ed Gores-Victim Services-DOJ
xxx*Michael Baker-several office including minister
xxx*Martin Herschorn Public Prosecution
xxxFrank Hoskins -Public Prosecution
xxxDenise Smith-Public Prosecution
xxxShawna MacDonald-Public Prosecution
xxxChristine Driscoll-Public Prosecution
xxxBob Carroll-Public Prosecution
xxxDonna Frahney/Maria Franks-Dalhousie Legal Aid
xxxKen Greer- NS Legal Aid
xxxChristine Brennen Ombudsmans Office
xxx*Nicole Campbell/Morrison- NS Legal Aid
xxx*Anne Calder -Certificate
xxxWalter Thompson-adjudicator Small Claims
*Kendrick Douglas
*Judith Gass
xxx*Terry Potter-DCS
xxxPeter Nolan-Legal Aid
xxxRon Lacey
xxxLegal Aid Commission Walter Yeardon
xxxNumerous other Public Prosecution lawyer
xxxNumerous RCMP/HRP that acted in concert with the aforementioned who caused suffering
*i. Judge Raymond Bartlett-Dartmouth Family Court/ DCS
iv. The Bartlett Inquiry: Speech beyond the pale
The case of Family Court Judge Raymond Bartlett in Nova Scotia concerned in court speech of such an outrageous nature that the judge was eventually removed from the Bench. The fact that it was not until a woman's group complained that anything was done about Judge Bartlett is an issue in itself, Judge Raymond Bartlett, a self professed born again Christian, used his court as a forum in which to air his views. His lectures were primarily directed at women and related to their proper roles within the family and society. He berated women for not obeying their husbands when some of these women were seeking redress from abusive spouses or other related divorce issues. Judge Bartlett's speech was not hidden nor, presumably, was it condoned by those within the legal community. In fact, Judge Bartlett's reputation preceded him and some lawyers said they had known about his behaviour for as long as 10 years. (78)
In a far more extreme form than the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Inquiry (Marshall Affair), the Bartlett case provides an example of judges using their power to victimize vulnerable people. It must have been very painful for the women appearing before Judge Bartlett to be lectured about the virtue of being obedient to a spouse who has beaten her and her children. Indeed, the cruel irony of the situation was heightened when Judge Bartlett was himself charged with assaulting his spouse. The fact that he was finally removed in early January of 1987 after a formal investigation by the provincial Judicial Council is only a partial victory. It cannot satisfy critics who point out that Judge Bartlett had remained on the Bench for far too long. There is a serious need to make judges accountable for their conduct and speech within the courtroom.
The crimes committed against me by legal persons in NS starts with this mysogynistic scumbag who set into motion the murdering of my family unit starting the parade of pathological legal scum just like him inevitable because of the verbal, emotional and legal abuse I endured from him in his court and the visible allegiance he took with my sociopathic abusers who tortured me and my brothers for years with impunity-Sonya and Eric McIntyre. I hold each court staff and lawyer and Dartmouth Child Welfare office member accountable for they knew how illegal and abusive Bartlett was for years and did nothing, creating a permissive environment that emboldened his hate crimes against women and children- anyone that stated a male in authority was their abuser. Public servants and lawyers allowed Bartlett to abuse those already abused. I can only imagine the number of victims just like me out there in NS that suffer needlessly because we have a spineless immoral justice system that rather hide its sins and abuse the messenger than act legally, with responsibility and accountability. I live in a province where the sociopaths run the asylum.
If in1981 I had been brought in front of a legal, ethical, evolved, intelligent judge in Dartmouth Family Courts I AND my brothers would have been removed immediately from the house of pain. Instead the social workers and everyone else in that room allowed Bartlett to say to me at 15 years old after 15 years of relentless torture including sexual abuse that had I just honoured my father he would not have left those bruises on my face or pulled my hair out or thrown me down stairs- a sports bag of hair was entered into evidence, I saved it each time he pulled my hair or threw me down stairs by my hair. He then went on to say that the province could not support disobedient girls like me and denied my wardship so Neidermeyer stepped in and granted it but you won't read any of that in my legal papers because the social worker Harold Beals et al fabricated notes and lied about what took place though they did include that I requested that my brothers be removed immediately because they were not safe. No one did anything and this gross negligence and raping of the law murdered my life, my son's life and that of my unborn children, all victims of lawyers/judges in NS.
The trauma and damages this judge did to me while I watched everyone else stand around in that courtroom and allowed him to speak to me as if I were garbage let me know that the NS Justice system was as depraved as the scum whose house I was just removed from. I went from one abuser to another as a ward of the court. To watch this the scum who tortured me to watch him get to puff out his chest with judicial permission is an image I will never forgive. I went from one abuser to another, they spoke their own language and emboldened McIntyre so much that he mockingly suggested that Bartlett take all of his children, of which Bartlett replied in a sweeping of his hand- it was not necessary as he knew who the bad seed was. Bartlett gave Eric and Sonya McIntyre and her cousin Dianne Sullivan permission to torture my brothers until 1992 that I put to an end when I found my youngest brother living on the streets prostituting at the age 15 because lawyers and social workers failed to protect my brothers because they failed to report Judge Bartlett. How many lawyers and judges knew what Bartlett was doing and did nothing, they are all guilty of child abuse. Bartlett and these lawyers let the scum torture my brothers for another 11 years with impunity, abuse well known in the community,schools, neighbours and Dartmouth child welfare office.
ii.Deborah Conrad Boyne and Clark/legal to DCS- a danger to all children being abused and in care.
Legal rep for DCS who threatened me that if I did not testify for my siblings in 1992 they would be sent home
tried to bribe me with a reference to law school to testify
forced me to testify against my will on behalf of DCS knowing it was her clients Anne Bond in particular of the Dartmouth office that failed to protect my siblings and they were tortured for 11 more years after my removal in 1981.
lied about the plan to remove youngest 2 children from the home as yet another bribe for my testimony
had the audacity to say my abusers had my best interests in mind yet still waiting for her explanation I requested in writing how torturing me and my siblings was in our best interests? How my being molested for 15 years was in my best interests? How was abusing my mother in our best interests?
lied to the NSBS about her conduct where NSBS protected her and had the audacity to tell me that she only had an onus to not harm her clients, that NSBS had the audacity to forward words from DC stating that she is sorry to hear I am in such state and best wishes (paraphrasing)-the fact that NSBS lacks the ability to comprehend that such was akin to forwarding a box of lollipops on behalf of my child molester revealed a serious lack of intelligence and insight required for professional accountability.
That DC deliberately gave info from my wardship papers to Susan Potts to hide the crimes and gross negligence of her clients who just forgot to do my sexual abuse matters in the 6 years I was a ward of the court but then her clients would have been outed for leaving children in the home for years more of torture due to DCS outrageous incompetence-case work Ann Bond said she thought my brother was just acting up as a spoiled middle class kid whining about chores, he was tortured every day of his life as we all were. DC client Ann Bond never seen a minute of a legal investigation for leaving my siblings in a house to fend for themselves then leaving the mess for me to clean up a decade after I was removed.
DC gave Potts sexual abuse information from my file without my knowledge or consent, abuse that DCS knew about on my 16th birthday and weeks later when police had to remove one of my molesters from MMMall for stalking me.
That this sexual abuse info is now missing from my child welfare file but I seen it in 1992-I applied for my information and I have been told that they have given me all they had, the sheet with the words 'sexual abuse????' was missing from my file and I have no doubt DC removed it to hide the crimes committed by her clients who knew I was sexually abused on my 16th birthday and did nothing and when a decade later I got my brother into court and removed Conrad gave this info to Potts, it must have come up when Conrad perused the DCS files of abuse and she hurried it over to Potts so I would not be able to stop it.
DC did not have my consent to bring any of my child welfare info into the matter of 1992 simply because they failed to do their job in the 6 year of my wardship and were not going to disrupt all the hard work I did, undoing the damages of 15 years of torture and the damages done to me by case workers, group home staff and and Bartlett who made matters worse by doing nothing to my abusers but empowering them.
DC reported one of my brothers to police who molested my other brother as a symptom of his own torture but DC did not have the 2 scum adults who tortured my brother so badly that he became a molester arrested by police-in fact she enabled the return of the youngest female child to be returned to this home of torture and sexual abuse against the experts opinions as well all to protect her clients DCS through my testifying she would make sure they would never be returned. Her having my brother arrested and not her clients and not the 2 adults that tortured him is unforgiveable-my brother was a victim of horrendous torture that I was shocked he lived through- DCS allowed it to happen-DC clients allowed it to happen but only he was arrested and not all the scum who made him a victim for years. Three of us had been sexually abused in the home DC returned a child to and the 2 youngest were sexually abused while in the care and custody of DCS yet no sexual abuse court was started on DC watch-but instead she distracted attention away from the crimes of her clients who continued to fail to protect my siblings and sent my part of my historical sexual abuse matter to Potts info that was never investigated by her clients in the 6 years I was a ward. DC made sure to not send to Potts the sexual abuse done by Eric McIntyre because she just returned the youngest female to him.
That like Potts DC is a pimp-she lives off the pain of others to make cases which is about feeding their pathological egos and not about the due diligence or duty of care to not inflict further harm. They obviously are not about child safety or family well being and integrity.
DC/DCS brought a case against the McIntyre abusers that lasted 2 days in Family Court, she took my life by giving Potts part of my sexual abuse file where I was forced against my will by Potts to be involved in criminal court matter for 5 years and because of the disabilities and injuries they gave me I was forced to fight with Victim Services for 9 more years (1994-2003) because of Ed Gores, a mysogynistic scum-all are responsible for the 3 rapes that occurred and were hidden by crown/police/minister corruption.
That during the 2 days in court DC had the audacity to say to me and my brother that one of the neighbours was more emotional about our abuse than we were under oath- had I not be in so much trauma and I would have punched her in the face for saying such an ignorant thing-this was not a competition on who was showing more pain-- Of course she was too stupid to know what trauma we were forced to be in with her court matters that came to be in 1992 because her clients failed to do their job. The torture only stopped because I stopped it but the damage was already done. During court we had to put whatever mechanisms in place to reduce the pain of telling our pain in public-pain for torture we endured because her clients failed to do their job for many years, failed to protect 4 children them from daily routine torture and trauma, failed to remove them in 1981 when the evidence said to do so.
That when DC was outed to NSBS as a liar and a corrupt scumbag to NSBS weeks later she fell on her car horn and when I seen her she ran across the street into a building-conscience of guilt behaviour for she knows what a depraved and unethical scumbag she is and what her crimes did to me and mine, all to protect her clients who should be in prison.
DC is responsible for my PSTD and DID that was inactive for intuitive reasons the day after I was finally removed from the McIntyre home at 15. She is also responsible for setting into motion the depravity that murdered my life. She is responsible for the other medical issues that came from being forced to talk about the abuse after I had moved on with my life, abuse that her clients allowed to take place. She is as is Potts responsible for several hospitalizations, the direct result of trauma she aggravated, that was further provoked by the crimes Potts committed, who had the same agenda as DC, which created the 3 rapes and subsequent poverty and ongoing police brutality and crown corruption.
It was bad enough that DC clients left me to be tortured until I was 15 years old, the oldest, but after my removal and wardship in 1981 DCS should have been looking after my brothers which they failed to do and led to my involvement in 1992, 11 more years of torture, because her clients, DCS-Ann Bond- could not be bothered doing their jobs and my family (meaning myself my son and my unborn children) paid the price for public servants not doing what tax payers pay them to do and DC needed to hide that truth and all what we endured as soon as possible in whatever way possible. Deborah Conrad signed my death certificate when she made the decision to protect the crimes of DCS and harm my family. Every day she has been allowed to work with vulnerable children is a disgrace, everyday the NSBS protects her since I filed my grievance is a greater disgrace.
Had her clients done what they are tax waged to do in 1981 and every day since I would not have found my bother living on the streets prostituting to eat when he was15, this one single event murdered my life, I worked hard at for my future no thanks to Community Services who spent 0 dollars and 0 minutes on my healing from crimes they hid and continue to hide that were committed by DCS-Ann Bond et al. But for my having to clean up the mess her clients created I would not have been forced to talk about my childhood torture/sexual abuse one time and would never have met the parade of scum she brought into my life.
That since 2007 RCMP have deliberately not conducted a criminal matter into the torture/sexual abuse I endured by Sonya/Eric McIntyre etal because it incriminates per my audio visual the DCS/crown office/Susan Potts/HRP/ministers/Victim Services and crown office and Victim Services and Susan Potts while assisting corrupt Srgt Penny Hart/HRP Integrated Services on the Patrick Murphy rape case all crimes committed against me because of DCS D Conrad and Susan Potts and Ed Gores. This matter has been sent to RCMP Ottawa who like our Commissions protect the scum of their professions That because of the criminality of DSC ,DConrad and Susan Potts, in 2010 I am still cleaning up the mess. This entire matter will be sent to the minister for a thorough investigation into how organized the corruption the on both department still is.
DC put me in a prison far worse than what I endured and survived for 15 years. Every minute since February 1992 has not been my own, every minute of 'work' such as this communication is the direct and sole result of crimes committed by Deborah Conrad and her clients DCS-Ann Bond. Every minute the McIntyres are not in prison for what they did to 4 children is because of Deborah Conrad and her clients DCS and Susan Potts et al.
I was not a DCS client nor a current ward of the court nor a child in need of protection nor child in care and DC had no legal right to bring my private issues to her mess with her clients DCS and she only did to hide the outrageous years of crimes and criminal negligence her clients committed against me and my siblings. DC knew her clients did not do my sexual abuse matters in 1981 because it incriminated DCS for leaving us there since 1975 when the first call came to DCS by a neighbour. WE were tortured for years because of DCS.
DC did knowingly violated the Children and Family Services Act (1990) when she failed to have charged every single person who knew about the torture and did nothing which incriminated her own clients. This included Dr G Roy who had a sheet spanning 10 years of abusive injuries and testimony from a teacher at Brookhouse School that stated under oath that she changed academic marks for the youngest so she would not be abused. Had any one of these immoral scumbags reported the abuse which was also well known by the principal since I attended the school, that any time during that decade between 1981-1992 I would not have found my brother living on the streets which set off the murder of my life every day since then. No charges were laid despite the gang-rape of the Act no doubt because DC knew it severely incriminated her own clients who knew about the abuse since 1981 and had received calls from neighbours. DC knew her clients, DCS, would have been under serious scrutiny had the larger public found out that 4 children suffered daily because of DCS failing to act morally and legally and in the best interests of the children.
Judge Williams who was quite naive and rudely assumed to say that me and my brother were lying about some of the abuse. Factually victims often under-report and mimimalize their torture- especially when routine yet given his ignorance that is unacceptable for a judge as it attacks the victim while empowering the perp- he still said it was the worse child abuse he heard in his 18 years (1992). And not one person charged. DC bribed/threatened me to testify in any way she could because she said she had no case without my testimony about the torture inside the house, in this family. She lied to NSBS about all of this and you let her, NSBS knew she lied because it defies logics that I would assist those/DCS I know to be scum and should be in prison unless I was threatened to do so. DC knew how I felt about her clients and knew I would not help them so she stated she would send both kids back home if they did not have my testimony. Another social worker had to threaten neighbours to testify in family court or they would be charged-another abuse of the Act-they still would not come but sent the now adult children to talk about how well known our torture was. This is in the notes and what a pathological liar DC really is. DCS had to threaten people to talk and DC knew they would not so needed me to talk and when I would not help her clients who are sociopathic lazy corrupt scum, she used whatever tactics she could which harmed me, harm NSBS said she was allowed to do-its in their response to me.
*iii.Susan Potts-Special Prosecutor
That in 1992 SP did contact me because of info wrongfully given to her by DConrad without my knowledge or consent and threatened me that if I did not assist her with the charges against one molester she would charge me as a hostile witness.
That SP never had police conduct a thorough investigation into all my sexual abuse, she and DC kept the criminal matter about the brother in law (BIL) the least of the perps as her galpal DC just sent home a young female child to the McIntyre abusers, only one criminal matter was conducted because SP used one to tell on the other with a fabricated statement to divert attention away form DC clients and case.
That SP received a 72 page statement that DC forced me to do or she would return the 2 kids back to be abused. I gave that to SP to show her why she should not force me into any kind of hearing with Eric McIntyre who was fabricating a statement for SP which she knew. Because of these scum I just had my life disrupted getting two children removed from his home and years of torture and now SP threatened me if I refused to go ahead with a court matter with her as well where she used my greatest perp and torturer and molester to convict another.
SP read the 72 page statement and asked why I was not a dangerous offender. She was told why by me and was told to leave me alone and that she did not have my consent to proceed on this sexual abuse matter that she her self said was not a case without the statement of Eric McIntyre which she knew was fabricated when she submitted to the Supreme Court of NS.I told SP what she was doing will give him the chance to blame someone else for what he did and she ignored this.
SP was told by me that she did not know what she was getting into and if she proceeded to forced me to testify on matters DCS did not do in 1981 or the 6 years I was a ward of the court she would cause immeasurable harm so to leave it be. DCS knew about the sexual abuse and the manifestations of that forced disclosure when I was attacked by the McIntyres while in care, a disclosure that was forced on my 16th birthday thanks to DCS not doing an abuse history to avoid liability and culpability-manifestations that included attempting to burn down the group home, a gang rape by North Preston pimps while in a group homes as were other girls- and a drug overdose, three serious issues that are missing from my Johnson House group home notes and DCS notes which I will also be requesting an investigation on.
SP knew that Eric McIntyre was the primary reason why she asked why I was not a dangerous offender after what I endured but to force me to be part of anything where he got to be blame someone else, a witness for crown when he should have been in prison, when he is the sociopathic scum who tortured me and my brothers. SP knew EM was dangerous perpetrator who just had another child made a ward of the court thanks to me getting involved.
That SP was told by me that she did not have my consent to proceed with charges against anyone as they should have done it when they should have done it when I was 16 not when I was doing quite well in my life at 27 years old.
SP was asked why she was laying charges against one molester and not the other and she did not answer.
SP was asked why she told me she did not have a case without EM testimony but knew his was fabricated.
That SP knowingly filed a false statement from EM with Supreme Court on a partial historical sexual abuse matter that was disclosed to police and DCS on May 25 1981 and weeks after at MicMacMall when police removed the BIL from the mall after stalking me.
SP asked for all my therapists notes of which I said I had none-She was shocked given what she knew about my abuse, she was told I did not need therapy and I never had one disability or a need for therapy until after she murdered my life with her crimes. Potts told me that although I did not need a therapist before that court will create a lot of trauma for me so I should put a therapist in place. Again she was told by me not to proceed especially since already knew I would would be damaged if she proceeded. She knew before she started I had no medical issues. She changed that real fast murdering my life doing far worse damages than both child molesters did.
Because of the torture I endured as a child it took until the birth of my own child March 6 1983 to learn how to celebrate birthdays but that was taken away from by SP who forced me to talk about some of my childhood sexual abuse that was made public on May 25 1981, my supposed sweet 16,when both DCS and police knew about my sexual abuse and weeks later. To this day I cannot celebrate birthdays because the damages done to me by DCS/ DC/ SP.
When the SP- Regan scandal broke public it did not shock me for I already knew what a corrupt and sociopathic scumbag she was and what she was capable of doing to win a case,to hell with the immeasurable damages she created and crimes she commits to win.
That lawyers DConrad and SPotts made my son an orphan and me a victim when they pretended to be about justice and the protection for children
That the murdering of my life and the creation of immeasurable trauma was so important to SP that the matter she fabricated was shelved from 1992 -1995, after forcing me to be involved in her crimes, after causing me immeasurable harm, after forcing me to shift from an adversary of one of my abusers to a legal same -side with one of my abusers/molesters, after rendering me unable to leave my home and the creation of several medical issues that I will have for the rest of my life all committed by crimes done by DC/DCS and SP, I guess someone found her folder after she was involved in the Regan scandal. For 3 years no one contacted me about this matter SP invented for Supreme court. She had it in 06/1992 it went to court 12/95
That SP and her criminality are responsible for my permanent disabilities and brought a parade of sociopathic scum into my life who committed more crimes that were hidden, all fruits from the poisonous tree. Every racial hate crime every act of police brutality, every act of degradation by DCS, every day in public housing, every day in poverty and every day with disabilities every day my son was in emotional pain for losing his mother to trauma is because of SP and DC who are cut from the same depraved cloth of corruption and pathology.
During the last weened of Feb March in 1997 I was raped by David Swim-the exact trauma anniversary from sentencing on the matter Potts fabricated to Supreme Court. In April 1998 I was raped by Patrick Murphy, in August 1998 I was raped by Dale Wright. All three occasions were the only evenings that I left my home in trauma, two evenings I was coaxed into leaving my home by the same male thinking he was a friend, a male police refuse to question. HRP were approached in September 1998 to have the first and last one investigated as they were open and shut cases of rape. The middle one, Murphy rape, needed its own attention because he had already attempted to sexually assault me in the Liberal office 1.5 years earlier-also hidden by HRP-Hart/Beazley/Kelly. After being severely abused by mysogynistic officer William Morris now sergeant, his sergeant Halliday told me on 02/01/99 that Susan Potts told him that crown was not going to proceed with sexual assault charges (Swim, Wright)and that she said police were not to get my medical files from the Abby Lane where I was for a month after being raped by Swim, in severe trauma and DID and with gynie exam where I needed medication after the rape. I asked this Srgt to be sure of what she said and he confirmed it was Potts who told him not to get my medial records which this Sergeant ought to have known was very illegal. Potts knew that these 3 back to back rapes in 1.5 years were/are the sole and direct result of her crimes and that of DConrad. By keeping these rape matters from due process and the court record Potts silenced the incriminating evidence against her, she kept this from public record as any intelligent defence lawyers would ask me why I did not defend myself and I would have said because DC and SP and EG created such damage and created immeasurable states of PTSD and DID and other medical issues, Potts knew she was the reason why I was so damaged, she knew she disabled me from defending myself, she knew she created the rapes and further injury to me, she knew that her pals in the crown's office protected her from criminal charges on the Regan matter but that she could not be protected on my matter which would out Potts and her propensity for criminality and corruption. I would not protect her and she knew that because she knew how much I was adamantly against her filing with Supreme Court because it was my private historical matter that should have been judicially processed in 1981, she would finally be outed as the sociopathic scumbag she truly is. Because Potts raped the peacefulness and harmony of my family home and forced me out of the safety and sanctity of my home and into a clinical drinking phase to deal with the trauma she murdered me with she placed me in harm's way and in the proximity of seasoned predators David Swim and Patrick Murphy, 2 strangers to me-the information is detailed in both police statements. Two rapes placed me in the company of Dale Wright who was a former friend which ended because he sexually aggressed me 10 years before he raped me in August 1998-he was only in my life weeks before the rape, he was only in my life because he represented a time when my life was my life before it was raped and murdered by D Conrad and S Potts.
Potts was subpoenaed by me to attend the NSPC case against officers Morris/Halliday for their myosgyny and corruption on the Swim/Wright rape cases where they never did start a Wright case. Potts had Gores send copious amounts of garbage which I never read to excuse her from the hearing. This was when I realized that the DoJ would go to any lengths to avoid being publicly outed for being a sociopathic corrupt scumbag who should be in prison. Morris told me rudely that he did not believe I was raped, he tried to argue with me about the rape but clearly he was trying to get the rapes gone as fast as possible off his desk. Morris later denied under oath that he said any such words but refused to take lie test. I knew Potts controlled the adult rape matters so had her subpoenaed to the NSPC hearing to confirm their chat about making sure to do whatever to make the rapes cases disappear. Morris never got my medical records and refused to charge Swim with stalking that Halliday confirmed at my work place. No charges were ever laid on anything despite the evidence. Potts would have been privy to the chats she had with Morris and would have incriminating info against herself and police about their corruption on these adults rapes including the deliberately refusal to get the medical/gynie records from my first hospitalization from the first rape for 1month. This is when I knew Gores knew that he had to get my Victim Services matter closed at any cost which is why he abused me into trauma states for 9 years that I never recovered from, all to protect Susan Potts/DoJ/DCS and what she did and the fall out from both of their crimes they are both responsible for the adult rapes. Gores and Potts are a disgrace to anything judicial and the fact they have never spent a day in prison is appalling but that would be compliments of Michael Baker and his minions in the crown/police agencies..This entire matter including the NSPC audio tapes were given to Liberal-Michel Sampson in 2003-4 who did nothing-when I asked for my tapes back when they ignored my many communications for an investigation, I paid for those tapes but never got them back no one from the Lib office got involved in the DCS or DOJ corruption. I never even got the tapes back.
Ethical people make a point to be transparent and visible, conversely unethical people do not.
Because of these two pathological lawyers the unprecedented amount of police/crown corruption/obstruction of justice/brutality/persecution (all filed with Ombudmans Office, NS Police Commission, Mayors Office,Human Rights Commission, 2 Tory ministers Baker/Scott) lead to my attempt take my life on May 25 2004 and it has played role in the ongoing HRP and RCMP corruption and brutality on same matters including the Sonya/Eric McIntyre torture- sexual abuse and which is on the same 2007 police tapes as the Potts crimes and the crimes committed against me in the Abbey Lane that caused brain and organ damages- hospitalizations with fabricated illnesses so they could use me for drug testing without my consent- after all wards of the court are 'throw away' people. All the medicinal damages that led to surgery and a life sentence of poverty and pain-all the direct result of Conrad and Potts and the scum they brought in my life namely police and rapists and Irvine Carvery. I went from having $8000.00 in the bank for a house and Unlimited Gold VISA to poverty/bankruptcy/ public housing and multiple disabilities all hidden by management and ministers. The police brutality, corruption and gang rape of the alI I have endured which was/is well hidden by the NSPC/Beazley/Sykes/Kelly/Baker/SCott and RCMP/Hubley/Ottawa headquarters has continued to protect the original crimes by crown, DC and DCS, have no doubt there are several public servants that should be in prison now namely from the DCS and DOJ. instead they put me and my son in prison for their crimes.
When I was removed from the McIntyre Home and made a ward of the court I never wanted or needed to see the McIntyres ever again. They were a cancer best left to implode but thanks to Conrad and Potts crimes they forced me to attach that cancer back onto my body and it did not take long before the cancer rapidly spread to all aspects of my life, damage Potts predicated anyway. IN 1981 DCS refused to let me see my siblings unless I met with Eric McIntyre in therapy- this is still in the notes- which I refused. DCS made sure I never seen my siblings ever again and did not until I ran into one living on the streets in 1992 then I had to clean up the DCS mess almost a decade later after I had been removed. Because I was a ward of the court I had no one for support to assist me in dealing with all the new damages and disabilities these criminals gave me, they left my son motherless, parentless, I was unable to ever have children again.
iv.Don Presse
Was given the fabricated sexual abuse case filed by Potts at Supreme Court in 1995 and when asked why he was not charging Eric McIntyre for 15 years of molestation-why he was not charging EM who committed far worse crimes-Presse stated he was given the case from Susan Potts as it was. At no time did he proceed or initiate any other police investigation into the historic sexual abuse by Eric McIntyre that was allowed by his wife who was not my mother Sonya McIntyre.
Although SP promised me 12 years for this BIL molester as a bribe to cooperate, Press got the molester 6 months on weekends. I am told he did less for molesting me for 5 years.
The jury was not impressed with EM once I shared that EM was more guilty which was also in my impact statement with such things as referring to me as fucking cunt on a regular basis. SP should have predicted that I would not support her crimes nor did she care-I had served my immediate purpose until the Regan case came along and sold more papers. And fed her ego better.
That because of SP and DP I was expose to yet another mysogynist judge Guchi who dismissed the damages done to me by the BIL by stating that he believed that EM did as much or more damage and he reduced the sentence because of it but did not get police to investigate a case against EM at that time. The judge wished the sexual abuser much luck but never said any words to me the childhood sexual abused victim of 5 years in racial retaliation to Eric McIntyre marrying his non-white sister.
The damage crown did to me, damages the judge did to me by mocking what I endured, mocking my victim impact statement to justify a lesser sentence, showing my abuser much respect in front of me, I told Presse they should have just lined up and ejaculated in my face to save tax payers money and reduced a lot of my trauma.
Sentencing was held the first week in March 1996, I would be raped exactly 1 year later by a stranger David Swim. DCS and police knew of my child sexual abuse May 25 1981, DConrad gave it to SPotts Spring 1992, it went to court December 1995.
v.Ed Gores-Victim Services-DOJ
Joanne Marriott Thorne, ED for Victim Services, and Gores are a tag-team worse than any perpetrator that I know, her and her lawyers- the damages they do to victims is unforgiveable. *Mike Pugsley the first lawyer told my doctor to go fuck himself when he requested his per diem for testifying at NSURB in 1997.
Ed Gores was assigned my case in 1997 though my file was opened in 1994 after I left a message for Potts to tell her about all the damages she did to my life, she referred me to a Victim Services who forced me to talk about being molested as a child for each medical/wellness receipt they denied which was all of them. It was clear that Victim Services had nothing to do with services for victims and everything to do with the pathological needs of JMT and the mysogynistic hate of Ed Gores.
Keep in mind I had no medical issues until DC and SP gave them to me so to have VS have the audacity to reject every single substantiated medical needs I submitted with a receipt already paid out by me from my house and student savings. Every one of my medical receipts were the direct result of the new medical issues that DC and SP gave me when they forced me under hostile and criminal conditions that empowered my perpetrators and molesters to disclose matters that were already processed as DCS left me to do this on my own since the age of 15 because they could not be bothered doing their jobs. When they failed to do the sexual abuse court matters in 1981 they sent a dangerous message to me the tortured victim that all that I endured from 4 adults was acceptable by DCS and the police. So for DCS/DC to pretend to be about my safety and crimes committed against me a decade later caused irreparable damages which would not have occurred had they dealt with the issues when they were legally required to do in 1981. Some medical documents which NSBS already received states that the forced disclosures by the court matters without my consent or want caused several medical conditions-ones the NSBS gave a free pass to DC for since as they said-she did not have a duty of care to me which was obvious-her and her clients DCS committed the crimes and committed the damages of course they would not be harmed. You cannot be both the perpetrator of harm and the victim of harm. The medical notes and damages/injuries/disabilities show that DC and SP created through their crimes: fibro myalgia, environmental illness, chronic fatigue, chronic panic attacks, general anxiety disorder, PTSD, DID and agoraphobia.
That Gores deliberately raped my rights and the VSACT which was not lost on NSURB adjudicator Richard Weldon who in July 1997 ruled in my favour to have my monies reimbursed in full and ordered VS to pay for any futuristic related medical costs as per the VSACT. Gores waited til Weldon retired and made sure to have my matters delayed as much as possible and on one occasion Gored lied to the courts about having medical evaluations delayed for 2 years and blamed it on the Clinic which I proved with a receipt that Gores had lied, he never contacted the clinic after Cochrane violated Weldon's order and granted Gores another delay for an Independent Evaluations. Weldon told Gores that VS had enough time since 1994 to challenge my copious medical evidence and told Gores he knew that they were only using them as unnecessary delays.
Gored made sure that I had to go through as much trauma as possible and one occasion he brought in a male assistant that was the same ethnicity as the child molester we were still talking about. I formally asked for this extra male to be removed from the hearing as his was not relevant, the adjudicator refused to have him leave after Gores threw a hissy fit. I have no recollection of this meeting because Gores successfully provoked my PTSD and DID with his mysogyny and criminal behaviour.
Gores on one occasion did, after rendering my family poor, homeless and separated, try to use that information to say that I was violating Weldon's order the same one he was gang-raping. Gores created the deplorable trauma and financial depravity my family was in then used it to try to keep more medical reimbursements from me. Gores knew Potts and Conrad created this mess and he used draconian tactic of exhausting me while I was already severely traumatized and injuring me more to keep me from filing in Victim Services for medical costs.
On one occasion while I was in the AL in 1997 because of the trauma and injuries and Swim rape-Gores called for a hearing to deny me reimbursement again and because I was in the AL for trauma and rape I had to have a nurse accompany me to this hearing where Gores knew I was severely damaged-I have no recollection of this hearing because Gores was successful at making sure I was that injured that I could not function.
Potts was subpoenaed by me to attend the NSPC case against officers Morris/Halliday for their myosgyny and corruption on the Swim/Wright rape cases where they never did start a Wright case. Potts had Gores send copious amounts of garbage which I never read to excuse her from the hearing. This was when I realized that the DoJ would go to any lengths to avoid being publicly outed for being a sociopathic corrupt scumbag who should be in prison. Morris told me rudely that he did not believe I was raped, he tried to argue with me about the rape but clearly he was trying to get the rapes gone as fast as possible off his desk. Morris later denied under oath that he said any such words but refused to take lie test. I knew Potts controlled the adult rape matters so had her subpoenaed to the NSPC hearing to confirm their chat about making sure to do whatever to make the rapes cases disappear. Morris never got my medical records and refused to charge Swim with stalking that Halliday confirmed at my work place. No charges were ever laid on anything despite the evidence. Potts would have been privy to the chats she had with Morris and would have incriminating info against her and police about their corruption on these adults rapes including the deliberately refusal to get the medical/gynie records from my first hospitalization from the first rape for 1month. This is when I knew Gores knew that he had to get my Victim Services matter closed at any cost which is why he abused me into trauma state that I never recovered from, all to protect Susan Potts/DoJ/DCS and what she did and the fall out from both of their crimes they are both responsible for the adult rapes. Gores and Potts are a disgrace to anything judicial and the fact they have never spent a day in prison is appalling but that would be compliments of Michael Baker.
Ethical people make a point to be transparent and visible, conversely unethical people do not.
Gores knew he played huge role in my trauma and hospitalization and then 1997 rape.
Gores knew I had no medical issues before Conrad and Potts and used this to 'justify' his denying my medical reimbursements. Gores repeatedly and legally argued:
(1) that the McIntyres did far more damage to me so I could not quantify what the BIL child molester did therefore no money should be given to me on the latter matter;
(2) that the VSAct was medical monies that were the direct and sole result of crimes which Gores said was not the fact in my case- Gores said that because there was no medical documentation or medical issue prior to court matters started by DCS/Conrad and Potts ergo no direct injuries from any crimes as my injuries as supported by all my medical info was the direct result of court matters-Gores said that the VSAct did not reimburse for injuries that are the direct result of the court matters themselves. Weldon and three Court of Appeals judges adamantly disagreed. (January2003).
Both of Gores' Independent Evaluators supported my medical information and the 3 judges ruled unanimously in my favour and awarded me the remaining amount of my legal entitled that Gores and JMTHorne deliberately withheld , $24,000. Had Gores and JMT given my due in 1994 I would not have been raped, brutalized by police and crown, impoverished-bankrupted, homeless, separated from my son on several occasions during his developmental-vulnerable ages where we both had to couch surf, incapable of having any more children, and would have greatly reduced the trauma, injuries, duration of disabilities created by Potts and Conrad created through their crimes because I would have had funds for my many medical needs instead of having to deplete my house savings and well earned credit, the damage they did to my own sexual developmental healing that was so impaired from the torture I endured as a child that it took until my mid- twenties to start healing that last aspect of my feminine being, a journey that these three and the three rapists they brought into my life, murdered. Had I had money for my medical bills I would have received the care as I needed it without further loss to my life before the vampires took it. I would have been able to recover, eventually, something that will never happen now because of the atrocities committed against me by NS public servants. Because of my medical bills the 24,000 was spent in 1.5 years. When I left the AL the second time in 1999 I have been unable to look in mirrors because there is no Gail McIntyre and I refuse to accept what is left as an unreasonable facsimile. I am the personification of every mysogynistic crime committed against me starting with the McIntyres, Bartlett, Bond, Conrad,Potts Gores, police, crown, Victim Services, hospitalizations etc.... and every other person who did not report the child abuse from 1981-1992.
Crimes committed by public servants are committing crimes that are government funded and this is an act of fraud as well as abuse of position and authority.
That Gores in his pathological need to abuse and injure me, forced me to have to talk about being molested as a child repeatedly for monies that were legislatively mine and court ordered to be mine-Gores took full advantage of my not having a lawyer and of my being severely damaged, that he manipulated the laws around me causing me immeasurable hardships and suffering for the sole purpose to frustrate me and abuse me into submission but sadly Gores underestimated my disgust and loathing for sociopathic mysogynistic scum like he and Conrad and Potts.
For 9 years Gores made me beg for money while he had me closer to death than life-the damage to my son who was orphaned by Conrad/Potts and Gores is still suffering as his life was seriously derailed with being motherless and homeless. He continues to deal with anger issues as his life was disrupted with such violence-when the bread winner-primary caretaker is injured the entire family is harmed, when she is raped the family is raped. I often sat on the floor crying, begging to a god I do not believe in to take my life because of Conrad/Potts and Gores.
That three NS Court of Appeals judges told VS and Ed Gores that they acted dangerously and invented their own law as they went along to my detriment. Nothing was done to either Joanne Marriott Thorne of VS or Ed Gores for their crimes against humanity.
After the crimes against me by crown VS, police and rapist and doctors I was no longer alive, as my son says-my mom went in and never came back out. Potts and Conrad and Gores murdered all that was Gail McIntyre. The child abusers and rapists/molesters and depraved lawyers/public servants are all doing great!
Because they took my money earmarked to purchase my family home, because the gave me multi-- disabilities so that I can never work again ( I was working at Dept of Health and have 3 university degrees), because they put me in poverty which in turn puts me in the company of slumlandlords including Carvery-public housing where I am exposed to more corrupt and incompetent/unqualified public servants all which is the collateral damages done by Gores, Potts and Conrad which cannot be calculated but my son and I endure their crimes every day, while they do not. As I said to the 3 Appellant judges I will never forgive Gores- Thorne for they forced me and my son to endure that which they lack the backbone to endure themselves, that I was the child rape victim not the rapist but you would never know that by how they treated me.
I have lost count of the number of DCS appeals as a disabled person l have had to file and prepare for begging for funding for medical needs for injuries given to me by Gores, Potts and Conrad- and the parade of scum they brought into my life: government creating business for government.
(What I am interjecting at this point for this blog is the corrupt role media and in this case ,The Chronicle Herald-Michael Lightstone, plays in publishing misinformation and disinformation to the unanssuming public. It was not until this matter then the Patrick Murphy matter that I learned that reporters do not often attend court matters but do the lazy deceptive thing of going to the court records in the administration clerks offices and take their information from there. This means the public is not getting the actual and factual information from first account from a reporter.
In this Gores case the reporter published fabricated information stating in his article where my name was banned, that I had already received $12,000 of the Victim Services money which was a lie. Such lies spat in the face of the suffering my son and I forced to endure. Victim Services gave us no such money which is why my son had to live elsewhere because I could not feed me and my son and could not afford to feed myself because of the outrageous medical bills and evunally had to cliam bankrupstcy in 1999-2000 which e becasu I coudl nto work and soent all my home svainsg so lost my down pyamenst on ahome, I had an R1 credit rating since I was 17 years old and an unlimited GOLD Card but I could not afford the payments anymore because of the crimes done to me by these lawyers.
Because Chronicle Herald lied to the public the public was not made aware of the deplorable facts which you have just read above. What should be intuitively obvious is had I had that supposed money my son and I would not have endured what we did but then again but for the fact of scum like Ed Gores, Susan Potts, Deborah Conrad, Alfred Doucet and Ann Bond I would never would have known any one of these sociopaths and corrupt pieces of shit, I would not have known rapist/stalker David Swim or rapist Patrick Murphy. ..
(What I am interjecting at this point for this blog is the corrupt role media and in this case ,The Chronicle Herald-Michael Lightstone, plays in publishing misinformation and disinformation to the unanssuming public. It was not until this matter then the Patrick Murphy matter that I learned that reporters do not often attend court matters but do the lazy deceptive thing of going to the court records in the administration clerks offices and take their information from there. This means the public is not getting the actual and factual information from first account from a reporter.
In this Gores case the reporter published fabricated information stating in his article where my name was banned, that I had already received $12,000 of the Victim Services money which was a lie. Such lies spat in the face of the suffering my son and I forced to endure. Victim Services gave us no such money which is why my son had to live elsewhere because I could not feed me and my son and could not afford to feed myself because of the outrageous medical bills and evunally had to cliam bankrupstcy in 1999-2000 which e becasu I coudl nto work and soent all my home svainsg so lost my down pyamenst on ahome, I had an R1 credit rating since I was 17 years old and an unlimited GOLD Card but I could not afford the payments anymore because of the crimes done to me by these lawyers.
Because Chronicle Herald lied to the public the public was not made aware of the deplorable facts which you have just read above. What should be intuitively obvious is had I had that supposed money my son and I would not have endured what we did but then again but for the fact of scum like Ed Gores, Susan Potts, Deborah Conrad, Alfred Doucet and Ann Bond I would never would have known any one of these sociopaths and corrupt pieces of shit, I would not have known rapist/stalker David Swim or rapist Patrick Murphy. ..
Worse is the truth: that Ed Gores attorney for the province of Nova Scotia deliberately and with malice kept that money I was already court ordered to have in 1997, he kept it from me and made me beg for every penny in his mysogynistic effort to exhaust me and injure me which he succeeded at, he underestimated my loathing for depraved scum like him which gave me the necessary tools to fight with him despite the immeasurable damages he did to me for 9 years. Finally 3 judges finally got to see him for the scum he is but fell short of not having him investigated for the crimes he did in his open gang-rape of the Victim Services Act while causing me immeasurable harm and disabilities, causing me and my son more harm that the child rapist that led to the Victim Services application in 1994.
The childhood rapist got 6 months on weekend and my family got life. The media did not tell you that for 9 years I was in and out of brutal hearings for medical moneys for crimes they did, yet the child rapist didnot have to say one word that entire time not even during his trial filed against my will and knowledge in 1992 and not heard in Supreme Court until 1995 and sentencing 1996.)
v.Michael Baker- Murray Scott
That Baker was approached by me on phone in 1994 when I realized that Potts was related to my suffering and that no one had contacted me for criminal court despite Potts fighting with me to go. Baker was told Potts asked me why I was not a dangerous offender then took a statement from my worse perp and fabricated a case to Supreme Court without my consent provoking the very trauma that should have rendered me a dangerous offender, that Potts had a blatant and flagrant disregard for my family's well being and safety. Baker told me to put it in writing which I could not because of my trauma and inability to function or leave my home safely. I told him if I tried to do it, it could be dangerous. I asked him to get a stenographer which he refused.
In 1997 after I was hospitalized for month on the David Swim rape matter I contacted Baker Sept or October for a thorough investigation into Conrad-DCS, Potts and Gores-Victim services and he said until I put it in writing he would not address it and again I told I could not because of the level of trauma they had me in, that I had just been in hospital for 1 month with severe PTSD/ DID which led to a supposed DID specialist who later lied to police about seeing me for sexual abuse, DID and what Potts/VS did to me though it is in his notes and our video tapes. I explained to Baker that if I attempted to put it on paper it will cause further damages just like being forced to go to court. (In early 02/ 1992 I had zero documents, by 2007 I have over 1000 mostly on corruption and requests for investigations to no avail-all unwaged work created by Conrad/DCS, Potts and Gores and those who failed to report child abuse-the costs for all this copying etc never reimbursed to me). I requested that due to my disabilities that Baker request a stenographer to take my grievance which he again refused. I was barely able to get my papers filed for Victim Services each time they denied my claims for medical reimbursement. I was unable to parent or function yet Baker wanted me to do all the formal documents about corruption and trauma that his office created and should have cleaned up.
That in 2004 after Human Rights Commission refused to investigate Irvine Carvery for organizing and promoting racial hate crimes against my family since 2001 through his minions as they committed years of daily crimes against humanity which was told to Peter Kelly, Chief of police, Ombudsman Office and Housing Minister David Morse and no investigation was conducted because it was Carvery one of the most dangerous public servants in our province who also contributed to the taking of my life in May 2004. I requested that Mayann Francis be investigated for failing to investigate her staff for racism against a white woman for overt prejudicial/unprofessional behaviour and for failing to investigate her staff for illegally changing the name on my official file at HRC from reading Irvine Carvery to MRHA without my consent and prior knowledge and for calling me a racist, for telling me to go to NSPC with my police brutality but refused to answer why they did KJohnsons police matter, they claim they looked at my police info and found no issues which is an outrageous lie because I was already told they will not look at my police issues though they are tied to the Carvery hate crimes. When I asked them to show me the police info they say they looked at they refused to talk to me anymore-it is in the notes. Baker refused to investigate Mayann Francis, Vikki Samuels, James Dewar, Lynn Hartley and Mike Noonan who gang-raped the HRC mandate and laws. Baker did nothing. Keep in mind I only knew these scum because of Potts, Conrad and Bond and Gores.
Baker was also asked to refund my 100.00 at NS Court because the Tenancy Board forgot to tell me persons living in poverty could waive filing fees and Baker sent a letter saying Municipal Services received my request and that was in 2000.
That Baker received a request to investigate the crown's office because Martin Herschorn refused to investigate the systemic and deliberately organized corruption committed by Frank Hoskins, Denise Smith, C Driscoll, SMacDonald and S Potts, all in my life because of 3 rapes because of Potts. MH refused to investigate the numerous other crown who were allowed to botch any case that had mine or my son's name on it because each crime against my family in public housing ( etc) was the direct result of Conrad, Potts and Gores criminality. Baker did nothing.
Baker had his office send me a fabricated letter that my matters had been dealt with in court and there was nothing he could do. When I called his office as they sent me this letter in error as I had 'won' my 2003 Appeals against VS, he clearly had me confused for someone else and I had requested several investigations into various departments that he was overseeing as minister: probation services, crowns, police Victim Services and HRC. When I called to tell his receptionist that the letter had been mailed to me in error she yelled at me telling me it was the right letter and hung up. I realized he sent a copy of this lie to premier Hamm as I asked Hamm to investigate Baker's years of corruption, they fabricated this disgruntled letter to make it look like I was upset over recent matter though the only one was the NS Court of Appeal in my favour so where is the reason to be disgruntled over a court decision? Hamm did nothing. Baker did nothing- he knew what he was hiding. That I sent a letter to Hamm about Baker refusing to do investigations. I then sent a letter to Vic Towes, Stockwell Day and Rob Nicholson to investigate the very corrupt justice system in NS ran by M Baker-Tory and they stated that it was out of their jurisdiction but I stated that the gang rape of my chartered rights since 1992 was/is a federal matter and they refused to reply. I already filed everything with LIBS (McKinnon, Samson, Calwell) and NDP (MacDonald and Deveau) for assistance and they could not be bothered.
Baker's lack of proper judicial and ministerial attention gave my perpetrators, crown and police consent to abuse me which they did and I attempted to take my life in May 2004 because of this perverted amount of depravity in the justice department.
The corruption torch was carried over to Scott who received the same requests to investigate and then some: NS Police Commission Nadine Cooper Mont, Frank Beazley, Peter Kelly-2005city council, Stephen Sykes, Kennedy and crown office (Herschorn, Hoskins, Smith, Driscoll, Macdonald, Potts) Victim Services Ed Gores JMThorne- probation services Jim Macdonald and 6 probation officers for disobeying 3 court orders to get my son help for damages Potts, Conrad and Gores did to him by harming me his only caregiver. Also RCMP and FED Nicholson, Day and Towes were asked to investigate Baker and Scott to no avail. RCMP Ferguson has webposts that incriminate Scott and others in crown and police for publicly saying I belong in a mental ward and that they did not believe Murphy is a rapist yet Murphy continues to refuse to take a lie test and police refuse to give me one. RCMP Ferguson failed to investigate although he knew I officially needed the webposts investigated for my official trial with Judge Digby once Anne Calder was fired for outrageous behaviour. All this because of Bond/ Conrad, Potts and Gores.
Baker gave Scott permission to keep acting in a depraved and unethical manner as he and his posse gang-raped my rights and every law applicable while taking visible allegiance with the sociopathic scum in our province namely public servants in the justice department but of course corrupt people surround themselves with others who are corrupt. Both should be in prison as both are capable of murdering families to protect their own self interests and the fact that Baker died before he did any prison time is an injustice that will never be reconciled. To think my family was gang-raped and murdered because of sociopathic scum like these two is a depravity that will not go unpunished.
vi Public Prosecution-Martin Herschcorn, Frank Hoskins, Denise Smith, Shawna MacDonald, Christine Driscoll,Bob Carroll
That Conrad, Gores, Potts set into motion a parade of sociopathic and corrupt scum just like themselves, but for the fact of their crimes the aforementioned would never have been in my life emboldening other scum who committed violent acts against myself and my son. A task force would have to be sent up to review every single matter both at NSPoliceCommission and the crowns office to show propensity for crown/police deliberately not laying charges on violent crimes against my family including attempted murder, deliberately botching trials by inventing witnesses or not bringing in relevant pieces of evidence to court such as video tapes and first hand account witnesses or fabricating charges as they did against me on the Swim matter where they wrongfully incarcerated me twice while they took visible allegiance with this rapist who also stalked me to the point I had to quit a new job-even when this rapist and his brother were caught lying under oath crown dropped all charges against me but did not lay charges against Swim and his brother after having me on fabricated undertakings for 3 years for a rapist who should have been in prison but Potts told police not to get my medical reports on this rape. The fact that the NS crown office is so willing to engage in corrupt and depraved acts that rape the laws in this nation is clinically disturbing, one need not look any further than this crown office and its pathological relationship with the last 2ministers and police chief and his minions to see why this city is so unsafe and violent. Crown and police sent a strong message especially while my family were in poverty- public housing that any one could do what they wanted to me and my son and get away with it, especially other police namely Beazley and Sykes, abuse that carried over to the RCMP Cole Harbour office, a very dangerous office out of control for violence against women which is also well documented and hidden by RCMP Carl Hubley and Ottawa.
Hoskins, Smith were requested to investigate the crimes of Potts in both my historical sexual abuse matter and the telling of police to not get my medical report about the 1997 Swim rape. These crimes led to crimes committed by Driscoll and MacDonald who in turn stated that I was not credible because I had been raped more than once and reacted the same way each rape-dissociation. Calder was given this letter which is missing as NSBS already knows and crown office refuses to send me another copy of this letter. No doubt because it is so incriminating. I was not to get the letter in the first place, it was interoffice to police and came into my possession. These 3 adult rapes were beget out of what Potts did to me who had no issue with my credibility at all then when the manifestations of Potts crimes started coming through the crown door by way of adult rapes all of a sudden I was no longer credible? I sent crown information about how those of us with active DID will respond to similar situations/triggers in the same way-that my DID is the sole result of being forced to talk about childhood sexual abuse from 1992+ and that the three rapes fit into that category of DID because I only dissociate when I am being sexually abused ergo if I dissociated/ acted the same in all 3 rapes as crown offers then I was reacting the same in each rape claim it was because I was being sexually abused. I knew crown already knew this information but instead chose to illegally protect their galpal that used the draconian tactic of blaming the victim to hide the crimes committed by Potts. I have no doubt that crown made a pact to protect Potts/Justice dept at any cost which meant the slaughter of my family.
It is evident in the recent (2004+) Murphy rape case /corruption I was forced to commit a crime against this sociopathic rapist and the crown/police/mayor/city council that protected him because his rape of April 1998 incriminates Susan Potts and Ed Gores. I will be submitting this entire rape/corruption matter to be investigated in the near future as separate matter of corruption by the named. Conrad, Gores, Potts set into motion the slaughter of my family with one violent act after another since 1992, in the last year alone the amount of violence and depravity mostly from the justice system laden in mysogyny that puts Bartlett to shame: abuse by police who put me into medical crisis-hidden by RCMP/HRM who dismissed charges from court to hide the violence when RCMP were called to remove Eric McIntyre from my property before I hurt him, instead he got away safely and 2 RCMP abused me to the point I had to call 911 who did nothing but told 911 to run me in the system to see what they were dealing with to justify their abuse on me- requests into 4 RCMP who have failed since 2007 to investigate the child/adult torture/sexual abuse by McIntyres/Susan Potts crimes and AL doctors, lost my home by a corrupt Tenancy public servant who was then protected by three other judicial males all the way to NS Court of Appeals who ignored evidence favouring my case but chose to protect the mysogynists throughout and the crimes committed by Walter Thompson in Small Claims who abused me for hours and raped my case in front of the two McIntyres who are yet to see a day in prison,he gave the home back to the McIntyre who bought me the house for the torture they did,EM got to torture me another 5 years as a disabled woman who just attempt to take my life from the police/crown/Carvery/Gores/DCS violence- all that he started in 1992- he had me in 30,000 debt because DCS fabricated the house inspection, EM fabricated documents and lied repeatedly in front of WT and revealed that this was all retaliation for my removing 2 kids from his home in 1992-it was payback; l RCMP were called to remove EM another time before I stabbed him to death; 3 DCS appeals for medical reasons (Conrad,Gores,Potts), 1 tenancy slumlandlord matter, request to minister in part of the tenancy corruption-there is not one minute in my life that is not the direct result of the crimes committed against me by DCS/Anne Bond/ D Conrad/Potts and Gores.
Each of these matters will be be filed elsewhere as well for investigation. The work I have been forced to do cleaning up the DCS/Potts/Conrad mess since 1992 and the subsequent damages cannot be calculated so those in the crowns office chose to just ignore the matters as they knew there was too much damage to fix or get away with blaming policies. You can see why this NSBS communication was so delayed as I was unable to open my mail since July due to the trauma and public servants corruption and damages I am injured with every day because of the scum who forced their way into my life since 1992.
Hoskins/Smith and Herschorn knew,that if they went ahead with 1, 2 or 3 rape matters and/or did an internal crown investigation the public would find out how depraved the crown's office truly is with its incestuous corruption and pathologies, the public would know that crown create victims then abuse them to death.
A letter was sent to Herschorn and he responded with a brief comment that he was looking in the matters-he never got back to me despite my many letters for updates. This also includes the Bob Carroll who was crown in the adult part of my swarming case but because I was in the QEII for attempting to take my life because of the blatant disregard from crown/police and the courts-MH made sure this swarming matter never went to court because he knew his office was responsible for my being in public housing in the first place which all lead to my attempt to take my life-the adults in the swarming should have been charged with attempted murder as they chanted' kill the white bitch' all with Carvery's encouragement- These are all scum I never would have met but for the poverty and disabilities Potts/Conrad and Gores gave me. The judge in the adult matter (name unknown) adjourned the matter without my consent all for 2 officers who did not want to miss their hockey game. I filed against both officers on their corruption in this matter and NSPC did nothing as Nadine Cooper Mont was a vital part of this corrupt crew that shunpiked every grievance so that it did not get processed-no sociopathic or corrupt officer was ever held accountable. Officer Booker invented a crackhead witness who never witness anything and he repeatedly tried to bully me into dropping charges, he also let one of the perps violate the undertaking on a regular basis- this would be the same perp that started the violent crimes against the Moslem family in Mulgrave Park-the one the crown and police lied to the public about- I witnessed the entire event and called 911 but no police took my statement-this perp also assaulted and terrorized several seniors who moved out of the community, this perp now is working with HRM childcare. They received a communication from me and ignored it but had police harass me on behalf of this sociopath. I included all this information so you can see the domino effect of the scum in my life from 1992, the scum NSBS protects.
vii.Kendrick Douglas and Judith Gass:
already submitted to NSBS and Dalhousie Legal School .
Nova Scotia Barrister? Society
July 28 2006
Darrel Pink ,
Please excuse my tardiness in my response to your last communication ( March 6 2006 resent for mismailing in July 2006) as my hands are crippled due to the work I had to do in the house sold by Judith Gass ? clients-the ones who lied on their disclosures and with Gasshelp submitted alter photos with a fabricated time line as evidence to the conditions of their property at the time of selling as well as entered fabricated verbal evidence that this house was never a rental property yet 6 governmental agencies say it was.
I am sure you already know that your communication on the lack of new materials to review against Judith Gass who acted in a corrupt and unethical manner is as corrupt and ignorant as you are. You state I did not submit new material for the review: I did not need to submit new materials, I needed to have an intelligent ethical person from your office to assess the same information properly.
You chose to ignore the blatant changes to the photos that show that they were altered. So you chose to engage in collusion of corruption with Judith Gass who should be disbarred for the deliberate submission of false documents to a Small Claims Hearing for the sole purpose to hide the criminality of her clients- who hid many environmental concerns that dramatically effected my health then lied about through their lawyer, Gass and real estate agents.
This is not a shock coming from you office as those of us who have been harmed by lawyers in Nova Scotia are fully aware of how these unethical lawyers would not be able to have such power without a supportive and enabling base such as yourselves.
Peter Kelly and Frank Beazley go on record as blaming the youth for a failed report card in the area of crime and justice. Only a seriously stupid person would believe such weak and pathetic tactics. The problem lies with you. If the agencies and bodies of lawyers in Nova Scotia are in the business of hiding corruption of lawyers and adjudicators then lets not look any further than to your own culpability in destroying the integrity of justice in Nova Scotia.
Your apathy and indifference is as sociopathic as usual.
So to date you have hidden the corruption, lying and unethical behaviour of the following filed by me only:
Deborah Conrad : Boyne and Clark Community Service lawyer Dartmouth
Kendrick Douglas: ironically also featured in your magazine on integrity ( KD did knowingly manipulate an unethical employment arrangement where I developed a project for him under his pretense that I would be paid. This matter went to the Labour Board who ruled unanimously in my favour since KD violated a legal employment contract. To get into law school, KD sent a letter of intent to the Labour Board stating he would pay me my wages despite claiming bankruptcy for his organization. Dalhousie Law School was made aware by me of the unethical behaviour of KD who never did pay one penny to me a single parent with disabilities, wages he owed me for working on his project for almost a year. He deliberately lied to the Labour Board just in case the Law School admissions office did an inquiry for suitability. Once accepted into Law School he made no attempt to pay. KD did knowingly lie about funds that would be available for my wages which is how he kept me on the project. He is now a lawyer in NS) Kendrick Douglas: ironically also featured in your magazine on integrity ( KD did knowingly manipulate an unethical employment arrangement where I developed a project for him under his pretense that I would be paid. This matter went to the Labour Board who ruled unanimously in my favour since KD violated a legal employment contract. To get into law school, KD sent a letter of intent to the Labour Board stating he would pay me my wages despite claiming bankruptcy for his organization. Dalhousie Law School was made aware by me of the unethical behaviour of KD who never did pay one penny to me a single parent with disabilities, wages he owed me for working on his project for almost a year. He deliberately lied to the Labour Board just in case the Law School admissions office did an inquiry for suitability. Once accepted into Law School he made no attempt to pay. KD did knowingly lie about funds that would be available for my wages which is how he kept me on the project. He is now a lawyer in NS)
What is despicable is KD sat on the BOD for the NSHCC and knew I was a former ward of the court and former resident there. It is a pathetic day when those who become lawyers manipulate and lie and uses vulnerable persons for personal gain then lie more, to then be a BOD of a group home whose business is it to think and act in the best interest of vulnerable others. But for the fact of crimes committed by Potts and Conrad I would not have been working in the DCS Dartmouth Office with KD for him to use me to develop a program to eradicate child abuse knowing it was a passionate project for me and how was able to lie to me for over year about getting me funds to pay me, he then lied in writing to the Labour Board about planning to pay me the money he owed me, a lie just to get into DLS. I was on my way to law school which is why DC tried to bribe me with reference letter for DLS for testimony, after seeing the depraved mess in 1992 by DCS and Ann Bond I switched academics/profession to social work gaining my BSW at MSW -Dalhousie.
**** NSHCC knew in 1981 that I had been sexually abused and not only did they do nothing about taking this to the authorities, one of their main male staff started asking me out on dates-that I should get rid of my boyfriend and date him a real man-this staff member still works at NSHCC despite my worker knowing about what he did. Paperwork shows that I was only residing at NSHCC for 3 days when it was 3 months-if white children from middle class children can be treated this way, get lost in the system and are unaccounted for, what do you think happens to non-white poor children.
**** NSHCC knew in 1981 that I had been sexually abused and not only did they do nothing about taking this to the authorities, one of their main male staff started asking me out on dates-that I should get rid of my boyfriend and date him a real man-this staff member still works at NSHCC despite my worker knowing about what he did. Paperwork shows that I was only residing at NSHCC for 3 days when it was 3 months-if white children from middle class children can be treated this way, get lost in the system and are unaccounted for, what do you think happens to non-white poor children.
Wayne Anstey:
He received a request from me almost 2 months ago for the provincial department funding the HRM Community Development programs at HRM and requested an investigation into the HRM corruption and constitutional violations by several HRM staff regarding the Dartmouth North Community Centre. His office staff refused to cooperate with information and he has failed to respond to the very fraudulent matter where his staff did engage illegally with an unregistered NPO in the planning of taking the DNCC from community control /governance to HRM ownerships in full. He received several documents from me regarding their deplorable unconstitutional behaviour of HRM staff that was abusive and rude most times, they were told by several community members to stop disrespecting them them. This blatant disrespect for people in this community by HRM staff is historical and sad that so many in HRM sat back and allowed it including elected Jim Smith.
Was privy to council discussions regarding an email that I sent to each city councillor in 02/05/ regarding Patrick Murphy being a rapist and as a lawyer he colluded with the outrageous corruption and cover-up with the mayor Peter Kelly and every sitting city councillor and the police (Hart/Beazley) who for a year did nothing on this rape matter because the Commonwealth Games Bid was on the table and because I was the victim and police/crown had already abused to the point of my attempt in 2004 where Kelly received a letter from me in 05/04 with Murphy's name on a list as a rapist before he was elected-this matter will be sent to the new govt for investigation since it was ignored by Baker/Scott who also had investments in the CGBid. In May 2006 I walked into the HRM police station to have charges laid against Murphy who raped me April 1998 and from minute one the entire matter was corrupted and the NSPC hid all this through refusing to process 5 Form 5s against Srgt Penny Hart who had the email a year before I walked in to the sexual assault unit and did nothing, the very one my NSPC grievance put in place in 11/99. Anstey knew there was a serious criminal matter in his jurisdiction and colluded with this depraved cover-up and would have engaged in unconstitutional behaviour to misalign my character for why else did he not call an investigation into this email about rape on his watch,why did he help hide the matter from the public and criminal process?
viii a)Donna Frahney/Maria Franks-Dalhousie Legal Aid
DF was given my tenancy file against Irvine Carvery (2001-2004) and MRHA on the outrageous gang-rape of my chartered and residential rights where IC did abuse his public servants position who should never have been hired in the first place and did use his position to actualize his racist politics against white people by encouraging hate crimes against my family so I would be forced to move out while he supported the criminal black families who he knew were committing housing/welfare fraud as well. I was a threat to Carvery's plan to use his position for credibility as he manipulated weak white NS in hostage taking mode. Carvery was going to keep Kelly and et al in his grip on the Africville matter plus his son is a HRMofficer which is why Beazley/Sykes and Kelly let all the violence happen to my family by both Carvery's racist posse and other police: instead of me moving out I attempted to take my life, have no doubt Beazley/Sykes/Kelly and Carvery should be in prison for attempted murder, Carvery is responsible for the death of an elder white woman in MP. DF was aware of all the dynamics, police incident numbers, crimes and blatant and deliberate tenancy violations and that Carvery and Housing management were allowing the racial violence/tenancy violations to continue-people should have been evicted but because they were black and protected by Carvery he emboldened them despite the crimes they were committing in the community and made my family the target of daily racism which was ignored by police, the police commission, Baker and Peter Kelly.
DF was assigned to my case and the amount of students error and apathy while my family was being attacked is unforgivable. DF/students received several calls from me, often in tears about the crimes and attacks and Carvery's new trick and did nothing. Her blatant lack of duty of care or due diligence is unforgiveable and because of her lack of appropriate and legal responding to the violence issue her silence played a huge role in my attempt to take my life.-In fact she knew I was planning to take my life months before I did because of the lack of accountability or respite in violence and the trauma that compounded since 1992, DF was asked to make sure my son got my unit and she did nothing about that either.
After my attempt to take my life I was forced into accepting home bought by the McIntyres, a guilt gift, if you will. EM showed up at my place weeks before my attempt and I told him to get the hell of my property. Now because I made sure to stay alive or these scum would have gotten away with my murder, I knew I could not go back to housing-doctors orders. I was forced to accept this home by McIntyres which caused its own trauma-he then got to torture me for another 5 years because DCS fabricated the house inspection placing me in debt for 30,000, DF knew about this hardship and did nothing though she set up the terms that the house had to be officially inspected by Housings as per their lawyer.
DF received a letter from me and several calls that I had to get out of the house because it was causing me serious medical issues and being around EM was causing me harm, that we had to look at putting me back into housing-DF fabricated a letter to me about how well things were going so she closed the file-this so I could not get back into housing. DF made sure to close my file and left me to do all the Small Claims/legal matters to recover some of the repair money while she knew I was not recovering from the attempt or years of violence my family endured. She knew she was responsible for the housing mess-she put me in harms way with my having to accept a house bought by my child torturers/molester because she was too weak to hold Carvery/MRHA accountable for his hate crimes against my family in housing.
I found out later in 2005 that DF was told by Housing in 01/04 that I could go into the RSP, a vital piece of info that DF neglected to tell me which lead to my attempt to take my life in May-to stop the violence coming from all directions with government permission. Had I known I could be in RSP in 01/04 I would not take my life in 05/04.
DF my lawyer did ignore the violent crimes committed against me in housing for years and left me to be in outrageous debt with Eric McIntyre who tortured and molested me, and when in weeks I said I had to go back to housing she closed the file leaving me to be abused psychologically and financially by McIntyre. Gores/Potts/Conrad/Bond created so much damage that I accepted a house from the McIntyres because they owed it to me, so my son could have a house, one I was able to buy in 1992 before all my medical bills made me impoverished and bankrupt. How ironic.
DF played vital role in letting Carvery and police gang rape my chartered rights and tenancy laws. When lawyers who work with vulnerable people act without a moral compass or conscience they create immeasurable harm. Because DF did wrong by the law I was forced to take a home bought by my child molester/abuser who put me into 30,000 dollars of debt, a home other judicial scum took from me although I paid this debt and McIntyre gets to sell the house and make this profit from my blood,sweat and many tears. I have an Overpayment DCS appeals because I was forced to work though I have multiple disabilities and cannot work which caused more disabilities and medical bills, I had to pay the house repair debt to get McIntyre out of my life before I took his life, I was forced to work longer to pay for my medical bills from working to pay debts to get a sociopathic child molester out my life that legal scum brought into my life.- I am still 'paying' for Potts/Gores and Conrad/Bond.
Maria Frank received my detailed grievance and did nothing no doubt because it involved Irvine Carvery.
b) Ken Greer- NS Legal Aid
Assign to one of the two fabricated criminal matters filed wrongfully against me, his own friend charged me against rapist David Swim. Officer Sandra Johnson did knowingly fabricate charges against me after receiving a call from a doctor I was seeing for trauma created by all the scum in my life since 1992, she was told to tell my rapist to stop stalking me at work because it was causing me issues. Instead she told my rapist that I wanted him dead and asked if he wanted to press charges which he said no-in her police notes. Months later after I chased him into a police dept after stalking me out of job and into medical crisis (police confirmed) SJ, Greer's personal pal fabricated charges against me for wanting to cause bodily harm or death of my rapist.
The rapist now had me on undertakings and had SJ charge me on breaches so the rapist now had the police harass me at his will and whim causing immeasurable harm to me. Greer did tell me once he seen her name on my files they were personal friends but assured me it would not interfere with his representing me which came to be a lie that harmed me. Greer knew that the matter reeked of cop corruption which severely incriminated his own pal; he could not be loyal to both me and the scum who wrongfully charged me so he ignored my requests for his plans for defence so that I could file a grievance at NSPC, he ignored my faxes and I missed the deadline. I had asked him to get back to me so I would know when it was best to file it without it hampering my case inadvertently.
On one occasion my trauma therapist told Greer that I had setback when I read the police note especially the part where his chum was referring to the rape as a relationship for the sole purpose to dismiss the severity of the crime, although women can be raped within the confines of relationships, in my case I was raped just hours after meeting Swim-I had been talked into going out on the very weekend I quit my job due to sexual harassment-a case HRC did not process either as that persons name was Carvery as well. Reading the police notes, his galpal's notes caused immeasurable trauma for me for she also was the one who took my rape statement and the fact she was allowed to also charge me making my rapist the sudden faux victim is appalling until I realized corruption needs to have the same players in the posse to be successful.
That when it was my turn under oath-I told Greer I had every intention to bring his galpal under oath and public record and the trial was adjourned only to accommodate her for another day. When that day came she was a 'no show' and Greer should have made sure to adjourn until she was available but crown hid behind a lie that she was so busy-crown knew SJ was corrupt and both he and Greer for their own reasons, made sure that we proceeded without her though they ruined my Xmas by postponing the matter to the new year letting the rapist control me longer. To have my family's time raped again for yet another scumbag who was never going to be under oath was insensitive and deliberate act of obstruction of justice. Greer knew she had corrupted several laws including my chartered rights and he protected her by letting crown adjourn and plan not to bring S Johnsons back into the courtroom to avoid being called under oath, this happened after my doctor stated under oath that he never said the things SJ said he did in her notes that she used to justify the charges.
Greer had an obligation to represent me without prejudice, he also knew that on one occasion I was jailed police refused me medical services even though my doctor spoke to police jails while they were processing me on fake charges about how traumatized and suicidal I was by this time because of the abuse, violence, police brutality disabilities, rapes etc The jailer told me rudely that SJ said that unless I was passed out on the floor I was not to get medical attention-they withheld medicines I needed for the brain and organ damage the QEII did to me because of the scum Conrad and Potts brought into my life, the 1999 hospitalization that RCMP knew about and did not investigate despite the crimes against humanity. Greer knew his galpal created more injuries for me while she helped the rapist cause me more trauma. Greer was not letting her under oath at any cost which is an obstruction of justice for the courts, tax payers and public record have right to know that police help rapists in HRM rape their victims further.
Greer did allow his friendship with a corrupt officer to violate my rights.
There were unnecessary delays in my matter and each delay allowed rapist Swim to keep controlling me with fabricated undertakings to fabricated charges, thankfully the 2 judges were not impressed and had all charges dropped eventually but not before the police and crown and rapist did their damage over 3 years of undertakings.
In my last meeting with Greer he had the audacity to refer to my rape as a relationship and this after knowing the word caused me immeasurable harm when he first read the police notes his friend wrote 2 years earlier and after my doctor told him that such wording was harmful because there was no relationship-I was raped by a stranger -'relationship' was the word the rapist and police used. Greer knew I was raped hours after meeting Swim-he knew I put together a document explaining that night/PTSD/DID so clearly he could not be bothered reading, the task itself was traumatizing- the words of his galpal came to harm me in our last meeting-calling rape a relationship is unforgiveable and he gave his corrupt cop chum and the rapist credibility by using her word when he knew she had corrupted the case against a rape victim-people who chose to keep company with scum cannot be much different and had I known he was going to pull the legal stunt he did by avoiding her under oath I would have fired him and did my own case which would have been adjourned until she was under oath and outed her for the scum she is. The NSPC protected this officer with all the rest as they are all incestuously linked to each act, the first act of corruption, had the police did the investigations they should have done on my 16th birthday and every day I was a ward of the court- there should have been 2 sexual abuse trials processed in 1981-all the rest would be moot.
Peter Nolan/Judge and crown unknown but corrupt-Legal Aid
That in the matter of myself and my son being violently attacked outside by a known thug from MPark, Calvin Lucas, crown made sure not to have the the video footage, 4 Walmart witnesses,and the 2 police who found Lucas hiding behind a tree with the knife the judge, name unknown, heard the perp say he was going to hurt us and did nothing, despite the evidence and his own confession the judge dropped the charges that were already not indicative of the violence against me and my son by this scumbag. The judge said that because my son and I carry weapons the fight was even-I started to vibrate, this pathetic excuse of a weak white judge had the audacity to dismiss the charges and it scum like him why our streets are crawling with sociopaths. Lucas went on to brutality assault and rob more elderly people and did 6 years and I blame the corruption of crown, Nolan and the judge for that - it is because of what the crown and police did to my family of letting us know that anyone could commit whatever crimes they wanted against us we had to carry our own weapons for safety. Had I not had my weapon my son would have been dead and have no doubt I would be in prison right now if that happened with Bond, Conrad, Potts and Gores as my star witnesses. I sent a request to Herschorn to investigate Nolan for fabricating a witness and judicial/crown corruption, nothing was done. This judge and crown should be in prison. MH was told this crown botched my swarm youth matter and fabricated charges for Swim the rapist-again corruption needs the same players.
Police had to come to my home hours later because I was homicidal compliments of Conrad, Potts and Gores, pieces of shit who brought other pieces of shit into my life.
HRP Mary MacIassc was reported to NSPC for failing to take 2 separate police statements about 2 separate times Lucas threatened to kill my family, she left sheets on my kitchen table and left my house never coming to get our statement and such was common practice with HRP-these officers are responsible for Lucas trying to kill my son to get to me on behalf of his psycho mother Zelda Lucas and her pal Irvine Carvery.
Nicole Campbell/Morrison- NS Legal Aid
already submitted to NSBS and Legal Aid Commission who protected both Nicole Campbell and her partner in crime M. Morrison and office staff/manager who colluded with the corruption by deliberately withholding factual documentation(Calder emails, approval for transportation refund, and incriminating illegal letter that flagrantly rapes my constitutional rights to representation and the threats to sign it by NC) that all support my claims of misconduct and corruption despite many requests which NSBS also knew about and ignored. Ironically had I been corrupt like this scum I would have made sure to have that letter in my hand, a letter that raped my rights and I have no doubt Murray Scott played a huge role ass then AG. He did not want me showing the public how corrupt his office was.
Already submitted (see enclosed)
Nova Scotia Barrister Society Grievance Committee March 14 2008
Re: deliberate constitutional misconduct by Nicole Campbell ( NC) and her case manager Morrison (herein M)
It is a sad day when someone is so traumatized from the crimes and abuse endured from various NS lawyers who have been protected by your organization that it took me this long to get this submitted to you for an investigation and subsequent penalties for outrageous constitutional misconduct by Nicole Campbell of NS Legal Aid and her case manager Morrison (sorry I do not have a first name).
Part of my delay is it is very difficult for ethical people to knowing engage with a corrupt system such as yours who have deliberately not investigated my substantiated applications and instead you have taken visible allegiance with every single lawyer despite the efficacy of my evidence. Your own obstruction of justice has protected those who should have been charged for crimes, constitutional violations, misconduct, obstruction of justice too many times to count: all causing me and mine immeasurable injury and hardship starting with Susan Potts in 1992 who fabricated a witness she knew to be criminal and forced me to testify knowing it would harm my family, financial security and health, she did not care what she did to me she wanted to win at any cost, those would be the crimes she committed before the misconduct she committed during the Gerald Regan case. To date you have protected Michael Baker, Deb Conrad, Kendrick Douglass, Ed Gores, Christine Driscoll, Judith Gass, Martin Herschorn, Frank Hoskins and Terry Potter. I filed with crown head office on Peter Nolan fabricating a witness for Calvin Lucas who is now sitting in prison but should have been in prison on the crimes committed against me and my son that were allowed by police Mary MacIsaac-now charged for DUI. Anyway, I am still compelled to file this with you as it is what is supposed to be done.
I cannot enclosed one document as it has items for a pending court matter but one item is included here, my letter to the Appeals Process, I have misplaced the decision that was to my favour, I do have a lawyer now but feel free to contact the NS Legal Aid Commission for a copy of the decision to my application for a Certificate because of the nefarious acts of several lawyers in that office who have protected sociopaths who have harmed my family in public housing.
The matter for your attention is NC behaviour was so offensive on so many levels including the fact that had I been Black person she would not have had the audacity to have spoken to me in those derogatory tones the way she did nor would she have suggested that I represent myself given the information she had at her disposal regarding my disabilities-brain/organ damage-fecal matter removed by tube very week, depression, short term memory issues and that it would be intrinsically cruel to force anyone to cross-examine their rapist, ironically had I been Black Patrick Murphy would not have wanted to have sex with me which lead to him raping me.
When I first met NC I was fit taken back by how young she looked and did she have enough experience to defend me in this matter of systemic judicial corruption. Keep in mind she was not the first lawyer I was assigned to, the first one I recognized at first as a defender of sociopaths from Mulgrave Park, in fact one trial never got to hearing due to prosecutorial corruption. I do not know her name.
When I spoke with NC and she told me about her case manager I asked if she had been the first lawyer I rejected and she told me no. Since I do not know their names I am at a disadvantage on that information. It would be an inherent conflict of interest if she was the same person AND this would be lie told by NC if they are the same person. Knowing that a few lawyers in this office defended sociopaths that victimized my family there should have been an automatic referral to the Certificate Program.
The first meeting went without issue, NC appeared to understand the dynamics in my case and I left on a promising note, she was even going to inquire about a lie detector test for me but something change and NC would blame the enclosed fax for her obnoxious behaviour when we next met. The fax was sent as she knew I had two days weekly standing for medical/personal appointments so would no be able to attend the day a plea was to be submitted to the courts, she was told to enter a NOT GUILTY which she ignored anyway. I received a call from her that she wanted to go over my fax-the tone on the phone could not prepare me for the tone waiting for me when we did meet and for about 45 minutes it was highly contentious discussion as it should be whenever someone deliberately violated the rights of another while protecting the criminality of those signing her cheque. I had no idea she would take exception to my suggestions as I knew defendants are to assist when they can with their defence and any ethical lawyer would have taken the time to go through each one if they had an issue but no not NC! She said she wanted to discuss me fax and that had been a lie, she had her spiel already in tow when I met with her and we did not discuss a thing, she told me she was not going to represent me because I did not qualify as I was not going to jail. I reminded her that any time I had legal aid before I was not going to jail. It did not matter how many holes I put in her story she had another excuse-she clearly mistook poverty for stupidness and of course it would be lawyers you already protect that put me in poverty with disabilities.
When I asked her why she was speaking to me this why and who got to her, she lied and said no one and blamed my fax. I was in shock at her blatant rudeness, I reminded her that I was the person in poverty due to chronic and multiple disabilities and that Murphy had raped me and that no one should be expected to cross examine their own rapist, she said she was bound by the ethics of the Barristers Society, whatever that meant, but thankfully she could not look me in the face when she said that crap. When I realized that she was the epitome of the very corruption that had me sitting in her office I asked for a Certificate of which she snapped in my face NO! and went on talking about how I should do this myself. I soon rose to leave and I told her that I would be letting the judge know how many times she violated my constitutional rights in that one meeting. Then her manner changed-it is a sad day when you lawyer smells like your rapist!
At this time she said she would talk to her case manager. At this point it was too late, she should have thought of that before she gang-raped my rights and traumatized me with her unethical behaviour and rudeness. She watched me the entire time be upset and unwell and that did not encourage her to go get her manager? NO it was when I mentioned the judge then she sat up.
I left her office feeling very disoriented a symptom of trauma. I got the next ferry home and missed the bus being too ill to travel. As soon as I got in the door the phone was ringing and it was NC. She said she spoke with her case manager and they decide on something they thought was a great compromise: that they would have me sign a contact, 2 copies, that I would plead guilty or if I insisted on not guilty plea I was to agree not to enter evidence, witnesses or testify on my own behalf. I was shocked-she was unaware or did not care that they just violated my rights a few more times and the fact they thought this was a compromise was equally disturbing! I knew what they were trying to do so I asked her about getting the chance to speak if I should be sentenced and she told me that I would have to sign that if I spoke then Legal Aid would no longer represent me. I got off the phone and vomited.
When the day came for me to put in my pleas I arrived right at 1:30pm. NC came over to me with the contracts to sign. I could not even look at her she disgusted me- I told her that if she thought I would sign something that colluded with corruption of people who murdered my family she had me confused for someone else and that I was going to let them judge know everything she did to me. ONLY at that time did she admit that I could have appealed her refusal to give me certificate. I was stunned. Two minutes later Judge Digby came through and we got started. Now had I been as corrupt as those you protect I would have asked for copy to give to the judge but I was so stunned to think. I let Judge Digby know exactly what NC and her case manager did to me, the brief version. Digby was clearly confused and looked a few times at these two, they had plenty of time to justify, explain or defend and they chose to remain silent looking at the table. I told Digby about how NC snapped in my face refusing to give me a Certificate and only told me about appeals 2 minutes before he walked through the door.. Digby granted me an adjournment until I could file for an appeal which I did and it was granted in my favour.
cc. Judge Digby
viii.Terry Potter-DCS
That one matter has already been submitted that was ignored by NSBS(see enclosed)
That TP did knowingly corrupt a legal tenancy application matter file at Access NS at Dartmouth Residential Tenancy Board with public servants Gerard Hashey and Janet Light when I filed against DCS/Housing/RSP for fabricating a house inspection placing me in undue hardship of 30,000 debt to child molester/torturer Eric McIntyre plus the monies they owed me for damages/robbery and property damages at Mulgrave Park for failing to uphold/enforce the laws and promoted racial violence against my family. GH has already been involved in corruption when a tenancy officer Alan Bickle ignore copious amounts of vital information against Irvine Carvery/his violent posse and evicted me instead which placed me into medical crisis and contributed to my attempt to take my life. Thankfully an ethical judge heard the Appeals and his decision was an embarrassment for Hashey who refused to investigate Bickle for overt corruption to favour Carvery. Hashey took league with TP in retaliation something public servants are experts at, and let TP enter fabricated information saying that the contract for Housing in the RSP did not involve his clients when in fact it is designed by his clients and partially paid for by his clients. In fact his clients are the reason why I was forced into housing with a child molester. The house was bought for me but for the fact of the outrageous repairs that put me in debt to this molester because of TP's clients. Residential Tenancy suggested I put the 25.00 against EM but they were told that EM was not my landlord which I had in writing. I requested Light have a hearing to officially deny my right to a hearing which she refused to do citing TP lies. I had a right to have her deny my claim in a legal Tenancy hearing so I could file with Small Claims which is exactly what Potter wanted to avoid- that this hearing was not on paper or processed legally and publicly. To date I have not received my 25.00plus tax for this hearing that wasn't. Keep in mind had the inspection not been fabricated I would not have been in thousand of dollars debt and the deed would have been mine in weeks after it was bought, TP and his clients, DCS, kept me abused by EM for 5 more years plus the 4 Carvery did to me= 9 years of violence because of DCS.
I now have a DCS overpayment because I was forced to work to pay the 30,000 back to this child molester because of Potter and his clients. I was already doing without groceries and medical items for cash. Tenancy has refused to reimburse my 25.00 for the hearing that wasn't because TP told them that Housing had nothing to do with the RSP which is a legal lie as Department of Community Services includes Housing which includes the Residential Supplemental Program which was partially funded to EM at the time. Instead of going after EM for fraud as he was never the landlord but received monies as if he was, TP and his clients have pinned me with a 8,000 overpayment but they put me in debt 30,000 for house repairs etc.
That TP did corrupt due process at Tenancy to keep his very culpable and liable clients out of yet another hearing so that they escaped accountability and instead I was left to pay the 30,000 debt to some who molested and tortured me for 15 years. Keep in mind it was TP clients Patricia Lawrence, Harold Dillon, David Morse and Irvine Carvery that abused me so badly I attempt to take my life and placed me in such a deplorable situation having to be forced to accept a gift of a house from a sociopath who tortured me for 15 years and created my disabilities that would not have happened or actualized but for the crimes committed in 1992 by Conrad, Gores, Potts. How ironic that EM's torture brought those three scum in my life and those three scum brought McIntyre back into my life after bringing a parade of scum in my life.
That TP has on occasion at DCS appeals mentioned that his clients did not fabricate the house inspection which of course they did, a 15 minute checking of an inspection sheet without an inspection while talking about how Carvery and I dont get along-the real motivation why the inspection was fabricated - to get me out of Housing! MRHA knew the house would not be bought if it did not pass inspection, it is on the house purchase agreement and was sent to us by DFranhey from the MRHA lawyer before TP. A professional house inspection is minimal 2 hours and with MRHA being a government agency should have been a professional inspection which it was not. TP refused to hand over the CV for David Pryde who did the faux inspection, instead TP made sure there was no hearing against MRHA which forced me to so 4 small claims matters out of my own money which I had none so had to borrow that money from a molester as well.
TP knew that it was me not EM who filed against MRHA before he paid out the 4,000. He knew in 2005 Small Claims that EM was not the landlord as EM told the judge and yet TP/ clients continued to give him money monthly as if he was, so TP knowing colluded with EM's fraud for his clients to keep me out of Public Housing which was further proven when I had to leave the house(2009), taken from me by another corrupt tenancy officer-small claims judge, 2 others, and Lawrence made sure I could not return to housing creating extra costs and hardships for me in the unit I am living in now. I have not stopped paying for DCS criminality and depravity. TP did give EM 4,000 to keep the matter out of Small Claims stating that it did not incriminate his clients. EM accepted the 4000.00 stating that it did not absolve MRHA from responsibility. I did not receive that 4000.00 for housing repairs.
That TP knows I will not accept his communications since he accused me of faking my disabilities in the first small claims meeting (as enclosed)in 2005 He went to such devious extremes that he mailed me a letter to 87 Chater Street, not in Justice letterhead and had the address handwritten with misspellings and had the 7 scored as a European 7 so I thought, as he intended, that it was a private mail. When I opened the letter it was written on justice letterhead with a request to stop talking about his clients and their decades of depravity. It is apparent that to be a lawyer for a NS government agency you have to be immoral, deceptive, unethical, sociopathic, mysogynistic, discriminatory, prejudicial and an all-round scumbag. He is the spit out of Ed Gores mouth. This was sent to the NSBS and Ombudsman Office who did nothing.
That TP continues to rape my constitutional rights during DSC appeals for medical services/treatments/products that are the direct result of crimes his clients have committed against me most of my life but formally since 1981 and again starting in 1992. TP makes a point of attending all my medical appeals I am forced to do because the DCS case workers deny my medical needs forcing me to do extra work and creating undue hardships, at one time TP's clients deliberately withheld medical needs despite copious medical requests for years because they said I was not disabled (this will be filed again with the new govt). A month ago I requested information from DCS Appeals Co-ordinator to put into writing if TP attended all Appeals hearings or just a select few and if it was the latter to list the condition/criterion that apply. To date they have not responded no doubt because they and TP know his behaviour is unconstitutional, discriminatory and highly prejudicial. This is a form of malicious persecution that TP has enjoyed which in itself has caused me much harm, having to beg for items I need because of injuries/disabilities his clients gave me starting in 1992 What TP/DCS is doing is akin to a molester raping me but withholding the candy until I repeatedly beg for it to the point it causes other injuries. I will need weekly medical services and daily supplies for the rest of my life because of DCS and DoJ. Because of Bond, Conrad, Potts and Gores et al.
already submitted
Nova Scotia Barrister Society July 30 2006
Re: Terry Potter-violations to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms-grievance
In the same matter that involved Judith Gass, Terry Potter, a new lawyer for Department of Community Services sought to inflame and degrade and prejudice my character by stating in a public forum for Small Claims matter in front of adjudicator Steven Johnson that I, Gayle McIntyre was faking my disabilities. In fact he emphatically claimed he was going to prove that my illnesses were not legitimate. I can get a witness letter if need be by Eric McIntyre who was present on this evening when this illegal comment was made.
This comment was made after I had already attempted to take my life after the immeasurable violence and abuse I sustained from both the department of justice and community services since 1992 when Deborah Conrad of Boyne and Clarke/ lawyer for Dartmouth Community Services, and Susan Potts of crown forced me to testify through lying about her intent on my sibling? behalf for damages created by same department.
That I immediately contacted the Department of Justice who did not even know who Terry Potter was but did state that they were shocked that any lawyer from their department would have said
such a thing given the well documented history I have with this department and the 9 years of court documentations ( Nova Scotia Utilities and Review Board, Victim Services, Supreme Court criminal hearings, NS Court of Appeals) that do verify the state of my health as the direct result of this abuse from both departments- last court decision acknowledging this abuse and injury is the NS Court of Appeals January 2003 which resulted in the rest of my legislative medical monies to be reimbursed by Victim Services- their lawyer-Ed Gore, who Michael Baker who fabricated information for Premier Hamm to hide the abuse I endured as a victim committed by Ed Gore over several years as he violated the Victims Services Act of NS and was confirmed by three NS Appeals judges-that ?e acted there is a well established history of my injuries and who caused them.
That I immediately contacted his client Pat Lawrence district manger for Housing and told her what he said. She remained silent not letting me know if she told him that or if he made that up to peacock for court. That my medical needs as the direct result of abuse from Pat Lawrence and her manager Irvine Carvery is well documented and that the monies that took my 9 years to fight for that was to last 10 years was spent in 1.5 years as I was severely abused by PL and IR the clients of Terry Potter.
That despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary Terry Potter did make such an ignorant, provoking, characterlogically degrading comment to persuade the judge to prejudice his assessment of my character and therefore my credibility. His comments caused immediate harm and injury to me which placed me into medical crisis for about 3 weeks until I could control the rage of his pomposity and uneducated and deliberate violating comments.
Such comments in a public forum are a violation to my rights as outlined by the Charter. I am on permanent disability which was already confirmed by Housing staff Jenny Orlando by Housing staff in 2001 rendering me eligible for Housing in the first place. I am a person with multiple illnesses-trauma induced, and have been since the early nineties due to D Conrad and Susan Potts. I did not reach permanent disability status until the negligence of the QEII in 1999 and in October 1999 HRDC gave me this status forgiving me for my loans and debts to provincial and federal student loans arrangements. Bankruptcy was filed in 2000 on disability status without contest. Well documented all over in several areas as to my disabilities so to make such an outrageous and illegal claim goes to the lack of credibility and the deliberate maliciousness of Terry Potter.
This behaviour is offensive and illegal and in direct violation to:Canadian Charter of and Rights and Freedoms. 12, 15(1), 25 Comments made in April-May (?) 2005 Small Claims can confirm exact day as there were so many adjournments no doubt trying to exhaust my already very delicate medical state. It was our preliminary as Potter was trying to have the matter not proceed at all thus attacking my character.
Gayle McIntyre
ix.Christine Brennen Ombudsmans Office
Received every act of public servant abuse/corruption/depravity/violence/retaliation/ since 1992 and did nothing with Ombudsman Elaine Venturini who for over a year left me hanging and lied to me about doing a thorough investigation into many hundreds of documents and pieces of evidence to my claims. They sent police to my home in an attempt to scare me into silence which back fired and led to the Murphy trial. Brennan and sociopathic scum Srgt Kennedy who has played a criminal role with HRP Beazley/Sykes/Coopermont in hiding police depravity, brutality and criminality. Brennen and Kennedy both sent this officer to my home, a nice guy who realized he had been lied to by Brennan and Kennedy when I let him hear the voice mail Brennen left on my phone in an arrogant tone telling me they refuse to investigate all the public servant matters but had told the officer that she was confused as to why I was so angry because 'they' were working hard on the investigations. When he heard her voice mail, he turned pale, and realized she is a liar, he apologized for bothering me and left my home. He is a rare breed on the HRM police, he is actually there for the right reasons and I felt badly for him as he listened to Brennan's message realizing he was sent on a devil's errand by two pathological liars, one from his own department of policing.
Already submitted to Ombudsman Office/reviewed by Srgt Kennedy who also hid/ corrupted files at NSPC
1.Elaine Venturini Ombudsman Office April 25 2005
As per our conversation on April22 2005:
Elaine, I know that there was an overwhelming amount of information I gave you on the phone, sadly that is the point. This should not be all my burden to a carry and would not have been had J Stewart taken my complaint seriously in 2000. Instead his silence was consent for the very same people to inflict cruel and inhuman acts against me and my son for the years after which led to my attempt to take my life last May 25 20005 so I would no longer be involved with Community Services. Since then there have been acts so inhumane that they in themselves are criminal as the very same people knew that I have suffered because of them and knew about my 3 week hospitalization that was the end result of suffering at their apathetic hands. These same people are aware of the complaints I gave JS years ago and the substantiated report to Harold Dillon, Dept of Housing Community Services and David Morse since then on the deliberate systemic corruption and abuse in housing and the disability program that harmed my family and left my son homeless on over 10 occasions.
All of this information is in the hands of David Morse who gave it to Tracy Williams who gave it to Gary Porter of which not one person ever conducted an investigation. Even after my hospitalization NO investigation has been conducted. I did speak with DM at a workshop directly of which he first denied having such a report then when I mentioned TW letter he agreed he had it and gave it to the right people. I told him that the right people have done nothing. He said he would look after it and to date NOTHING has been done. Global and ATV news have raw footage of this argument where DM lied about receiving my substantiated report .
Immediately my issues to you are that I have been left to once gain fight for my life at the direct corruption of Dept of Housing and CS. I am in the rental supplement program and an inspection was fabricated to have me taken out of public housing into this program.. I have already taken Metro Regional Housing Authority to the residential tenancy board as they fabricated the first inspection and failed to honour many residential and human rights. The inspection was to be conducted by MRHA officials and was the sole condition in buying this home. The inspection should have uncovered serious health concerns including a rusted out kitchen sink and a lack of proper insulation, the lack of insulation has cause chronic pain for my fibroyalgia as it is constantly damp and cold here. These are just some examples. I have suffered greatly as I am allergic to smoke, dogs and mold and this home has an abundance of all three. In September 2004 a letter was sent to Pat Lawrence the district manger of Housing and she ignored my request for help. I filed several complaints about her and Irvine Carvery the property manger who she allowed to call me racial/gender derogatory names as well as share my personal info from my file with black people he was related to in the Park and of who I had police charges against.
The Board of Directors for MRHA, Harold Dillon and David Morse received communications on every single act of abuse and corruption. My case worker K Ferris had received medical notes on the necessity of an air purifier and in December was told that I needed all the information possible regarding the approval of holistic naturopathic drugs. I was to start meds in June/July when I left the hospital but had to secure a safe home to be in bed rest until the drugs took hold. AS the pain from this house disabled that from becoming a reality my doctor and I had to look into the file to find alternatives that were beneficial and not harmful to me .Hence the voice mail to KF in December. Subsequent calls were made between KF and myself whereby she stated that she will ask PL about the air purifier. I told her that we were now in Small Claims court and that she would not assist in anything as that would be an act of judicial responsibility KF was told directly by me that PL failed to communicate with me since September 2004 and was not about to now we were in small claims.
It was not until several weeks later after a very distressed call to KF that I found out very disturbing details. Apparently she was instructed to contact PL to see if they would pay for the machine. This did not need to take 6 weeks. I was then told that 2 calls went into PL and she did not respond. I was then told that KF management decided to hold off to see the outcome of the small claims court. This was so cruel I went into distress just knowing that. I have a relationship with CS and they are obligated to me as a person on disability to assist where they can in my needs. They already had 2 medical notes explaining the severity of my health and rapid decline because of this home and then without the meds. I also had personal chats with KF on other related medical concerns. I have gained 40 pounds from the hormonal imbalances brought on by this home all of which have caused other health concerns and infections I never had. They have been aware that I am on 4 pain killers a day for months and now muscle relaxers all due to their lack of responding and my being left to do work they should have done or better yet they should not have approved this home.
The SCCourt was filed by me in hopes that the person who purchased the house would not lose money, There was no guarantee that I would be well enough to present the case or that the judge would rule in favour of buying the air purifier. I shared all of this with KF.I cannot express to you the absolute cruelty this was. Keep in mind that this management are ALL people I have requested an investigation on as they allowed many acts of abuse of authority to be perpetrated against me and my family with impunity. What this means is that CS has known that I have been very ill since living in this house which has kept me in suicidal crisis since moving in last August. They knew this but still on their own months decided to delay time by waiting for calls from PL who was told would not respond. Then they decided to wait, without my knowledge for a court case they had a great chance of NOT happening because of my health. SO 4 months later I was still without the air purifier and the medications.
I can send the medical notes to you on your request. KF did tell me that the requests was sent to their own doctor for review. This is an excuse for the delay as my doctor is the specialist in this field and any other doctor would not be as qualified. Still this did not need 4months, all the while knowing that I could not breathe, my skin and eyes burned that my mental health was in jeopardy that I lost lots of hair etc. This is unacceptable and have no doubt if I should end my life it is from the grouse negligence and inhumanity I have had to deal with from Community Services. There is no excuse for leaving a person for 24 hours a day for 9 months to live in chronic pain which suicidality while knowing people were doing NOTHING to assist me.
I have as of last week received the air purifier but it needs to be run in a separate room for a couple of weeks because I am sensitive to the off gases so I am still without what I should have had months ago. This is a clear example of the apathy and improper decisions making done by those not qualified to make them. They knowing withheld the medical items knowing that I was not recovered from my hospitalization. They acted NOT in my best interest but their own.
I have spoken to the doctors assistant and KF regarding the referral note for a doctor name. This only came up after my distress several months after December when I first asked KF for all the guidelines regarding homeopathy. Kim stated 5 weeks ago that she was offered a half hour appointment to discuss at length anything with my doctor. KF stated to me that since this was a serious matter she would want the doctor to speak with her on the phone with the referral doctors name. AS with CS my clinic has procedures but despite that the assistant to my doctor spoke with KF and gave her the name of the doctor. This assistant has stated that at no time did KF asked in writing, fax or voice mail that this doctor referral be put in writing.
This is in keeping with that fact she would have heard it orally if discussed with my doctor directly. KF did tell me that the assistant did state that a letter had been drafted for me. The assistant told me she thought KF was asking about the court matter letter as she had already given her the doctors name and KF had not made that clear. It is only recently that I am told in writing that KF needs to have that name in writing and the reasons for the referral. KF could have easily faxed this request directly to my doctor. This is a waste of valuable time as she already had the name weeks earlier from the assistant. She also will request a reason for each medical drop when I am seeing the new doctor who specializes in naturopathic medications so any detailed letter at this point is wasting further time. KF was told weeks ago by me that my doctor is not the specialist with those meds. CS has already known for years that synthetic drugs do not work with me. So now I must get a written referral 5 weeks after the distressed call to KF who should have followed their procedure then if this was so important to do so. She already had the doctors name for weeks again still nothing was done. She only needed his name to call him for prices etc.
Once again it is my son and I who wear the stress as it is not very pleasant to live
with someone who is constantly suicidal, a condition brought about and exacerbated by Community Services blatant disregard for my safety , family unit and life.
The last medical note is a directive in that I am to vacate this premise immediately. This is the end result of people not responding appropriately to medical needs they pertained to this home which caused so many other health problems. I have been very vocal about this since September but to no avail. Had Housing responded to the September letter I would not be in this situation. Had CS responded to my medical needs in October and November and December I would not be in this situation. J Stewart would have already received the emails from supervisor
Jane Williams who withheld supplements and holistic drops as she said they were for research only and not medical. She made this decision on her own despite my medical notes to the contrary. This ignorance has been passed own a as my worker Janet Fleming was also told I needed these medical products 4 years ago and flat out denied them. So they have known for over 4 years I have been without the medications I have needed to sustain my life and they still wish to play with it.
I do not know what else can be done or said for these people to take this seriously that I am literally fighting for my life and have been since public housing of which they all, including department heads and the minister, ignored my pleas for help over and over and over again.
There is nothing more agonizing than to be in pain 24 hours day trying to convince yourself not to take your life. The only thing worse than this is knowing that due to no fault of your own and the apathy of others is the only reason why you are enduring this in this first place. KF has been aware that I have been on bed rest, every second week I get magnesium IV just to help manage the pain.. Who will pack my belongings to move them into storage for me? So the very situation created by CS had rendered me so ill I cannot do this for myself, I a m lucky if I can shower daily, now I am to find this energy to pick up boxes, pack things, look for storage all of which was avoidable had the house inspection not been fabricated had I received my meds when I first discussed them in December.
I need the meds to get well enough to move to the YWCA a woman's shelter where I will have to live infinitely as I am not well enough to endure what I just did-I cannot go back to public housing. There is no excuse for what happened here and the inhumanity of it all is too overwhelming to process. Not one of these individuals involved can say they really did not know that their silence, apathy, delays and corruption would cause me and my family further suffering.
When I was released from the hospital last June 8 2004 It was with medical directive that I was to find a safe home and start meds so that in turn I could get back to the wellness program I did daily before public housing murdered my soul. This never came to be as neither the safe housing nor the meds were started. They all were aware of this.
Ombudsman Office
Elaine Venturini.
February 15 2006
I left you a are very stressful and traumatizing message this afternoon. I hope you are fully aware as you should have be on the seriousness of the abuse I sustained from both Department of Justice and Community Services. It was brought to your attention by me via our initial contact how traumatized I was at that point and that was many months ago.
I have since met with you and Christine and I know you were to go through process. I do not have that luxury of time. I have already attempted to take my life as you know because of all the abuse and corruption I have endured since 1992.
It is now February 2006 and every day 24 hours I have to control rages that are the direct result of trauma which it the direct result of the years of abuse. I can no longer guarantee their safety as I have just shattered my teeth holding on to the rage on top of all the other evidence of their abuse. You have been aware that both of these departments continued to abuse me since my hospitalization abusing many of my rights causing further injury to me and my family.
I have requested feedback from you and I do expect that in writing pleas
I have already suggested that you bring in police to any meetings in the future for it is inevitable that charges will be laid against me for those who OMBUDSMAN do not officially investigate for the injuries, abuse, corruption that destroyed my life and health and family.
You have yet to ask for the medical evidence that substantiates all damages they have done to me and mine.
Gayle McIntyre
February 17 2006
Response to voice mail left by Christine Brennan on Thursday 16 2006.
There are too many points to begin this communication but I will take the one YOU deemed urgent. I do wish I was at home to take this call since you people were/are quite scarce with communicating in a reasonable fashion. Ironically I was at a non profit meeting ( CANS) where we discuss the many policy problems and abuse of the poor by the case workers and management of the Department of Community Services. I will report back what you said about being satisfied with the new policy. Ironically I was the only person in any given room that had any faith in your office to do the right thing. I am also the only nave person in any given room. I would think with the pounds upon pounds of paper given to you by me it would be intuitively obvious that you did not need to tell me to put any thing in writing but with corrupt people like your office what really is the purpose of that if you are going to shelf it anyway?
Unlike you I have no problem communicating in a timely and reasonable fashion despite the trauma you have caused. The last thing I needed was to have to do another communication on corruption. But you knew that just as you knew your voice mail and this letter would cause me to go into crisis for its blatant act of disrespect and cover-up of government acting badly.
I find it amazing that my voice mail caused you to react in less than 24 hours yet both you and Elaine ignored many emails and voice emails explicitly stating the escalating levels of my trauma as you pretended to investigate these matters that had me attempt to take my life and destroy my family unit. In fact on one occasion a few months ( 11.22.05) ago I sent you a very distressful email pleading for your help with my son who had to be charged again as he is in trauma and was homeless more times than not since he was 14 , the same time Susan Potts obstructed justice and told police to ignore all my medical charts. I sent you a second email ( 11.27.05) and still you have remained mute while my son sat in prison while our perpetrators are all employed by the Nova Scotia province. Do you know how depraved you must be to be as mute as you two were while people are in crisis ? In fact 17 emails were sent to you after we met and you only responded twice to let me know you got them.
There are so many examples of how both you and Elaine knew the seriousness of this matter and the ongoing escalation to my trauma and you both remained silent. Until now when it suits your purpose.
So now you wish to fake victimology? You have me wait almost a year in unbearable suffering but you are the victim?
I do hope you know that lying under oath is perjury and a criminal offense but your office was first contacted in April 22 2005 for you urgent attentions to the ongoing abuse that my family was still enduring that was causing so much immeasurable damage. Almost a year later you have done absolutely nothing to hold any of the depraved incompetent sociopathic government and civil employees of the Nova Scotia for their outrageous criminality and constitutional violations that murdered and gang raped my family since 1992.
You wish to feign moral outrage at my last message yet you have been fully aware in person, voice-mails and in writing that who ever you did not hold accountable in terminations of employment, criminal or constitutional charges would be given back to me. You have known this for many months but now you want to act like you are new. Who are you doing the Academy Award performance for Christine? Are you practicing your lines for court?.
You said explicitly stated I left a threatening voice mail. Where are the police? You were told to your face I have to do what I can including spray painting their cars to get them into a court and onto public record. You passively stated not do that. Are you going to pretend now that conversation never took place? You have various letters in front of you clearly stating the urgency and trauma.
You knew that who ever was not held accountable by your office would be given back to me. That was also confirmed in various voice mails to Elaine and she still did not get back to me with updated while KNOWING I was in crisis 24 hours a day. On April 22 she even suggested that I go to the hospital as I was too distressed. She was told many times it was crucial to keep me informed on what your progress was so I can try to ground myself and my 24 hour rage from trauma and neither of you did that.
So how are you going to explain that you KNOWING let a serious corrupt and criminal matter drag on for almost a year while KNOWING the claimant was already in medical distress and had already tried to take her life?
I do expect you to call the police for if you do not then you will be an accessory to the fact if and when I do commit crimes related to the very matters for corruption and abuse committed against my family, matters you pretended to investigate. You were fully aware of the arrangement and you chose to not hold any one accountable to for the depravity committed against Gayle McIntyre and Bradford Lawrence McIntyre. You chose to give them back to me.
Your message is very confusing no doubt a deliberation. How can you close a file yet say you are still investigating yet say you are satisfied with the new policy?
First of all the file closes when I draw my last breath you seem confused about that. You both were told I hope to live along time if you give them all back to me. Secondly, what are you pretending to investigate now? I can assure you Christine no one will be confused about how you closed this file ONLY when you knew I had more medical problems chest pains, shattered teeth and osteoarthritis.
Have you ever been in front of a jury? You seem to think they are stupid. You could not possibly investigate without holding your own office in corruptions and abuse for silence IS consent just as what you have now done. It was disgraceful to endure primary abuse then secondary abuse then tertiary abuse but to watch the Ombudsmans office themselves act in a corrupt manner to protect its own and the sociopathic Nova Scotia government from being outed for the depravity and inhumanity that was administered with impunity.
? need you to keep in touch with me as I am having a hard enough time keeping focused and grounded waiting for your decision and process and who you will be investigating anyone you do not deal with will be given back to me to deal with. I will collect for every tear my son cried.’
Elaine had that voice mail 4 months ago and variations since. Only after you know about my teeth and heart do you close the file. So in 10 months there were 2 meetings not counting the trauma time for each, 3 letters and 4 emails with you just saying you got my emails, and 4 phone calls including yours on 02.16.2006. In 10 months? In 10 months were you knew that I am in a home that has made me quite ill, with landlord that make me quite ill, that because HOUSING fabricated the inspection I had 4 small claims meetings to contend with while being so damaged, with case workers/supervisors withholding medical supplies making me quite ill, with a rapid decline in my health, with my son homeless, knowing I went into suicidal crisis 21 times in this home, knowing I cannot leave my home because of my rage, knowing I was getting 3-10 hours of sleep a week, knowing that when I could get on a bus often I would have to get off to come back home because of emotional outbursts/knowing that I was waiting for you.
And YOU want to fake victimology on saying I left a threatening voice mail about information you knew for months and still have in writing ?
How are you going to explain witnessing my traumas in September and October and yet you still took 5 months after and still you did nothing. You see Christine a judge and jury will not be confused as to why I am sitting in court. They will appalled to know that you had the legislative jurisdiction and power to bring every one of the criminals to accountability yet you chose to corrupt that process yourself to protect one of your own. They will be confused how you let all of this come to court.
I could go on and on but the facts speak for themselves. The very fact that I must do yet another about this abuse is so appalling that there is no words for what you people did in pretending to be doing an investigation knowing I would either kill myself or harm one of my rapists or murderers. I should have known you were up to trick for all the times I told Elaine I would come in and sign medical consent forms for you to have so you can see all the damage to me and my son since 1992 compliments of the Department of Community Services and Justice.
No such medical consent forms were offered. If they were you would be overwhelmed with the evidence of trauma, injury, chronic illnesses, permanent damages including financially committed by the Departments of Justice and Community Services. But that is EXACTLY you did NOT get me to sign anything. Just like Susan Potts- whose ego and career murdered my family, like her you also have obstructed process and justice.
I know it slow motion it will appear to look like I will be on trial but I can assure you I will be the only one not on trial.
As for being satisfied with policy you must be confused. I am the complainant not you and I am not satisfied. You knew that you stance would cause immeasurable trauma and crisis as you already knew the amount of sufferings since 1992 and why. It is already recorded in a transcript at a Standing Committee with Community Services that you had every act of abuse my family endured. Now what? This is going to be quite interesting now. You may ask Marilyn Moore for copies of that transcript and I can assure you on your best day you could not educate about Community Services. Six of my recommendations/concerns at this committee were put to the House for approval to the minister. I know you are not as stupid as you sound on the machine but you can have 100 new policies if the same criminals are interpreting them then we have achieved nothing. You already knew that but sought to insult my morality and intelligence anyway.
How will you explain how XXXXXXX, a government employee of about two decades was terminated for forging a signature while you did nothing to any of those who deliberately persecuted me for 14 years that raped every part of my life and murdered two innocent people?
The following is the list of people who you were to investigate for depravity, corruption, violations to privacy act, abuse, terrorism, systemic persecution, malicious prosecution, violation to my constitutional rights, violations to court orders, violations to human right act, violation to police act, violation to the residential act, violations to the child and family services act and so much more. This is not an exhaustive list of wrongs and crimes as you have all of the documents in your office as to the details of every act committed against me and mine.:
David Morse-ignored three reports and requests for investigations in 2003 on the outrageous criminality of many of his staff in Housing, Social Assistance and Child Welfare; that he knew one month prior to my attempt to take my life and he still did not intervene; that he lied in public/media about those reports until I reminded him of a confirmation letter that he had these reports. (Missing from this list is Harold Dillon, this was an oversight on my part as he refused to reply to any of my pleading letters and voice mails starting in 2002 on the outrageous racial violence inflicted on me by Irvine Carvery and allowed by John Fleming, Pat Lawrence and the MRHA Board. He received a promotion in the same year that he ignored my begging for help.)
Michael Baker-Ignored various requests to investigate the following: corruption among several crown dealing with Black thugs, corruption dealing with my rapes and stalking cases, corruption/obstructing justice by Susan Potts, corruption of police department, corruption of Victim Services, corruption in Human Rights Commission and Police Commission, misconduct with Privacy Act; fabricated document to Premier Hamm to confuse him on the requests by me for systemic investigations
Martin Herschorn and Frank Hoskins and Denise Smith-Ignored request for two new court dates with Black perps (6); refuses to do investigations into crown botching cases of rape and systemic corruption, and botching cases with Black thugs; refused to investigate FH, CD,DS and Susan Potts for obstructing justice that harmed my family/health/career permanently; withheld information to not hold SPotts accountable as she just barely survived the GReagan prosecutorial mess- knew public would not tolerate her murdering a family for her own career and ego- she and Halliday responsible for 1999 hospitalization where drugs given to me caused brain and organ damage; failed to charge my rapist David Swim and his brother for 2x malicious prosecution when they were caught lying under oath.
Christine Driscoll- slandered against my character for rape /stalking cases; obstructed justice by not getting my medical charts, published that I was not credible yet she never got my medical records and knew I just finished 4 years testifying for crown against my will
Susan Potts- forced me against my will to testify against my childhood rapist, obstructed justice by telling police not to get all of my medical charts for all the damages incurred for being forced to testify, and for the subsequent rapes, the direct result of her inflicting trauma; after forcing me to testify for 4 years she then took visible allegiance with police to say I was not a credible person
Other corrupt crown who botched cases that had Black perpetrators and white non-black victims
Frank Beazley-ignored requests to investigate staff on many acts of abuse and violence committed against me and my son; obstruction of justice on too many items to list here,
Steven Sykes-ibid: malicious persecution and false arrests and incarcerations on 3 occasions further police brutality; deliberate systemic abuse while I called in child/domestic abuse while in public housing; encouraged police to abuse me at every opportunity; botched rape/stalking case by assigning to rookie after Avalon REQUESTED specialized officer; refused to meet with me after Mayor Kelly told him to; fabricated charges to jail me one night instead of 20 Black thugs who almost killed my son
Sandra Johnson- malicious prosecution and false imprisonment on two occasions to help my rapist terrorize me; botched rape investigation; fabricated information on statements to incarcerate me
William Morris- botched rape case/investigation despite all evidence, lied under oath at P commission about telling me I was not raped; did not get medical records; was found accountable by internal investigation of 6 infractions to Police Act
Shane Halliday- hid corruption by WM and SJ and lied under P C oath; failed to charge rapist with stalking despite overwhelming evidence.
Other corrupt officers who abused me in jail and in the public housing systems for reporting drugs, and child and domestic abuse; failed to report abuse to CAS every time
Pat Lawrence-refused to investigate ongoing criminality of many residence of Mulgrave Park; refused to investigate ICarvery for his encouragement of racial violence towards my family; refused to charge anybody for smashing my windows 8 times, damage to my personal property; refused to evict known perps to my home and family resulting in a robbery; organizing meeting to fabricate claims against me for an eviction, accepted fabricated letters about my assaulting 22 people in community and submitted it to hearings; publicly stated I was fabricating my medical state, was responsible for outrageous trauma and stress to my family due to her own corruption resulting in many emergency hospital visits and therapy sessions; failed to investigate I Carvery for constant racial slurs- calling me ?razy white bitchand for sharing personal info from my file with corrupt neighbours; violated residential/appeals court order; took visible allegiance against me with known criminals who should have been evicted years ago; violated a residential/appeals order; only took Shannon Sparks to residential court AFTER Russell McKinnon LIBERAL to review my file of HOUSING daily racial abuse for 3 years- Pat hid the fact that boyfriend was living there threatened my life almost daily yet not paying rent; Pat and Irvine frauding HOUSING
John Flemming-ibid; told I Carvery about my 3 witnesses to his racial violence toward me they intervened and moved one of my witnesses.
Irvine Carvery-ibid; took visible allegiance with known Black thugs and encouraged them to harass me and call me racial slurs in the open with residents; shared information from my file and told my perps so they could verbally abuse me, called me racial names himself and would tell his posse that 'he was doing what he can to get rid of me.'
Dave Pryde- fabricated inspection for 87 Chater Street causing bodily injury and permanent medical damages
Shirley Feltmate-refused to investigate Terry Myers in 1997 and lied on his behalf as his supervisor; refused to investigate all case workers named for outrageous systemic persecution and retaliation causing immeasurable injury to self and family unit; lied about organizing an investigative meeting for an 1.5 years; organized meeting whereby information form my file was shared with NON CS persons for the sole purpose of character assassination; refused to give me all the names present-substantiated by BBB letter by Tom Rogers
Janet Fleming-deliberate created barriers on every thing knowing how traumatized I was; she cut of storage payments knowing I only had 50.00 month for groceries and bills, this is in retaliation for Nancy Neil issue with police; knew year and half before that I was taking my life to get away from her she kept on with abuse interfering with funds and medical appointments and refuse to send me T5 for taxes and HOUSING so I would be evicted and could not get my GST; responsible for several emergency visits then would not pay for them
Nancy Neil-refused to pay for my medical needs and food for almost 2 years; would not tell me my entitlement while on disability; refused to co-operate with information and money. Had me evicted my refusing to mail out T5 on time for landlord-was found respond in 2001 appeal meeting already dismissed by JS of Ombudsman office in 2000 while homeless.
Jane Williams- supervisor who allowed misconduct from case workers; participated in illegal meeting where she discussed my file with non-CS persons; fabricated information on my file dismissing the urgency and seriousness of medical conditions
Helen Pritchard- protected corrupt case workers under her supervision
Terry Myers- withheld 7 months of monies deliberately then lied about not getting messages about financial stress; accused me of taking money under the table; threatened me into Maintenance Enforcement Program. Just recently retired though he has years to go before he is 65 years old. They got rid of him this way rather than the criminal charges that should be laid. This is one case worker who should be in prison for life due to the immeasurable trauma he did to many women and children because of his blatant mysogyny.
Sheila Heyman-supervisor who allowed misconduct from case workers; participated in illegal meeting where she discussed my file with non-CS persons; knew 1 month before that I was taking my life and did nothing
Police Commission- (Nadine Cooper Mont, Gary Mumford) deliberately ignore POLICE ACT in by passing six month rule to investigate systemic persecution and ongoing abuse/violence from several officers while I was in public housing reporting crime and abuse; deliberately played with time lines and ignored section that PC has right to supersede time lines for critical community concerns such as this one; still lied about 6 month when some cases were not yet sic months.
Human Rights Commission-(Vikki Samuel,Lynn Hartley, and James Dewar)- deliberately botched racist and class/disability case against Irvine Carvery to work on Kirk Johnson case-did not want public to know Blacks are also racist and violent; Viki S senior officer said she did not like me calling IC a racist despite the evidence, she contaminated my investigation with her prejudice an nepotism; HRC refused to hear my police files so sent me to PC but still did police file for KJ after they refuse to do mine; JDewar lied about the process for me and KJ and when ask to show proof he refused to talk to me-HRC called me a racist without proof and dismissed my case against several Blacks and Carvery despite overwhelming evidence of systemic racial violence against my family
Alan Bickle- corrupted residential case against I Carvery due to nepotism; despite overwhelming evidence/police reports I was called danger to the community NOT the 8 Black criminal families; ordered my eviction though I was the victim.
Donna Best-CAS- failed to investigate numerous reports on child abuse/neglect and drug use in Mulgrave Park
eta: failed to charge several officers and Housing staff (Lawrence, Fleming, Carvery) for failing to report child abuse
Chief Naylor RCMP-failed to contact me during abuse investigation in HFX jail deaths despite 3 communications
Patrick Murphy raped me in 1998 but is now city councilman, police, mayor and city council all know and refuse to investigate
eta: as of May 24 2006 attempts were made to start an investigation that should have been started years ago when it was first disclosed
Terry Potter( Dept of Justice lawyer for Dept of Community Services)-Publicly stated that I was fabricating my medical conditions in a court hearing for sole purpose to contaminate my character for credibility despite 9 years of documents; defended Pat L and Dave P of Housing knowing they fabricated inspection causing bodily injury and leaving me to do all the manual labour to correct damages to house, causing further injury.
Ed Gores ( Dept of Justice lawyer)- obstructed a NSURB decision in 1997; misconduct and deliberate persecution on having victim endure 9 years of fighting for medical funds causing permanent injury
Joanne Marriott Thorne- Victim Services ....ibid
Darcy Fardy- failed to investigate private paper/court documents from VS sent to criminal neighbour who gave my private info to community causing sever trauma; courier confirmed mis-delivery-invasion of PRIVACY ACT
Bob Doherty-ibid
David Atkins: director of Court Services failed to investigate nepotism /misconduct of three adjudicators working on small claims matters for 87 Chater the house HOUSING fabricated to get me out of public housing so they could resume their criminality.
James Stewart-misconduct of 2000 investigation of CS; did not investigate fabricated documents; did not investigate monies held 7 months and eviction leading to 3 hospitalizations and 9 of homelessness and separation from child; decision 1 year later held CS responsible in appeals for my eviction after JS said no case.
Ombudsman Office-obvious corruption and obstruction of justice and process; protected criminality of employees and civil servants of Nova Scotia (Christine Brennan, Elaine Venturini, James Stewart)
ALL have caused permanent injury. Of course if you had my medical notes you would already know that.
There are others but not within your scope of jurisdiction. I do hope your gods are merciful on your soul for all the crimes you allowed to happen to me and my son and for the crimes you are about to let happen.
You through your own corruption, allowed the 14 year gang-rape and murder of Gayle McIntyre and XXXXXXXXX,my son. I will collect for every moment of pain, suffering and tears my son and I endured because for the outrageous sociopathic, depraved, inhumane, cruel, deliberate abuse, corruption and systemic persecution for Nova Scotia government employees and uncivil servants.
For every action there is an equal and opposing reaction, learn that in grade 8 science class. You have done your action (or lack thereof) and it is now the inevitable time to do mine: mine being the dependant action to your lack of action. I have been in front of judges and juries before and I have no doubt that when they find out what you deliberately hid from the public by not doing investigations will rape their logics and morality as much as you have me. I am prepared to take responsibility for my actions, I have all my life and for that of all my perpetrators.
Are you prepared to take responsibility for your inaction?
Please forward a photo copy of every single paper I gave you for your ?nvestigations I will have it copied and bound for every defence lawyer I will need as the direct result of your culpability in protecting the bureaucratic sociopaths that murdered my beautiful son and his mother. Your letter(s) will be the very first. Also include the timelines of each of you who ?orkedin this case since April 22 2005. Include the tasks of each person. I want the name of the third party who was to be the investigator, the one you met with in January. I want a copy of everything that person said.
This communication does not include:
- assault to my son by police as they fabricated charges against him
- the 3 months of abuse at the Abby lane /QEII using me for drug testing without my consent, I was only there because of Susan Pots telling police not to change my rapist
- all the abuse of me and my siblings that CS knew about and left us there to rot
- that on my 16 th birthday CS and police knew about my 5 years of rape and did not
charge the perp until 1992 ten years later against my will and after I had successful
lifestyle, destroying all that I worked for and damaging my son who had to raise himself
- the 14 months that CS took to process my sons cheque just to retaliate against me
- that my child worker Beth Hamilton killed herself when she watched my life fall apart after Susan Potts forced me to testify against my rapist. Beth was the worker when I was 16-17 but another worker, Peter Roberts missed this first, he is currently working for Department of Justice
- that three Nova Scotia Appellant judges ruled that the Department of Justice Victim Services ?cted dangerously inventing their own law as they went along How apropos that this could be said for each person you did NOT investigate.
I am sure the public will agree with me.
There is so much more I can list but this should be enough for public record.
As I said you had no intention of doing any investigation but sought to string me along on the pretense of an ethical review and investigative process that would hold these people accountable for violations. You knew that with the immeasurable crisis and stress ongoing there was a great chance I would try to take my life again. I have no doubt that was what you were waiting for and you took the next best way out by causing so much stress and anxiety with your silence that I would inevitably escalate. I am sure a jury will see it the same way.
Gayle McIntyre
cc. Premier Hamm
Standing Committee Community Services
Minister of Justice ( provincial and federal)
Minister of Community Services ( provincial and federal)
Ombudsman Office-Communication 2 after closing file
Re: REFUSAL to press criminal charges on February 26 2006
February 27 2006
This will be my last communication with your office as you have wasted enough of my precious time and none of you are to be trusted for your involvement in the cover-up of outrageous systemic corruption, criminality, sociopathology, and violence of the Dept of Justice(DOJ) and Community Services(DOCS). Please forward a copy of this communication to this Kennedy character I do not know him, the police mentioned his name.
You Christine were caught in your second lie, the first being the one where you pretended to do an investigation for almost a year. The police had the opportunity to hear the voice mail YOU left me and it is a little bit different from what you told them. How shocking is that! You might want to work on that before you get under oath. I was surprised that you only saved the last voice mail for the police and not all them left by me over the last year on the urgency of this matter because of the immeasurable trauma I am dealing with 24 hours. Erasing pertinent voice mails is tampering with evidence. Was it too inconvenient to have all the evidence for the police to hear? Did it implicate the Ombudsman Office?
That is okay they heard the most important one: the one where you chose to close my file BECAUSE OF MY DISTRAUGHT/THREATENING VOICE MAIL, saying you were satisfied with the new policies for potential issue with DOCS. Of course that would have nothing to so with crimes committed against me or my son. Of course the officer was confused as you told him that the OO investigation is ongoing, leaving him to believe YOU meant MY investigation against DOJ and DOCS. This blatant lie prompted me to allow Officer Reid to hear your own words about how you only intend to follow up with DOCS to see if they implement the new policies for potential futuristic problems. Nice try though!
I am confused mind you, you have no problem calling the police on me, at my request, but you seem to have great difficulty calling them to charge the perpetrators who raped and murdered me and my son since 1992? Why is that Christine?
Well, we have a problem. The police REFUSE to charge me for my many emails/voice mails to both departments about my intent to collect from every moment of suffering my son and my son endured because of their criminality. They refuse to charge me at all. This will confuse the NS public for Supt Sykes had no problem having me abused and thrown in jail instead of 20 Black thugs who almost killed my son with a plywood and 8 nails on it as it crashed through my kitchen window for the 8 th times. Housing encouraged this violence by way of the racism of Irvine Carvery.
The police and crown had no problem inventing several statements and charges against me to help David Swim, rapist and stalker, to abuse and incarcerate me twice and have me on undertakings for 3 years that enabled the rapist to have further control over me. A doctor has already testified to the damage done to me by police and crown for not charging the rapist then they turned around and helped him terrorize me for few more years. Both he and his brother were caught lying under oath to the point crown dropped all charges in 40 minutes. Yet I am still waiting for malicious prosecution charges to be laid against them. That is right they cannot do that or the public will find out what the Crown did to me over a decade. I am sure one of my several doctors won? mind testifying at least one more time.
So now with all the evidence you have on me, the police will not charge me?
Let me slow it down so there is no more confusion:
As soon as I am well enough I will collect on everything done to me and my son.
I think there are about 35 people, all guilty of permanent injury to me and my son since 1992. As you were told already the NS government employees YOU FAIL to investigate, terminate from employment, FAIL to criminally and constitutionally charge: it is my intent to assault each one for the sole purpose of a public hearing. NS government employee XXXXXXX was fired for forging a signature. Minister Ed Morris was criminally charged for privacy violations. Those in my file murdered and gang raped my family everyday systemically and individually since 1992. I think a tad more serious yet not even an investigation? Not one charge for destroying 2 people? lives? You must be smoking crack.
How wonderful will it be that we get every corrupt Crown that fabricated statements and botched all my files except one to prosecute. Get all the Crown who corrupted cases against Black thugs in Housing. And how apropos that will should get Susan Potts the greatest sociopath of them all to process the ones that she did not do. Then we will get other Crown do to the ones Potts botched on my rapes to hide the damage she did to me and my family. The numerous medical records do not lie. Three NS Appellant Judges did not lie in their 2003 decision the DOJ acted dangerously an invented their own laws with me and my files for 9 years after being FORCED to testify against my childhood rapist, a 20 year old crime.
I cannot wait to see the public? reaction when they find out that Potts after forcing me to testify against my childhood rapist, told me in 1992 after reading only a segment of my childhood abuse thought I should have been a dangerous offender. Now those who abused me that badly are my abusive landlords NOW because of her after 16 years due abuse because of her? She forced me to testify against my will on a 20 year old crime but when I was raped 3 times as the direct result of that trauma she REFUSED to charge any of the rapist in the now time saying I was not credible! Yet someone was incarcerated on my testimony on the child rape case. The public will love that story.
Wait until they find out in 2004 DOJ and DOCS lawyer Terry Potter at in a small claims hearing, the result the fabricated inspection by Housing that harmed me, stated in public in court that I was faking my illnesses. This after DOJ lawyer Ed Gores made me fight for 9 years, the last 5 suicidal for medical monies already legislatively mine. But then again if Potts did not force me to testify over 4 years I would not have had any medical concerns at all and my son and I would be enjoying the life we worked hard for.
Wait until the public finds out that in a NS Court of Appeals decision three judges, in writ, reprimanded the DOJ for acting dangerously and chastised them for inventing their own laws as they processed my files over 9 years. Wait until they find out that the DOJ independent physician states in her written evaluation that DOJ IS responsible for my trauma by forcing me to testify when I was not psychologically ready or intended to do so AND that the ongoing fighting with DOJ caused further trauma and stress. You cannot keep hiding the facts.
Wait until the public finds out that Potts told police Halliday in 1999 not to get my medical records to avoid charging David Swim so the public never found out that she was responsible for my rapes starting in 1997 and that her decision then put me in the hospital in 1999 resulting in organ and brain damage that destroyed the rest of who I was. Conversely had she charged my first rapist I would never have needed to go to the hospital and my life would have not been destroyed. Had she not forced me to testify I would not have been unable to defend myself while being raped any of the three times. The public will not be as forgiving I do not think, as they were on the mess she did of the Regan case, the one she kicked me to the curb for after forcing me to testify promising 12 years incarceration for the rapes in my childhood. My perpetrator only got 6 months on weekends. My son and I got life.
One of many abuses committed against me. The DOJ and DOCS put my childhood abusers to shame. All protected by 4 Tory ministers and a Tory premier.
Are you a spiritual person? I am. This is exactly how this was to be written for no one human being could possibly be exposed to what I have been exposed to for no reason.
Please make sure you get it right this time.
As you were told I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions, the direct result of you not taking responsibility for your lack of action.
I will consider it my duty and honour as a humanitarian to bring each of the corrupt sociopathic, abusive, violent criminals from the NS government and civil servant list to justice. Odd that if I was still a NS government employee all my whistle blowing would be commended and there would be parades in my honour. Instead I am just a poor woman on disability the compliments of both departments who have government sanctions to destroy and murder anyone who dare speak out again them.
I await the charges. Lets get busy! You have wasted enough time with your faux investigation into the corruption of NS employees.
I hope you did not mind that I took the liberty to explain your tactic to the officer, he has not been around as many sociopaths as I have, fortunately. I told him that by you and Kennedy approaching the police with an intent to REFUSE to charge me as just a diversion in the guise of public safety when in fact it is to coerce me into submission to keep my mouth closed. The tactic has been played on me since 1992, it is old now.
You see some thing weird and wonderful happens when you take you life: you find out there is no life after death especially if you survive. The one thing that is true is Purgatory and I have no intention of sitting here by myself while those who did this to my family get to enjoy their families, lives, careers, health, futures and disgracefully, promotions. How do Dept. of Community Services give a $17,000 bonus to the Deputy Minister during the time I filed serious reports on DoCS and Housing criminality, violence, abuse and violations to their own legislation and others? My son is homeless and damaged while I am on permanent disability BECAUSE of several DoCS employees while she got $17,0000?
It is NOT a coincidence that I have been requesting investigations into gross criminality, sociopathology, nepotism, systemic persecution and misconduct that injured my family for over a decade of Department of Justice and Community Services and BOTH received a NATIONAL FAILURE on their reports cards for crime, violence and increases to issues of poverty and gross negligence of the poor and disabled in Nova Scotia.(2005)
Nova Scotia IS Canada? SHAME for CORRUPT and CRIMINAL government.
The public has nothing to fear from me. You have my consent to share any or all of my file with anyone who asks.
Gayle McIntyre
cc. premier of Nova Scotia ( to be forwarded to minister of DOJ and DOCS)
Liberal opposition to premier
Standing Committee for Community Service
Enclosed supportive documentation, others upon request please contact Ombudsman Office for copies of my entire file that they ignored to hide from the Nova Scotian public.
Please use this as my consent to that information.
XXXXXXX v. Canada (Attorney General), 2004 FC 1532 (fed. T.D). This Federal Court of Canada case upheld the right of adjudicators to award damages in lieu of returning an employee to the job, even if the adjudicator rules dismissal was too severe a penalty.
XXXXXXX, an HR advisor in the human resources division at a naval base in Halifax, was fired for unethical behaviour. He had been suspended for forging a signature on a letter written on Department of Defence letterhead that inaccurately stated his salary for the purposes of a child support hearing. Less than two weeks after that suspension, he submitted a falsified resume to another government department indication he had obtained a degree from Halifax's Dalhousie University with a specialization in HR management. He hadn't.
Later XXXXXXXX recommended a former lover for a position, but did not tell anyone he had been in a relationship with her that resulted in a child or that there were outstanding child care issues between them. The woman was hired and XXXXXXXX began intimidation her, telling her that he controlled her employment and that if she revealed their prior relationship, she would lose her job.
The court ruled the adjudicator was right in awarding damages and not returning him to his job, even though she felt dismissal was too severe a penalty. XXXXXXXX superiors had lost trust in him, and the court said that because the employment relationship was so fundamentally breached by the employee's conduct, it could not reinstate him.
Under the section, Misleading the House, the very first guideline of the Codes of Conduct states that, "Ministers must not deceive or knowingly mislead the House . . .", however, the Premier himself confused this House on May 17th, last, when the MLA for Cape Breton West asked him about the code of conduct. The MLA for Cape Breton West asked the Premier when he was going to follow through on his commitment to introduce legislation to back up his code of conduct. In less than an hour, the Premier flipped, then flopped, then flipped back again, changing directions three times on the issue. With 243 promises to keep track of, it is no surprise Premier Hamm can't remember them all. Clearly the Premier is not committed to this code. If he were, he would have a better grasp of the commitment he made to the people of Nova Scotia.
The Tories could not follow the example of any former Tory Government, that is for sure. I want to remind Nova Scotians about some of the former Tory Government years because there are a couple of ministers still sitting here from those years. I think Nova Scotians have to be refreshed about why we are now getting a code of conduct in this House. Former Premier John Buchanan certainly needed a code of conduct for himself and those around him. He promised a code of conduct in the 1988 election - 12 years ago - but Nova Scotians never saw it. The current Minister of Finance and Minister of Transportation, who were members of the Buchanan Cabinet, know what I am talking about. The current Tory Premier probably promised a code of conduct because he knew what Tory members were capable of. This is why we need Bill No. 60.
Let's look at some history. Remember the John Buchanan Tories' toilet seat sale? The cost, Mr. Speaker, was $50,000 for 250 electric toilet seats. They were bought by the then Minister of Government Services, Terry Donahoe. Then, in 1992, when the scandal broke, they were sold for $300, a net loss of $49,700. Guess who they bought them from? They bought them from a friend of the former Premier, just an outright patronage buy; no problem with ethics there, they just bought the electric toilet seats from a friend of the former Tory Premier. The Buchanan airplane, $1.6 million.
In 1981 Attorney General Harry How landed in hot water for asking Crown Prosecutors to dig up information against Liberal MLAs. The issue was brought up at the time by Liberal MLA Walter Fitzgerald. Mr. Speaker, after becoming a Chief Judge, Harry How continued to get into trouble by calling the then Attorney General Terry Donahoe to warn him of a news story about the Thornhill affair.
In 1986 another Tory Cabinet Minister, Billy Joe MacLean, was kicked out of the Legislature and blocked from returning as a Tory, after pleading guilty to four counts of using forged documents in MLA expense claims. Billy Joe claimed almost $22,000, another reason why we need Bill No. 60.
I go on, Mr. Speaker. In 1987 Nova Scotia taxpayers paid the legal expenses for yet another Tory Cabinet Minister, Edmund Morris, who was charged with violating the Freedom of Information Act, by revealing private details from the Social Services file of a client in that particular department. It seems that over the years Tory Cabinet Ministers have had great difficulty with the Freedom of Information Act and probably will have great difficulty with Bill No. 60, but that remains to be seen.
Mr. Speaker, in 1987 former Education Minister Terry Donahoe, who was also the minister responsible for private trade schools, was accused of conflict of interest for guaranteeing a loan for his wife's business school, Miss Murphy's Business College. There was no conflict there, I don't imagine. That is another example of Tory patronage over the years.
[Page 7448]
In 1987 the CBC called Ron Giffin the most embarrassing Cabinet Minister in the provincial government. As Attorney General, Mr. Giffin said the province would try to ban homosexuals from joining municipal police forces. Is it any wonder that the code of conduct is coming here today? Mr. Giffin also dragged his feet on the Marshall Inquiry and then wanted to scrimp on paying the legal costs of Donald Marshall, Jr. Mr. Giffin was widely criticized for refusing to allow his department to investigate the growing expense claim scandal by Tory MLAs.
In 1988 Tory backbencher Greg MacIsaac also found himself in hot water - as a backbencher at the time, he was not part of government - and the government took no action. The matter became a public issue and then something was done about it.
[4:45 p.m.]
Also, on June 4, 1990, a major headline appeared in The Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Government accused of corruption, the Tory Government, 1990. That was the bombshell that was dropped on the Buchanan Government of the day. You will remember Michael Zareski, I am sure his name is still very much in the minds of Nova Scotians, that had to do with that affair. Remember the lucrative contracts that were given to Tories like Ralph Medjuck and Ben McRea, government employees painting government front benchers houses, ministers of the day lining their own pockets. That is why we need Bill No. 60, a code of conduct legislation. A previous senior government employee in one year drew over $400,000 in government expenses and salaries. You remember Cherry Ferguson, Chief Electoral Officer. She was Deputy Clerk of the House, Chief Electoral Officer and a Workers' Compensation lawyer all at the same time; a very busy lady. That was in the former Tory Government. That is another reason why we need conflict of interest legislation.
Donald Smith, former MLA and Nova Scotia Agent General, got a whopping $110,000 a year plus expenses and use of an apartment and car because he had friends in government at the time. You remember the issue with the American mining giant M.A. Hanna who sued the Premier of the day for $40 million for influencing Sydney Steel to stop buying iron or pellets from the company. Former Minister of Education, Mr. Giffin, criticized for cutting school repair and maintenance budgets while his government wrote off $8 million in debt for the Upper Clements Theme Park. Nova Scotian students are still suffering from that decision. That is why we need Bill No. 60, all of those reasons.
I conclude my remarks, Mr. Speaker, by saying that, yes, indeed, these are some of the reasons why we need it, and I commend the Premier for bringing this bill before the House finally. It took a long time and a lot of prodding but it is here. But the governments also promised to bring in a similar code for senior civil servants, deputy ministers and others in the government who are in a position to sway public policy. I believe, during the last debate, in the last session of the House, we talked about that, and we talked about how Ministers of the Crown who were doing their jobs in a very open, forthright and honest way can get into
[Page 7449]
difficulties because of senior Public Service people who are in a position to sway government policy, public policy, issues of public policy. That has been done. It has been done in our government where senior civil servants tried to sway government ministers on certain policy issues, and it will happen again. The ministers have to be very vigilant and understand that they and they alone are responsible for the actions of their department.
I am looking forward to seeing this code of conduct, especially since the Tories are filling the senior Civil Service with former Tories, some of them from New Brunswick. A lot of the things I am talking about here, or was talking about, are facts, they are not fiction. They are all things that have been proven either in the courts or they have been dealt with by the government, and they have been disposed of. I reminded members of the House and taxpayers of this province that the reason Bill No. 60 is before us today is that all of these events over the past 20 years in Nova Scotia have given the people of Nova Scotia due cause for concern about how this Legislature acts, and how this Legislature conducts its business, and how this Legislature and its government and its members are perceived by the public. That perception, I would say to you, Mr. Speaker, is at an all-time low in this province.
Is it any wonder that the people of Nova Scotia are cynical, when you have the Department of Education as a good example, with Dennis Cochrane, Leroy Legere and Guy LeBlanc all filling in for the overworked Minister of Education, and all just happen to be former Tory Cabinet Ministers, not only in Nova Scotia, but in New Brunswick. They must have hired them all in Nova Scotia, now they are going to New Brunswick to hire ex-Tory Cabinet ministers.
As far as Bill No. 60 goes, Mr. Speaker, I don't think it goes far enough, but I think it is a step in the right direction. Public confidence in this government has already started to crumble and, unfortunately, so has public confidence in all politicians in this province. Again, I suggest to the Premier that perhaps we should be looking at parallel legislation to curtail activities of senior civil servants in the policy-making decisions as it affects the departments of this government, as it affects the distribution of public money in this province, because as I said in here last fall, senior civil servants in this province can send a minister down the road to oblivion very easily with the wrong public policy decisions on matters and this has happened in Nova Scotia.
It has happened here and I am not suggesting for one minute that all of these things I outlined and chronicled over the past 20 years were done by a single person. I suggest that you have to look at the people behind that particular person at the time. I think it is good to see that the code applies to the Executive Council, but I think also there should be a code for all members of the House including the backbench members of the government.
Christine Brennan and Elaine Venturini, DUE TO LACK OF RESPONSE March 26/April5/April10/April17/April24
This communication May 05 2005.
As of April 17 2006 it has come to my attention via post delivery email problem that Christine Brennan had changed her email as not to have to answer for her outrageous criminality regarding the extensive and traumatizing file of Gayle McIntyre. This is further evidence to their cover- up on the deliberate and outrageous criminality of both the Department of Justice and Community Services of Nova Scotia. It will be hand delivered to their office by me Gayle McIntyre
The message that you sent was undeliverable to the following:
-----Original Message-----From: gayle [] Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:39 PMTo: 'Christine Brennan'Subject: FW: RESEND DUE TO LACK Of PROPER RESPONSE: March 26 /APRIL 5 /APRIL10 /April17/
Christine Brennan and Elaine Venturini of Ombudsman Office at
March 26 2006
April 5 2006
April10 2006
April17 2006 ( this communication)
I am yet to receive in marked mail the following:
- a cover sheet signed by both Elaine and Christine stating they have read and investigated every document submitted by Gayle McIntyre
- acknowledging that Gayle McIntyre did bring the matter of immeasurable abuse from various government agencies to your attention on April 22 2005 and we had almost a year to investigate
- The upon that phone call you offered to call 911 as I was in trauma and distress
- the date you closed the file
- acknowledging that in the third week of January 2006 you met with a third party to also investigate
- that these communications from that meeting are to be in writing and dated
- that there be a photocopy of very document bound, dated and initiated by each party that interacted with the documents submitted by Gayle McIntyre
- that despite the overwhelming evidence to systemic violence , retaliation, persecution the Ombudsman Office refuses to investigate any of the criminal and constitutional violations by both the Dept of Justice and Community Services
- that the Ombudsman partook in a meeting that resulted in the police coming to my home on fishing trip refusing to criminally charge me despite my request to charge me.
- that some of this file on similar matters was first brought to the Ombudsman Office /James Stewart in the year 2000 and dismiss my file by accepting fabricated documents by various Community Service employees while my son and I were homeless for 9 months and separated living off $300.00 a month and 3 hospitalizations due to stress of separation/homelessness.
- that you were told that in the year 2001 that an appeal decision was made against Community Services/Nancy Neil that they WERE responsible for my eviction and still no one has been terminated for the injury and damage to my family that Stewart allowed.
- that I have offered several times to sign consent forms for medical evidence and you have ask for none of it
- that you refuse to request my ample medical evidence including my attempt to take my life as the direct result of the 15 years of systemic abuse and violence my family endured committed by several NS civil servants
- that despite my many emails and voice mails begging for assistance, direction, updates and urgency you both ignored my communications
- that you both were fully aware since April 22 2005 the high level of damage, injury and trauma that only escalated with your lack of courtesy and professional standards of communicating
- that both of you were fully aware of the trauma that was obvious and communicated to you before, during and after our September and October intense 3 hour meetings in person.
- that you waited until I was very traumatized waiting for your updated on the investigation resulting in chest pains, trauma symptoms and shattered teeth that you used this as an excuse to close the file without any investigation into the numerous criminal acts from both ministers level down through their ranks.
- that you knew since October 2005 meeting that who ever you did not investigate, charge and terminate employment would be given back to me to deal with personally.
- that you told police you were still doing an investigation into my grievance although a voice mail left by CB stated otherwise and that CNST Jason REID heard same voice mail and agreed that it was not the same communication he had with you.
- that you lied since April 2005 to March 2006 about investigations on the numerous acts of retaliation, malicious persecution, abuse, and violations to several pieces of legislation committed by named employees of the NS government in 2 departments since 1992.
Gayle McIntyre
-----Original Message-----From: gayle [] Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 1:35 PMTo: 'Christine Brennan'Subject: FW: RESEND DUE TO LACK Of PROPER RESPONSE: March 26 /APRIL 5 /APRIL10
March 27 2006
April 5 2006
-----Original Message-----From: gayle [] Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:35 AMTo: 'Christine Brennan'Subject: RESEND DUE TO LACK Of PROPER RESPONSE: APRIL 5 2006
-----Original Message-----From: gayle [] Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 3:12 AMTo: 'Christine Brennan'Subject: Final Request RESEND DUE TO LACK Of PROPER RESPONSE: APRIL 5 2006
Elaine Venturini and Christine Brennan of the Ombudmans Office Halifax dated March 27 2006
x.Walter Thompson-adjudicator Small Claims corrupted with Moir/Boudreau corruption
excerpt to the NS Court of Appeals on the mysogynistic and violent behaviour of Walter Thompson for the entertainment of Sonya and Eric McIntyre. WT's behaviour is more shameful than that of Raymond Bartlett, WT did with mysogynistic malice made sure to gangrape my rights and evidence so that he could support the previous corrupt public servant at Tenancy who also retaliated against me as weak males in authority always do. All unwaged work due to Bond, Conrad, Potts, Gores....
II. Argument
That the test for awarding a Stay is well discussed and referenced throughout the accompanying Book of Authorities provide for the request to Stay the decisions for a Lower Court and in this case Small Claims Court.
That the matter must be Stayed as it does satisfy the test that must be applied on the application is as set out in Fulton Insurance Agencies Ltd. v. Purdy (1990), 100 N.S.R. (2d) 341 where Hallett, J.A. said at p. 346:
(1) satisfy the Court on each of the following: (i) that there is an arguable issue raised on the appeal; (ii) that if the stay is not granted and the appeal is successful, the appellant with have suffered irreparable harm that it is difficult to, or cannot be compensated for by the damage award. This involves not only the theoretical consideration whether the harm is susceptible of being compensated in damages but also whether if the successful party at trial has executed on the appellant? property, whether or not the appellant if successful on appeal will be able to collect, and (iii) that the appellant will suffer greater harm if the stay is not granted than the respondent would suffer if the stay is granted; the so-called balance of convenience. OR
(2) failing to meet the primary test, satisfy the Court that there are exceptional circumstances that would make it fit and just that the stay be granted in the case.
And that this matter satisfies both the primary test and the exception circumstances requirement.
1. i. Arguable Issues Raised on Appeal
It is argued that the adjudicator in this matter and the residential officer prior to the Small Claims matter did with intent and malice misuse their authority created hearings that were overtly biased and prejudicial and that such intention defies and mocks due process and the integrity of the justice system and that no reasonable or rationale person would have considered these hearings, individually or collectively, or their subsequent erroneous and egragarious decisions, to be legal, constitutional or sound and that both the officer and the adjudicator did try to influence the course of due process and that such conduct would be and should be seen as contempt for rule of law especially against disadvantaged persons who more than likely could not find remedy in a Court of Appeals or request a Motion to Stay by not being able to access the process effectively so that remedy could be sought in a Court of Appeals a process component afforded to others.
And that such intention was conducted and has became the information for the three grounds of appeals as follows (and is included at length in the Notice to Appeal).
Jurisdictional Error :
[i] That the appellant has a right to have such critical matters heard in the appropriate forum, a legal and ethical forum that has jurisdiction over the matter of legal gifts and/or compensation and /or constructive trust- equivalent to unjust enrichment.
[ii] That the appellant should reasonably expect to have matters heard in a forum and by judiciary that do not willing and deliberately collude with the criminal, immoral and depraved intent and agenda of the Respondent in creating harm and injury by trying to force the Appellant from a property already offered and accepted by same Appellant as a legal gift for compensation for historical abuses, undue hardships, disabilities and loss of quality of life.
[iii] That this matter is too complex and historical and belongs in civil and criminal court and does not fit by virtue of such complexity and damages and crimes, over decades, into the jurisdiction according to the Small Claims Act as is the intent and purpose of this Act to constitute a court wherein claims up to but not exceeding the monetary jurisdiction of the court are adjudicated informally and inexpensively but in accordance with established principles of law and natural justice. R.S., c. 430, s. 2.
b) Error of Law:
[i] There are no provisions or invitations to provide, per the Small Claims Act, that allow any adjudicator in any court to change the Act or alter its interpretation or create at will and whim an arbitrary interpretation to suggest even in part, even if this is in the jurisdiction of the Residential Tenancy Act, to exclude biological relations from the legal and legislated enforcement as worded in the Act.
That no such allowances should be assumed or implied especially when the parties involved have a violent historical and present relationship that is not bi-directional and that this is a perpetrator and victim relationship not of father and daughter relationship. Especially since the adjudicator was fully aware that the Respondent lost his rights to refer to being my father when I became a ward of the court from all the degradation and terror he and his family members committed against me. Especially when this is made clear in a document submitted and to deviate from that is to deliberately incite and dismiss the reality of this situation which the adjudicator did throughout the hearing to invent his own rule of law to enable his pretending the motivation of the lump sum gift did not exist thereby keeping it in his jurisdiction of tenancy and not home ownership.
For any adjudicator, and in this instance, to assume that the blood allows the bastardization of law is an authority and privilege he does not have in any position legislated or otherwise and such an assumption is a serious and deliberate error in law. And that such a deliberate bastardization of law is an offence on its own and with respect for rule of law there is such bastardization creates lawlessness as seen through this entire matter as both the officer and adjudicator created their own rules throughout.
That the Residential Officer made it clear (I still have the audio) that he would not decide to proceed with a Tenancy hearing until the Respondent who is now claiming to be the landlord produce a ledger of accounts which I said he could not be produced and submitted as one did not exist because he was never the landlord. And that the officer a few hours later decided to proceed, hours after ?omeonewho I believe to be him web searched my name and the Respondent? name, and came across a NPO that I belong to that speaks to the injuries experienced by vulnerable persons including those committed by public servants but that I supposed to be protected by the Charter for free assembly and it should not have been used as personal retaliation to proceed violating his own condition and he refuses to answer why he violated his own condition and refuses to provide me with a copy of that ledger. This is an error of law…
[4] It also emphasizes its third ground which alleges that requiring Business Depot to compile and/or create information into documents which do not already exist in order to produce this information constitutes an error of law…
[7] Claiming that the information described in the order had not been provided, Mailboxes Etc. applied for leave to cite for contempt
[Citation: 2502731 Nova Scotia Ltd. v. Plazacorp Retail Properties Ltd., 2004 NSCA 62 paragraph 4 and 7 respectively
(c) Failure to follow the requirements of Natural Justice:
[i] Failing to hear and let be heard, without prejudice, relevant witnesses that offered various aspects of a matter
[ii] Failing to give equal treatment and respect to both the appellant and respondent
[iii] Failure to explain upon request the process and possible outcomes of the matter
[iv] Failure to allow evidence to be submitted by certain witnesses that supported the appellant? position which would also inevitably challenge the credibility of the Respondent
[v] Deliberately steering the process in such a manner where this pertinent evidence could not be heard as outlined on each subpoena and dismissed witnesses after publicly humiliating me, the appellant, and dismissed them on his own measure that was not only unfair but clearly was prejudicial toward the Respondent who was now claiming to be the landlord.
Although the following excerpt refers to a trial it applies here in that
That the learned Trial Judge erred in failing to find that there was an issue to be tried and, instead, proceeded to make findings of fact based upon disputed facts.
[Citation: W.M. Fares & Associates Inc. v. 3035605 Nova Scotia Ltd., 2006 NSCA 53, paragraph 10]
[vi] Failed to let me speak freely and often silenced me with abusive tones and combative attacks that publicly humiliated me and legally and psychologically hobbled my ability to present myself and my case and even when I told the adjudicator I was filing against him at this level him because of his unconstitutional, biased, prejudicial, abusive and combative behaviour, and despite my many requests for him to stop he continued with this maltreatment in front of my abusers, the Respondent and his wife, causing me immeasurable injury as this degradation was akin to the degradation I experienced from Judge Bartlett in 1981 and whose mysogyny and lack of regard for child safety was and is instrumental in the damages to my family because Bartlett refused to protect my siblings and set them back with their abusers, the Respondent. And that Bartlett? corruption and depravity set into motion the matter in front of you now. And that the adjudicator for this matter spoke to me in the same manner with the same intent as Bartlett, to degrade which has its own trauma.
( 1 ) ii. Irreparable Harm
That it is recognized in the following that there is no exact or operational definition for irreparable harm and that is must be defined and understood within its contextual meaning…
[9] As was recognized by Cromwell J.A. in O?onnor v. Nova Scotia (2001), 193 N.S.R. (2d) 8 (C.A.), an assessment of irreparable harm must be contextual. Similarly, he said in MacPhail, supra:
[12] Irreparable harm is not a term capable of exact definition. As Justice Sharpe notes in his treatise, Injunctions and Specific Performance (2nd, 1997):
“It is exceptionally difficult to define irreparable harm precisely... The important point is that irreparable harm has not been given a definition of universal application: its meaning takes shape in the context of each particular case.” (at para 2.440 to 2.450)
[Cite as: Grafton Street Restaurant Ltd. v. Nova Scotia (Utility/Review Board), 2002 NSCA 97]
As per the submitted Affidavit, to disallow the Stay would place my family in a disadvantaged position of being put out of our own home as the direct result of the Respondent? retaliation for an open criminal matter against same said Respondent that should not have been empowered or emboldened by any part of any hearing and that to lose my home, a home bought for and accepted by me by terms agreed upon in June 2004, would be to reward criminal and unconstitutional behaviour and the psychology of watching this system of all systems, that is supposed to be fair and just reward someone using the system as a means to an end to cause immeasurable harm and injury to me the appellant cannot be measured by an quantitative measure.
That the induced poverty and labour and medical deterioration from doing the labour while having medical distress and crisis cannot be measured and to not grant the Stay would mean the individual responsible for this medical and financial agony would receive benefit and enrichment to my deprivation and cost that I cannot recover as the monies have been spent to make the home safe and habitable by legal standards and I cannot get back the state of health that was permanently taken from me while doing these repairs.
That Knowing that the officer and adjudicator knew if I went to appeals I would have to be in the company of my worse perpetrator and if I proceeded seeking justice it would create an incredible amount of work that exceeds my abilities as a person with brain damage thus causing me harm in and of itself and Knowing they did the Respondent? harm for him by harming me more to his obvious delight, they enabled him from doing any work someone who they know lied throughout, and that my watching the justice system embolden him to harm me right in front of them and they say nothing and to let them harm me in front of him cannot be measured or compensated monetarily.
That there is more harm to me at the Respondent? gain however those details are best left for the right jurisdiction, Civil Action.
That since the Respondent claims he will be privately selling my home as per his Tenancy application, as cited in W.M. Fares & Associates Inc. v. 3035605 Nova Scotia Ltd., 2006 NSCA 53 paragraph 15,
[15] In this case it is significant that while the land is owned by 558, the written contract is with 605. Thus without the stay, it is possible that the land could be either pledged or otherwise disposed of before the scheduled appeal, thus jeopardizing the appellant? security.
And in Citation: Reid v. Halifax Regional School Board, 2006 NSCA 35, paragraph 16...
[16] Second, once access to information is granted, it cannot be undone if the order for access is subsequently reversed on appeal. The harm is irreparable in the sense that a legal wrong has been committed which cannot be compensated or reversed and
[27] I am satisfied that if the application for a stay were refused and the appellant was ultimately successful, he would suffer irreparable harm which would be impossible or difficult to compensate by dollar damages. ..
(iii ) Balance of Convenience:
a) That the harm to me, the Appellant, if the Stay is not granted would be greater than the harm to the Respondent if it is granted.
b) That the only ?armthat would come to the Respondent Eric McIntyre is not being able to injury me and that would cause him psychiatric damages as his need to harm me as he has all my life is a disturbing symptom of underlying untreatable pathologies and that his needing to harm me now is because of the open police criminal matter that should finally incarcerate him for crimes he was allowed to do to me most of my life including the last 5 years as a woman with multiple disabilities and that with his fabricated application he is desperately intending to make me ?navailablefor this criminal court matter. And that witnessing both the officer and adjudicator treat him like he is victim even though he was not required to show any requested proof and despite his continual contrary testimony and despite silencing me from speaking the truth and submitting factual testimony/evidence and despite allowing him to abuse me in degrading ways during both matters the harm has already been done to me and that further harm will have further consequences.
c) That the Respondent has already taken so much from me and my son that I attempted to take my life in May of 2004 and that per EM letter he states he did not purchase the home for me because of that attempt, he wanted to buy me before then which I knew but did not want him in my life which is why he brought that as the condition that I did not have to have a relationship with them if I so chose and I so chose but 5 years later after 20,000 debt and more injuries to my health and my family, 5 more years of torture that put me into medical crisis 21 times he is now trying to make me homeless once again because he can, because he has been allowed to.
d) That the Respondent is not out of pocket whether it is Stayed or not. HE paid $27.50 to see if he could shunpike the system to have me removed from my house and at worse he lost 27.50 and at best he buys a house for 27.50 and enjoys once again causing me immeasurable harm of me starting all over again an agony he has done to me my entire life. That he has already paid a lump sum of $ 116,715.51 and that money was spent in 2004 in full at one sitting though he claims in one hearing he in hardship and when the was proven false he is now claiming he needs money for his pension, again false. If there was no debt in this house the deed would already be in my hand in the first few months of our house agreement before the purchase or signing of a tentative lease to enter a RSP with Housing, a program I was already approved for.
e) That if the Stay is not granted and EM sells my home he will profit from the agony of my labour and enrichment of the home when he forced me to do all the repairs and go into 20,000 of debt to him for repairs that would have been found if he hired a house inspector. With every time I begged him to move me as he offered in the hospital, he would remind me it was not his problem it was my home. When I would tell him I was selling the house and as recent as December 2007 he would find ways to keep me here. So to put me out of my home after 5 years of mental and financial abuse would be to my harm and his benefit.
In fact the Respondent? gain by not granting the Stay cannot be measure but far surpass the cost of the house if he is given my home.
f) That the Respondent would once again benefit immensely and psychologically from taking one more thing from me as per his history he has taken my health, income, innocence, childhood and about 32 years of my 44 years of life in suffering because of him which harmed my future plans and my son for when you harm the primary caretaker and breadwinner you destroy the family unit and that to allow him to have my home would be his ultimate act of violence while he was thoroughly amused. And how he once again used like minds in the judicial system to inflict harm on me, thus making the system an accomplice to such depravity and degradation.
g) That EM wants to enjoy his senior years knowing before he dies that he destroyed most of my life all because I remind him of my bio-mother and he thrives off creating agony for me then throwing me life preservers with holes in them. The more I hate him the more he feeds, my pain is his joy because it is his creation.
h) That since 1992 I have been in no less than 35 and no more than 50 hearings, not include prep time and costs for administration fees etc. because of the Respondent and his nefarious activities, starting with my wardship, that have their own repercussion throughout my life and to keep bringing me into these forums causes its own trauma which he knows and is hoping that I just quit from being too traumatized. And here we are again with me doing all the work, cleaning up his mess once again, and he sitting back enjoying the agony at his forcing me to work and causing myself injury, fighting for something already mine and earned since I was ten.
Although this speaks to a request for a partial Stay, the point of no risk to the
Respondent remains in Campbell v. Jones, 2001 NSCA 138 (20011010, CA 174355
paragraph 9)
[9] Since there is no evidence that a partial stay will cause any risk of irreparable harm to the respondent, the balance of convenience clearly favours the granting of the stay.
“In my opinion, there need to be circumstances of a special and persuasive nature to grant a stay.”
a) That this matter is so depraved and criminal and unconstitutional that it inherently satisfies the special nature to grant Stay. That the entire matter was fabricated by the Respondent Eric McIntyre, and emboldened by the officer and adjudicator, to cause me harm for the purpose of silencing me once and for all from continuing with a criminal court matter for historical and present torture where EM should be incarcerated. Finally.
b) That because the entire matter was tweaked and flipped and squeezed into the jurisdiction of the Tenancy Forum it was decided on a total sum of Untruths therefore the conclusion, decision is Untrue.
c) That because Eric and Sonya McIntyre already testified in 2004 SCCH04-234928, that this was my home and they had nothing to do with it and the adjudicator accepted our special housing agreement that was now being extended because of the debts from non-disclosure from the previous owners that were excused because EM did not do an inspection. The adjudicator accepted our special housing situation with me being the intended homeowner bit not the purchaser or person with deed because of the debt and I was awarded an injury from the agent who knew I was allergic to smoke and needed a non-smoker home. That the adjudicator accepted despite denials from their lawyers, that the previous owners, their agent and my agent knew this house was being purchased for me and not the Respondent therefore had a duty of care to me and not the Respondent.
d) That no one should be allowed to give contrary testimony for personal gain. And a Stay is needed so the the same individuals are not gaining from their own nefarious behaviour of fabricating testimony.
Order or relief sought, including any order as to costs
(Also included in the Brief for Appeals)
Requesting a Stay on the Small Claims Court Decision that Ordered that I vacate my home on July 31 2009 and pay to the Respondent the fictitious sum of $2115.00 pursuant to Civil Procedure Rule 62.10(2), pending the hearing of the appeal.
Requesting an Appeal, on the same Decision, that the Order is rescinded and squashed as it was wrongfully heard in the Residential Tenancy Forum and Small Claims Court.
Requesting that this matter be heard in the appropriate jurisdiction, Civil Action and Others, because of its complexity and the amount of the legal gift (CDN $116,715.51) and the enrichment both individually and collectively exceed $25,000- the ceiling for Small Claims Matters.
Requesting that the Respondent be held legally accountable for the deliberate attempt to corrupt due process and the integrity of the judicial system.
Requesting that the residential officer Gerard Neal and the Small Claims adjudicator Walter Thompson be held legally accountable for their deliberate collusion with this unethical, unconstitutional and unconscionable matter.
xi.Ron Lacey/Denise Smith-
did violate the NSBS code of ethics by failing to report Anne Calder to the NSBS as it was evident in her nonsensical-tangent emails where she spoke at lengths about her brother's woes and her ailing father's health that she was not able to focus on the task at hand which of course was perfect for these two crown and in keeping with the criminal and corrupt crown atmosphere they have enjoyed for ages with impunity. Heaven forbid they did not want an ethical lawyers getting their hand on my files-they already had NC/MM/ NS Legal Aid colluding with them and AC was a walking mess. Because they failed to act ethically and responsibly I as a person with multiple disabilities including brain damages, DID and PTSD which was triggered for this trail as it was centred around the Murphy rape, was forced to prepare and present my own brief to clean up the mess AC made as she did whatever she could to protect her galpals in the crown office
That they both received several emails from AC for numerous unjustified adjournments that did not have my consent.
On one occasion AC had the hearing dates wrong and Smith, Digby and Lacey had to meets with AC to hear the tapes to confirm the trial date because AC was not paying attention. Smith and Lacey had already received emails showing AC was very confused about trial dates and requested this meet with Digby because she was adamant about it.
That during the Murphy trial Lacey knew his witnesses Hart, Obrien and Murphy committed perjury and did not seek charges. Murphy was asked when he seen me over a period of time and he neglected to mention he seen me at his parents house where he said we were kissing. This is his official police statement to counter my rape claims- Murphy did not remember this because he knew it was a fabricated statement to police. Lacey knew he missed saying it though he recalled every other time he seen me over years which was not many because we were strangers. Hart lied about conducting a rape police investigation and Lacey was out of his seat because he knew it was a lie and incriminated the crowns office- he did not want to open the door. He knew OBrien lied about his conduct during the arrest and interrogation and AC refused to play the tape of police abuse to show propensity and provocation.
xi. Walter Yeardon
already submitted he refused to investigate the outrageous behaviour of Campbell, Morrison, Sp Garden NSLegal Aid Office and Calder.
Xii.Anne Calder -Certificate
already submitted to NSBS, edited for this document for space-removal of full description of Code of Ethics
Nova Scotia Barristers' Society
1101-1645 Granville Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1X3
June 14 2010
Re: Grievance regarding the gross misconduct of Anne Calder against G McIntyre
Re: Provincial Criminal Court file issues 1804754,1804755, 1804756, 1804757
Nova Scotia Barristers Society,
This grievance filing is tardy because the unreasonable amount of 'work' Anne Calder burdened me with caused its own complex trauma and medical set backs and this is the 'earliest' I could get this information to you although I did contact Victoria Rees per email, read by her, about the unreasonable and harmful behaviour of Anne Calder (herein AC) at the time her alleged criminality on another matter became public. Rees also received the communication that I had already submitted to the NS Legal Aid Commission for investigation on AC months before her other issues were made public. It was this Commission's failure to respond that lead to the inevitable termination of AC because of the immeasurable damages she did to me legally and personally. Rees did not contact me for further information or process upon receiving these communications where the Commission should have acted ethically and immediately to suspend AC from practice before she harmed any one else.
According to the Legal Ethics Handbooks both Rees and the Legal Aid Commission violated their duty by not starting an inquiry process into AC's conduct so that she could not cause any more harm both to me as a client (and her other clients), and to the Law as a judicial process and profession. The failure to investigate is in itself misconduct and unconstitutional for apparently those of us impoverished because we are victims of crime, are not protected by the very laws that are supposed to protect us from this very behaviour by lawyers and their governing agencies. AC would eventually remove herself from practice but not before causing immeasurable harm to me and my family, harm that was avoidable for I was told after my firing of her services it was common knowledge that AC had been acting inappropriately for some time and this is shameful disservice to those who are in need of Legal Aid Services.
Please keep in mind my need for Legal Services from AC was in direct response to the corruption of Nicole Campbell and Morrison from the NS Legal Aid Halifax Office that was hidden by your agency as were other acts of corruption and misconduct from named lawyers already filed with your agency all of which caused their own harm with impunity. But for the crimes and corruption of Susan Potts and Debra Conrad in 1992 there would not have been the need to have any other lawyers in my life, the damage done by the lot of them including the last two Tory ministers (Baker, Scott), Ed Gores and numerous corrupt Crown in the Department of Justice cannot be calculated, all injuries by them are accumulative and murdered my family's ability to function in any capacity.
It is my understanding that you are directed and governed by the Legal Professional Act 2005 of Nova Scotia therefore are accountable to the Minister of Justice which thankfully is no longer reigned and bastardized by the most corrupt Baker and Scott. Please note that this matter will be submitted to the current Minister's office for perusal, the gang-raping of my rights by public servant lawyers in this province will no longer be a private affair. I will be asking that the Nicole Campbell matter be investigated because your agency allowed her to rape my constitutional rights which led to AC being in my life causing immeasurable injury. The corruption alone on this criminal matter by two ministers, police, crown, the mayor/city council, chief of police and Legal Aid lawyers is as depraved as it gets and should have its proper attention in the courts and for public scrutiny.
The very fact that I am again taking time out of what is left of my life to have to file a grievance after all the work I have been forced to do since 1992 especially the 9 years of fighting with Victim Services for injuries Potts and Conrad did to me which then led to adult revictimization that was hidden by crown/ministers so that Potts crimes were also hidden, hospitalizations, poverty, loss of home and financial security, public housing, police brutality/permanent disabilities, permanent loss of income and family future and so much more, is absolutely disgraceful and unforgivable. You would think all the work I did getting the most depraved Patrick Murphy into court after all the crown corruption and police brutality was enough. You would think the copious communications to Baker and Scott to investigate their own department including your Agency for outrageous and deliberate criminality, corruption and unconstitutional behaviour would be be enough. You would think all the work I did bringing Campbell to your attention while in serious states of trauma after enduring her behaviour would be enough. You would think my grievances to the Legal Aid Commission, twice, would be enough. You would think my having to do my own brief submission (150 pages) and presentation in court while being a rape victim and a victim of systemic judicial depravity and pathology because of an accumulated amount of corruption including that of AC's misconduct, would be enough. You would think I have done enough work yet here I am having to do more work on issues that should have been investigated and resolved especially since the conduct of the named parties is not new information. It has become apparent to me that lawyers that are assigned to working with Impoverished Persons are often not held to the same standard and expectation as others for what I have witnessed at NS and Dalhousie Legal Aid is appallingly substandard, reckless, inept and contributes to the overall 'unsafety' of this province.
Please note that the construction of this grievance for your perusal is not without its own trauma and setbacks as to recall those behaviours and trespasses against me requires of me to revictimize myself for being a victim and one's own advocate is an unfortunate circumstance and measure of how many resources are lacking for accountability in this province. Anne Calder should have been reported and removed from practice prior to our involvement so who failed to do that?
The relevant Sections of the NSBS Legal Ethics Handbook
Chapter 1
Integrity : Rule
A lawyer has a duty to discharge with integrity1
Chapter 2
Competence : Rule
A lawyer has a duty to be competent to perform all legal services undertaken on behalf of a client.1
Chapter 3
Quality of Services: Rule
A lawyer has a duty to provide a quality of service at least equal to that which lawyers generally expect of a competent lawyer in a like situation. 1
Chapter 6
Impartiality and Conflict of Interest Between Clients : Rule
A lawyer has a duty not to:
(b) act or continue to act in a matter where there is or is likely to be a conflicting interest, unless the lawyer has the informed consent of each client or prospective client for whom the lawyer proposes to act.
Chapter 7
Conflict of Interest Between Lawyer and Client :Rule
(a) A lawyer has a duty not to act for a client when the interests of the client and the personal interests of the lawyer or, to his knowledge, the interests of an associate of the lawyer, as defined by the Guiding Principles are in conflict.1
(b) A lawyer has a duty not to enter into or continue a business transaction with a client if
(i) the client expects or might reasonably be assumed to expect from the circumstances, including the fact of the lawyer's participation as a business associate, that the lawyer is protecting the client's interests in the business transaction; or
(ii) it is reasonably obvious that an issue contentious between them may arise or that their interests will diverge as the matter progresses.
(h) A lawyer has a duty not to borrow money from or loan money to a client except where the borrowing or lending does not violate any regulation or ruling of the Society.3
Chapter 18
Duties to the Profession Generally Rule
A lawyer has a duty to uphold the integrity of the profession and to promote the reputation of the profession for fairness, justice and honesty. 1
Guiding Principles
Public confidence in the profession requires that lawyers respect and zealously guard those values and principles and modes of conduct and behaviour that promote the ideals set forth in this Handbook. Conduct by a lawyer which does not promote the ideals of fairness, justice and honesty will adversely affect the image and morale of the profession and the public perception of the legal system.2
Duty to report
18.1 A lawyer has a duty to report to the Society3, unless to do so would be unlawful or would involve a breach of solicitor-client privilege,
(d) the incapacity of a lawyer,
(e) conduct that raises a substantial question as to the lawyer? integrity, trustworthiness, or competency as a lawyer, and
Human dignity
18.9 A lawyer has a duty to uphold human dignity in the conduct of the lawyer's professional practice. This duty embodies the duty to respect and foster human rights and freedoms including, among other things, those set forth in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter 23
Avoiding Questionable Conduct : Rule
The lawyer has a duty to carry out all of the duties in the Handbook in the spirit as well as the letter.1
Chapter 24
Discrimination :Rule
A lawyer has a duty to respect the human dignity and worth of all persons and to treat all persons with equality and without discrimination.
Statement of Facts (not exhaustive)
[1] Nicole Campbell/Morrison (NS Legal Aid Spring Garden) did willingly and knowingly corrupted due process and my constitutional rights as a person living in poverty with multiple disabilities and trauma/injuries directly related to being a rape victim which is the direct result of other lawyers acting badly.
[2] That NC did rudely refuse me access to the Certificate Program and NC did threaten me that I would only have legal representation if I agreed to sign their specific illegal contract and agree to not submit witnesses/evidence or testify on my own behalf for the entire matter involving Patrick Murphy. Judge Digby had to intervene on my and legal behalf so that I could have access to the Certificate Program.
[3] That a grievance was filed with both Legal Aid Commission and NSBS on the illegal behaviour of Campbell and Morrison and nothing was done.
[4] That the NS Legal Aid office refused to give me a copy of this illegal contract despite ten requests for it and NSBS did also violate the Legal Professional Act by not enforcing the governing documents/policies/legislation of NSBS who refused to hold Campbell and Morrison accountable for their shameful rape of my rights and that of due process.
[5] That Brian Church was contacted as his name was on this Certificate Sheet and was the former soccer coach of my son who trusted him to give a legal statement which is a trauma event in itself. Church declined to represent me citing a conflict of interest as he attended the same church as Patrick Murphy and that such has come to be explained that he was not in a conflict of interest role at all.
[6] That AC was the only lawyer on the Certificate sheet of lawyers that returned my message after leaving messages with every other lawyer on the list. That Certificate lawyers should be required to return calls even to decline especially when messages are left requesting such. Each message left by me stated that I was calling one lawyer at a time until they have responded before moving to the next lawyer on the list. That such a basic lack of courtesy is disrespectful and unconstitutional especially since most if not all of the lawyers on that list are also private practice/agency lawyers who cater to paying clients of which courtesy and professional calls are returned even to decline.
[7] That I was very impressed with the length of time AC spent at my private home during our initial meeting and I was finally feeling like decorum had just arrived and would set the structure of this pathetic matter which incriminates many public servants in the department of justice especially the crowns' office and police.
[8] That AC did share with me that she was former crown and I took that to be a good point as I interpreted that to mean that anyone who worked in that same office resigned because they knew it to be as corrupt as I did.
[9] That AC took notes as I explained in detail the extent of the organized corruption that went back to 1992 and Potts/Conrad then Ed Gores, all of which were protected by M. Baker at that time and through a continuum of facts brought the substantiated narrative to the current matter that was before the courts. She did not say anything other than asking to clarify points as I do speak quickly and gave her copious amounts of documents that did in fact substantiate my narrative, she did not offer any other comments other than those related to M Baker when she seen his role in allowing these crimes to have escalated against me by judicial public servants since my first request to him for an investigation against Susan Potts, Dartmouth Police and Victim Services in 1996 where he did nothing. She shared little saying she was bound by a confidential contract but in a victim voice stated that 'she knew what he was capable of'. It had been this very sharing that I felt that I had the 'right' lawyer as she was capable of seeing the collusion, corruption and depravity in her department albeit from an insider sight and not a outsider victim of same said department.
It was this sharing that moved me from 'suspecting' her former crown status to appreciating that she recognized corruption when she seen it and did not support it, I trusted her and I had been blinded by their trust because I so desperately needed to believe that there were others out there like me who despise the abuse of authority, corruption and criminality of government agents who harm with impunity with the arrogance of the power positions that often attract sociopaths.
[10] That a witness list and copious amounts of substantiating documents starting with the corruption and disruption by Conrad and Potts in 1992 to hide the crimes/corruption/incompetence of the Dartmouth Child Welfare Office was given to AC during this first meeting. Unfortunately because Eastlink did give me false information citing that when I moved my emails would all still be available after I mentioned it was critical to keep my medical and legal emails, they repeatedly assured me they would still be accessible once I had my account reconnected in my new residence,with these inaccessible emails my time lines cannot be verified however Rees knew I had copious amounts of evidence via emails of AC's inappropriate behaviour before I moved and had the NSBS asked for them I would have been able to submit them all at that time. The matter where I recently lost my home was directly the result of ongoing police corruption to hide the corruption of Susan Potts since 1992. Hopefully Potts and her colluders will be finally be investigated by this new Minister's Office.
[11] The Crown especially Christine Driscoll, Denise Smith and Ron Lacey did directly receive a few of the emails AC sent to me as copies and should have, at that time reported her to NSBS as her emails were irrefutable evidence to her lack of competence and focus and clearly revealed disorganization and an inability to keep on task and often went on irrelevant tangents of nonsense. I have repeatedly asked for investigation into the corrupt agenda and criminality of the crown's office especially against Driscoll and Smith so I am not shocked that they failed to report AC to NSBS as per the Handbook because having a lawyer just like AC on my case kept them safe from publicity for an ethical competent lawyer would have done far more on the criminality of these two crown and the immeasurable harm toward me and my family as a victim of rape and systemic corruption to hide those rapes as they incriminated Susan Potts. Lacey also did not report AC for gross incompetence because Calder made Lacey look good. But for the fact of the outrageous crimes of Driscoll and Smith and others in that office, I would not have needed AC for rape charges would have been laid against Murphy and he would be sitting in prison where he belongs with the scum who brought him into my life namely Potts/Conrad and Gores.
[11] That I intimated to AC how this matter had to be presented and that she knew during this meeting the direction and projected outcome for this legal matter with the relevant information and evidence submitted by myself and witnesses. She knew that I had medical documents for by Victim Services and others to show evidence to the courts about the CPTSD and DID that was activated because of the crimes committed by Susan Potts and that this rendered me unable to defend myself from beings sexually assaulted as an adult.
[12] That AC was told repeatedly by me that at no time was my childhood to be brought into this matter as what I did had nothing to do with my childhood and everything to do with crimes the D of J was allowed to commit against me since 1992.
[13] That I also stated that although my medical record of trauma was relevant as rage is a symptom of what was done to me starting with Conrad and Potts, that at no time was my motivations to be presented as symptomatic of trauma other than my disgust for the crimes and corruption I knew was taking place in plain sight and as that I was motivated by an innate need to preserve my life because the police and crown were working overtime to take my life to hide all their depravity and sins. She knew the crown and police made a deliberate and discriminatory and 'politrick' of fabricating information on my police record labelling me violent and unstable so she was to not feed into that corruption.
Judge Digby was given the same police sheets AC was given that first meeting to show what the police are capable of doing to give themselves permission to act baldy and abusively which was used again by 2 RCMP who abused me into medical crisis in 2008 though they were called to remove child molester Eric McIntyre from my property. In their own notes they refer to my labels and the charges against Murphy and used this as justification for abusing me, violence that they have lied about despite the 911 call I had to make to have them removed, violence the RCMP and HRM prosecutors have kept from the courts and public scrutiny. It is a depraved day when police abuse victims on behalf of rapists and child molesters.
Keep in mind I did not have any police in my life until Potts brought them to me in 1992 and then again in 1998 when I was raped by David Swim, Dale Wright and Patrick Murphy all the direct damage she did to me and my family when she chose to fabricate a case to Supreme Court in 1992. The subsequent hospitalizations and every minute of suffering and brutality and poverty and grieving since 1992 is the damage from the crimes Susan Potts committed which murdered me, my family and future generations, the rapists and child molesters are all doing quite well thanks to Potts and her colluding posse of perpetrators in her department.
Potts knew she was implicated as she criminally told police not to get my hospital records that were the direct result of rapes and police brutality*/crown criminality, she knew she created the opportunity for the rapes to occur and created my inability to defend myself. Potts committed these crimes before her Gerald Regan crimes and the fact she has never seen a day in prison is how lawless this province really is.
*Sadly the Hyde Commission missed the more dangerous point : that we have police that enjoy abusing and provoking vulnerable people for entertainment. Then lie about it.
[] That AC had all of this information yet never brought any of it into the hearing though it was propensity evidence to the collusion and corruption of crown and police and ministers to make sure not to charge, investigate and convict Patrick Murphy for two separate issues of sexual assault because they knew it incriminated Victim Services who were only in my life because of the medical injuries Susan Potts and Conrad did to me in the commission of their crimes. It also incriminated all those who protected Susan Potts: Baker, Scott, Herschorn, Smith,Hoskins, Driscoll, Macdonld and Lacey.
[14] That AC had a responsibility to decline representing me in this matter when she knew my intentions of exposing judicial depravity and criminality were not negotiable nor were they unfounded. She should have been honest with me at this meeting after hours of hearing my evidence that she was good friends with some of my perpetrators in the crown's office and that this was putting her in a conflict of interest role by protecting their crimes which were the nucleus of my defence and the underlying current of my evidence.
[12] That I would not see AC again until the week before my trial after she had adjourned the trial twice without my consent and knowledge and despite her knowing that these delays were causing me further trauma and knew that the agenda had been to have the trial prior to the municipal election as the public had the right to know how corrupt each city council was in their collusion with the mayor and police in protecting rapist Patrick Murphy in their midst for an entire year before I walked in the police station and for 2 years before I was finally charged on this matter to make their organized criminality public.
[13] That the reason for my committing the crimes and the plans to inform the public were deliberately sabotaged by Calder because the entire brutality I endured from 1992 was started with her galpal Potts and maintained by her other galpals in the crown office who are also guilty of obstruction of justice, corruption and criminality at my family's expense. Calder knew my trial would publicly incriminate them and I realize in retrospect she was going to avoid that as much as she could. I realize in retrospect I should never have trusted her and her former position with crown for crown in this province are not to be trusted.
[14] That AC did contact Dr Curtis and was told at that time by him that he never seen me for sexual assault/abuse. She withheld this information from me and 3 months later let me walk into this doctor appointment to be face to face as he lied about what he told Calder and the police. I had cancelled other medical appointments to meet with him to get the information I knew I had on file as I also have it on tape for the diagnosis of DID which is activated while being sexually aggressed. When I realized that this doctor was prepared to lie and deliberately botch a legal matter I went into panic attacks and rushed out of his office to then go into full blown medical crisis and depression because of Calder's blatant negligence and lack of duty to due diligence and care.
I never had depression until the scum parade Potts brought into my life via her criminality, including the mysogynistic and criminal doctors who fabricated 5 illnesses to use me for drug testing without my knowledge or consent, wand the used 3 harmful drugs for homicidality at the QEI that caused permanent damages/injuries that murdered my quality of life permanently and that these crime are the direct result of crimes committed by Potts and Conrad and the parade of scum they brought into my life namely police and rapists which brought more scum into my life.
I left a few messages for Calder on the day it happened while I wad clearly in crisis, I would not find out until she finally got back to me months later that she already knew that he would say to me. I was in shock that anyone could be so pathetically callous and insensitive. It would take me some time and further exposure to her outrageous behaviour to realize that her quiet and polite demeanour belie her real motivation and pathologies. My medical crisis was avoidable had she called me to tell me she no longer needed me to visit with him to access the DID diagnosis which was made while seeing him after the David Swim rape and before the Murphy rape, all compliments of Susan Potts who gave me PTSD and DID. When AC did not return any of my distress calls I was forced to write a letter to her to get her attention, she ignored it so I was forced to find her on Google via her email and only then did she get back to me leaving me hanging in a delicate situation that she herself created.
Calder knew months before that Curtis had nothing to offer but she let me walk into this harmful situation even though she already knew I terminated my relationship with him a decade earlier knowing he had concerning limitations as a practitioner, I only met with him to get her the information she requested. Had she told me he was not helpful I would not have endured his mysogyny. This then led to more work as I filed with the College of Physicians for his corrupt behaviour using his own notes to show how he lied to both Calder and Hart. I also had all our taped sessions but the College having already hidden depraved crimes committed by Capital Health/Dalhousie head doctors who created my permanent disabilities from being hospitalized for all the crimes committed against me starting with Potts, the College like crown and police, made sure they would not hold anyone accountable who harmed me for it incriminated too many financially and legally. The crimes committed against me by the medical staff were given to RCMP with the statements against child molester/torturer Eric McIntyre, a molester Potts knew about but instead of charging him though the police and Community Services knew of all the crimes a decade earlier and did nothing, Potts knowingly took his fabricated statement and filed it with Supreme Court to have a historic sexual abuse trial that she only created to further her career. At a huge expense to me and my family Potts used one molester to convict another then shelved it for 3 years after murdering my life leaving my son motherless and leaving me to be raped again 3 times. December 2007 RCMP were called to investigate what police should have been done in 1981 and Potts failed to do in 1992, RCMP have done nothing but play games as did Hart on the Murphy matter, the truth which Calder knew in full incriminated too many public servants that your agency also protects.
For Calder to put me in yet another unsafe situation first with the doctor then the College, all this work because she could not be bothered picking up a phone, also harmed me as did her ongoing negligence and refusal to contact me despite my many attempts to contact her.
Calder placed me in the inhumane and cruel position and then ignored all my calls and letter for her direction. My mind could not handle any more betrayal or injuries from the legal world for the legal world assassinated my life starting with Judge Bartlett then Conrad, Potts and Gores all for pathological reasons that have nothing to do with the law or justice.
After several calls to her, a letter mailed to her, being forced to find her email on Google she finally contacted me after 6 months while she left me in panic attacks and depression waiting for someone ethical and competent to address this depraved issue. Even looking back now I cannot believe I endured what she did to me. At this time I thought about firing her because I could not trust her but could not endure the discourteous Certificate issues yet again where no one gets back to you. I could not endure going through the traumatizing facts since Potts and 1992 with yet another stranger. She may have sensed that I was very concerned about her silence and inability to contact her and her refusing to be in contact in a reasonable way and timely fashion because this is when she started with her talk about her brother's problems, her parent's issues and other cases keeping her so tired. I was shocked at her inability to empathize with what her clients were going through, namely me who was in medical crisis because of her gross negligence and blatant lack of duty of care.
NO woman should have to defend herself against corrupt and depraved crown, police and rapist but I would come to see Calder was a seasoned manipulator with no conscience, she fooled even me with her miss manners routine. Calder was the lesser of all the evils or so I thought at that time.
[] That I was forced to use email only to communicate with AC as per her behaviour. That she would eventually get back to me but not with answers to serious questions such as when was she meeting with my witness (son, doctor and others I named as relevant) Repeated emails were sent by me and left unanswered by AC which caused me to escalate in panic as she was not behaving in a professional manner. Then out of the blue I would receive an email that would go on and on about her personal life in an effort to illicit sympathy which worked for I would process her ongoing silence and negligence as her being in her own crisis. When I did ask her if my case was going to be worked soon, she finally said-' just trust me'. She did not understand that trust is earned and not a right especially when she knew of all the betrayal I had endured by her friends since 1992, she should have made the effort to make sure not to smell like my perpetrators.
[] That she request but never used the medical consent for Dr Bayer who was privy via therapeutic sessions to the Murphy rape as we had to address it in healing sessions in 2002-2003. AC did not call on this or any other witness because they all incriminate Susan Potts and her posse in the prosecutorial office that just so happen to be galpals with AC, she would eventually intimate to me.
[] That on two occasions AC requested adjournments without my consent and knowledge until ti was too late and after the fact. She knew I wanted the matter heard before the municipal election. She knew that I knew there was a perception of guilt and criminality when defence requests adjournments so to avoid them or let crown call for them.
I was told by her she blamed the lack of contact for an assessment that was her need for an adjournment when no such thing was true. AC had all documents regarding assessments including contact info but she made me go through the arduous tack of locating everyone and anyone that would do an assessment for her. She had all the information the day she was at my house and it became obvious that she did not go through it or she would have known that, she ignored or was lax on responding to any communication which caused me a lot of unnecessary work. She and she alone created her need for adjournments but wrongfully blamed it on others.
[] On another occasions AC let me know she approached crown again without my consent or prior knowledge and requested the charges to be dropped because crown was not co-operating /assisting with a finite witness list. I was enraged and told AC to stop doping this and that if crown dismissed charges I would be forced to commit the crimes again to bring this depravity back into court record and public attention. All she did was laugh and ask to trust her.
What made this so angering is before she left my home the first meeting she summarized all the evidence and direction and purpose and did so perfectly, she knew when she left what we were to do for the trial and her behaviour since that first meeting begged the question: who the heck was in my house that first day, I never seen that AC again. Her behaviour was so reckless and nonsensical that my need to harm Murphy was escalating and had to see a therapist once a week so I would not harm Patrick Murphy because AC was escalating me and my trauma rage which cannot discriminate/ differentiate between perps and offending behaviour that causes the same reaction. I had to see a therapist to process all the rage AC was causing me and I had to believe that it was not deliberate, I had to believe she was just this much a mess and still did not believe that I could or should represent myself at trial. I was very wrong about that but would find that out much too late and after the final permanent injuries AC would inflict on me.
[] That I had to borrow 1500.00 to leave the country so I would not harm Murphy before my trial because of AC's disrespectful behaviour. How was I to fire someone in obvious crisis, my empathy for her would cost me plenty especially when I came to realize it was all an act and she botched my preparation and trial to protect her galpals in the crown's office at my family's expense.
[] That the escalating trauma of being in the same room with depraved police, crown and rapist was causing many medical issues combined with the blatant lack of consideration and courtesy of AC which made matters absolutely outrageous and placed undue hardships on me that were avoidable had she been competent and functional.
[] That in that time AC made contact with a doctor for an assessment though none was necessary for the charges I had and AC had all kinds of medical documentation already in her keep that did not require duplication and AC was told by me that if she insisted that I have another assessment we were doing it on issues since 1992 or since the night of the Murphy rape in 1998 as that caused a lot of damages. I used my rental car credits that I need for medical appointments and used them for my 2 days of assessment but only after AC told me that NSLA agreed to reimburse me for the 24x2 and gas which they never did despite my requests for my money to AC several times. She ignored these emails too. I was out of pocket a total of $150.00(-64.00 credit)=86.00 of which 48.00 plus gas (15.00) was to be paid back to me by AC/NSLA and never was.
[] That upon the first hours of being with this doctor I was confused why we we spending so much time on my childhood and nothing on the relevant information for the trial which had nothing to do with my childhood.
[] That I made several appointments with AC which she cancelled to then finally settled on a date weeks before court and after I cancelled other appointments to accommodate her. She then at last minute wanted to cancel again which I refused.
[] That we met just a couple of weeks before trial having never discussed the trial or plan since our first meeting because of her outrageous behaviour and lack of communications or and lack of organizing to meet my witnesses and take their statements which she never did. She was also to bring the police tape into evidence about the propensity of overt police abuse and mysogyny I endured from police and she kept that from the judge as it implicated her galpals and police.
[] That during this second and last meeting prior to trial AC did intimate to me that some of my named perps were her galpals and then started to defend the criminality of Potts which I was shocked at and then I proceeded to re-educate her about the facts. Her mannerism and tone was aloof and defensive and she clearly was not the same person that sat in my home almost a year earlier, but was the same aloof person who since that time ignored communications and process for my defence and did cause immeasurable harm to me prior to the hearing.
[] That we agreed that the defences offered would be provocation and necessity and the evidence that I gave her would be the justification for those defences and my actions. At no time did AC tell me she had her own agenda in the works waiting to be played out. At no time did she offer any explanation for her behaviour, at no time did she offer a reason why she had not contacted my witnesses. We went over the process and who would be on the stand and when.
[] Weeks before the trial her only witness, Dr. Geneste called my home several times to find out what was going on with his needing to testify or not. He was also looking for payment. I told him I had not heard from AC in some time myself but would pass on the messages when I did. It turned out that AC called him soon after but failed to call me and I was the client.
[] On the day of trial although she ask me to come 45 minutes earlier, she arrived dressed for a fashion show 5 minutes before trial without any words to me.
[] That AC allowed crown witnesses to perjure themselves through their entire presentation to the judge and this put me into the arduous position to have to take many notes and sidebar chat with AC to stay on task. At one point I asked her why she was not calling them out for perjury be it the police(Hart/Brien) Dawn Sloane and Murphy. She told me it was only perjury if they told the same lie twice which I knew was a lie! She was all over the place and this was noticeable to all especially the judge who had to step in many times to keep her on track. He assisted her direction for questioning the witnesses and she still messed it up. She laughingly told me before she started her cross that 'she was flying by the seat of her pants' and this placed me into shock for she knew how important this matter was to find peace for my family to heal since it was taken from us by the scum in the police and crown offices.
[] That it was clear that I wanted to speak with her at lunch break and she made sure to not be available. I noticed all morning she had no notes and this was proof that she had done nothing for my case. She put several files on her table and spent a lot of time arranging them to make it look like she had work done. It was obvious that she was over-relying on the testimony of Dr Geneste who was told by me that parts of his assessment were inaccurate. I came to realize he too had an agenda because he sent the assessment to AC that evening of the day he read it to me after he told me she would not get it until paid in full. When I emailed him back just an hour later after processing what he read to me he told me he sent the matter to AC but only after he previously told me he would not send it until AC paid for it. It was a redundant assessment, he relied heavily on the assessments of others and the outcomes of tests he gave me which are not designed for people like me.
[] It was clear to me that AC's witness enjoyed being involved in a case that involved politicians and ministers and he was quite the peacock as he perjured himself for his ego. I brought his perjury and that of crown's witnesses to the judge's attention per my brief- work AC should have done in trial. Both the doctor and AC much to my shock and disgust made the entire matter be about my childhood and very little to do with anything else that was relevant to the matter at hand. I finally realized that what I mistook for distraction due to her stressors was conning and conniving and manipulations of a con artist-she knew what she was doing the entire time which is why she did not get in touch with me except with her tangents/ rants because she knew she was going to throw my case for crown.
[] That AC did a what she was told not to do: to keep away from my childhood and not 'medicate' the issue. When she finished with Geneste on stand she finally asked him if I had mental illnesses. I was stunned at her question as she knew I had none,I was stunned because it was exactly what she was told to stay away from because crown and police used that as an excuse to justify their crimes and corruption, oddly I was not unstable for when Potts used me for her career advancement. Geneste ended the day with telling the judge I had a mental illness- depression and I lost it. Calder and the doctor knew my depression was the direct result of drug damages in 1999 by criminal doctors so it was not organic, it was secondary injuries.. I asked AC what the heck did my secondary depression have to do with this case why was she talking about mental illness.-she smiled and she stated that she had depression. I asked what the heck did that have to do with my case and me-I ask what part of depression made me do the crimes, she said nothing but smiled. She knew I was livid.
The damage she and he did and they did lots of damage throughout, but this statement alone was exactly what I discussed adnausem with her at my home, she handed my case to crown by doing she was asked not to do and did nothing that she was asked to do and that this was not accidental.
[] Because of the damage she did in the first day of trial I cannot recall what happened afterward but I know I was up until 4:30am doing question for her for each witness that I did not know she would not be calling back. I did questions to fix the huge mess she made the day before. The questions would bring the trial back on track. She accepted them and started to read them. I asked her why she did not get Murphy to read the word RAPIST on his van every time I asked to do so, I asked why she did not get them for perjury. In a smile and manner that told on herself for the con she really is she she snidely told me she was not there for my psychological reasons. Through clenched teeth I reminded this corrupt scumbag that I did not commit the crimes to give her something to do, I did it to bring this rapist to the light and to give my family a chance to find peace and justice that her friends took from my family.
[] The trial was called and I knew I was on my own. This scumbag had the audacity to look at me and tell me with a smile she was winging it, as if that was not obvious to everyone anyway. She failed to represent me in a manner that was legal,respectful and intelligent manner in keeping with her profession. She ignored most of the question I prepared and did very bad job representing me for my own testimony. As I sat in the stand under oath I looked at her and Lacey and could not tell the difference as both were corrupt, both protected criminals in the crown office and both harmed the family they victimized repeatedly until there was noting left of us.
[] She then summarized he facts, not the facts and threw in a Section16 which Digby immediately responded to and knew I had no idea that she was going to pull this stunt, he asked if I knew and agreed to the Section 16 which I denied. Because of her ongoing outrageous behaviour Digby asked her to submit a brief explaining herself on several points. She was so ridiculous that a request on the charges is unheard of but he needed her to attempt to present intelligently and functionally which she had not done for the 2 day trial. Crown was no doubt laughing inside the entire time, she humiliated me as my lawyer. She asked Digby for ridiculous amounts of preparation time and he had to cut her of her tangents several times. No doubt he also heard me arguing with her to respond to crown witnesses which she never did- she told me she did not want to waste time on crown witnesses.
By bring in a Section 16 she violated my very boundaries and and our previously discussed plans, by tyring to make me look insane she raped my very safety boundary that she knew was the crown/police unconstitutional agenda to assassinate my character which did not fool Digby. Calder knew what she was doing when she at last minute threw in the Section 16 after she submitted the two we agreed to: provocation and necessity. Calling me insane was the final evidence I needed to show this corrupt agenda was planned all along which is why she did not communicate with me and did not contact any of my witnesses. It is why she did not play any of my rape tape or police brutality tape. This why she did not work on my case.
Thankfully Judge Digby was paying attention and requested this brief but she would not be doing it as I could not be in her company another minute, she had me in heightened states of rage.
[] She had media waiting for me after she was told that I did not trust media and she knew why. She assured me they were her friend and thankfully Elizabeth Chui of CBC knew enough that she could not write anything that had to do with my childhood, the information was already BNAAED in other matters yet Stephen Bruce was allowed to print all my childhood abuse?
[] That her friend Stephen Bruce asked questions that made me feel they would educate the public about the truth about crown/police corruption and mysogyny. Nothing could prepare me for the slaughter Calder and Bruce did to me: I guess it was not enough that I was raped by Murphy then abused by crown and police? Clearly Bruce favoured the rapist and made me look like a pathetic creature thanks to Geneste and Calder. Bruce printed my BANNED info, info that was never to be mentioned at trial even one time.
The article harmed me so badly that for 3 months I could not leave the house for the homicidality, panic attacks and rage disabled me that badly, Susan Potts, Conrad and Ann Bond did this to me and my family while the real scum and perps enjoyed their lives with impunity.
Because of this raping betrayal and trauma I had to quit my job, one that took a decade to get too because of all the crimes and injuries done to me by Gores, Swim,Wright, Murphy, doctors, crown and police. This job paid for my needed medical supplies and appointments all the direct result of injuries these scum gave me through their criminality. I cannot calculate the damages these two did to me.
[] When I read the article I went into shock and called AC and left her a message thanking her for fucking me up the ass because her crown friends did not fuck me up the ass enough already.
[] I immediately sent her a registered letter that she was not my lawyer (enclosed). She signed for it but failed to respond for months so I had to finally involve Digby and he pulled her from another courtroom to respond to it. She went on about how she did not read it, she was so stressed-Digby cut her off and told her to respond and she was officially removed from my matter, Digby was given the receipt of her signature and she did pick it up days after I mailed it, if she chose not to read it that was on her. She was finally removed but not before creating such a mess for me to fix which resulted in a 150 page brief with all the information and evidence she should have given Digby including website posts that were critical parts of my defence-posts by a public servant that incriminated the minister, crown and police who had meetings about not doing rape investigation because I was a whack job and belonged in a mental ward. These were given to RCMP and they refused to investigate knowing who they incriminated, Calder knew this before trial. The Police Commission was asked to put a list together of all the police I filed against plus the 5 times against Penn Hart and she refused to so this Calder knew this before trial-all of which was part of the trial but she kept it out. Calder was given this information to contact both RCMP and Police Commission as she would be taken seriously, she failed to contact either so I was again forced to work on this forcing me to be inc with two agencies that had already harmed me which Calder knew, when she wad told they were being unco-operative she failed to do respond or act though both were part of my defence. I had no idea she was making me be insane until the last minute which is why she did nothing on my defence.
It is the totality of damages by crown and police depravity and corruption that I was given a suspended sentence, Digby was not confused about who the real perps were in this trial. He knew why I did what I did. He also was shown what AC did to my case and what she knew but did not submit..
[] That the trauma Anne Calder created for me and the work burden she created for me cannot be calculated. I do know that I would never use a Nova Scotian lawyer again as I have not met one that was not corrupt. Eventually. What she did to my case and to my family is unforgivable as it is too depraved to process. No victim should ever be forced to do their own trial but this was a worse case scenario where not only did I have to do a legal brief with brain damage and other medical issues including CPSTD and DID which was aggravated by the very elements for the brief to then do a comprehensive intelligent brief to undo damages left by a corrupt and incompetent lawyers who caused me immeasurable damages privately and publicly, medically, familially and financially. She knew both me and my son needed to testify to find a place of healing and deliberately denied my son that chance to heal from all the damages done to us since 1992 by lawyers.
Had I known she was going to pull her stunts at last minute I would have fired her before my trial and represented myself at my trial so the brief would have been avoided because only the facts would have been submitted with proper cross examination of corrupt crown witnesses.
[] That I asked Digby for a retrial because of Calder's damage to my case and he stated that I had to wait until this trial ended and I had to file for Appeals. But Lacey had already told the crown office that he would not object to my asking for a retrial but he knew I could not have one unless this one was finished and I could do an arduous Appeal filing. Susan Potts crimes have had me in too many legal matters: Commissions, NS Court of Appeals, numerous hearings for medicals needs which I will need until I die because of Potts being a sociopath and Conrad being a corrupt liar, both having more in common with rapists and child molesters than their victims
They brought more work into my life that derailed my life and took my life and my son's life, work the scum they brought into my life have not had to endure. They brought Calder into my life and she continued the corrupt pattern of creating more trauma, suffering, injury and work for me to clean up their depraved and pathological messes. It does not matter that my hands are medically damaged from crime and typing causes me immeasurable agony.
[] That when the news broke with AC drug dealing charges I was not shocked for I came to know how corrupt, conning and conniving she was, I knew Calder was a snake in polite clothing, she is truly unethical and corrupt that has nothing to do with her sick father. She is dangerous, unethical, unprofessional, incompetent, very manipulative and grossly negligent.
[] That I will never recover from damages she did or the damage her newspaper friend S.Bruce did in that public article that raped me in ways I cannot even process. The continued practice of placing rape victims into a mental illness lens is mysogynistic and draconian. He did not show for the brief presentation and sentencing but wrote an article as i if he was, lying to the public, the public did not get a chance to see/hear how Digby felt about the entire matter.
Again I am so thankful that Judge Digby was paying attention, the only ethical person in the story besides me. He knew that Calder did my case injustices which is why he asked for a brief. Maybe he knew she was going to be fired by me and the brief gave me that chance to fix what she did but it was too late for my trial did not happen except privately in a brief.
Anne Calder did as much damage to me as Susan Potts, both had their own agenda and raped my family to pursue their own agendas that had nothing to do with truth or justice. For my family to endure all that we did for Calder to commit her own wrongs against us after knowing the entire story, just cannot be processed, it is that pathetic.
I do hope that she gets what she deserves and I will continue to educate the public at every opportunity about the systemic corruption of lawyers in this province. These 'women' are worse than mysogynistic men for we expect men to behave badly but women who 'wantingly' 'rape' other women are the scum of my specie. It is apropos that Calder took up with a raping pimp for that is what she and her galpals are.
Relevant Excerpts from the Submitted Brief for Judge Digby
At first blush-
Anne Calder:
my comments have already been submitted to the Legal Aid Commission and I will be brief here. That she knew deliberately contaminated my defence by refusing to answer emails or mailed communications or setting up dates for witness interviews or submitting relevant evidence for my defences.
That she told me on day one of trial she was ?lying by the seat of her pantsand on the second day that ?he was winging itand did not want to spend time with crown? witnesses.
That when I pointed out the perjury by a few crown? witnesses and requested that she bring it to the judge? attention through cross, she explained that perjury occurred when someone told the same lie twice under oath.
That she ignored my emails regarding the irrelevant medical statement and submitted it to crown despite my concerns for it being irrelevant and more so, redundant and in parts, inaccurate.
That Calder did lie to the courts when she said she knew nothing about a website, she knew of the blog I post on but more importantly she knew about ?oehowethe poster and knew that it incriminated the crowns office so she avoided and denied knowing websites to avoid bringing it up when she knew it was a vital piece of my provocation defence.
That she deliberately and against my consent controlled the doctor? statement to reflect and deflect attention from the relevant facts and blame my childhood for everything which she was told on day one that was not to happen as it is not my childhood at play but the crimes her galpals did to me in the crowns office that created this mess and rape and she protected them to my peril each time.
That I do not discriminate I despise all unethical practice and those that harm me and /or my family and Anne Calder was fired for harming me on several occasions to the point I had to seek therapy to keep her as a lawyer. I had to terminate our relations when I realized she did not even bother to prepare for the trial and I could not endure another minute of her reckless behaviour. I just could not take anymore. I had to leave the country for 3 weeks so I did not harm Murphy she had provoked me that much.
That she told me I had approval for my transportation reimbursement and I never received it so out of pocket $48.00 dollars.
Dr.Miles Genest:
did fabricate information under oath and that he and Calder did submit a medical document that was not approved by me and they knew that as there were several errors and that MG did rely too much on previous materials, the very thing I asked Calder not to do.
I specifically stated that I did not want redundant testing or discussion on anything prior to 1992 but Calder, evident through the final report submitted to crown made sure to focus mostly on my childhood to blame my childhood which was irrelevant to the matter at hand and she knew that as did this doctor yet allot of relevant information was missing from the final report.
In one case this witness stated that it was I who wanted to go into so much detail when that had been his idea, it was me that asked why are we not focused on the matter at hand and that it was he that wanted to go into everything else which was waste of valuable time. He charged AC for 3 days when I had only been there 1.5 days and he blamed me for wanting to speak about everything in his office to justify that bill. AC told me she only got approval for half day assessment so I would not think to waste my time on irrelevant materials and tried to speak to the matter when this doctor asked me to do the extensive family history which had nothing to do with this matter and was annoying me until he said I will meet him again after lunch of which all we did was redundant and inaccurate and outdated tests of which even he did not administer all he said he would because he knew he was being redundant. That the next time we met was to tidy up what he had and that this meeting was a disappointment as I finally thought we would get to the matter. I would think not being to have any more children, inability to have relations and human intimacy and the damage done to my son and so much more would be very relevant to my frame of mind and trauma and grieving and provocation.
That on the evening he read his statement to me on the phone he was later contacted by me with concerns after I processed it. If he believed I need years of therapy then he must also know I needed time to process what he read to me. I emailed him the corrections of which he said he already submitted the document to Calder yet hours earlier he said he could not submit it until she paid him which was months later. That he said if anyone asked he would include my corrections which he never did. He sent it to Calder as an excuse so he would not have to amend it with my corrections because he knew that he went on what AC wanted and not what was relevant to me or my case and in doing that he contaminated the findings because he contaminated what he was looking for.
That because he and Calder went with their own agenda instead of one in my best interest they put into testimony that later went into a public newspaper that I had been sexually and physically abused and repeatedly raped and for this I will never forgive them or the reporter for my name should have been banned or my irrelevant info left out as CBC did. The damage done by the publication cannot be tallied.
Summary: as we both know appealing to the majority is a legal and logical fallacy, it is not about you all being right and I am wrong. What is sickening is the amount of lawyers one person has in their lives due to legal corruption and depravity that stems decades long with most as public servants or protecting other public servants... who is keeping the Order other than people like me, the victim of incestuous depravity, pathology and corruption that is rampant in the NS public servantry protected by government departmental ministers?
September 10, 11,12,13,14- 12 hours a day working on this document with medically crippled hands from all the house repairs I was forced to door-who will compensate me for the time, trauma and printing?
I have been asking for investigations into this sociopathic mysogynistic depravity of public servants, namely lawyers in Nova Scotia since 1994-not one was ever held accountable instead they brought more scum into my life, all murdered and gang-rape my family and our future, the aforementioned put child rapists/torturers to shame. Although my family will never be able to get justice as the aforementioned took too much from us, I will do whatever I have to to get a piece of peace that was denied to us when justice was denied since 1981. In the meantime I expect you to do what you are morally and legally required to do.
All communications are to be in writing, I will not accept phone calls.
G McIntyre
95 Highfield Park Dr #229
Dartmouth NS
cc. Minister Ron Landry, Minister Denise Peterson- Rafuse, Auditor General Jaques Lapointe, premier Darrell Dexter
READER- PART II: to put together in one document such acts of incestuous depravity causes its own injuries and with that waited until I felt better before reading what I submitted to NSBS and in doing that found some omissions and areas that needed clarification....Please note that I would find out from Victoria Rees's response the Frank Hoskins was promoted to judge-this after his incestuous corrupt and criminal role in hiding the crimes of several crown that were involved in the Swim/Murphy/Wright rapes that never went to trial to protect Susan Potts/Conrad and Ed Gores and the parade of scum they brought into my life..
Addendum to
Nova Scotia Barrister Society (NSBS)
September 10 2010 Delivered September 15 2010
Grievance against Anne Calder et al
September 20 2010 delivered October 2010
Kristene Handley, Danielle Daigle et al
As predicted when such an unprecedented trauma task has been performed it requires the writer to step away to process safely. Because of my CPTSD and DID it requires much more processing but for the purpose of making sure you have an elaborate account, albeit not an exhaustive one, of lawyers and their crimes/depravity I have reread my earlier submission and realized that I have neglected further explanations/details on some topics. This would be because I have produced same said information multiple times to no avail and since I have witnessed each and every crime or its aftermath, that in err it either cannot be conveyed completely or it appears to be conveyed to the writer and this may be an oversight on my part as some things are intuitively obvious despite their depravity and criminality. As this deplorable matter will be filed elsewhere as indicated to you already I want to make sure you have exactly the same communication/document as they do.
So for clarification and/or further explanation:
Susan Potts:
That I never needed medical-trauma attention until Potts made me a victim through her crimes and never required hospitalization in my life until the 1997 Swim rape (1 month) and the 1999 hospitalization (3 months) for immeasurable trauma after 3 rapes and ongoing public servant/crown and police brutality/corruption that led to more crimes being committed against me in QEII including the doctors sharing my medical file with E McIntyre who found out I was there and he and his wife harassed me with staff help, doctors giving me damaging and unnecessary psychotropic drugs without my consent, drugs that have caused permanent damages and deaths in others as well- The College of Physicians have hidden these crimes as well and all will be resubmitted to the new govt as it was ignored by the Tory Minister of Health twice, CMHA and the College also hid these crimes. Reported to RCMP in 2007 who did nothing because it also incriminates HRMP, crown and DCS since 1981
That because Potts, with deliberation, told Halliday on 02/01 1999 to not get my 1997 David Swim QEII/AbbyLane medical reports which included a gynie report for the Swim rape, that when Halliday told me Potts told him not to lay charges against Swim and Wright and not to get my medical reports I got off the phone and went into rages I never knew before and for a couple of days I was so homicidal that I had to go to QEII emergency because as a ward I had no family and because Bond/Conrad/Potts/THorne/Gores slaughtered my life from 1992, my non-bio supports had been pushed away from my relentless trauma states where I could not function which including isolation and inability to contact friends. Potts and Conrad were aware of the lack of familial supports I had before they murdered my life and I have no doubt being the parasites they are that this isolation played a role in their comfort in raping my life to feed their narcissistic and incestuous corruption.
The QEII/AL Emergency bluesheeted me without my consent and prior stated refusal to be hospitalized after the recklessness/ gross negligence/giving patients drugs that are not necessary that I witnessed in 1997-the notes state that I refused to be hospitalized yet I was for 3 months against my will. Because I went in homicidality and Dr Alan Abbass(money maker for Dalhousie Uni/ QEII on research grants) used me for current drug testings for homicidality, they used me for 3 drugs without my knowledge and consent and my file is missing such legal consent and the notes are 'doctored' to hide what they did to me. My being at the AL brought more scum into my life including the 3 doctors and nursing staff who refused to assist me in reporting the drug damages and injuries daily which is also criminal offence as recorded by Canadian Adverse Reaction legislation/policy but of course they didnot report the effects because they knew I should not be on the drugs in the first place.. The abuse/mistreatment I endured there is as depraved as the scum who put me there. I will be refiling these crimes with the new govt although those who should have known about the abuse and criminality already do and did nothing and should be subjected to enforcement of the law as well.
After what I witnessed it is obvious to me that Abbass either didnot feel the need to read my file something another male doctor did and then lied about it-making medical decisions without using the files is a dangerous practice- or- Abbass read just enough to give himself permission to fabricate 5 illnesses that were never in existence and he having done this many times before knew who he could get away with doing this with , the first page of the 1999 emergency notes file (days after Potts told Halliday to not charge or get medical notes1997) talks about how the police and crown refuse to do rape investigations and lay charges which lead to my homicidality toward these scum- this would note would give sociopaths permission as he intrepreted this to mean that if the police and crown do not deem this person credible nor will anyone else and this allowed him to do the crimes he did murdering my life and as he predicted no one has done anything to him by means of criminal and professional charges. It is called the 'perfect victim' and he would know who he can abuse and use to profit personally and professionally, I was not his first nor his last victim. Keep in mind but for the corruption and crimes by Conrad,Potts and Gores I would never have need hospitalized nor would I be in the revictimized by the likes of mysogynistic HRM police and Abbass.
The 3 drugs I was given for 5 fabricated illnesses that magically disappeared when they found out my estranged brother was a doctor they knew- drugs that have caused much damage in many people and caused deaths in others
-brain/organ damages,
-premature aging,
-tardive dyskenesia
-80pound weight gain that caused other medical issues as with my feet so now have to wear orthotics
-damaged liver/kidney and bowel is 100% atonic-cannot have BM so have to fight with DCS for funds to pay for these, I get 1 a week with 1= to one BM a week so leaves me lethargic and in pain
-chemical /hormonal imbalances
-chronic hair loss
-intense daily pain
-damage to my spine-protruded 4 inches forward and now has a premature dowangers hump and a curve in my spine causing dialy pain and muscle damages which in turn aggravated the fibro myalgia Conrad/Potts gave me from 1992+
-drugs caused hyperlactemia that created breast issues that resulted in surgery that in turn caused other medical issues, now my breasts are deformed and scarred.-all medical issues were reported to staff as they occurred who did nothing but demean and dismiss these grievances but also allowed torturers Eric and Sonya McIntyre access to my medical rooms/files all info hidden by 2 patient reps who colluded with the hiding of the many crimes committed againsteem in QEII/AL.
-untreatable depression-from chemical imbalances, to this day my doctors and I struggle with trying to address all the damages-in the USA there are several lawsuits against the drug companies and doctors because of the damages of the very drugs QEII/AL/Abbass et al gave me, conversely, had Potts told police to proceed with the rape matters as required by law I would not have went into homicidal rages where I had to go to the Emergency where I was wrongfully bluesheeted and held against my will for 3 months-my discharge papers state that I was stressed because of not paying the bills, this after the 5 serious MI disappeared--I guess we hospitalize, abuse and drug people for not being able to pay bills because of not working because of rape- yet my admission papers clearly state that I was in a homicidal rage due to crown and police not laying rape charges and I was in need to harm them and the rapists.
-life sentence to poverty status
-life sentence for disability status
-life sentence to have DCS in my life who I hate as much as I hate Pott etal- they left me in a home to be tortured and raped and then forgot to look after my siblings which caused the issues 1992+, they kept medical treatments/products from me for years just for fun and keep me begging for medical needs all because of Potts- this will be resubmitted to new govt, Bond/Conrad /Gores/Potts brought DCS back in my life permanently.
-That scumbag Potts caused all these damages and has never paid a penny for it, she created the disabilities (EI/MSC/CF/FM/CPSTD/DID/agoraphobia/panic attacks) prior to the 1995 child sexual abuse trial that lasted 5 days and created the PTSDS/DID template for three 3 rapes, one that put me in hospital for 1 month and the ongoing crown/police abuse and 2 more rapes put me back in hospital in 1999 days after police told me Potts told them not to lay charges because she knew it incriminated her.
No other crime caused my homicidality but that which was designed by Potts that lead to that that February 1999 phone call, she set into motion a hate and rage in me that is well documented. She is worse than any other rapist or murderer, she murdered my life, my son's life and that of my unborn children and should be in prison gen pop with the scum who protected her.
That crown and police including Ron Lacey refer to me in mysogynistic terms and refer to my AL experience as proof that I am in need of a mental ward/whackjob etc. Webposts sent to RCMP that incriminate police, crown and Justice minister (Murray Scott) having these criminal/unconstitutional discussions about me, yet it was their sociopathology and depravity and incestuous corruption that put me in the hospital in the first place, they are the reason I attempted to take my life.
Because of Potts et al, I can no longer work with children which harmed me to my core being as children are my focus and why I went into child welfare/manager of day care. I was planning to eventually open my own child development centre. Because of the inability to have more children I am unable to be around children or children shops etc all because of what Conrad-Potts-Gores set into motion, I cannot have children because of medical damages and my inability to be intimate with males since being forced into a trial about child sexual abuse-then forced to talk about being molested/tortured as a child over and over and over for 9+ years one becomes disengaged from normal functioning life because of the immeasurable trauma. They destroyed my ability to actualize my plans for security for my blood/kin/lineage and as an immigrant such is critical for our survival in a new country, I always wanted 4 children, I have 1 son who is severely damaged from what Conrad et all did to my family.
The damages my son has incurred are part of who he is now, he continues to deal with anger issues and has an inability to commit to anything long term because of the learned hopelessness these scum created. He was a HRM employee from ages 12-15 and a scout came from the USA because my son was top soccer scorer in the province but the scout could not find us because we were homeless. The damages these piece of shit did to my family are part of every breath we continue to take. They destroyed my life and my son's life, health, security, future-all to protect two children everyone else neglected to protect for a decade? Children who were not mine in a family I had nothing to do with, a social worker, Anne Bonn, Conrad's client being the worse perps? Conrad and Potts and Gores left my son an orphan who had no one for support once I was wiped out by these scumbags. My son served more time in prison than all these sociopathic depraved degenerates did. On several occasions I had to have my son removed from his own house by police and of those occasions 3 times my son was charged by me to get him help he needed for his trauma rages. What kind of hate and rage do you think was created in me when I had to call the scumpolice to remove my son because he was acting out his trauma created by these legal scum in the first place- police who protect scum crown and other police and perps, police who protected 3 rapists and who had already severely abused me into several medical crisis and hospitalizations. Now my son was being removed by the very scum who did this to my family. My son was court ordered 3 separate times to drug,violence and family counselling and endured 6 lazy probation officers in the Dartmouth office who never sent him to a minute of therapy which violates 3 court orders and of course emboldened my son's behaviour while escalating my rage at once again being subjected to lazy, incompetent, unqualified corrupt public servants including the office manager who mocked my grievance against these officers who were openly violating court orders and didnot get my son the professional assistance he so desperately needed because of the crimes committed by Conrad, Gores and Potts and the parade of scum they brought into our lives. Often my son showed up at his appts drunk or high or not at all and I requested Murray Scott to investigate the gross and criminal incompetence in the Dartmouth probation office starting with the head Jim MacDonald and Scott failed to do this-so my family was again surrounded by the same incompetence, lazy, unqualified pieces of public servant shit who murdered us in the first place.
My son became quite an abuser because of the damages done to him and his family by Conrad/Potts/Gores et al and I would be his target most often. What kind of hate and rage do you think was created when my beautiful caring and kind son turned into an abuser because of the trauma these lawyer scum did to him by murdering his only parent, his only caregiver, his only mother and constant family member?
I would have to have my son removed to de-escalate me from the homicidal rages that would be triggered as I watched my son in hurtful trauma outbursts that are the direct and sole result of crimes committed against us by Conrad, Potts and Gores who could not care less as they slaughtered my family to feed their own pathologies. The fact I have not harmed any one of them yet is clinically amazing. How ironic would it be if I bring Susan Potts into court next, the scum who in 1992 asked why I am not a dangerous offender then proceeded with a blatant sociopathic and parasitical disregard for my life and my family's well being to set into motion unprecedented depravity that would inevitably create several victims? How ironic would it be that the public would find out that the lawyers in this province create more harm and suffering and injuries and inhumanity than child rapists. How ironic that had I harmed one of these pieces of shit in 02/1999 as my trauma rage instructed me to do, I would not have ended up in the QEII/AL and would not have endured a minute that I did because my taking myself to the Emergency saving them from getting exactly what they deserved but harmed my family instead. To this day my son and I still argue over how I should have just harmed these scum instead of going to the Emergency which set into motion the ongoing depravity and disabilities that Conrad, Potts and Gores already set into motion with their pathologies and corruption. But for the fact of the lazy and criminally negligent Ann Bond and DCS......How ironic that had I harmed any one of these scum in 1999 the public would have known what scum DCS and DOJ are for doing what they did to my family as children,wards, teens and as a parent......the public would have known how incestuously corrupt and pathological this province really is in the DCS and DOJ.....but for the corruption of Ann Calder they would have known more than they do now.
Thanks to RCMP Cole Harbour and their failure to investigate Eric McIntyre etal in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 all because Conrad's clients failed to do so in 1992+ because Bartlett etal failed to do so 1981+, Potts deliberately didnot do-one of my most critical witnesses to the depravity and torture I endured just recently died therefore cannot give a legal statement. She left me and my brothers in a home of torture and she too should have been criminally charged for she knew and did nothing. Her name and he still living husband's name were included in the 2007 March police audio for charges that have yet to be laid as RCMP Integrated are sitting on it and again all will be sent to the new govt and auditor general for review.
Frank Hoskins/ Denise Smith:
That my communications to FH/DS that took place over months/years prior to May 2004 when they refused to investigate all the crimes of Potts then her galpals (Driscoll,MacDonald) in crown office on the Swim/Wright rapes,
That both Hoskins and Smith did reply to my several requests for investigations, tag teaming me if you will which incriminates both of them as they both knew what was going on in their office to protect Susan Potts from being publicly outed by one of her victims prior to her Regan scandal.
FH/DS stated in writing that they didnot keep notes so could not investigate Potts etal,
I replied by asking if his office had one phone where he could call Potts into his office and asked why she did what she did on the fabricated case she filed at Supreme and why she told police (Morris/Halliday) not to get my hospital/medical records after the Swim rape and before any other rape and this included the gynie report.
FH/DS said that any chats crown had on criminal matters were confidential
I replied by saying that there is no right to confidentiality when the actions of crown are corrupt/criminal and murder families and cause them immeasurable suffering
He stated that it was not up to them to lay charges, that it was up to police to lay charges
I replied by saying that he was blaming our already very lazy and corrupt police force for not laying charges when they know Potts told them not to lay charges- they were told by crown not to lay charges because crown willnot prosecute the matter?
I did ask them to make sure they worded this response very carefully as I wanted to make sure not to misquote them for a book-my testimony of all they did and hid. I have no doubt that Hoskings/ Smith made sure Herschorn didnot investigate when I asked him to, MH deliberately didnot get back to me after his initial letter saying he would look into the matters which included the colluding corruption of Hoskins and Smith.
That prior to my attempt to take my life I gave this 'book' to a galpal who in turn gave it to an officer to keep, when she receive it she called the Truro police to see how I was doing they called HRM police who asked Truro police to ask this galpal where my book was. HRM police knew I took my life because of what they did since 1998 and the scum they brought into my life namely other scum like them including Carvery and other police/public servants/poverty/public housing/disabilities. Only Hoskins and Smith knew of my 'book' reference in a letter and they panicked after my attempt to make sure they got this book that discussed all they did to me and mine. Have no doubt several crown and police should be in prison for what they did to my family, by police asking for this book that only 2 crown knew about reveals how colluding their inter-agency corruption was/is in their premeditated plan to keep quiet all their crimes and depravity that led to my attempt to take my life.
Crown and police knew their crimes and abuse and brutality and deliberate emboldenment of my perps one after another all lead to my attempt on my own life, they even called me after my 3 weeks in hospital to ask what the QEII said and I told the police that no one is confused about who caused me this much trauma for me. They knew as did Mayor Peter Kelly that they all played part in that attempt, all of them guilty of attempted murder akin to self-immolation.
Michel Sampson Justice Liberal critic: I did mention though perhaps not in detail that I dropped off copious amounts of DCS and DoJ corruption to Liberal Russell MacKinnon and Michel Sampson and Wayne Colwell (sp) in 2003 that spanned 1994-2003, Kevin Deveau also knew I dropped off this information just a couple of months before his NDP resignation and relocation. Sampson who receives tax payer wages for being the Liberal justice critic at that time refused to respond or investigate. I can only assume this because he could not be bothered letting me know he had perused them. I also left numerous voice mails on his direct line to no avail.. I can only assume Sampson is either as corrupt and/or didnot want to relive the Liberal Gerald Regan scandal and my information/investigation is intrinsically intertwined with the Regan case via Susan Potts who shelved my case for years, the one she fabricated, the one where she was committing crimes before the Regan scandal where her actions were also hidden from public scrutiny as she refused to testify on her conduct once gain being protected by her equally corrupt posse of public prosecutors.
Citation:R. v. Regan, 2002 SCC 12, [2002] 1 S.C.R. 297
Date:February 14, 2002
The fact that MSampson chose to ignore my several communications to him for updates and he also refused to return my several paid police commission tapes told me that he was acting corruptly, if there is no evidence that he spoke to me then he was not required to investigate: out of sight out of mind I assume. Had he bothered to do what he received money to do the scum that should be in prison would be in prison and there would not have been a carry on of judicial brutality, persecution and corruption that continues today especially with pathological Terry Potter (DCS) who was already protected from discipline by NSBS who also ignored witness statements -on TP's unconstitutional comments in a public courtroom accusing me of faking my disabilities. The fact MS has received public wages and did not do what he should have morally and legally done is akin to fraud. Ironically he would have received all these documents prior to my contacting city council (02/05) and police (05/06) about the Patrick Murphy rape although each party did receive a very raw account of that rape in 1999 when I thought Murphy was running provincially so Sampson would have known or ought to have known that since 1999 I made a very public accounting of the Murphy rape and nothing was done by any party:Tory, NDP and Liberal with Murphy being a public and prominent Liberal supporter and worked in the Liberal office where Murphy lured me for sex in 1996-a matter police refuse to investigate as it goes to the hate crime of rape he committed in 1998, retaliation for my rejecting him in the Liberal Office 1996, all matters crown and police have hidden to hide Potts' depravity.
Sampson failed in his role to act morally and legally on the matters of organized and systemic targetting/persecution causing injury/ judicial brutality-mysogyny and corruption that murdered my family too many times to count.
Gus MacIntyre and HRM crown
That GM represents the prevalence of pathetic white males in positions of legal power who have no business being in that position. My first exposure to this corrupt mysogynist and coward was when after daily racial hate crimes mostly committed by Shannon Sparks/Robert Emerson of Mulgrave Park were causing my family too much suffering which was encouraged by Irvine Carvery and hidden by DCS- David Morse, Peter Kelly, police chief Beazley/Sykes/Police Commission et al and Housing Harold Dillon, Pat Lawrence. Ombudsman Office and Human Rights Commission which was all reported to Michael Baker as minister of Justice. Only a few police that came to my door are worthy of being called police and they encouraged me to file for a restraining order. Being I now lived in poverty I had to take that 35.00 from my groceries to pay for this filing that never happened. I was quite angry that the police relied on me to embolden them legally and police put me in this situation and community in the first place. There were enough laws in the books to charge these racist scumbags for their continual racist hate crimes from death threats, name calling, property damages, throwing fecal matter on my laundry and stealing my mail. The good cops offered that if I had this restraining order they could charge them just for even speaking to me. I brought copious amounts of evidence and 3 witnesses to the hearing for a restraining order and because GM is one of many unqualified males in positions of power he deliberately ignored my evidence and witnesses and dismissed the case claiming just because I paid for it does not mean he had to rule in my favour. The police were shocked that this adjudicator ignored my ample evidence which included Sparks' own admission that she called me all kinds of racial names citing 'that it is what black and white women do' though she could not recall one racial name I had called her. Sparks, who like so many fraud Housing, denied threatening to have me killed on several occasion but police did hear her say she would have my legs cut off and throw me in the harbour-this was because I called police because her b/f was beating her while she was pregnant-all violence in this home was reported to police and CAS who did nothing- one day when I had 4 witnesses on the hours of violence at the Sparks unit, police came and abused me and my son and refused to take our statements so I had them written out and copied and dropped off to Beazley who did nothing as did the Police Commission as did CAS who did nothing which will be filed again with the new DCS minister all was ignored by last two DCS Tory ministers: Morse and Streatch and 2 Tory Justice Ministers: Baker and Scott.
GM knew she had provoked every racist event starting with her b/f blasting hard core rap every day all day which was akin to the psychological warfare that we know took place at Guantanamo Bay and she refused to turn down her music that was smashing light bulbs in my unit/ thumping pictures and causing all kinds of medical issues for me. GM refused to put a restraining order in place even though I told him police said they needed it to empower them to enforce the law. I asked one cop to come to testify that Sparks had threatened me in front of him and called him a fucking asshole, I emailed him and to attend and he said he never got it. In the meantime Sparks stated that a cop sitting in the back of the court room told her I was a whack job and this too was filed at NS Police Commission and nothing was done.
GM refused to put an order in place also citing that the matter was a tenancy matter which was partially true. However the racial hate crimes being committed every day were legal and criminal matters in his jurisdiction as stated also by the police. The matter did go to Tenancy where I met corrupt Alan Bickle who in turn empowered Carvery and his systemic hate crimes that were committed deliberately against my family. Bickle ignored the numerous police incident report cards cards, photos, items that had been smashed/property damage -all crimes Carvery encouraged as he told these thugs-he is getting rid of the crazy white bitch-.this went to Appeals-govt always creating extra work for me-and not a minute went by where I forgot what scum brought these other scum into my life
GM in his patronizing and mocking tones stated that if I didnot like his decision in not putting a restraining order in place I could Appeal. I pointed out that Appeals were for Errors in Law not to request investigations into his appalling behaviour where he ignored the evidence- the one thing I have learned about pathetic public servants is they are so quick to refer those already vulnerable and exhausted by the system to the Appeals Process knowing most cannot 'afford' to keep filing. I pointed out that Appeals is not where I go to talk about how his kind are cowards and refuse to enforce the law equally against black people. I also pointed out that I didnot do without 35.00 dollars for groceries for him to mock the racial violence against my family. My son and I walked out as GM spoke his gibberish and as we approached the door he had the audacity to mocked that we had the same last name so we must be related-that stopped me in my tracks and pointed out that after what I just witnessed we could not possibly be related, he is a disgrace to the Scottish Mc/MacIntyre name..
GM, and the named tenants contributed in a large way to the attempt to take my life. He gave these scumbags permission to continue to violate my family and home and when Carvery was later told by an ethical adjudicator, a rare find indeed, that he could not evict me the violence escalated against my family until my attempt to take my life. Only when I had someone else contact Housing did they finally move the upstairs tenants out though they should have been evicted as they and their family sold drugs and robbed/assaulted elders. The Housing manager Pat Lawrence- moved these perps to the nicer part of the Park during the same week I planned to take my life. Pat Lawrence should also be prison for the years she allowed the daily racist hate crimes committed by 4 black families known to police and the community as depraved sociopaths and she stood by Irvine Carvery as he encouraged and allowed it.
It may seem that I have digressed a bit, I wanted to show you how the first five scum (Bond, Conrad, Potts, Thorne, Gores) set into motion unprecedented and unreasonable amount of suffering and depravity that went unpunished. All agony created by 3 sociopathic cancerous lawyers-Conrad,Potts and Gores.
Fast-forwarding the decades of depravity and violence against my family by public servants and the DoJ/lawyers to 2007 when RCMP were approached by me to investigate EMcIntyre for the abuses I endured in first fifteen years, violations to my medical records and the abuse I endured 2004+ in a house that was bought for me for compensation for the crimes he and his wife and her family committed against me. RCMP are still not being investigated for their corrupt/criminal tole in hiding the fact that since December 2007 they deliberately have refused to investigate their abuse that is of their own designed. That in 2008 RCMP were called by me to remove EM from my property or I will stab him to death and instead two female sociopaths posing as RCMP came to me home and abused me into medical crisis where I had to call 911 who did nothing. This also was reported for investigation and as usual RCMP Carl Hubley who is to RCMP what Frank Beazley is to HRP, both sociopaths and corrupt beyond measure- as usual my filings went to Ottawa and they wrongfully reprimanded the 2 RCMP for not being sensitive to the trauma I was in-they should have been criminally charged for abusing me into medical crisis which also included mocking my child sexual abuse, their motivations were clear in their own RCMP notes-they abused me on behalf of Patrick Murphy their own notes show they were motivated by the charges against me because of Patrick Murphy- so here again I paid for the depravity of the scum in our DoJ set into motion by other females Bond, Conrad, Potts, Marriott-THorne. It is a misnomer to assume men are the only mysogynists especially those with unmonitored power, the females in our DCS and DOJ can be as mysogynistic. These RCMP are among others in the Cole Harbour detachment that are dangerous and corrupt and who did willingly work to gangrape the law in Integrated Services as they pertain to me and HRP Penny Hart who was also, at the same time, refusing to conduct an official police investigate into rape committed by Patrick Murphy in 1998.
So I was now being tagteamed by both HRP and RCMP. To date there is still no investigation into the crimes committed against me by Sonya/ Eric McIntyre, Diane Sullivan and Paul Sueratan. RCMP and HRP know a current investigation will link the entire depravity from 1981 incriminating a long list of public servants who should be in prison for very long times. This will be resubmitted to the new minister and have no doubt we will be in court and we will discuss the crimes committed against me by these lawyers who set into motion the violence I endured by RCMP. On this call to have EM removed form my property, the child molester/abuser EM drive home safely and was able to then fabricate information to Access NS then Small Claims then NS Court of Appeals and took my home back from me with the predictable assistance of these other mysogynistic and sociopathic public servants also being resubmitted for investigation by the NON-TORY government. All this because of Conrad and Bond and their failure to protect my siblings-all this because I was out shopping for my son's birthday party items in 02/92 and my brother who was prostituting and living on the streets walked up to me.....
Because I knew these RCMP would never be held accountable for abusing me in my home after being told not to come to my home- after McIntyre left the property and after the RCMP was rude to me on her private cell and not an open RCMP line- while in my home the Black RCMP after taunting me for the entire time she was in my home- stated that if I called 911 on them again for abusing me they will give me a ticket-I forced them to give me on that day and for almost 2 years HRM crown and these 2 scumbags in RCMP played with the legal system and due process causing me other trauma and injury. I have no doubt they were waiting to see what Digby and Ottawa said about me and the matters at hand. Digby clearly did not see me as the 'crazy bitch' the police/crown/ministers/mayor treat me as and Ottawa did hold them accountable for the lesser misconduct. RCMP refused to show for the trial that was to be heard. I do not have the names of the 3 crown who acted corruptly and rudely toward me because the HRM crown office refused to give me their names. Not one HRM crown contacted me to let me know they were dropping charges to avoid a trial. They knowingly let me do all the prep work for trial that inevitably caused its own medical setbacks/trauma crisis because their abuse had an accumulative effect with the other police brutality i had endured since 1998. The agony my body experienced was at a new level, all compliments of the Susan Potts and the fibro-myalgia she gave me with her crimes starting in 1992. The RCMP cowardly pulled a 'no-show'- I was too distracted by the crown collusion with RCMP criminality by avoiding a public trial that I was delay in realizing that GM was again the adjudicator. In fact it was not until he mentioned his last name again that I realized who it was-how ironic that this pathetic corrupt male lawyer set into motion my attempt to take my life in Mulgrave Park-by refusing to put restraining order on Shannon Sparks and her partner in racial hate crimes Robert Emerson- GM allowed them to kill me a day at a time until May 25 2004. As the days passed after crown and RCMP dismissed the charges after almost 2 years to avoid public scrutiny- I became more enraged to the point I was in medical crisis for several weeks, with each day I realized more how GM corruption in the 2003 hearing played a critical role in what I endured every day afterward up until my attempt and the five more years of depraved abuse by Eric McIntyre including the RCMP abuse that was now on his docket.
When he allowed crown to drop the charges I pointed out for public record that he was allowing two dangerous sociopaths to pose as RCMP and endanger public safety every day they were allowed to call themselves RCMP and in his usual glib arrogance he smilingly claimed there was nothing he could do if crown dropped charges. I named the officers, Jennifer Demers and Stephanie Stevens into public record. I can assure you had we proceeded with the trial it would not have been heard by corrupt and grossly incompetent Gus MacIntyre.
Ed Gores
Ed Gores lied to the NS Court of Appeals about the $12,000 he claims that he/JMT gave me and this was an unfounded claim which was proven a lie by the facts I submitted . Chronicle Herald in turn printed his lie as they only went with records for news and were not present in the actual hearing, a stunt CH pulled during my sentencing after Calder was fired. That Gores sent me an ultimatum, that he/his client would write me a $12000 cheque if I agreed to drop the matter to never again file for money under the same file. I refused of course as I do not support or collude with unethical, abusive, oppressive, corrupt tactics of mysogynistic scum. I refused the bribe money though I lived in public housing in criminal poverty, could not feed my family, could not pay for medications/treatments/services/products all things DCS/DoJ deliberately kept from me which led to my attempt to take my life, I could not pay my bills, and it was just before Christmas and still I refused to sell my soul to these white middle class public servant devils.
The matter went to NS Court of Appeals 2002-2003 where I was awarded the full remaining amount under the VSA legislation, an amount I had already proved needed every day since 1994 and was already awarded to me in 1997 by Richard Weldon, money deliberately kept from me by Ed Gores until the higher courts stepped in akin to Neidermeyer in 1981 on Bartlett-it took me 9 years to fight for money that I should never have needed but for the criminality and depravity of Ann Bond, Deb Conrad, Susan Potts, then Joanne Marriott Thorn-Ed Gores. Although in January 2003 I was awarded the remaining amount of 24,000, it was a Pyrrhic victory as the damage was far too much to heal from, to recover from, damages that were created by those who are the antithesis of family well-being and integrity and of all things just and truthful. Had I received the money as the medical evidence supported in 1994-1996 I never would have endured a minute of what I did from the 1996 sentencing on to today and for the rest of my life. Keep in mind that it was my student loan/bursaries/house savings that paid for everything up front and I was looking for reimbursement, but for the fact of these resources I would have been dead by 1997 because of these sociopathic scumbags who should be in prison. As stated to the 3 Appellant judges at NS Court of Appeals, my first years I fought against Victim Services out of need and principle and law, the remaining years were out of my sheer loathing for corruption and depravity of those who did this to me. In one of several documents submitted by one of several doctors the doctor states that what was taking place at Victim Services had nothing to do with helping me as a victim but had everything to do with ego, he was referring to Ed Gores yet Gores in all his pathetic narcissism claimed he was referring to me, I had to point out that after all the damages he and his posse did to me I could not afford to have an ego and it was evident to intelligent people that what Gores did to me for 9 years forcing me to talk about being raped and tortured for 9 years, the fact he tried to get out of it through blaming my other abusers and by stating that the injuries didnot happen because of the childhood sexual abuse but out of what the hearings/trials did to me reveals how pathological he truly is. Gores would again protect Potts in 1999 and she was allowed to ignore a subpoena to the NS Police Commission against mysogynist HRP William Morris on the Swim/Wright rape matter. This had everything to do with the criminal employees at DOJ and had nothing to do with the law, justice, or victims rights. These scum, these lawyers and their army the HRM police, are worse than child rapists and there is none worse than such in civilized society.
Gores made sure I could never heal from what he/they did-all to keep me silent. If I allowed the abuse I was enduring to put me into silence and submission then no one would come across this matter by happenstance and would seen it for the depravity it was from 1981. Sadly in the 9 years not one ethical person came in contact with this matter. Sadly he/they forced me into permanent states of CPTSD and DID for 9 years and still no one has been held accountable despite my many requests for investigations since 1994. When I asked Gores/Thorne/Victim Services for a copy of that incriminating bribe letter for my brief submission Book of Authorities, they refused to send me a copy. When I brought it up during the brief presentation at NS Court of Appeals the judges acted cowardly by stating that they thought I was mistaken yet didnot ask Gores or his client if they sent me the letter and with the intent to have me go away-to deny my right to full legal reimbursement. And of course these two scumbags perpetrators never said a word knowing that what I was saying on record was true. Perhaps it was easier for judges to assume the least of those among them instead of accepting the truth in all of its depravity. Despite Gores lies and corruption and mysogyny three judges unanimously ruled in my favour and did state in their findings that Gores came 'dangerously close to inventing his own law'-no-he did invent his own law for the entire duration, the entire 9 years, which made sure to send me to a slow painful death. Again they would not commit to calling a spade a spade despite the overwhelming evidence. The fact that Gores/JMTHorne have never spent a day in prison for what they did is a measure of how incestuously corrupt this DoJ really is, it is unmonitored and above the law.
Here J Marriott Thorne has be quoted.....I guess you have to be one of her victims to see how vile her words is akin to a child molester blaming the child for being raped. How ironic she would say this as I tried hard to have her criminally /constitutionally investigated for the damages she did to me for 9 years-a victim of child sexual abuse they forced me to talk about for 9 years-she gang-raped my constitutional and victim rights.
In Nova Scotia, Joanne Marriott-Thorne would agree. What's missing from the legislative puzzle, she says, is recompense for victims when their rights are ignored.
“When I look across Canada, it is absolutely remarkable that there has been a whole new [victims' services] component added to the system,Marriott-Thorne says. ?here has been a tremendous change in the law on paper to give recognition and inclusion to victims in the criminal justice system.”
Unfortunately, Marriott-Thorne says, what's on paper isn't strong enough. ?he next wall we have to scale is providing some remedies.” Although the Criminal Code provisions give victims of crimes some rights, such as to make victim impact statements, there is no remedy if they are not accorded those rights.
“From my point of view, at the federal level efforts have to be put forward to bring forth precedent-setting cases in relation to victims not being accorded the rights now embedded in the Criminal Code,she says. con't in link
Gores was never held accountable for withholding medical funds necessary for healing for 9 years(2 years were Pugsley, 7 were Gores) where he forced me to talk about child abuse and molestation for 9 years which was 9 years more than my childhood perps were forced to talk ( they all chose to remained silent like Susan Potts on the Regan Appeals scandal). Gores then had the audacity to state that he withheld my Victims Services money ( and had me fight for all those years causing me to be raped 3 times and lose my life/family/future to permanent disabilities and poverty) because he knew DCS would claw it back. The 3 judges were as shocked as I was and they told him that was no his place or business and not a reason to have withheld (paraphrasing), the judges made sure that is was not claw-backed but had DCS attempted to do so I would not doubt have seriously harmed someone at that time. The medical monies totalling $24,000 was spent in 1.5 years because of the amount of medical bills and debts for medical bills. I am sure if the tax payers in this province knew the truth they would chose to pay for the per diems for incarceration for these public servant scum than pay for their wages and modified days off. The tax payer is forced to pay at least twice, the wages of my perps and for the damages they creat=DCS monthly allotment and partial medical costs that I still have to beg for.
Ed Gores also was not held accountable for sending very legal/ private and confidential documents to my unit in Mulgrave Park that were given to and taken by the neighbours Shannon Sparks who was reported many times to Housing /HRC and police for racial hate crimes. The Legal Express Courier has confirmed that 2 separate deliveries of documents were given to Spark's who claimed to be me. What makes this matter worse is that the Legal Courier had the audacity to use the same tactics and Baker and Frahney, stating that she (Boutlier) was glad no harm came to me after she was told immeasurable harm came to me. It was confirmed by the Courier that Sparks had claimed to be me who then took my private info and shared it with her scum posse to harm me further in the community where they all started calling me a child molester-how much damage do you think is committed against a person who was molested to now be called a molester by scum so depraved that they ought not be allowed to breed? By scum protected by the Residential Alan Bickle, Gus MacIntyre, Irvine Carvery, Pat Lawrence-Harold Dillon-Housing-2 Tory ministers for DCS,HRCommission and numerous police officers all of which led to my attempt to take my life. The stealing of my private mail because Gores didnot make sure it came to me directly- was also reported to Darcy Fardy and Bob Doherty of Freedom of Info and Privacy (FOIPOP) who had the audacity as public servants to tell me they didnot have to investigate every matter that comes cross their desk-of course they did not want to get involved in a race issue in Public Housing that incriminated another public servant- lawyer for failing to protect my privacy on legal documents he sent to me home on matters he created when he illegally and deliberately withheld medical funds from me that put me in permanent disability--->poverty---> public housing in the first place. On 2 separate occasions police asked me how Sparks knew so much about me and I reported this to DoJ -Baker because she told police her auntie worked for DOJ and shared the info with her-no investigation was done.
Martin Hershorn
Still waiting for the name of the judge in the youth swarming case (Bundy, Skinner) where both the crown( name unknown- corrupted two other cases) and judge (name unknown) did deliberately throw the case to the perps because of Rocky Jones and his race card.. The judge had the audacity to ignore evidence including medical evidence given under oath by an Emergency Room doctor who spoke about my defence wounds. The judge stated that he doubted the swarming took place, this even when the perps said that it did-the point of argument of who started it though I was the victim and the only one that had to go to Emergency and the only one with numerous injuries all over my body and welts an lumps to the back of my head, I was only one who didnot hit anyone with bat because they had the bat-perps did tell police I didnot hit anyone even to defend myself-police already had me on trumped undertakings for a rapist so could not defend myself- The judge took testimony from a known black offender who robs and beats the elderly for money, she was not at the assault at all and police Booker invented a crack head for a crown witness knowing she was not there. I asked MH for the name of this judge to call for an investigation though Baker/Scott would not do one anyway- during the Digby matter crown witness/receptionist for minister Scott's office said I submitted 8 requests in a 2 month period for various investigations into outrageous corruption/fragging in his department-no one responded to my requests not Scott or any member of his judicial office-this was during the pretend/faux rape investigation against Murphy where Murray Scott in his capacity as minister of Justice played a critical role in allowing the corruption/depravity/violence to continue that caused me further trauma/ injury: he protected the police/chief, police commission, crown, mayor/council for their criminal and unconstitutional roles in that matter.
The judge in the swarming matter made a mockery of the law, of injuries/trauma to victims and a mockery of racial hate crimes, MH has yet to give me his name. This judge and crown should have been criminally charged-the crown asked a total of 3 question to me even when Jones and I started fighting over his pathetic use of his race card. Jones realize it didnot work on me so he worked harder on the other white folk who were already weak and corrupt-officer Booker, crown and judge. I filed a Form 5 against Booker and his outrageous corruption that promoted racial hate crimes in Halifax North- Mulgrave Park (2002+), he also raped due process by inventing a crown witness and tried to repeatedly bully me into dropping charges against the perps, and their parents who chanted 'kill the white bitch'; not one charged with that crime. Booker ignored their violations to their own undertakings and they continued to harm vulnerable members in the community with impunity-Devon Bundy now works with children in HRM capacity despite the racial hate crimes he has committed against children, elder etc-all non-black- he started the Muslim war that police and media lied to the public about. This judge and crown colluded with the ongoing racial violence against my family that led to my attempt to take my life-they emboldened scumbags in my community to do whatever they wanted because the justice system made it clear to all my perps/police/Carvery they they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it. When I reported that Bundy was working with children and police( Legere) rudely called my home and threatened me which also went in Form 5 to NSPC and nothing was done.
The crown with police assistance- all part of the corrupt posse denigrated/slandered my name as submitted to Judge Digby where the police have fabricated charges and aliases under my name and have labelled me a violent and mentally unstable person yet the evidence is to the contrary and Digby agreed which is evident during the hearing, assigning me to do my own brief and the sentencing combined with his refusal to entertain crown's outrageous requests and commentary- Digby was not confused about who was who once he read my substantiated brief, the same information Calder should have had submitted during my trial but chose to protect her galpals in the crown's office. Crown and police have been unable to prove that I am violent or mentally unstable despite the lies they have perpetuated that are gang rapes of my constitutional rights, slander found on webposts hidden by RCMP Ferguson, info that will be resubmitted to the new minister.
MH et al have failed to lay charges against me for filing 3 separate false reports for rape especially the one against a city councillor Patrick Murphy. For those paying attention this too was to deliberately keep my matters-their years of systemic corruption -out of the court/court records and public scrutiny. If they believed that they were false reports, charges should have been laid to deter the 'nuts and sluts' from making false reports against pillars of the community yet they didnot lay these charges. Why?. Two of the three refused to take lie test and one passed but would not do a drug test and police refused to give me a lie test and refused per Potts instructions to get my hospital/gynie records. Morris the officer mocked my rape by saying he would not lay charges because the rapist passed the test , that he was wealthy and didnot need to rape me (I had my own Unlimited Gold Visa)-amateurish police mentality, yet refused to give me one to challenge his stupidity and corruption. But even I knew it didnot matter as Potts would make sure that nothing ever got to court that incriminated her depravity and the immeasurable injuries she caused that murdered my life and my family's safety, security and future well being.
MH etal failed to provide any reasons why I would wrongfully accuse 3 men-2 strangers and 1 former friend, of rape that occurred within 1.5 years of the first anniversary of the sentencing of the child sexual trial that lasted 5 years thanks to the depravity of Susan Potts and her fabricating a case to NS Supreme Court in 1992 matter I am still trying to get addressed because rather than charge Eric McIntyre as the law dictates, Potts used his fabricated statement to file against another molester and did so because her galpal Conrad/DCS failed to protect me and my siblings as we were tortured and sexually abused, information they knew since 1981 and did nothing. Conrad on behalf of her DCS client already sent a female child back to the McIntyres and she and Potts made sure that EM would not be investigated for what he did to me as this too incriminated too many public servants including Conrad, too many in DCS/DOJ for failing to do this investigation in 1981. How ironic it will be that for all these crimes, violence, depravity, pathology, corruption I was forced to endure from DCS and DOJ to silence me from talking about what was done to me and my siblings prior to and since 1981 via Conrad/Potts and Gores that will end up being discussed ad nausem in as many public forums/courts as need be anyway?
Sadly since they murdered my life the only keeping me alive is to make sure the depraved scum are outed and held accountable in one form or another for what they did to me and my son whose only crime was to stop the 2 youngest McIntyre children from being abused, a job that so many failed to do before me including DCS and have yet to be held accountable despite their years of knowing about the abuse since the Bartlett hearing in 1981.
Steven Johnson(adjudicator Small Claims/ Dave Aitkens (Director Court Services) :
That with the matter of the DCS fabricated housing inspection and the lack of pertinent disclosure about the 87 Chater Street before its purchase, info was hidden by the previous owners, their real estate agents and their lawyer J Gass (already protected by NSBS despite evidence which included doctored pictures by her clients)-
That DCS-Housing D Pryde did knowingly fabricate an official housing inspection for Pat Lawrence after my attempt to take my life and to move me out of Housing so she could continue to act corruptly on her own and in protecting Irvine Carvery who murdered me through his years of racial hate crimes committed by actions and those of his minions who should have been evicted from Housing. Pryde conducted in his official capacity and as a precondition stated by Housing lawyer before Potter a 15 minute official housing inspection where he wrongfully fabricated info on that inspection sheet on item he knew would null and void the purchase of this house which would mean I would be directly associated with Housing longer. Potter's clients made me endure years of racial hate crimes then forced me to accept a home from the scum who molested me for 15 years and were responsible for years of Victim Services hearings via Conrad/Potts and Gores. I had to endure a 30,000 housing repair debt and 5 more years of trauma and torture to the point that RCMP had to remove EM before I stabbed him to death-all avoidable had this inspection not been fabricated to get me out of Housing direct responsibility and another house selected that would not have put me into debt where the deed would have been in my hands within a 2 months of healing from the attempt to take my life and years of police/crown/VS and Carvery/DCS brutality, crimes that were hidden by so many.
When Potter took over the case for Housing in his infinite corruption he then tried to blame EM for all the housing repairs right after I filed against his clients in Small Claims Court, he tried to pin someone else for what his own clients did-and placed me in a position of defending EM which itself caused immeasurable damages and trauma. Having to defend scum over other scum is a place these scum all put me in. Please note I had zero scum in my life until Debrah Conrad etal.
The house was approved by Housing/DCS putting me in 30,000 debt to a child molester and because of corruption by Terry Potter already submitted to NSBS,TP who knowingly corrupted with the Tenancy Board (Hashey/Light) he kept the matter from his clients and placed the financial and psychological and medical burden on me which caused immeasurable damages and an Overpayment issue with DCS as I was forced by Johnson and Potter/DCS to work as a person with multiple disabilities which again created its own medical damages and trauma. I am now in Appeals with DCS for that Overpayment that forced me to be further tortured by a child molester for 5 more years and this damage/injury/trauma cannot be calculated. I lost my house anyway because RCMP sat on the case because it incriminates DCS- Conrad /Potts and Gores and other police. Potter like the other legal scum in this story will do anything including gangraping whatever laws and standards of morality set out by a civilized society to avoid the culpability and liability of his clients the Department of Community Services.
That I had to file with Small Claims Court (2004-2005) to recoup the already incurred and predictable expenses to repair/fix the house which was medically harming me. That the estate agents and Potter said they did not have a duty of care to me as a tenant but to EM who was the legal owner and who had not endure the injuries. EM explained in court that the house was bought for me and his name was only on the deed but for the fact of these costs-SJ let both our names remain as co-applicants but he would removed this after hearing the evidence to favour the lawyers especially the previous owner's lawyer-Gass-already protected by NSBS on her corruption on this matter including her lying about the rental status and doctored photos.
That SJ let TPotter accused me of faking my disabilities in this public proceeding and SJ didnot reprimand him but had no issue with lecturing me when I referred to this lawyer by his last name. SJ also, which I have never heard of before then or since, ordered me to have all my evidence binded and delivered to each defendant lawyer weeks prior to the hearing for 3 nights knowing I was with disabilities and in medical crisis because of the housing issues. He allowed these seasoned lawyers to peruse my evidence in plenty of time before the hearing and I have no doubt it was to bully me into dropping the matter out of intimidation and overt prejudicial behaviour against me. I did get it done and each had their copy and SJ made sure to disadvantage me at every opportunity while also ignoring substantiated facts that brought the credibility of the agents, previous owners and Gass, into serious question, they knowingly lied about the status of the property saying they never rented it before buying it which would explain the shape it really was in. My agent was told not to look at rental properties for this very reason. SJ allowed Gass to say it was never a rental which was a lie in face of the facts I submitted by 4 govt agencies that showed it was a rental more years than they owned it. SJ in all his corruption then stated that since they bought it, it was no longer considered to have ever being a rental property which would be his own invented law to protect Gass and her clients ignoring that they already lied and my senior witness statement said it was a rental, which is also why he would not let it into evidence. Notwithstanding how unconstitutional these court nights were, it was outrageous what I had to endure during these nights as SJ raped the laws and my rights to the favour of the others always in the room. Potter settled out of court with EM for a mere portion of total costs then later corrupted my Tenancy application to again avoid liability for his clients who created this mess forcing me to work to pay off the debt to get McIntyre out of my life and the deed in my hands, which never happened thanks to the entrenched mysogyny and corruption of the NS Tenancy Board (Gerald Neal), Small Claims (Walter Thompson/Gerald Moir/Boudreau)- which I have already filed with you at NSBS in this document.
TP has on occasion stated that when EM accepted the money form DCS (drafts showed I needed 12,000 from DCS at that time) TP said that in accepting the money it did not mean DCS was liable TP leaves out the part where EM accepted the money with an accompanying letter that stated that acceptance didnot mean he agreed that DCS is not liable -TP in his usual corrupt self neglects to let others know that part-he has a propensity for omission of facts.
It became clear that EM and SM were not involved in the house other than to purchase it for me and they entered this into evidence during this matter to then change their story years later to Tenancy claiming that they changed their mind and didnot want to give me the house( for fabricated reasons). In fact an faux active RCMP matter on all their abuse and sexual molestation hidden by Conrad and Potts was filed by me after the years of housing/financial/psychological abuse at this house so we have come full circle over and over again. The McIntyres stated repeatedly under oath that they really didnot know the cost of anything as I was looking after the repairs with it being my home and borrowing the money from them to do house repairs. It was clear that they could not be bothered with the legalities and SJ made sure after naming me the co-applicant at the beginning removed my name as co-applicant once he heard/seen all the evidence and by doing so took away my legal ability to file an appeal. He knew EM would do nothing on it was clear each night that I was the only one doing all the legal work yet was in medical crisis and suicidal which McIntyre knew which was still activated from not recovering from Carvery's abuse to having to live in a house that was killing me to being left in that house with no help from DSC despite copious medical notes to get me out to the debt McIntyre was putting me in while psychologically abusing me.
Have no doubt the courts and public will know how Conrad-Potts and Gores brought this depravity back into my life to abuse me another 5 years before RCMP removed him before I stabbed him to death a situation created by Conrad/Potts and Gores and Potter.
SJ repeatedly allowed Gass to submit invented information and info without substantiation and refused to acknowledge my copious amounts of evidence including written ones from other govt agencies. SJ made sure Gass's clients did not pay a penny and had the audacity to say that the house was okay for others, that it was just my special needs that was causing the issues-this after receiving a document from me written by Remax to their clients, the previous owners that no one wanted the house because they all had a concern with the smoking/helath issues and that they were advised to do something about if they wished to sell their home-according to SJ logics then all these people had special needs like me also?
The clients-Gass's clients then with deliberation and deceit painted everything including thermostats the nicotine colour of yellow which also was ignored by SJ. My agent stated it was a non-smoking home and I am severely allergic to cigarette/ smoke. I also brought in estimates and pictures and cannot possibly account it all here but on one situation where I showed the clients painted everything yellow I showed SJ the paint can lids with their labels and he argued that it was white despite it looking sunflower yellow and saying it was yellow, the same yellow that matched the plug outlet covers and thermostats.
SJ ignored evidence that incriminated Gass and her clients and only ordered the real estate agent for myself and McIntyre to pay $1500.00 which didnot come close to paying for the damages/house repairs that were hidden in lies on the disclosure sheet. The Real Estate Commission said they could not do an investigation because DCS/Housing0-TPotter's clients- did the house inspection and approved it. McIntyre refused to pay for the Appeal because he knew it would take me out of debt with him and the deed would finally be in my hand and he could not longer abuse me-all this set into motion by Conrad-Potts and Gores. How am I being tortured by Eric McIntyre(2004-2009) when I was removed in 1981 too happy to never see these depraved sociopathic degenerates ever again?
Ironically D Parker, the only ethical adjudicator I have met at Small Claims, was originally assigned to this Housing case-he heard the first Public Housing matter that Bickle corrupted and only because I am ethical I asked that he be removed so that the others would not claim previous bias as he ruled unanimously in my favour in my prior case against Housing/Carvery which inadvertently caused Carvery and his minions to be allowed by Harold Dillon, David Morse and Pat Lawrence to escalate their violence against me forcing me to move. I will never make that mistake again for it is clear to me that Parker is not corrupt nor a coward. I removed him to be transparent and ethical and in his stead I was assigned an unethical legal scumbag who protected other unethical legal scum to my immeasurable detriment for had he had he ordered the rightful parties to pay with most of it going to DCS/Housing /Potter's clients I would not have been in debt to EM which is no doubt why Potter made sure to avoid being part of the hearings. Had SJ ruled ethically and by the efficacy of the evidence EM would not have been allowed to abuse me for 5 years because of this housing debt and the deed would have been in my hands as intended within 2 months of the house purchase. Potter settled out of court with EM for 4,000 when the bill at that time was $12000. Potter and DCS should be going after EM for fraud as he received monies claiming to be the landlord when he was not the landlord but I guess abusing me is more fun for Potter? Going after EM in court would make public those crimes his own clients committed before and during this house issue including my being forced to work causing me more injury. This too is being submitted to you as part of my request to investigate Potter and why he is not pursuing a fraud charge against EM who accepted money from his clients from 2004-2009 for rent /RSP when the evidence shows I was the homeowner in practice via receipts and labour and debt. Potter knew in 2005 EM was not the landlord and again in 2006 Tenancy filing but eh ignored it to keep me from his clients in Public Housing, DCS also ignored many calls for help to get me out of the abuse again Potter making sure his clients did not have to House me directly yet his clients not only filed an Overpayment against me but now fabricated a Maintenance Overpayment too, and I have no children. This is also going to be investigated in another forum.
SJ allowed the previous owners to perjure themselves under oath then allowed them to blame it on their French, he also refused to accept a signed statement by a senior whose statement incriminated the previous owners on several matters/items which also incriminated their lawyer J Gass on rental status and issues and their desperation to sell the house before they lost their dibs on another house ergo the lies and false disclosure such as it being a non-smoking house. My senior witness who was the previous owner's neighbour in the shared semi detachment, was available for the first court matter but SJ changed it knowing she was moving out of town and could not be available in person, her written statement should have been allowed.
The matter was such a blatant rape of the law and due process and my rights and because I could not appeal it, I had to type a 52 page request to Court Director David Aitken to investigate Steven Johnson of his overt bias, prejudicial/discriminatory behaviour and corruption. Because I was left to do the manual work myself it caused other medical issues and my hands became permanently disabled and for that document I had to type the 52 pages with pencils taped to my hands. I cannot tell you the agony of doing that both from a physical and psychological perspective, I was only in that position because of the crimes of DCS/Housing all set into motion by Conrad/Potts and Gores-they gave me work to do that they could not or would not do. Why was I expected to do more work than publicly paid public servants and why were they allowed to create this work through their incestuous corruption and depravity?
Aitken wrote a short note back saying I should appeal if I had an issue with the SJohnson decision of which I replied calling him a corrupt coward for he obviously didnot read the 52 pages for had he done just that he would know why I could not appeal which was one of the several corrupt acts of S Johnson. I reminded Aitkens that Appeals are not where investigations for corruption are heard or conducted. I never heard back -another public servant allowed to be above accountability and the law.
I cannot afford to print off those 52 pages but they should still be in Aitken's office. I have already submitted a document to the Minister of Municipal Affairs about adjudicator abuse at the tenancy and small claims levels where adjudicators are abusing their position of authority knowing they will not be held accountable knowing they are not on legal audio recording for transcript. Giving unmonitored power and environments/opportunities to those attracted to positions where they can abuse their power as did Raymond Bartlett coming off tape known to so many others, just to abuse females in his courtroom. These scum know the power and proof of audio recordings. I would not have lost my home had their been tapes of the corruption of Gerard Neal and especially mysogynist Walter Thompson (lawyer) who abused me so badly in front of the McIntyre worse than what Bartlett did in 1981, WT who knowingly gang raped my rights to due process, mocked my disabilities, mocked my abuse and trauma and housing debt- all in retaliation because I outed the corruption of Gerald Neal at tenancy-yet to be investigated because it is so abusive that every time I try to sit down to type it for the minister I get panic attacks because of the CPTSD that Conrad/Potts and Gores created.
What I witnessed in the NS Justice system most of my life is a ongoing act of mysogynistic violence that cannot be ignored or forgiven or unwitnessed.
Please note I will be asking the relevant new ministers and auditor general/public accounts for several investigations that stem back to 1992 and 1981 so these documents will be submitted to them so they can see who who knew and ignored the deliberate and systemic depravity/criminality of various legal employees especially lawyers who are public servants/tax waged who committed crimes during their active employment while also registered with the NSBS. The outrageous leniency evident in the Andrew Pavey situation reveals an appalling permissive mentality of NSBS for lawyers to act badly, immorally and with immeasurable depravity with impunity- criminal charges should have been laid against this lawyer, and so many others, and thankfully the British Columbia BSociety has a spine and refuses to register him after he committed more offences. The leniency within NSBS reveals an insult to all things civil, evolved, moral and intelligent.
I am sure you already know I am currently on a suspended sentence and had Ann Calder not been so corrupt and preoccupied with her criminality with a raping pimp, the public would have been educated to how entrenched the criminality of the mayor/council/crown/police and minister's office of both DoJ and DCS mostly as it pertained to the police corruption on the Murphy rape matter, the fact that most depraved and sociopathic persons involved in the corrupt murder of my family are Tory is just a coincidence, perhaps not. It matters not the outcome of any NSBS investigations as there will never be justice to undo what your lawyers have done, but as started in the Calder/Geneste evaluation for crown/Digby: if I do not start seeing accountability for what has happened to me and mine I will continue to use the justice system to make public the depraved crimes committed against me (since 1992) as I did with the Patrick Murphy case where the crown and police and minister Baker/Scott et al thought it real funny to corrupt a rape matter.
There are no words to express the agony of each day being as far removed from my life while the sociopathic scum who did this to my family continue to enjoy everything they took from us including Thanksgivings, Birthdays, Christmases etc, taking away our right to peace and to be without injury and suffering. The greater rage comes from the fact that all this immeasurable suffering was the deliberate and direct result of the depraved and corrupt actions of not one or two lawyers but of several registered lawyers in Nova Scotia who willingly colluded with crimes against humanity starting with Bartlett, Conrad, Potts and Gores. Lawyers of anyone cannot use the defence that they did not know, they should have or ought to have known that their actions would and did cause an innocent human being and her family suffering, violence, damages, injuries, hardships, degradations they themselves could not endure. No one could survive what they set into motion in 1992 and no one did survive. Dr Feltham, under oath during one of the fabricated police matters making my rapist David Swim the victim-where crown/police took visible allegiance with rapist David Swim-the doctor stated that 'no human being could endure what I was expected to endure as it was beyond the capacity for a human being to endure'. He said this in January 2003, I attempted my life in May 2004.
The NSBS has protected each of the lawyers that were already filed: Conrad, Potts, Gores, Baker, Douglas, Gass, Campbell-Morrison, and Potter. My son did 14 days incarcerated because of DUIs, the direct result of self medicating trauma. I sat in court and watched with disbelief and disgust as the crown pretended to be a moral compass having the right to judge my son when their actions and crimes set into motion the inevitable destruction of my family-crown has the audacity to legally hold others accountable by the very laws they rape. Crown are the sociopathic scum who did this to me therefore did this to my son and had the audacity to incarcerate him, their victim, yet have not incarcerated themselves for their decades of depravity that ensured the murder of my family starting in 1981 and again non-stop public servant/ violence since 1992.
As stated in my brief to the Honourable Judge Digby, I was not a victim until Conrad /Potts and Gores made me one, I knew no hate until they showed me hate and I had no disabilities until they gave them to me.....
You will have until December 18 2010 to peruse the communications and initiate investigations into all lawyers named before I submit my request to the ministers and auditor general office and then the inevitable public outing. This date is the date I will be released from my suspended sentence, I suggest you-NSBS use the time wisely. What these governmental/public servants organized to do since 1992 was a form of fragging which is a serious offence of 'attempted murder for intimidation, silencing, coercion and/or retaliation' that slaughtered/murdered/gang-raped the quality of the life I worked so hard for. It is one thing to know I was forced to endure the unendurable, it is quite another to know that NS legal public servants have the capacity to willingly inflict such...These scum took years off my life, they gang raped and slaughtered my life til there was nothing left. Whatever time I do have left will be dedicated to those named until I draw my last breath. I was in prison for the first 15 years of my life and when I was finally removed I was able to breath for the first time and grow-expanding my wings and enjoy my freedom, all taken away in February 1992 and the prison the sociopathic scum lawyers put me in has no name but it is worse than the prison done to me as child with all the torture and molestation I endured and survived. I endured the depraved and inhumane crimes they did to me since 1992 but I didnot survive, nor did my son nor did my unborn children, my lineage, my future generations forever raped....
During this weekend many celebrated Thanksgiving Day with their friends and family. That was a common celebration denied to my family because of the aforementioned with some more guilty than others. Until 1998 I celebrated each day with Thanks because when you endure what I did as child for 15 years every breath of freedom is a blessing especially where I being the minority managed to not only endure and survive but excel despite the torture thanks to no one but my own constitution and determination to provide a stable and solid foundation for my family and our future. In 1996 I was still working at Department of Health-Choices and was taken back at the number of people who could not go around the table and give thanks so that became homework, I could not predict at this time by the following year, 1997, that it would be my last as I spent it with a friend and her family-no longer spending it with my biomother who contributed to the parade of scum already named here for leaving her own 3 children in a home to be tortured. Of course it would not be until Conrad, Potts and Gores created their crimes and destruction that this 'relationship' could never be reconciled and that relationship was forever severed since 1996-1997 because of the trials, testimonies, trauma and revictimization.
In 02/97 I had to resign my job due to sexual harassment and on that very weekend of my resignation I was raped by David Swim, a year exactly from the faux sentencing of the child sexual abuser (PS), the trial that Potts fabricated to Supreme Court. Despite what Swim did to me and my subsequent hospitalization I was still able to celebrate Thanksgiving in large part because he apologized for what he did. However things would soon change when he started stalking me for months at my work place which lead to more trauma and finally forced me out of this job. Just a week or so later I was raped my Patrick Murphy1998. I would never again be able to celebrate Thanksgiving and there is something most perverted that the scum who murdered my family get to enjoy passing the sweet potatoes around the table this weekend without thought to what they did to me and mine. Just last night my son and I had yet another heated fight and again the theme is predictable- that he is still angry that I was too traumatized to look after him starting after the Swim rape and permanently after the Murphy rape and I was forced having no supports to remove him from his own home and send him to his grandparents the very scum who left me and my brothers to be tortured by Eric McIntyre and his scum posse, the ones Conrad protected from being criminally charged with child torture and sexual abuse because she just returned a little girl back to his home citing that what he did to me and my siblings was in our best interest. My son thinks I should have been stronger and be able to fight off the trauma that all these scum did to me including the rapes. How ironic that because I was no longer capable to parent and my trauma rage provoked by Conrad-Potts-Gores threatened the safety of my home that I had to send my beloved son to the very scum who left me to endure much worse, left me in a home where DCS allowed the scum to torture me and my siblings for decades, the very siblings I had to rescue in 1992 because DCS would not remove my brothers with me as I begged in 1981?
My son had to leave his own home because I was in too much trauma/medical damages from the crimes committed by Conrad-Potts-Gores, Conrad whose clients DCS-Ann Bond failed to protect 2 children in her caseload who were not mine-my family murdered to protect 2 other children?
So the one who rescues children and the one who adores children loses her own child and ability to have more children because she had to save 2 children that were not her own because those paid to protect them and those obligated by law and morality could not be bothered?
And of course these perpetrators of the worse kind have much to be thankful for. They did not have pathological, corrupt , depraved, incompetent public servant strangers:
leave their siblings to be tortured in a home for years
they didnot have their son's birthday ruined because of having to get one of their siblings off the streets b/c of lazy and unqualified child welfare workers
they were not forced/ bribed/threatened by a lawyer for DCS to testify or else the kids would be returned back to the house of pain
they did not have that corrupt lawyer then send unrelated info to another corrupt lawyer about matters DCS and police already knew about a decade earlier and did nothing about it
they did not have another depraved corrupt lawyer then fabricate a case to Supreme Court and deliberately not charge one of the child molesters because a child was already sent home and would incriminate DCS once again.
they were not threatened and forced to talk about being raped and tortured for 9 years to pay for medical bills that are the direct and sole result of depraved crimes committed against them by public servants and their own narcissistic corrupt agendas.
they did not have their only child became an orphan because his only parent and care taker and financial resource was too traumatized with CPTSD and DID and other medical issues to function
they did not have all their hard healing work- 8 years of university-3 degrees-career- thrown to the garbage because of others scum that would not be in their life but for the fact of other scum
they did not get disabilities as result of public servant crimes/hospitalizations and then get a life sentence to poverty where you are exposed to other scum in DCS and public housing
they were not raped 3 times and have the crown and police and 2 Tory ministers, mayor/city council cover it up by keeping it from the courts/public record/public scrutiny and then abuse you the victim repeatedly causing more trauma and medical crisis.
they did not end up in the hospital several times due to the abuse and crimes being committed by named lawyers and the parade of scum they brought with them
they did not lose their ability to function, have a family, earn financial and futuristic security
they do not have their bowel cleaned out once week by tubes or any other treatments because of crimes committed by lawyers and the public servants they brought in
they did not have their ability to have children destroyed by scum
they did not have their futures destroyed by scum
they did not have their health destroyed by scum
they did not have their ability to parent destroyed by scum
they did not have their development and healing/wellness destroyed by scum
they did not have to attempt to take their lives because of all the depravity public servants did starting in 1992
they did not have DCS workers deliberately withhold medical necessities for years just for fun that caused other immeasurable hardships such as homeless, family separation and and bankruptcy after having 8,000 in the bank for a home and an Unlimited Visa Card
they did not have their home taken from them both in Housing after years of being victimized by racial hate crimes and then be tortured another 5 years by the very scum who tortured and molested them for 15 years to go into 30,000 dollars of debt because another public servant fabricated the house inspection which was also hidden by other public servants/ their lawyer
They did not endure the ongoing public servant abuses, pathologies, corruption protected by other public servants and police/crown/mayor
they do not have to spend immeasurable energy and time and the subsequent trauma drafting ongoing requests for investigations and accountability into the crimes just to be met with more corruption all the while typing with tears in your eyes because you already know no one will do anything yet you are motivated by a wisdom at the cellular/evolutionary level of what is right and true and what is wrong and corrupt.
they did not have their lives murdered to hide the crimes created my several public servants in NS who should be in prison for crimes against humanity
they did not have scum come into their lives and rape every minute of their lives to live the rest of what is left of their lives in agony and suffering and rage and loathing
they did not have decades taken off their lives because they did not have their quality of life taken from them
they did not endure being victimized repeatedly to have their perps embolden by sociopathic scum in the DOJ and DCS protect all of them since the original sins starting with known mysogynist Raymond Bartlett
they did not have to watch their only child suffer beyond measure to then self medicate with drugs and drink to become abusive because their development and their stability and health and home were raped and murdered by those who are paid to protect him, raping and making him an orphan during the most vulnerable time of his developmental life leaving him motherless and without stability, a family, a home and a future.
In the criminal mater with Justice Digby I had my photos side by side: a picture taken after the Swim rape before his stalking and my downward trauma spiral that proceeded the Murphy rape in the month I had to quit my job because of the trauma the Swim stalking was doing at my workplace. People who knew me see me in this photo and and most importantly I do and my son do. Beside I placed a photo of what the DCS and FOJ created, it is the HRM police picture or mugshot if you will. On sentencing Lacey had the audacity to pretend to be sympathetic about my childhood the very one that was never to be discussed but thanks to corrupt Calder not only was it discussed for her to distract attention away form the truth-from her corrupt crown galpals but it was made public via her pal in the CH/newspaper where my childhood crimes/trauma were made very public without my consent.
I put up my pictures for comparison of the me I created and the one these lawyers and the parade of scum created. The pictures have shocked and upset a few people and it reveals that picture speak a thousand words for the Gail/ Gayle/ Gaidheal McIntyre to be murdered in broad daylight by the parade of scum brought into my life starting with Bond- Conrad. One can clearly see the loss of life and spirit from the comparison. Most would think the bad picture is a woman who has been severely abused and she was: by the aforementioned in this document and what I am told that is more shocking is that these legal scum make me look worse than all the torture I endured in my 15 years in childhood. Very telling indeed. When I went to Scotland in 02/09 so I would not harm Murphy as Calder was provoking me to deal with her crap for ages before court, my own family did not recognize me, last they seen me I was still me. How can one let alone so many lawyers in this province be allowed to commit so many depraved and corrupt crimes and injuries that they render another human being so unrecognizable by their own family?
Recently I attended a fund raiser via a Scottish organization at Fultz House. As per usual it was held in the day time which causes me much anxiety thanks to Conrad/Potts and Gores. I finally arrived and we were quite busy serving lunch. I was serving a table and the dishes dropped out of my hands because they are useless now with all the house repairs I had to do. I had to bend down and pick up the pieces before any one got hurt and this older male started drubbing my head/hair and made a sexual comment that forced me to dissociate, and because of that I cannot remember all he said after I dissociated which started with his rubbing my head and hair while he spoke which was flowed by laughter at the table though some told him to stop. I obviously had something to do with oral sex an issue that is from my childhood and Patrick Murphy trying to force his penis in my mouth the night he raped me at his alleged parent's house. All I could do was keep picking up the dishes citing 'mind the broken dishes' repeatedly- I was unable to respond I was unable to defend myself for this outrageous conduct and once I got back home I went though the trauma motions from anger to rage to upset and sadness to rage again but more angry at Conrad/Potts and Gores than the offensive male because he didnot disable me, they did. This process lasted 3 weeks and even now as I type these words and even though the matter happened over a month ago just typing it is causing my muscles to burn which is part of the trauma that is the reason for my fibro mylagia and my skin /face is burning which is the EI/MCS all compliments of Conrad/Potts and Gores who disabled me by giving me these disabilities and from defending myself in the company of offensive/threatening males. I would have preferred to have been able to stay in the moment, in real time, and either told this scumbag what mus he is or punch him in the face. I shared this incident with another person who told me it was the NDP table. How ironic is that.
Any process, system or agency that refuses to examine itself is fundamentally flawed,
' Quality is not an accident, it is the deliberate result of intelligent effort' (unknown)
G McIntyre
Addendum to
Nova Scotia Barrister Society (NSBS)
September 10 2010 Delivered September 15 2010
Grievance against Anne Calder et al
September 20 2010 delivered October 2010
Kristene Handley, Danielle Daigle et al
As predicted when such an unprecedented trauma task has been performed it requires the writer to step away to process safely. Because of my CPTSD and DID it requires much more processing but for the purpose of making sure you have an elaborate account, albeit not an exhaustive one, of lawyers and their crimes/depravity I have reread my earlier submission and realized that I have neglected further explanations/details on some topics. This would be because I have produced same said information multiple times to no avail and since I have witnessed each and every crime or its aftermath, that in err it either cannot be conveyed completely or it appears to be conveyed to the writer and this may be an oversight on my part as some things are intuitively obvious despite their depravity and criminality. As this deplorable matter will be filed elsewhere as indicated to you already I want to make sure you have exactly the same communication/document as they do.
So for clarification and/or further explanation:
Susan Potts:
That I never needed medical-trauma attention until Potts made me a victim through her crimes and never required hospitalization in my life until the 1997 Swim rape (1 month) and the 1999 hospitalization (3 months) for immeasurable trauma after 3 rapes and ongoing public servant/crown and police brutality/corruption that led to more crimes being committed against me in QEII including the doctors sharing my medical file with E McIntyre who found out I was there and he and his wife harassed me with staff help, doctors giving me damaging and unnecessary psychotropic drugs without my consent, drugs that have caused permanent damages and deaths in others as well- The College of Physicians have hidden these crimes as well and all will be resubmitted to the new govt as it was ignored by the Tory Minister of Health twice, CMHA and the College also hid these crimes. Reported to RCMP in 2007 who did nothing because it also incriminates HRMP, crown and DCS since 1981
That because Potts, with deliberation, told Halliday on 02/01 1999 to not get my 1997 David Swim QEII/AbbyLane medical reports which included a gynie report for the Swim rape, that when Halliday told me Potts told him not to lay charges against Swim and Wright and not to get my medical reports I got off the phone and went into rages I never knew before and for a couple of days I was so homicidal that I had to go to QEII emergency because as a ward I had no family and because Bond/Conrad/Potts/THorne/Gores slaughtered my life from 1992, my non-bio supports had been pushed away from my relentless trauma states where I could not function which including isolation and inability to contact friends. Potts and Conrad were aware of the lack of familial supports I had before they murdered my life and I have no doubt being the parasites they are that this isolation played a role in their comfort in raping my life to feed their narcissistic and incestuous corruption.
The QEII/AL Emergency bluesheeted me without my consent and prior stated refusal to be hospitalized after the recklessness/ gross negligence/giving patients drugs that are not necessary that I witnessed in 1997-the notes state that I refused to be hospitalized yet I was for 3 months against my will. Because I went in homicidality and Dr Alan Abbass(money maker for Dalhousie Uni/ QEII on research grants) used me for current drug testings for homicidality, they used me for 3 drugs without my knowledge and consent and my file is missing such legal consent and the notes are 'doctored' to hide what they did to me. My being at the AL brought more scum into my life including the 3 doctors and nursing staff who refused to assist me in reporting the drug damages and injuries daily which is also criminal offence as recorded by Canadian Adverse Reaction legislation/policy but of course they didnot report the effects because they knew I should not be on the drugs in the first place.. The abuse/mistreatment I endured there is as depraved as the scum who put me there. I will be refiling these crimes with the new govt although those who should have known about the abuse and criminality already do and did nothing and should be subjected to enforcement of the law as well.
After what I witnessed it is obvious to me that Abbass either didnot feel the need to read my file something another male doctor did and then lied about it-making medical decisions without using the files is a dangerous practice- or- Abbass read just enough to give himself permission to fabricate 5 illnesses that were never in existence and he having done this many times before knew who he could get away with doing this with , the first page of the 1999 emergency notes file (days after Potts told Halliday to not charge or get medical notes1997) talks about how the police and crown refuse to do rape investigations and lay charges which lead to my homicidality toward these scum- this would note would give sociopaths permission as he intrepreted this to mean that if the police and crown do not deem this person credible nor will anyone else and this allowed him to do the crimes he did murdering my life and as he predicted no one has done anything to him by means of criminal and professional charges. It is called the 'perfect victim' and he would know who he can abuse and use to profit personally and professionally, I was not his first nor his last victim. Keep in mind but for the corruption and crimes by Conrad,Potts and Gores I would never have need hospitalized nor would I be in the revictimized by the likes of mysogynistic HRM police and Abbass.
The 3 drugs I was given for 5 fabricated illnesses that magically disappeared when they found out my estranged brother was a doctor they knew- drugs that have caused much damage in many people and caused deaths in others
-brain/organ damages,
-premature aging,
-tardive dyskenesia
-80pound weight gain that caused other medical issues as with my feet so now have to wear orthotics
-damaged liver/kidney and bowel is 100% atonic-cannot have BM so have to fight with DCS for funds to pay for these, I get 1 a week with 1= to one BM a week so leaves me lethargic and in pain
-chemical /hormonal imbalances
-chronic hair loss
-intense daily pain
-damage to my spine-protruded 4 inches forward and now has a premature dowangers hump and a curve in my spine causing dialy pain and muscle damages which in turn aggravated the fibro myalgia Conrad/Potts gave me from 1992+
-drugs caused hyperlactemia that created breast issues that resulted in surgery that in turn caused other medical issues, now my breasts are deformed and scarred.-all medical issues were reported to staff as they occurred who did nothing but demean and dismiss these grievances but also allowed torturers Eric and Sonya McIntyre access to my medical rooms/files all info hidden by 2 patient reps who colluded with the hiding of the many crimes committed againsteem in QEII/AL.
-untreatable depression-from chemical imbalances, to this day my doctors and I struggle with trying to address all the damages-in the USA there are several lawsuits against the drug companies and doctors because of the damages of the very drugs QEII/AL/Abbass et al gave me, conversely, had Potts told police to proceed with the rape matters as required by law I would not have went into homicidal rages where I had to go to the Emergency where I was wrongfully bluesheeted and held against my will for 3 months-my discharge papers state that I was stressed because of not paying the bills, this after the 5 serious MI disappeared--I guess we hospitalize, abuse and drug people for not being able to pay bills because of not working because of rape- yet my admission papers clearly state that I was in a homicidal rage due to crown and police not laying rape charges and I was in need to harm them and the rapists.
-life sentence to poverty status
-life sentence for disability status
-life sentence to have DCS in my life who I hate as much as I hate Pott etal- they left me in a home to be tortured and raped and then forgot to look after my siblings which caused the issues 1992+, they kept medical treatments/products from me for years just for fun and keep me begging for medical needs all because of Potts- this will be resubmitted to new govt, Bond/Conrad /Gores/Potts brought DCS back in my life permanently.
-That scumbag Potts caused all these damages and has never paid a penny for it, she created the disabilities (EI/MSC/CF/FM/CPSTD/DID/agoraphobia/panic attacks) prior to the 1995 child sexual abuse trial that lasted 5 days and created the PTSDS/DID template for three 3 rapes, one that put me in hospital for 1 month and the ongoing crown/police abuse and 2 more rapes put me back in hospital in 1999 days after police told me Potts told them not to lay charges because she knew it incriminated her.
No other crime caused my homicidality but that which was designed by Potts that lead to that that February 1999 phone call, she set into motion a hate and rage in me that is well documented. She is worse than any other rapist or murderer, she murdered my life, my son's life and that of my unborn children and should be in prison gen pop with the scum who protected her.
That crown and police including Ron Lacey refer to me in mysogynistic terms and refer to my AL experience as proof that I am in need of a mental ward/whackjob etc. Webposts sent to RCMP that incriminate police, crown and Justice minister (Murray Scott) having these criminal/unconstitutional discussions about me, yet it was their sociopathology and depravity and incestuous corruption that put me in the hospital in the first place, they are the reason I attempted to take my life.
Because of Potts et al, I can no longer work with children which harmed me to my core being as children are my focus and why I went into child welfare/manager of day care. I was planning to eventually open my own child development centre. Because of the inability to have more children I am unable to be around children or children shops etc all because of what Conrad-Potts-Gores set into motion, I cannot have children because of medical damages and my inability to be intimate with males since being forced into a trial about child sexual abuse-then forced to talk about being molested/tortured as a child over and over and over for 9+ years one becomes disengaged from normal functioning life because of the immeasurable trauma. They destroyed my ability to actualize my plans for security for my blood/kin/lineage and as an immigrant such is critical for our survival in a new country, I always wanted 4 children, I have 1 son who is severely damaged from what Conrad et all did to my family.
The damages my son has incurred are part of who he is now, he continues to deal with anger issues and has an inability to commit to anything long term because of the learned hopelessness these scum created. He was a HRM employee from ages 12-15 and a scout came from the USA because my son was top soccer scorer in the province but the scout could not find us because we were homeless. The damages these piece of shit did to my family are part of every breath we continue to take. They destroyed my life and my son's life, health, security, future-all to protect two children everyone else neglected to protect for a decade? Children who were not mine in a family I had nothing to do with, a social worker, Anne Bonn, Conrad's client being the worse perps? Conrad and Potts and Gores left my son an orphan who had no one for support once I was wiped out by these scumbags. My son served more time in prison than all these sociopathic depraved degenerates did. On several occasions I had to have my son removed from his own house by police and of those occasions 3 times my son was charged by me to get him help he needed for his trauma rages. What kind of hate and rage do you think was created in me when I had to call the scumpolice to remove my son because he was acting out his trauma created by these legal scum in the first place- police who protect scum crown and other police and perps, police who protected 3 rapists and who had already severely abused me into several medical crisis and hospitalizations. Now my son was being removed by the very scum who did this to my family. My son was court ordered 3 separate times to drug,violence and family counselling and endured 6 lazy probation officers in the Dartmouth office who never sent him to a minute of therapy which violates 3 court orders and of course emboldened my son's behaviour while escalating my rage at once again being subjected to lazy, incompetent, unqualified corrupt public servants including the office manager who mocked my grievance against these officers who were openly violating court orders and didnot get my son the professional assistance he so desperately needed because of the crimes committed by Conrad, Gores and Potts and the parade of scum they brought into our lives. Often my son showed up at his appts drunk or high or not at all and I requested Murray Scott to investigate the gross and criminal incompetence in the Dartmouth probation office starting with the head Jim MacDonald and Scott failed to do this-so my family was again surrounded by the same incompetence, lazy, unqualified pieces of public servant shit who murdered us in the first place.
My son became quite an abuser because of the damages done to him and his family by Conrad/Potts/Gores et al and I would be his target most often. What kind of hate and rage do you think was created when my beautiful caring and kind son turned into an abuser because of the trauma these lawyer scum did to him by murdering his only parent, his only caregiver, his only mother and constant family member?
I would have to have my son removed to de-escalate me from the homicidal rages that would be triggered as I watched my son in hurtful trauma outbursts that are the direct and sole result of crimes committed against us by Conrad, Potts and Gores who could not care less as they slaughtered my family to feed their own pathologies. The fact I have not harmed any one of them yet is clinically amazing. How ironic would it be if I bring Susan Potts into court next, the scum who in 1992 asked why I am not a dangerous offender then proceeded with a blatant sociopathic and parasitical disregard for my life and my family's well being to set into motion unprecedented depravity that would inevitably create several victims? How ironic would it be that the public would find out that the lawyers in this province create more harm and suffering and injuries and inhumanity than child rapists. How ironic that had I harmed one of these pieces of shit in 02/1999 as my trauma rage instructed me to do, I would not have ended up in the QEII/AL and would not have endured a minute that I did because my taking myself to the Emergency saving them from getting exactly what they deserved but harmed my family instead. To this day my son and I still argue over how I should have just harmed these scum instead of going to the Emergency which set into motion the ongoing depravity and disabilities that Conrad, Potts and Gores already set into motion with their pathologies and corruption. But for the fact of the lazy and criminally negligent Ann Bond and DCS......How ironic that had I harmed any one of these scum in 1999 the public would have known what scum DCS and DOJ are for doing what they did to my family as children,wards, teens and as a parent......the public would have known how incestuously corrupt and pathological this province really is in the DCS and DOJ.....but for the corruption of Ann Calder they would have known more than they do now.
Thanks to RCMP Cole Harbour and their failure to investigate Eric McIntyre etal in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 all because Conrad's clients failed to do so in 1992+ because Bartlett etal failed to do so 1981+, Potts deliberately didnot do-one of my most critical witnesses to the depravity and torture I endured just recently died therefore cannot give a legal statement. She left me and my brothers in a home of torture and she too should have been criminally charged for she knew and did nothing. Her name and he still living husband's name were included in the 2007 March police audio for charges that have yet to be laid as RCMP Integrated are sitting on it and again all will be sent to the new govt and auditor general for review.
Frank Hoskins/ Denise Smith:
That my communications to FH/DS that took place over months/years prior to May 2004 when they refused to investigate all the crimes of Potts then her galpals (Driscoll,MacDonald) in crown office on the Swim/Wright rapes,
That both Hoskins and Smith did reply to my several requests for investigations, tag teaming me if you will which incriminates both of them as they both knew what was going on in their office to protect Susan Potts from being publicly outed by one of her victims prior to her Regan scandal.
FH/DS stated in writing that they didnot keep notes so could not investigate Potts etal,
I replied by asking if his office had one phone where he could call Potts into his office and asked why she did what she did on the fabricated case she filed at Supreme and why she told police (Morris/Halliday) not to get my hospital/medical records after the Swim rape and before any other rape and this included the gynie report.
FH/DS said that any chats crown had on criminal matters were confidential
I replied by saying that there is no right to confidentiality when the actions of crown are corrupt/criminal and murder families and cause them immeasurable suffering
He stated that it was not up to them to lay charges, that it was up to police to lay charges
I replied by saying that he was blaming our already very lazy and corrupt police force for not laying charges when they know Potts told them not to lay charges- they were told by crown not to lay charges because crown willnot prosecute the matter?
I did ask them to make sure they worded this response very carefully as I wanted to make sure not to misquote them for a book-my testimony of all they did and hid. I have no doubt that Hoskings/ Smith made sure Herschorn didnot investigate when I asked him to, MH deliberately didnot get back to me after his initial letter saying he would look into the matters which included the colluding corruption of Hoskins and Smith.
That prior to my attempt to take my life I gave this 'book' to a galpal who in turn gave it to an officer to keep, when she receive it she called the Truro police to see how I was doing they called HRM police who asked Truro police to ask this galpal where my book was. HRM police knew I took my life because of what they did since 1998 and the scum they brought into my life namely other scum like them including Carvery and other police/public servants/poverty/public housing/disabilities. Only Hoskins and Smith knew of my 'book' reference in a letter and they panicked after my attempt to make sure they got this book that discussed all they did to me and mine. Have no doubt several crown and police should be in prison for what they did to my family, by police asking for this book that only 2 crown knew about reveals how colluding their inter-agency corruption was/is in their premeditated plan to keep quiet all their crimes and depravity that led to my attempt to take my life.
Crown and police knew their crimes and abuse and brutality and deliberate emboldenment of my perps one after another all lead to my attempt on my own life, they even called me after my 3 weeks in hospital to ask what the QEII said and I told the police that no one is confused about who caused me this much trauma for me. They knew as did Mayor Peter Kelly that they all played part in that attempt, all of them guilty of attempted murder akin to self-immolation.
Michel Sampson Justice Liberal critic: I did mention though perhaps not in detail that I dropped off copious amounts of DCS and DoJ corruption to Liberal Russell MacKinnon and Michel Sampson and Wayne Colwell (sp) in 2003 that spanned 1994-2003, Kevin Deveau also knew I dropped off this information just a couple of months before his NDP resignation and relocation. Sampson who receives tax payer wages for being the Liberal justice critic at that time refused to respond or investigate. I can only assume this because he could not be bothered letting me know he had perused them. I also left numerous voice mails on his direct line to no avail.. I can only assume Sampson is either as corrupt and/or didnot want to relive the Liberal Gerald Regan scandal and my information/investigation is intrinsically intertwined with the Regan case via Susan Potts who shelved my case for years, the one she fabricated, the one where she was committing crimes before the Regan scandal where her actions were also hidden from public scrutiny as she refused to testify on her conduct once gain being protected by her equally corrupt posse of public prosecutors.
Citation:R. v. Regan, 2002 SCC 12, [2002] 1 S.C.R. 297
Date:February 14, 2002
The fact that MSampson chose to ignore my several communications to him for updates and he also refused to return my several paid police commission tapes told me that he was acting corruptly, if there is no evidence that he spoke to me then he was not required to investigate: out of sight out of mind I assume. Had he bothered to do what he received money to do the scum that should be in prison would be in prison and there would not have been a carry on of judicial brutality, persecution and corruption that continues today especially with pathological Terry Potter (DCS) who was already protected from discipline by NSBS who also ignored witness statements -on TP's unconstitutional comments in a public courtroom accusing me of faking my disabilities. The fact MS has received public wages and did not do what he should have morally and legally done is akin to fraud. Ironically he would have received all these documents prior to my contacting city council (02/05) and police (05/06) about the Patrick Murphy rape although each party did receive a very raw account of that rape in 1999 when I thought Murphy was running provincially so Sampson would have known or ought to have known that since 1999 I made a very public accounting of the Murphy rape and nothing was done by any party:Tory, NDP and Liberal with Murphy being a public and prominent Liberal supporter and worked in the Liberal office where Murphy lured me for sex in 1996-a matter police refuse to investigate as it goes to the hate crime of rape he committed in 1998, retaliation for my rejecting him in the Liberal Office 1996, all matters crown and police have hidden to hide Potts' depravity.
Sampson failed in his role to act morally and legally on the matters of organized and systemic targetting/persecution causing injury/ judicial brutality-mysogyny and corruption that murdered my family too many times to count.
Gus MacIntyre and HRM crown
That GM represents the prevalence of pathetic white males in positions of legal power who have no business being in that position. My first exposure to this corrupt mysogynist and coward was when after daily racial hate crimes mostly committed by Shannon Sparks/Robert Emerson of Mulgrave Park were causing my family too much suffering which was encouraged by Irvine Carvery and hidden by DCS- David Morse, Peter Kelly, police chief Beazley/Sykes/Police Commission et al and Housing Harold Dillon, Pat Lawrence. Ombudsman Office and Human Rights Commission which was all reported to Michael Baker as minister of Justice. Only a few police that came to my door are worthy of being called police and they encouraged me to file for a restraining order. Being I now lived in poverty I had to take that 35.00 from my groceries to pay for this filing that never happened. I was quite angry that the police relied on me to embolden them legally and police put me in this situation and community in the first place. There were enough laws in the books to charge these racist scumbags for their continual racist hate crimes from death threats, name calling, property damages, throwing fecal matter on my laundry and stealing my mail. The good cops offered that if I had this restraining order they could charge them just for even speaking to me. I brought copious amounts of evidence and 3 witnesses to the hearing for a restraining order and because GM is one of many unqualified males in positions of power he deliberately ignored my evidence and witnesses and dismissed the case claiming just because I paid for it does not mean he had to rule in my favour. The police were shocked that this adjudicator ignored my ample evidence which included Sparks' own admission that she called me all kinds of racial names citing 'that it is what black and white women do' though she could not recall one racial name I had called her. Sparks, who like so many fraud Housing, denied threatening to have me killed on several occasion but police did hear her say she would have my legs cut off and throw me in the harbour-this was because I called police because her b/f was beating her while she was pregnant-all violence in this home was reported to police and CAS who did nothing- one day when I had 4 witnesses on the hours of violence at the Sparks unit, police came and abused me and my son and refused to take our statements so I had them written out and copied and dropped off to Beazley who did nothing as did the Police Commission as did CAS who did nothing which will be filed again with the new DCS minister all was ignored by last two DCS Tory ministers: Morse and Streatch and 2 Tory Justice Ministers: Baker and Scott.
GM knew she had provoked every racist event starting with her b/f blasting hard core rap every day all day which was akin to the psychological warfare that we know took place at Guantanamo Bay and she refused to turn down her music that was smashing light bulbs in my unit/ thumping pictures and causing all kinds of medical issues for me. GM refused to put a restraining order in place even though I told him police said they needed it to empower them to enforce the law. I asked one cop to come to testify that Sparks had threatened me in front of him and called him a fucking asshole, I emailed him and to attend and he said he never got it. In the meantime Sparks stated that a cop sitting in the back of the court room told her I was a whack job and this too was filed at NS Police Commission and nothing was done.
GM refused to put an order in place also citing that the matter was a tenancy matter which was partially true. However the racial hate crimes being committed every day were legal and criminal matters in his jurisdiction as stated also by the police. The matter did go to Tenancy where I met corrupt Alan Bickle who in turn empowered Carvery and his systemic hate crimes that were committed deliberately against my family. Bickle ignored the numerous police incident report cards cards, photos, items that had been smashed/property damage -all crimes Carvery encouraged as he told these thugs-he is getting rid of the crazy white bitch-.this went to Appeals-govt always creating extra work for me-and not a minute went by where I forgot what scum brought these other scum into my life
GM in his patronizing and mocking tones stated that if I didnot like his decision in not putting a restraining order in place I could Appeal. I pointed out that Appeals were for Errors in Law not to request investigations into his appalling behaviour where he ignored the evidence- the one thing I have learned about pathetic public servants is they are so quick to refer those already vulnerable and exhausted by the system to the Appeals Process knowing most cannot 'afford' to keep filing. I pointed out that Appeals is not where I go to talk about how his kind are cowards and refuse to enforce the law equally against black people. I also pointed out that I didnot do without 35.00 dollars for groceries for him to mock the racial violence against my family. My son and I walked out as GM spoke his gibberish and as we approached the door he had the audacity to mocked that we had the same last name so we must be related-that stopped me in my tracks and pointed out that after what I just witnessed we could not possibly be related, he is a disgrace to the Scottish Mc/MacIntyre name..
GM, and the named tenants contributed in a large way to the attempt to take my life. He gave these scumbags permission to continue to violate my family and home and when Carvery was later told by an ethical adjudicator, a rare find indeed, that he could not evict me the violence escalated against my family until my attempt to take my life. Only when I had someone else contact Housing did they finally move the upstairs tenants out though they should have been evicted as they and their family sold drugs and robbed/assaulted elders. The Housing manager Pat Lawrence- moved these perps to the nicer part of the Park during the same week I planned to take my life. Pat Lawrence should also be prison for the years she allowed the daily racist hate crimes committed by 4 black families known to police and the community as depraved sociopaths and she stood by Irvine Carvery as he encouraged and allowed it.
It may seem that I have digressed a bit, I wanted to show you how the first five scum (Bond, Conrad, Potts, Thorne, Gores) set into motion unprecedented and unreasonable amount of suffering and depravity that went unpunished. All agony created by 3 sociopathic cancerous lawyers-Conrad,Potts and Gores.
Fast-forwarding the decades of depravity and violence against my family by public servants and the DoJ/lawyers to 2007 when RCMP were approached by me to investigate EMcIntyre for the abuses I endured in first fifteen years, violations to my medical records and the abuse I endured 2004+ in a house that was bought for me for compensation for the crimes he and his wife and her family committed against me. RCMP are still not being investigated for their corrupt/criminal tole in hiding the fact that since December 2007 they deliberately have refused to investigate their abuse that is of their own designed. That in 2008 RCMP were called by me to remove EM from my property or I will stab him to death and instead two female sociopaths posing as RCMP came to me home and abused me into medical crisis where I had to call 911 who did nothing. This also was reported for investigation and as usual RCMP Carl Hubley who is to RCMP what Frank Beazley is to HRP, both sociopaths and corrupt beyond measure- as usual my filings went to Ottawa and they wrongfully reprimanded the 2 RCMP for not being sensitive to the trauma I was in-they should have been criminally charged for abusing me into medical crisis which also included mocking my child sexual abuse, their motivations were clear in their own RCMP notes-they abused me on behalf of Patrick Murphy their own notes show they were motivated by the charges against me because of Patrick Murphy- so here again I paid for the depravity of the scum in our DoJ set into motion by other females Bond, Conrad, Potts, Marriott-THorne. It is a misnomer to assume men are the only mysogynists especially those with unmonitored power, the females in our DCS and DOJ can be as mysogynistic. These RCMP are among others in the Cole Harbour detachment that are dangerous and corrupt and who did willingly work to gangrape the law in Integrated Services as they pertain to me and HRP Penny Hart who was also, at the same time, refusing to conduct an official police investigate into rape committed by Patrick Murphy in 1998.
So I was now being tagteamed by both HRP and RCMP. To date there is still no investigation into the crimes committed against me by Sonya/ Eric McIntyre, Diane Sullivan and Paul Sueratan. RCMP and HRP know a current investigation will link the entire depravity from 1981 incriminating a long list of public servants who should be in prison for very long times. This will be resubmitted to the new minister and have no doubt we will be in court and we will discuss the crimes committed against me by these lawyers who set into motion the violence I endured by RCMP. On this call to have EM removed form my property, the child molester/abuser EM drive home safely and was able to then fabricate information to Access NS then Small Claims then NS Court of Appeals and took my home back from me with the predictable assistance of these other mysogynistic and sociopathic public servants also being resubmitted for investigation by the NON-TORY government. All this because of Conrad and Bond and their failure to protect my siblings-all this because I was out shopping for my son's birthday party items in 02/92 and my brother who was prostituting and living on the streets walked up to me.....
Because I knew these RCMP would never be held accountable for abusing me in my home after being told not to come to my home- after McIntyre left the property and after the RCMP was rude to me on her private cell and not an open RCMP line- while in my home the Black RCMP after taunting me for the entire time she was in my home- stated that if I called 911 on them again for abusing me they will give me a ticket-I forced them to give me on that day and for almost 2 years HRM crown and these 2 scumbags in RCMP played with the legal system and due process causing me other trauma and injury. I have no doubt they were waiting to see what Digby and Ottawa said about me and the matters at hand. Digby clearly did not see me as the 'crazy bitch' the police/crown/ministers/mayor treat me as and Ottawa did hold them accountable for the lesser misconduct. RCMP refused to show for the trial that was to be heard. I do not have the names of the 3 crown who acted corruptly and rudely toward me because the HRM crown office refused to give me their names. Not one HRM crown contacted me to let me know they were dropping charges to avoid a trial. They knowingly let me do all the prep work for trial that inevitably caused its own medical setbacks/trauma crisis because their abuse had an accumulative effect with the other police brutality i had endured since 1998. The agony my body experienced was at a new level, all compliments of the Susan Potts and the fibro-myalgia she gave me with her crimes starting in 1992. The RCMP cowardly pulled a 'no-show'- I was too distracted by the crown collusion with RCMP criminality by avoiding a public trial that I was delay in realizing that GM was again the adjudicator. In fact it was not until he mentioned his last name again that I realized who it was-how ironic that this pathetic corrupt male lawyer set into motion my attempt to take my life in Mulgrave Park-by refusing to put restraining order on Shannon Sparks and her partner in racial hate crimes Robert Emerson- GM allowed them to kill me a day at a time until May 25 2004. As the days passed after crown and RCMP dismissed the charges after almost 2 years to avoid public scrutiny- I became more enraged to the point I was in medical crisis for several weeks, with each day I realized more how GM corruption in the 2003 hearing played a critical role in what I endured every day afterward up until my attempt and the five more years of depraved abuse by Eric McIntyre including the RCMP abuse that was now on his docket.
When he allowed crown to drop the charges I pointed out for public record that he was allowing two dangerous sociopaths to pose as RCMP and endanger public safety every day they were allowed to call themselves RCMP and in his usual glib arrogance he smilingly claimed there was nothing he could do if crown dropped charges. I named the officers, Jennifer Demers and Stephanie Stevens into public record. I can assure you had we proceeded with the trial it would not have been heard by corrupt and grossly incompetent Gus MacIntyre.
Ed Gores
Ed Gores lied to the NS Court of Appeals about the $12,000 he claims that he/JMT gave me and this was an unfounded claim which was proven a lie by the facts I submitted . Chronicle Herald in turn printed his lie as they only went with records for news and were not present in the actual hearing, a stunt CH pulled during my sentencing after Calder was fired. That Gores sent me an ultimatum, that he/his client would write me a $12000 cheque if I agreed to drop the matter to never again file for money under the same file. I refused of course as I do not support or collude with unethical, abusive, oppressive, corrupt tactics of mysogynistic scum. I refused the bribe money though I lived in public housing in criminal poverty, could not feed my family, could not pay for medications/treatments/services/products all things DCS/DoJ deliberately kept from me which led to my attempt to take my life, I could not pay my bills, and it was just before Christmas and still I refused to sell my soul to these white middle class public servant devils.
The matter went to NS Court of Appeals 2002-2003 where I was awarded the full remaining amount under the VSA legislation, an amount I had already proved needed every day since 1994 and was already awarded to me in 1997 by Richard Weldon, money deliberately kept from me by Ed Gores until the higher courts stepped in akin to Neidermeyer in 1981 on Bartlett-it took me 9 years to fight for money that I should never have needed but for the criminality and depravity of Ann Bond, Deb Conrad, Susan Potts, then Joanne Marriott Thorn-Ed Gores. Although in January 2003 I was awarded the remaining amount of 24,000, it was a Pyrrhic victory as the damage was far too much to heal from, to recover from, damages that were created by those who are the antithesis of family well-being and integrity and of all things just and truthful. Had I received the money as the medical evidence supported in 1994-1996 I never would have endured a minute of what I did from the 1996 sentencing on to today and for the rest of my life. Keep in mind that it was my student loan/bursaries/house savings that paid for everything up front and I was looking for reimbursement, but for the fact of these resources I would have been dead by 1997 because of these sociopathic scumbags who should be in prison. As stated to the 3 Appellant judges at NS Court of Appeals, my first years I fought against Victim Services out of need and principle and law, the remaining years were out of my sheer loathing for corruption and depravity of those who did this to me. In one of several documents submitted by one of several doctors the doctor states that what was taking place at Victim Services had nothing to do with helping me as a victim but had everything to do with ego, he was referring to Ed Gores yet Gores in all his pathetic narcissism claimed he was referring to me, I had to point out that after all the damages he and his posse did to me I could not afford to have an ego and it was evident to intelligent people that what Gores did to me for 9 years forcing me to talk about being raped and tortured for 9 years, the fact he tried to get out of it through blaming my other abusers and by stating that the injuries didnot happen because of the childhood sexual abuse but out of what the hearings/trials did to me reveals how pathological he truly is. Gores would again protect Potts in 1999 and she was allowed to ignore a subpoena to the NS Police Commission against mysogynist HRP William Morris on the Swim/Wright rape matter. This had everything to do with the criminal employees at DOJ and had nothing to do with the law, justice, or victims rights. These scum, these lawyers and their army the HRM police, are worse than child rapists and there is none worse than such in civilized society.
Gores made sure I could never heal from what he/they did-all to keep me silent. If I allowed the abuse I was enduring to put me into silence and submission then no one would come across this matter by happenstance and would seen it for the depravity it was from 1981. Sadly in the 9 years not one ethical person came in contact with this matter. Sadly he/they forced me into permanent states of CPTSD and DID for 9 years and still no one has been held accountable despite my many requests for investigations since 1994. When I asked Gores/Thorne/Victim Services for a copy of that incriminating bribe letter for my brief submission Book of Authorities, they refused to send me a copy. When I brought it up during the brief presentation at NS Court of Appeals the judges acted cowardly by stating that they thought I was mistaken yet didnot ask Gores or his client if they sent me the letter and with the intent to have me go away-to deny my right to full legal reimbursement. And of course these two scumbags perpetrators never said a word knowing that what I was saying on record was true. Perhaps it was easier for judges to assume the least of those among them instead of accepting the truth in all of its depravity. Despite Gores lies and corruption and mysogyny three judges unanimously ruled in my favour and did state in their findings that Gores came 'dangerously close to inventing his own law'-no-he did invent his own law for the entire duration, the entire 9 years, which made sure to send me to a slow painful death. Again they would not commit to calling a spade a spade despite the overwhelming evidence. The fact that Gores/JMTHorne have never spent a day in prison for what they did is a measure of how incestuously corrupt this DoJ really is, it is unmonitored and above the law.
Here J Marriott Thorne has be quoted.....I guess you have to be one of her victims to see how vile her words is akin to a child molester blaming the child for being raped. How ironic she would say this as I tried hard to have her criminally /constitutionally investigated for the damages she did to me for 9 years-a victim of child sexual abuse they forced me to talk about for 9 years-she gang-raped my constitutional and victim rights.
In Nova Scotia, Joanne Marriott-Thorne would agree. What's missing from the legislative puzzle, she says, is recompense for victims when their rights are ignored.
“When I look across Canada, it is absolutely remarkable that there has been a whole new [victims' services] component added to the system,Marriott-Thorne says. ?here has been a tremendous change in the law on paper to give recognition and inclusion to victims in the criminal justice system.”
Unfortunately, Marriott-Thorne says, what's on paper isn't strong enough. ?he next wall we have to scale is providing some remedies.” Although the Criminal Code provisions give victims of crimes some rights, such as to make victim impact statements, there is no remedy if they are not accorded those rights.
“From my point of view, at the federal level efforts have to be put forward to bring forth precedent-setting cases in relation to victims not being accorded the rights now embedded in the Criminal Code,she says. con't in link
Gores was never held accountable for withholding medical funds necessary for healing for 9 years(2 years were Pugsley, 7 were Gores) where he forced me to talk about child abuse and molestation for 9 years which was 9 years more than my childhood perps were forced to talk ( they all chose to remained silent like Susan Potts on the Regan Appeals scandal). Gores then had the audacity to state that he withheld my Victims Services money ( and had me fight for all those years causing me to be raped 3 times and lose my life/family/future to permanent disabilities and poverty) because he knew DCS would claw it back. The 3 judges were as shocked as I was and they told him that was no his place or business and not a reason to have withheld (paraphrasing), the judges made sure that is was not claw-backed but had DCS attempted to do so I would not doubt have seriously harmed someone at that time. The medical monies totalling $24,000 was spent in 1.5 years because of the amount of medical bills and debts for medical bills. I am sure if the tax payers in this province knew the truth they would chose to pay for the per diems for incarceration for these public servant scum than pay for their wages and modified days off. The tax payer is forced to pay at least twice, the wages of my perps and for the damages they creat=DCS monthly allotment and partial medical costs that I still have to beg for.
Ed Gores also was not held accountable for sending very legal/ private and confidential documents to my unit in Mulgrave Park that were given to and taken by the neighbours Shannon Sparks who was reported many times to Housing /HRC and police for racial hate crimes. The Legal Express Courier has confirmed that 2 separate deliveries of documents were given to Spark's who claimed to be me. What makes this matter worse is that the Legal Courier had the audacity to use the same tactics and Baker and Frahney, stating that she (Boutlier) was glad no harm came to me after she was told immeasurable harm came to me. It was confirmed by the Courier that Sparks had claimed to be me who then took my private info and shared it with her scum posse to harm me further in the community where they all started calling me a child molester-how much damage do you think is committed against a person who was molested to now be called a molester by scum so depraved that they ought not be allowed to breed? By scum protected by the Residential Alan Bickle, Gus MacIntyre, Irvine Carvery, Pat Lawrence-Harold Dillon-Housing-2 Tory ministers for DCS,HRCommission and numerous police officers all of which led to my attempt to take my life. The stealing of my private mail because Gores didnot make sure it came to me directly- was also reported to Darcy Fardy and Bob Doherty of Freedom of Info and Privacy (FOIPOP) who had the audacity as public servants to tell me they didnot have to investigate every matter that comes cross their desk-of course they did not want to get involved in a race issue in Public Housing that incriminated another public servant- lawyer for failing to protect my privacy on legal documents he sent to me home on matters he created when he illegally and deliberately withheld medical funds from me that put me in permanent disability--->poverty---> public housing in the first place. On 2 separate occasions police asked me how Sparks knew so much about me and I reported this to DoJ -Baker because she told police her auntie worked for DOJ and shared the info with her-no investigation was done.
Martin Hershorn
Still waiting for the name of the judge in the youth swarming case (Bundy, Skinner) where both the crown( name unknown- corrupted two other cases) and judge (name unknown) did deliberately throw the case to the perps because of Rocky Jones and his race card.. The judge had the audacity to ignore evidence including medical evidence given under oath by an Emergency Room doctor who spoke about my defence wounds. The judge stated that he doubted the swarming took place, this even when the perps said that it did-the point of argument of who started it though I was the victim and the only one that had to go to Emergency and the only one with numerous injuries all over my body and welts an lumps to the back of my head, I was only one who didnot hit anyone with bat because they had the bat-perps did tell police I didnot hit anyone even to defend myself-police already had me on trumped undertakings for a rapist so could not defend myself- The judge took testimony from a known black offender who robs and beats the elderly for money, she was not at the assault at all and police Booker invented a crack head for a crown witness knowing she was not there. I asked MH for the name of this judge to call for an investigation though Baker/Scott would not do one anyway- during the Digby matter crown witness/receptionist for minister Scott's office said I submitted 8 requests in a 2 month period for various investigations into outrageous corruption/fragging in his department-no one responded to my requests not Scott or any member of his judicial office-this was during the pretend/faux rape investigation against Murphy where Murray Scott in his capacity as minister of Justice played a critical role in allowing the corruption/depravity/violence to continue that caused me further trauma/ injury: he protected the police/chief, police commission, crown, mayor/council for their criminal and unconstitutional roles in that matter.
The judge in the swarming matter made a mockery of the law, of injuries/trauma to victims and a mockery of racial hate crimes, MH has yet to give me his name. This judge and crown should have been criminally charged-the crown asked a total of 3 question to me even when Jones and I started fighting over his pathetic use of his race card. Jones realize it didnot work on me so he worked harder on the other white folk who were already weak and corrupt-officer Booker, crown and judge. I filed a Form 5 against Booker and his outrageous corruption that promoted racial hate crimes in Halifax North- Mulgrave Park (2002+), he also raped due process by inventing a crown witness and tried to repeatedly bully me into dropping charges against the perps, and their parents who chanted 'kill the white bitch'; not one charged with that crime. Booker ignored their violations to their own undertakings and they continued to harm vulnerable members in the community with impunity-Devon Bundy now works with children in HRM capacity despite the racial hate crimes he has committed against children, elder etc-all non-black- he started the Muslim war that police and media lied to the public about. This judge and crown colluded with the ongoing racial violence against my family that led to my attempt to take my life-they emboldened scumbags in my community to do whatever they wanted because the justice system made it clear to all my perps/police/Carvery they they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it. When I reported that Bundy was working with children and police( Legere) rudely called my home and threatened me which also went in Form 5 to NSPC and nothing was done.
The crown with police assistance- all part of the corrupt posse denigrated/slandered my name as submitted to Judge Digby where the police have fabricated charges and aliases under my name and have labelled me a violent and mentally unstable person yet the evidence is to the contrary and Digby agreed which is evident during the hearing, assigning me to do my own brief and the sentencing combined with his refusal to entertain crown's outrageous requests and commentary- Digby was not confused about who was who once he read my substantiated brief, the same information Calder should have had submitted during my trial but chose to protect her galpals in the crown's office. Crown and police have been unable to prove that I am violent or mentally unstable despite the lies they have perpetuated that are gang rapes of my constitutional rights, slander found on webposts hidden by RCMP Ferguson, info that will be resubmitted to the new minister.
MH et al have failed to lay charges against me for filing 3 separate false reports for rape especially the one against a city councillor Patrick Murphy. For those paying attention this too was to deliberately keep my matters-their years of systemic corruption -out of the court/court records and public scrutiny. If they believed that they were false reports, charges should have been laid to deter the 'nuts and sluts' from making false reports against pillars of the community yet they didnot lay these charges. Why?. Two of the three refused to take lie test and one passed but would not do a drug test and police refused to give me a lie test and refused per Potts instructions to get my hospital/gynie records. Morris the officer mocked my rape by saying he would not lay charges because the rapist passed the test , that he was wealthy and didnot need to rape me (I had my own Unlimited Gold Visa)-amateurish police mentality, yet refused to give me one to challenge his stupidity and corruption. But even I knew it didnot matter as Potts would make sure that nothing ever got to court that incriminated her depravity and the immeasurable injuries she caused that murdered my life and my family's safety, security and future well being.
MH etal failed to provide any reasons why I would wrongfully accuse 3 men-2 strangers and 1 former friend, of rape that occurred within 1.5 years of the first anniversary of the sentencing of the child sexual trial that lasted 5 years thanks to the depravity of Susan Potts and her fabricating a case to NS Supreme Court in 1992 matter I am still trying to get addressed because rather than charge Eric McIntyre as the law dictates, Potts used his fabricated statement to file against another molester and did so because her galpal Conrad/DCS failed to protect me and my siblings as we were tortured and sexually abused, information they knew since 1981 and did nothing. Conrad on behalf of her DCS client already sent a female child back to the McIntyres and she and Potts made sure that EM would not be investigated for what he did to me as this too incriminated too many public servants including Conrad, too many in DCS/DOJ for failing to do this investigation in 1981. How ironic it will be that for all these crimes, violence, depravity, pathology, corruption I was forced to endure from DCS and DOJ to silence me from talking about what was done to me and my siblings prior to and since 1981 via Conrad/Potts and Gores that will end up being discussed ad nausem in as many public forums/courts as need be anyway?
Sadly since they murdered my life the only keeping me alive is to make sure the depraved scum are outed and held accountable in one form or another for what they did to me and my son whose only crime was to stop the 2 youngest McIntyre children from being abused, a job that so many failed to do before me including DCS and have yet to be held accountable despite their years of knowing about the abuse since the Bartlett hearing in 1981.
Steven Johnson/ Dave Aitkens :
That with the matter of the DCS fabricated housing inspection and the lack of pertinent disclosure about the 87 Chater Street before its purchase, info was hidden by the previous owners, their real estate agents and their lawyer J Gass (already protected by NSBS despite evidence which included doctored pictures by her clients)-
That DCS-Housing D Pryde did knowingly fabricate an official housing inspection for Pat Lawrence after my attempt to take my life and to move me out of Housing so she could continue to act corruptly on her own and in protecting Irvine Carvery who murdered me through his years of racial hate crimes committed by actions and those of his minions who should have been evicted from Housing. Pryde conducted in his official capacity and as a precondition stated by Housing lawyer before Potter a 15 minute official housing inspection where he wrongfully fabricated info on that inspection sheet on item he knew would null and void the purchase of this house which would mean I would be directly associated with Housing longer. Potter's clients made me endure years of racial hate crimes then forced me to accept a home from the scum who molested me for 15 years and were responsible for years of Victim Services hearings via Conrad/Potts and Gores. I had to endure a 30,000 housing repair debt and 5 more years of trauma and torture to the point that RCMP had to remove EM before I stabbed him to death-all avoidable had this inspection not been fabricated to get me out of Housing direct responsibility and another house selected that would not have put me into debt where the deed would have been in my hands within a 2 months of healing from the attempt to take my life and years of police/crown/VS and Carvery/DCS brutality, crimes that were hidden by so many.
When Potter took over the case for Housing in his infinite corruption he then tried to blame EM for all the housing repairs right after I filed against his clients in Small Claims Court, he tried to pin someone else for what his own clients did-and placed me in a position of defending EM which itself caused immeasurable damages and trauma. Having to defend scum over other scum is a place these scum all put me in. Please note I had zero scum in my life until Debrah Conrad etal.
The house was approved by Housing/DCS putting me in 30,000 debt to a child molester and because of corruption by Terry Potter already submitted to NSBS,TP who knowingly corrupted with the Tenancy Board (Hashey/Light) he kept the matter from his clients and placed the financial and psychological and medical burden on me which caused immeasurable damages and an Overpayment issue with DCS as I was forced by Johnson and Potter/DCS to work as a person with multiple disabilities which again created its own medical damages and trauma. I am now in Appeals with DCS for that Overpayment that forced me to be further tortured by a child molester for 5 more years and this damage/injury/trauma cannot be calculated. I lost my house anyway because RCMP sat on the case because it incriminates DCS- Conrad /Potts and Gores and other police. Potter like the other legal scum in this story will do anything including gangraping whatever laws and standards of morality set out by a civilized society to avoid the culpability and liability of his clients the Department of Community Services.
That I had to file with Small Claims Court (2004-2005) to recoup the already incurred and predictable expenses to repair/fix the house which was medically harming me. That the estate agents and Potter said they did not have a duty of care to me as a tenant but to EM who was the legal owner and who had not endure the injuries. EM explained in court that the house was bought for me and his name was only on the deed but for the fact of these costs-SJ let both our names remain as co-applicants but he would removed this after hearing the evidence to favour the lawyers especially the previous owner's lawyer-Gass-already protected by NSBS on her corruption on this matter including her lying about the rental status and doctored photos.
That SJ let TPotter accused me of faking my disabilities in this public proceeding and SJ didnot reprimand him but had no issue with lecturing me when I referred to this lawyer by his last name. SJ also, which I have never heard of before then or since, ordered me to have all my evidence binded and delivered to each defendant lawyer weeks prior to the hearing for 3 nights knowing I was with disabilities and in medical crisis because of the housing issues. He allowed these seasoned lawyers to peruse my evidence in plenty of time before the hearing and I have no doubt it was to bully me into dropping the matter out of intimidation and overt prejudicial behaviour against me. I did get it done and each had their copy and SJ made sure to disadvantage me at every opportunity while also ignoring substantiated facts that brought the credibility of the agents, previous owners and Gass, into serious question, they knowingly lied about the status of the property saying they never rented it before buying it which would explain the shape it really was in. My agent was told not to look at rental properties for this very reason. SJ allowed Gass to say it was never a rental which was a lie in face of the facts I submitted by 4 govt agencies that showed it was a rental more years than they owned it. SJ in all his corruption then stated that since they bought it, it was no longer considered to have ever being a rental property which would be his own invented law to protect Gass and her clients ignoring that they already lied and my senior witness statement said it was a rental, which is also why he would not let it into evidence. Notwithstanding how unconstitutional these court nights were, it was outrageous what I had to endure during these nights as SJ raped the laws and my rights to the favour of the others always in the room. Potter settled out of court with EM for a mere portion of total costs then later corrupted my Tenancy application to again avoid liability for his clients who created this mess forcing me to work to pay off the debt to get McIntyre out of my life and the deed in my hands, which never happened thanks to the entrenched mysogyny and corruption of the NS Tenancy Board (Gerald Neal), Small Claims (Walter Thompson/Gerald Moir/Boudreau)- which I have already filed with you at NSBS in this document.
TP has on occasion stated that when EM accepted the money form DCS (drafts showed I needed 12,000 from DCS at that time) TP said that in accepting the money it did not mean DCS was liable TP leaves out the part where EM accepted the money with an accompanying letter that stated that acceptance didnot mean he agreed that DCS is not liable -TP in his usual corrupt self neglects to let others know that part-he has a propensity for omission of facts.
It became clear that EM and SM were not involved in the house other than to purchase it for me and they entered this into evidence during this matter to then change their story years later to Tenancy claiming that they changed their mind and didnot want to give me the house( for fabricated reasons). In fact an faux active RCMP matter on all their abuse and sexual molestation hidden by Conrad and Potts was filed by me after the years of housing/financial/psychological abuse at this house so we have come full circle over and over again. The McIntyres stated repeatedly under oath that they really didnot know the cost of anything as I was looking after the repairs with it being my home and borrowing the money from them to do house repairs. It was clear that they could not be bothered with the legalities and SJ made sure after naming me the co-applicant at the beginning removed my name as co-applicant once he heard/seen all the evidence and by doing so took away my legal ability to file an appeal. He knew EM would do nothing on it was clear each night that I was the only one doing all the legal work yet was in medical crisis and suicidal which McIntyre knew which was still activated from not recovering from Carvery's abuse to having to live in a house that was killing me to being left in that house with no help from DSC despite copious medical notes to get me out to the debt McIntyre was putting me in while psychologically abusing me.
Have no doubt the courts and public will know how Conrad-Potts and Gores brought this depravity back into my life to abuse me another 5 years before RCMP removed him before I stabbed him to death a situation created by Conrad/Potts and Gores and Potter.
SJ repeatedly allowed Gass to submit invented information and info without substantiation and refused to acknowledge my copious amounts of evidence including written ones from other govt agencies. SJ made sure Gass's clients did not pay a penny and had the audacity to say that the house was okay for others, that it was just my special needs that was causing the issues-this after receiving a document from me written by Remax to their clients, the previous owners that no one wanted the house because they all had a concern with the smoking/helath issues and that they were advised to do something about if they wished to sell their home-according to SJ logics then all these people had special needs like me also?
The clients-Gass's clients then with deliberation and deceit painted everything including thermostats the nicotine colour of yellow which also was ignored by SJ. My agent stated it was a non-smoking home and I am severely allergic to cigarette/ smoke. I also brought in estimates and pictures and cannot possibly account it all here but on one situation where I showed the clients painted everything yellow I showed SJ the paint can lids with their labels and he argued that it was white despite it looking sunflower yellow and saying it was yellow, the same yellow that matched the plug outlet covers and thermostats.
SJ ignored evidence that incriminated Gass and her clients and only ordered the real estate agent for myself and McIntyre to pay $1500.00 which didnot come close to paying for the damages/house repairs that were hidden in lies on the disclosure sheet. The Real Estate Commission said they could not do an investigation because DCS/Housing0-TPotter's clients- did the house inspection and approved it. McIntyre refused to pay for the Appeal because he knew it would take me out of debt with him and the deed would finally be in my hand and he could not longer abuse me-all this set into motion by Conrad-Potts and Gores. How am I being tortured by Eric McIntyre(2004-2009) when I was removed in 1981 too happy to never see these depraved sociopathic degenerates ever again?
Ironically D Parker, the only ethical adjudicator I have met at Small Claims, was originally assigned to this Housing case-he heard the first Public Housing matter that Bickle corrupted and only because I am ethical I asked that he be removed so that the others would not claim previous bias as he ruled unanimously in my favour in my prior case against Housing/Carvery which inadvertently caused Carvery and his minions to be allowed by Harold Dillon, David Morse and Pat Lawrence to escalate their violence against me forcing me to move. I will never make that mistake again for it is clear to me that Parker is not corrupt nor a coward. I removed him to be transparent and ethical and in his stead I was assigned an unethical legal scumbag who protected other unethical legal scum to my immeasurable detriment for had he had he ordered the rightful parties to pay with most of it going to DCS/Housing /Potter's clients I would not have been in debt to EM which is no doubt why Potter made sure to avoid being part of the hearings. Had SJ ruled ethically and by the efficacy of the evidence EM would not have been allowed to abuse me for 5 years because of this housing debt and the deed would have been in my hands as intended within 2 months of the house purchase. Potter settled out of court with EM for 4,000 when the bill at that time was $12000. Potter and DCS should be going after EM for fraud as he received monies claiming to be the landlord when he was not the landlord but I guess abusing me is more fun for Potter? Going after EM in court would make public those crimes his own clients committed before and during this house issue including my being forced to work causing me more injury. This too is being submitted to you as part of my request to investigate Potter and why he is not pursuing a fraud charge against EM who accepted money from his clients from 2004-2009 for rent /RSP when the evidence shows I was the homeowner in practice via receipts and labour and debt. Potter knew in 2005 EM was not the landlord and again in 2006 Tenancy filing but eh ignored it to keep me from his clients in Public Housing, DCS also ignored many calls for help to get me out of the abuse again Potter making sure his clients did not have to House me directly yet his clients not only filed an Overpayment against me but now fabricated a Maintenance Overpayment too, and I have no children. This is also going to be investigated in another forum.
SJ allowed the previous owners to perjure themselves under oath then allowed them to blame it on their French, he also refused to accept a signed statement by a senior whose statement incriminated the previous owners on several matters/items which also incriminated their lawyer J Gass on rental status and issues and their desperation to sell the house before they lost their dibs on another house ergo the lies and false disclosure such as it being a non-smoking house. My senior witness who was the previous owner's neighbour in the shared semi detachment, was available for the first court matter but SJ changed it knowing she was moving out of town and could not be available in person, her written statement should have been allowed.
The matter was such a blatant rape of the law and due process and my rights and because I could not appeal it, I had to type a 52 page request to Court Director David Aitken to investigate Steven Johnson of his overt bias, prejudicial/discriminatory behaviour and corruption. Because I was left to do the manual work myself it caused other medical issues and my hands became permanently disabled and for that document I had to type the 52 pages with pencils taped to my hands. I cannot tell you the agony of doing that both from a physical and psychological perspective, I was only in that position because of the crimes of DCS/Housing all set into motion by Conrad/Potts and Gores-they gave me work to do that they could not or would not do. Why was I expected to do more work than publicly paid public servants and why were they allowed to create this work through their incestuous corruption and depravity?
Aitken wrote a short note back saying I should appeal if I had an issue with the SJohnson decision of which I replied calling him a corrupt coward for he obviously didnot read the 52 pages for had he done just that he would know why I could not appeal which was one of the several corrupt acts of S Johnson. I reminded Aitkens that Appeals are not where investigations for corruption are heard or conducted. I never heard back -another public servant allowed to be above accountability and the law.
I cannot afford to print off those 52 pages but they should still be in Aitken's office. I have already submitted a document to the Minister of Municipal Affairs about adjudicator abuse at the tenancy and small claims levels where adjudicators are abusing their position of authority knowing they will not be held accountable knowing they are not on legal audio recording for transcript. Giving unmonitored power and environments/opportunities to those attracted to positions where they can abuse their power as did Raymond Bartlett coming off tape known to so many others, just to abuse females in his courtroom. These scum know the power and proof of audio recordings. I would not have lost my home had their been tapes of the corruption of Gerard Neal and especially mysogynist Walter Thompson (lawyer) who abused me so badly in front of the McIntyre worse than what Bartlett did in 1981, WT who knowingly gang raped my rights to due process, mocked my disabilities, mocked my abuse and trauma and housing debt- all in retaliation because I outed the corruption of Gerald Neal at tenancy-yet to be investigated because it is so abusive that every time I try to sit down to type it for the minister I get panic attacks because of the CPTSD that Conrad/Potts and Gores created.
What I witnessed in the NS Justice system most of my life is a ongoing act of mysogynistic violence that cannot be ignored or forgiven or unwitnessed.
Please note I will be asking the relevant new ministers and auditor general/public accounts for several investigations that stem back to 1992 and 1981 so these documents will be submitted to them so they can see who who knew and ignored the deliberate and systemic depravity/criminality of various legal employees especially lawyers who are public servants/tax waged who committed crimes during their active employment while also registered with the NSBS. The outrageous leniency evident in the Andrew Pavey situation reveals an appalling permissive mentality of NSBS for lawyers to act badly, immorally and with immeasurable depravity with impunity- criminal charges should have been laid against this lawyer, and so many others, and thankfully the British Columbia BSociety has a spine and refuses to register him after he committed more offences. The leniency within NSBS reveals an insult to all things civil, evolved, moral and intelligent.
I am sure you already know I am currently on a suspended sentence and had Ann Calder not been so corrupt and preoccupied with her criminality with a raping pimp, the public would have been educated to how entrenched the criminality of the mayor/council/crown/police and minister's office of both DoJ and DCS mostly as it pertained to the police corruption on the Murphy rape matter, the fact that most depraved and sociopathic persons involved in the corrupt murder of my family are Tory is just a coincidence, perhaps not. It matters not the outcome of any NSBS investigations as there will never be justice to undo what your lawyers have done, but as started in the Calder/Geneste evaluation for crown/Digby: if I do not start seeing accountability for what has happened to me and mine I will continue to use the justice system to make public the depraved crimes committed against me (since 1992) as I did with the Patrick Murphy case where the crown and police and minister Baker/Scott et al thought it real funny to corrupt a rape matter.
There are no words to express the agony of each day being as far removed from my life while the sociopathic scum who did this to my family continue to enjoy everything they took from us including Thanksgivings, Birthdays, Christmases etc, taking away our right to peace and to be without injury and suffering. The greater rage comes from the fact that all this immeasurable suffering was the deliberate and direct result of the depraved and corrupt actions of not one or two lawyers but of several registered lawyers in Nova Scotia who willingly colluded with crimes against humanity starting with Bartlett, Conrad, Potts and Gores. Lawyers of anyone cannot use the defence that they did not know, they should have or ought to have known that their actions would and did cause an innocent human being and her family suffering, violence, damages, injuries, hardships, degradations they themselves could not endure. No one could survive what they set into motion in 1992 and no one did survive. Dr Feltham, under oath during one of the fabricated police matters making my rapist David Swim the victim-where crown/police took visible allegiance with rapist David Swim-the doctor stated that 'no human being could endure what I was expected to endure as it was beyond the capacity for a human being to endure'. He said this in January 2003, I attempted my life in May 2004.
The NSBS has protected each of the lawyers that were already filed: Conrad, Potts, Gores, Baker, Douglas, Gass, Campbell-Morrison, and Potter. My son did 14 days incarcerated because of DUIs, the direct result of self medicating trauma. I sat in court and watched with disbelief and disgust as the crown pretended to be a moral compass having the right to judge my son when their actions and crimes set into motion the inevitable destruction of my family-crown has the audacity to legally hold others accountable by the very laws they rape. Crown are the sociopathic scum who did this to me therefore did this to my son and had the audacity to incarcerate him, their victim, yet have not incarcerated themselves for their decades of depravity that ensured the murder of my family starting in 1981 and again non-stop public servant/ violence since 1992.
As stated in my brief to the Honourable Judge Digby, I was not a victim until Conrad /Potts and Gores made me one, I knew no hate until they showed me hate and I had no disabilities until they gave them to me.....
You will have until December 18 2010 to peruse the communications and initiate investigations into all lawyers named before I submit my request to the ministers and auditor general office and then the inevitable public outing. This date is the date I will be released from my suspended sentence, I suggest you-NSBS use the time wisely. What these governmental/public servants organized to do since 1992 was a form of fragging which is a serious offence of 'attempted murder for intimidation, silencing, coercion and/or retaliation' that slaughtered/murdered/gang-raped the quality of the life I worked so hard for. It is one thing to know I was forced to endure the unendurable, it is quite another to know that NS legal public servants have the capacity to willingly inflict such...These scum took years off my life, they gang raped and slaughtered my life til there was nothing left. Whatever time I do have left will be dedicated to those named until I draw my last breath. I was in prison for the first 15 years of my life and when I was finally removed I was able to breath for the first time and grow-expanding my wings and enjoy my freedom, all taken away in February 1992 and the prison the sociopathic scum lawyers put me in has no name but it is worse than the prison done to me as child with all the torture and molestation I endured and survived. I endured the depraved and inhumane crimes they did to me since 1992 but I didnot survive, nor did my son nor did my unborn children, my lineage, my future generations forever raped....
During this weekend many celebrated Thanksgiving Day with their friends and family. That was a common celebration denied to my family because of the aforementioned with some more guilty than others. Until 1998 I celebrated each day with Thanks because when you endure what I did as child for 15 years every breath of freedom is a blessing especially where I being the minority managed to not only endure and survive but excel despite the torture thanks to no one but my own constitution and determination to provide a stable and solid foundation for my family and our future. In 1996 I was still working at Department of Health-Choices and was taken back at the number of people who could not go around the table and give thanks so that became homework, I could not predict at this time by the following year, 1997, that it would be my last as I spent it with a friend and her family-no longer spending it with my biomother who contributed to the parade of scum already named here for leaving her own 3 children in a home to be tortured. Of course it would not be until Conrad, Potts and Gores created their crimes and destruction that this 'relationship' could never be reconciled and that relationship was forever severed since 1996-1997 because of the trials, testimonies, trauma and revictimization.
In 02/97 I had to resign my job due to sexual harassment and on that very weekend of my resignation I was raped by David Swim, a year exactly from the faux sentencing of the child sexual abuser (PS), the trial that Potts fabricated to Supreme Court. Despite what Swim did to me and my subsequent hospitalization I was still able to celebrate Thanksgiving in large part because he apologized for what he did. However things would soon change when he started stalking me for months at my work place which lead to more trauma and finally forced me out of this job. Just a week or so later I was raped my Patrick Murphy1998. I would never again be able to celebrate Thanksgiving and there is something most perverted that the scum who murdered my family get to enjoy passing the sweet potatoes around the table this weekend without thought to what they did to me and mine. Just last night my son and I had yet another heated fight and again the theme is predictable- that he is still angry that I was too traumatized to look after him starting after the Swim rape and permanently after the Murphy rape and I was forced having no supports to remove him from his own home and send him to his grandparents the very scum who left me and my brothers to be tortured by Eric McIntyre and his scum posse, the ones Conrad protected from being criminally charged with child torture and sexual abuse because she just returned a little girl back to his home citing that what he did to me and my siblings was in our best interest. My son thinks I should have been stronger and be able to fight off the trauma that all these scum did to me including the rapes. How ironic that because I was no longer capable to parent and my trauma rage provoked by Conrad-Potts-Gores threatened the safety of my home that I had to send my beloved son to the very scum who left me to endure much worse, left me in a home where DCS allowed the scum to torture me and my siblings for decades, the very siblings I had to rescue in 1992 because DCS would not remove my brothers with me as I begged in 1981?
My son had to leave his own home because I was in too much trauma/medical damages from the crimes committed by Conrad-Potts-Gores, Conrad whose clients DCS-Ann Bond failed to protect 2 children in her caseload who were not mine-my family murdered to protect 2 other children?
So the one who rescues children and the one who adores children loses her own child and ability to have more children because she had to save 2 children that were not her own because those paid to protect them and those obligated by law and morality could not be bothered?
And of course these perpetrators of the worse kind have much to be thankful for. They did not have pathological, corrupt , depraved, incompetent public servant strangers:
leave their siblings to be tortured in a home for years
they didnot have their son's birthday ruined because of having to get one of their siblings off the streets b/c of lazy and unqualified child welfare workers
they were not forced/ bribed/threatened by a lawyer for DCS to testify or else the kids would be returned back to the house of pain
they did not have that corrupt lawyer then send unrelated info to another corrupt lawyer about matters DCS and police already knew about a decade earlier and did nothing about it
they did not have another depraved corrupt lawyer then fabricate a case to Supreme Court and deliberately not charge one of the child molesters because a child was already sent home and would incriminate DCS once again.
they were not threatened and forced to talk about being raped and tortured for 9 years to pay for medical bills that are the direct and sole result of depraved crimes committed against them by public servants and their own narcissistic corrupt agendas.
they did not have their only child became an orphan because his only parent and care taker and financial resource was too traumatized with CPTSD and DID and other medical issues to function
they did not have all their hard healing work- 8 years of university-3 degrees-career- thrown to the garbage because of others scum that would not be in their life but for the fact of other scum
they did not get disabilities as result of public servant crimes/hospitalizations and then get a life sentence to poverty where you are exposed to other scum in DCS and public housing
they were not raped 3 times and have the crown and police and 2 Tory ministers, mayor/city council cover it up by keeping it from the courts/public record/public scrutiny and then abuse you the victim repeatedly causing more trauma and medical crisis.
they did not end up in the hospital several times due to the abuse and crimes being committed by named lawyers and the parade of scum they brought with them
they did not lose their ability to function, have a family, earn financial and futuristic security
they do not have their bowel cleaned out once week by tubes or any other treatments because of crimes committed by lawyers and the public servants they brought in
they did not have their ability to have children destroyed by scum
they did not have their futures destroyed by scum
they did not have their health destroyed by scum
they did not have their ability to parent destroyed by scum
they did not have their development and healing/wellness destroyed by scum
they did not have to attempt to take their lives because of all the depravity public servants did starting in 1992
they did not have DCS workers deliberately withhold medical necessities for years just for fun that caused other immeasurable hardships such as homeless, family separation and and bankruptcy after having 8,000 in the bank for a home and an Unlimited Visa Card
they did not have their home taken from them both in Housing after years of being victimized by racial hate crimes and then be tortured another 5 years by the very scum who tortured and molested them for 15 years to go into 30,000 dollars of debt because another public servant fabricated the house inspection which was also hidden by other public servants/ their lawyer
They did not endure the ongoing public servant abuses, pathologies, corruption protected by other public servants and police/crown/mayor
they do not have to spend immeasurable energy and time and the subsequent trauma drafting ongoing requests for investigations and accountability into the crimes just to be met with more corruption all the while typing with tears in your eyes because you already know no one will do anything yet you are motivated by a wisdom at the cellular/evolutionary level of what is right and true and what is wrong and corrupt.
they did not have their lives murdered to hide the crimes created my several public servants in NS who should be in prison for crimes against humanity
they did not have scum come into their lives and rape every minute of their lives to live the rest of what is left of their lives in agony and suffering and rage and loathing
they did not have decades taken off their lives because they did not have their quality of life taken from them
they did not endure being victimized repeatedly to have their perps embolden by sociopathic scum in the DOJ and DCS protect all of them since the original sins starting with known mysogynist Raymond Bartlett
they did not have to watch their only child suffer beyond measure to then self medicate with drugs and drink to become abusive because their development and their stability and health and home were raped and murdered by those who are paid to protect him, raping and making him an orphan during the most vulnerable time of his developmental life leaving him motherless and without stability, a family, a home and a future.
In the criminal mater with Justice Digby I had my photos side by side: a picture taken after the Swim rape before his stalking and my downward trauma spiral that proceeded the Murphy rape in the month I had to quit my job because of the trauma the Swim stalking was doing at my workplace. People who knew me see me in this photo and and most importantly I do and my son do. Beside I placed a photo of what the DCS and FOJ created, it is the HRM police picture or mugshot if you will. On sentencing Lacey had the audacity to pretend to be sympathetic about my childhood the very one that was never to be discussed but thanks to corrupt Calder not only was it discussed for her to distract attention away form the truth-from her corrupt crown galpals but it was made public via her pal in the CH/newspaper where my childhood crimes/trauma were made very public without my consent.
I put up my pictures for comparison of the me I created and the one these lawyers and the parade of scum created. The pictures have shocked and upset a few people and it reveals that picture speak a thousand words for the Gail/ Gayle/ Gaidheal McIntyre to be murdered in broad daylight by the parade of scum brought into my life starting with Bond- Conrad. One can clearly see the loss of life and spirit from the comparison. Most would think the bad picture is a woman who has been severely abused and she was: by the aforementioned in this document and what I am told that is more shocking is that these legal scum make me look worse than all the torture I endured in my 15 years in childhood. Very telling indeed. When I went to Scotland in 02/09 so I would not harm Murphy as Calder was provoking me to deal with her crap for ages before court, my own family did not recognize me, last they seen me I was still me. How can one let alone so many lawyers in this province be allowed to commit so many depraved and corrupt crimes and injuries that they render another human being so unrecognizable by their own family?
Recently I attended a fund raiser via a Scottish organization at Fultz House. As per usual it was held in the day time which causes me much anxiety thanks to Conrad/Potts and Gores. I finally arrived and we were quite busy serving lunch. I was serving a table and the dishes dropped out of my hands because they are useless now with all the house repairs I had to do. I had to bend down and pick up the pieces before any one got hurt and this older male started drubbing my head/hair and made a sexual comment that forced me to dissociate, and because of that I cannot remember all he said after I dissociated which started with his rubbing my head and hair while he spoke which was flowed by laughter at the table though some told him to stop. I obviously had something to do with oral sex an issue that is from my childhood and Patrick Murphy trying to force his penis in my mouth the night he raped me at his alleged parent's house. All I could do was keep picking up the dishes citing 'mind the broken dishes' repeatedly- I was unable to respond I was unable to defend myself for this outrageous conduct and once I got back home I went though the trauma motions from anger to rage to upset and sadness to rage again but more angry at Conrad/Potts and Gores than the offensive male because he didnot disable me, they did. This process lasted 3 weeks and even now as I type these words and even though the matter happened over a month ago just typing it is causing my muscles to burn which is part of the trauma that is the reason for my fibro mylagia and my skin /face is burning which is the EI/MCS all compliments of Conrad/Potts and Gores who disabled me by giving me these disabilities and from defending myself in the company of offensive/threatening males. I would have preferred to have been able to stay in the moment, in real time, and either told this scumbag what mus he is or punch him in the face. I shared this incident with another person who told me it was the NDP table. How ironic is that.
Any process, system or agency that refuses to examine itself is fundamentally flawed,
' Quality is not an accident, it is the deliberate result of intelligent effort' (unknown)
Adding as of October 18 2010 my letter to DCS-Appeals to a request to remove Terry Potter from my appeals matters but to also show NSBS the arduous and unreasonable amount of work I am forced to do because of the corruption and criminality of DConrad/SPotts and E Gores who set into motion this life sentence of disability and poverty and fighting for basic needs to deal with the direct and sole injuries of their depraved behaviour. NSBS have already protected them including Potter who is the shorter version of mysogynist Ed Gores so the amount of real damage/harm/suffering/injuries cannot be calculated as the perps have not stopped violating me since 1992.....
Dept of Community Services October 22 2010
Appeals Division
Hello Carmen Leblanc,
This communication is solely addressing the issues of adjudicator Obrien and to some extent, Terry Potter though I have filed with NSBS to investigate Potter once again. I do not have Obrien's first name at my disposal at this time so for this document he will be identified as OB.
I wanted you to receive this before his decision on the Neurotesting was made public and then in keeping with saving time and you having to book a person for the Overpayment Appeals yet to be scheduled with my advocate Susan Coldwell, I wanted you to have this ASAP.
I am requesting that OB is not assigned to any more future Appeals matters for various reasons. I realize that your office can ignore my request and I have the right to refuse to be heard with him assigned. Given my lengthy relationship with DCS and the crimes/corruption/depravity and injuries that have been sustained that start with my wardship, I am pass the point of being patient and polite with those who are pompous and pontificating and prejudicial, none are professional or appropriate traits for an adjudicator role especially on adversarial matters where there is clearly one side with immeasurable power and the other side without and especially in my matters which will also be discussed at NSBS, when the DCS assigns a lawyer who has committed corrupt and unconstitutional crimes against me and has hidden depraved crimes committed by his clients which have harmed me and my family. My matters do require intelligent and ethical people to sit on them and everyone deserves this right. Because of the complexity of my relationship with DCS and their immeasurable and historic and documented injuries they have inflicted on me since my wardship, my Appeals matters do require a person that is capable of being impartial, brave and ethical and not one who allows DCS to continue to disrespect me as a person with disabilities, allows them to abuse their power and authority to my detriment and harm, allows them to act with impunity while assuming the role of sanctimony and piously lecturing me to avoid holding DCS accountable for their blatant lack of qualifications, incompetence and lazy conduct. Simply put, Obrien has zero credibility with me.
I first met OB at what was to be our first hearing on this same matter where DCS was not present and the matter had to be adjourned. What struck me as amazing is that he wanted them to have a chance to be present and I pointed out that I agreed which is the opposite of their practice and briefly explained how they proceeded on a medical matter without me being present knowing I had no idea about the hearing which created an outrageous amount of work and trauma for me. Gladys Sanford refused to investigate that unconstitutional matter as did the Ombudsman Office but it will be submitted to the new minister as part of a package revealing how service recipients are treated by DCS over a period of time. On our first meeting OB made such a point of showing we had much in common-that he was about ethical hearings, he made a point of making cultural references with my Scottish name, he made a point of telling me he had to warn DCS with the Riot Act on an occasion, all efforts to let me know he is fair and paying attention to due process. Working from my mind set those who are all about those things do not need to talk about it for it is apparent in their behaviour to the point one cannot deny that the other is ethical and fair and paying attention to due process. He had made such point of being so accommodating that when I left with my other advocate I told her that I did not trust anyone that made such of point in such short time to let me know what they claim they are all about but that I usually put that info in my back pocket for further reference.
OB also made point of telling me he would only have so much time to review my matter once heard because of family plans and this information was already discussed with your office to see if another adjudicator could be available if need be to be fair to all involved. I have a right to have my hearings heard fairly and without prejudice or distraction as the realities of the relationship of myself and DCS are to become more legal and published in several forums in the near future so there is no time for short cuts. Despite my reality any recipient has a right to have the adjudicator process the hearing's evidence in the legal time allotted and given the copious amounts of my evidence it would need to be read in its fair time. Had OB not said anything I would not have known about his other time obligations but such is moot anyway as the matter didnot proceed but his need to tell me about it is most interesting.
It appears that OB took my comments of him not having enough time personally to the point that he needed to mention it after our hearing last week. I had no idea he was even talking to me so only heard the last part, he was told prior I am hearing impaired on that side and he didnot address me by name knowing my back was to him. I thought it most strange that he would bring it up as it was a moot issue and he had adjourned the present matter so he should not have had anything else to say to me but what he did say was telling and counter productive especially given we ended on a very contentious note initiated by him and his need to pontificate to the wrong person while empowering and emboldening those he should be lecturing. He was clearly not the person he claims to be when we first met. I told him that I made whatever inquiries I needed to and did not apologize for not trusting DCS as the evidence supports this distrust.
His need to pontificate to the wrong person was annoying at best and soon into the hearing he lost credibility with me, he clearly had an issue with me before we got started with the actual hearing and I am pass the point of having to tolerate those in social constructed position of authority who wish to use and abuse that authority and privy. Prior to the hearing as we were getting set up OB was exuding an energy that was quite different than the 'mister nice fair guy' I originally met. In fact I was not sure if it was the same guy but we are all entitled to have 'off' days as long as it does not interfere with our given duties. It was immediately apparent that he took great offence to my having any voice or rights at all in requesting the DCS give me a copy of the worker's CV. I let him know that I requested both the CV and the outline to the process of which the lawyer (TP) is selected to be at my hearings of which I was given neither.
OB assumed to be in a position of educator and delivered in a tone that was quite telling, about the process of which I reminded him I requested it in writing, he said he just told me what it was and that should do. Again I told him I wanted it in writing because of the history of a having unqualified people at the table making decisions for me that are causing my disabilities. He became curt and stated that such was not necessary which I beg to differ. Adjudicators should at least be educated on several relevant issues and if that is lacking then a medical expert should be present and since DCS is doing the challenging, it should be up to them to provide such.
OB's tone was passive aggressive and this continued as he went into citing his own CV which I told him I briefly I had already but this didnot stop him-he clearly took my request personally and in his narcissism he proceeded to then tell me in that same tone that his qualifications were good enough to be hired on by the province and strongly implied that if they were good enough for the province they should be good enough for me. Some are more easily impressed and entertained than others and again I measure a persons efficacy by their actions and congruency between their actions and what they say.
He didnot at any time address the issue of the worker's CV but did allow the lawyer to inquire about my advocate's CV which she presented briefly not having prepared one but she will for future references.
WE then started and he set the pace and mood but starting that he would not allow me to speak on other matter, my mammoth file he called it, as 'I go on and on'. I would not know if he seen my facial response to his inappropriate wording and he realized as soon as his arrogance spoke them as he quickly added..'as we all do'. To assume that I need to be reined in was very patronizing of him and I pointed out despite his talking over me to silence me that I am not redundant and anything in my appeals package should be there as it is relevant, that I would not put irrelevant things in my package as I didnot have the time.
I find people that claim information is irrelevant usually lack the ability to comprehend the relevance or have an agenda to not understand the relevance. Often the latter is accompanied by some preconceived bias or prejudicial attitude often from the 'ism' category such as sexism or classism. OB's wording set the mood and he ought to have known it was not acceptable but it would get worse as he assumed to be in the privy position of pontificator with his biases being more apparent as he favoured DCS to my detriment. It matters not what his ruling is at the time of this communication because the decision itself does not change how he behaved. However given the efficacy of my evidence he may have been motivated by my stepping outside his notion of me and this challenged his value set which is often met with passive aggression and patronizing behaviour as defence mechanisms, when those who are assigned power are not deemed as legitimate by certain others this can cause a reaction and it should have been clear to OB that eventually I had no respect for him as an adjudicator as he blamed me and my doctor for the incompetence and laziness of DCS which is well established and documented, it is the reason for my disabilities in the first place. Sadly had OB not been so full of himself in assuming to be the standard of measure of my information's relevance and its value he would have come to appreciate that what he thinks of my submissions is of no value to me at this stage as all materials are being submitted for further inquiry and he would have known had he been paying attention that I write for those with more authority than he, I am not writing for just his perusal but those who are his authority and the relevance is measured by my agenda for historical accountability and hopefully more than naught, incarcerations for several public servants. Being OB has revealed to have privy to other information he should not have such as my Overpayment file and my request for his CV and my inquiry on his lack of time for considering decisions, I find it hard to believe he is not aware that my matters are being submitted for further inquiry elsewhere and in keeping with being efficient I was drafting only one document instead of many.
What really concerns me is that when OB and I first met he mentioned that he had my two files which would suggest he was already assigned both and then he confirmed that he had been assigned to both of my files which I found most irregular for what should be intuitive reasons. When he opened this recent hearing with his telling me to keep the matters separate as he had my mammoth file, again I was stunned as he should not have my file unless he was assigned and he should not be assigned to both of my cases especially in such a brief period of time. He then started saying he is unsure who will get that Overpayment matter yet claims to have it in his possession. Why is he privy to my other file if he has not been assigned. Clearly OB is dishonest or likes to change the facts to suit his convenience. Why has your office given this adjudicator my file yet as recent as last Thursday I am told by your office that the Overpayment matter has not been assigned to anyone yet. I have a right to have my matters private and confidential until otherwise necessary to make public to an adjudicator regardless of the matter. So which is: he has been pre-assigned/selected or he is not assigned yet has my file for perusual?
When we started DCS presented very little evidence which was a waste of tax payer's money for the worker, lawyer and adjudicator and my advocate who is an employee of Capital Health. They claim they refused my testing because the letter from the doctor was not sufficient. As with a previous appeals KF stated she did not receive the second letter that had more detail and had a pamphlet about the testing. I find most odd it is missing from my file being I dropped it off directly as I tend to do. This will be two appeals now that KF has stated that she has not received all documents with 5 missing in the previous appeals (sauna). There is something very wrong when documents are being dropped off at front desks and not being received by the case worker in question. What OB should have noted that regardless of what was received after the first note the case worker did nothing to assist in gathering of more information, there was no evidence submitted by DCS to show that the case worker made any attempt to contact the doctor as invited to do so many times in the past-in fact the lack of communicating directly with my doctors to educate the case worker has been an ongoing issue at appeals so when someone chooses to not educate themselves then they choose to give an unintelligent response to a medical request.
This should be intuitively obvious but OB had the audacity to suggest that my medical doctor, who is a well respected researcher and specialist, should have applied to MSI to have it approved-he said it would have saved me a lot of time and work-having properly educated and competent DCS employees would save me a lot of work and time, in fact I would not have disabilities in the first place, perhaps that obvious fact was lost on OB. My medical team is the most qualified in their fields, it defies the rules of logics to surround myself with tools and fools. To ask MSI to approve a test he himself was just learning about would have been reckless, premature and and unprofessional to ask MSI to approve anything before the results were in and they revealed its efficacy. OB wants to forget that DCS created my disabilities through their years of crimes and depravity and should be legally liable for their culpability. The lack of public servant accountability in this province is nauseating and there are enough victims including me left cleaning up their mess already why should my medical team continue to do all the work these case workers already get paid to do. OB said I should have given the Dr Fox letter to KF yet the obvious again is ignored, the case worker didnto ask for any more medical notes after the first one, she claims she didnot get the second of three nor did she proactively seek out any information on her own, she said NO in 04/09, the second letter was 06/09, Dr Fox did his letter 09/10. KF had loads of time to investigate on her own or at least til 11/09 when I transferred offices.
It did not matter what I said OB made it clear that DCS did nothing wrong and my side should have done all the work. Despite being told not to talk about my other matter OB allowed TP in his need to provoke, to ask about when I was working which had nothing to do with the matter or discussion, he blurted it out in an act to provoke and distract the attention away from his pathetic case. I waited for OB to say something to TP to keep him on task which he chose to ignore. I asked OB why he was allowing the question when it clearly belonged to the other Appeal matter and he said nothing just looking at me allowing it. Had I not already been so disgusted I would have refused to answer. In fact had I not already been disgusted I would have had OB ask me TP's questions so I would not have to speak or look at TP at all for he triggers my CPSTD and DID.
I submitted copious amounts of information and evidence both recent and historical on similar purchases which again OB ignored the obvious fact that DCS nor their lawyer did their homework on past (2000,2005+) purchases/payments to this same doctor so they were selecting when she was credible at their own manipulations and convenience.
OB let me know he could not reimburse me for my printing or time spent on my presentation. I pointed out that despite it being out of his realm it still was an incurred cost and had DCS did what they are paid to do it would not create unnecessary work for others that causes further issues. He then had the audacity to suggest that had I just given this info to KF it would not have gone to appeals. Again I had to point out that she said no and never got back to me on the other letter so I filed with the appeals process which is my right to do so. OB seems easily confused about how DCS actually works in that referrals to Appeals are done as an easy out for case workers so they do not have to do the work that would be require them to act competently and responsibly. Had KD taken 5 minutes she could have called Dr Ipsen to get more info faxed to her ASAP but she chose to not do that leaving it to me and Appeals. OB seems to think that I should have tried to give it to them although I filed for appeals already. When do I stop doing their work and when do they start doing their own work that they are paid to do?
OB seems to be very confused that I have a right to not be harassed for using the Appeals process and per the instructions of my case worker. Had he been paying attention he should have told KF that had she just picked up the phone she would have saved us from going to appeals removing the trauma, work load, burden, printing and time it cost me.
As I spoke OB often made interrupting sounds that he didnot make with when TP spoke and such was distracting and sought to disrespect the importance of my verbal evidence. When we were coming to close he started with his pontificating again which I jumped right in before he started stating that he was going to make the matters more contentious, meaning if he keeps talking the way he was and about to which is patronizing and blaming the victim -both very draconian tactics-he curtly stated he would not let it get contentious yet he gave himself permission to keep talking knowing it was provoking me and knowing he didnot need to say what he was going to say, the epitome of a pompous ass, lecturing at me about getting my evidence to DCS earlier and I would not have had to go through the Appeals process.
I do not want him on my matters again for his agenda and actions are clearly prejudicial and not based on evidence or intelligence or accountability therefore he cannot be ethical and impartial. I did ask him how he just received all that information from me and thought to lecture me and not DCS. OB ignored information submitted by me that revealed that there was already enough info in my file that warranted a proper and intelligent decision in 04/09 that would have had my test paid for, he ignored that it is unintelligent to keep paying for medications when there was a more intelligent and direct route to take and ignored that DCS chose to take the long route by refusing the test when they had paid for similar testing in 2006, all in my file. DCS and their lawyer Terry Potter did not do their homework but according to OB that would be my fault and my doctors' fault.
A qualified adjudicator would have asked the case worker why they would make a medical decision already outside their qualifications and training based on next to nil information. He/she would ask why did the worker not make sure not to create an unnecessary burden on a person with multiple disabilities who already has seen enough burden. They would ask how refusing this test on next to nil information (but enough to warrant a yes), was in keeping with the DCS mission statement.
They would then ask what they plan to do in the future to make sure they get all the documentation their clients drop off for them especially since this is a pattern. They would ask what the recommendations would be to lessen the work and stress for clients when some of this work could easily be dealt with by the worker within minutes of direct calling to doctors who invite them to do so. An adjudicator that is about accountability, integrity and efficient public service delivery would have asked those things.
As my advocate spoke she summarized some items and added that there is a long history of documentation of the disabilities and trauma I sustained for those who should have assisted me not cause further harm to me. As soon as these words were out her mouth Terry Potter in his pathological self snorted and I looked directly in his sociopathic face and caught him smirking/sneering with his eyes and his mouth, I was stunned at his blatant showing of his symptoms for anyone who can laugh at hearing such words is depraved but I already knew that. He was already reported to NSBS for claiming I was faking my disabilities in 2005 and his behaviour during this appeal hearing is propensity evidence of his unconstitutional and pathological attitude toward me. When I looked at him I seen the same sneer of the scum who tortured/molested me as a child and those who raped me as an adult-pathological mysogynists all have that sneer. I interrupted the advocate and asked TP what he was smirking about and of course he denied that he did it. What is disturbing is that I am hearing impaired on that side and I heard his snort as clear as day yet OB didnot hear him? I find this unbelievable and from what I witnessed from OB I have no doubt OB heard it and chose to ignore him for he didnot want to hold DCS responsible for anything. Instead of OB creating safe zone and telling TP to respect the hearing and my rights, he told us both to behave!
OB wrongfully told the two of us to behave which was not only ridiculous but revealed again an underlying inability to be impartial and process information in front of him. To allow anyone to mock disabilities and trauma is as pathetic as the one doing the mocking.
OB would not know that TP already provoked me out in the hall with his overt immaturity and sarcasm. He knows I do not speak to him yet he spoke to me and when I would not respond he through one of his hissy fits right in front of others in an open waiting room where he was already speaking about other clients who have a right to privacy and respect and not to be Potter's fodder. His blatant disregard for the rights of others is appalling but has been protected by NSBS. AS mentioned before had Potter even had an ounce of ethics he would already assign some one else to my cases but he cannot resist the feeding his kind need to do that provoke me.
I left you a message that if TP forced his way into my hearings it is best to have police there for his provocation with not go unanswered again. The crimes he and his clients have committed against me are depraved and cruel and should result in criminal charges. Because he played a huge corrupt role in the Overpayment matter he should not be allowed to be a primary perp and the lawyer but I am sure DCS may want him there as a witness. This matter is also going to NSBS for he should not be allowed to deliberately select my cases knowing he provokes me, just the knowing he will be in the room caused me to pull muscles that are still sore a week later. This singling out selection process is also discriminatory and unconstitutional in its nature and although DCS asks Potter to represent them he does not need to be asked twice when my name is on the file as he thoroughly enjoys causing me harm just like the rest of my perpetrators.
So to recap:
OB is not to be assigned to any more of my appeals.
I want to know why he has my Overpayment file and why has he been allowed to read it when it has not been assigned yet according to your office .
Terry Potter is not to sit in any more of my appeals as he is a perpetrator and there is an open NSBS grievance against him filed by me and his corrupt role in my Housing Overpayment. Given the historical animosity I have for this corrupt public servant who provokes my CPSTD and DID and also violated my constitutional rights in another court matter he should not be allowed to be assigned to my cases which only serve to feed his pathologies where he thoroughly enjoys provoking me.
G McIntyre
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
I am told he works for a provincial government legal office....this has not been confirmed.This was also reported to the NSBS who did nothing.
Smart Skaters Association
290 Main Avenue, Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
83M 3V3
Attention: Mr. Kendrick Douglas
THE DIRECTOR OF LABOUR STANDARDS FOR THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, on the complaint of Gail McIntyre (see attached) has made inquiry and determined that $4,708.29 is due and owing by you to the complainant(s) as:
$ 4708.29 TOTAL (Subject to applicable statutory deductions.)
"-/ II
Payment may be made by certified cheque or money order payable to the Labour Standards Tribunal ( N.S. ), sent by registered mail to the Labour Standards Tribunal, P. O. Box 697, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2T8 by the 8th day of December, 1999.
If you dispute this direction you may within ten days after the receipt of this direction, or within the further time that the Labour Standards Tribunal allows, apply to the TRIBUNAL for a determination of pay due and owing. Application to the Tribunal for a determination shall be made by filing FORM 3A, in triplicate with the Tribunal. Form 3As should be forwarded to the above mailing address as well.
Dated this 23rd day of November, 1999.
Ross Mitchell
Enclosed is a Labour Tribunal Order against one Kendrick Douglas who was featured in NS Lawyers article/magazine on Integrity. For almost a year he lied to me about being paid and left me in large debt then claimed NPO bankruptcy and chose not to pay the Order.
When he applied for law school he contacted the Labour Board who then contacted me to let me know despite claiming bankruptcy he would still pay me for what he owed me.
That never happend.
I contacted Dalhousie Law School to let them know what an unconscionable male he was. He only told the Labour Board he would pay because the Law School allegedly does background checks for their applicants for such things as ethics and integrity.
They ignored the letter he sent to the Labour Board that he would pay-it was so obvious he wast trying to trick this applicant process, that he knowingly lied to the Labour Board. It takes a certain type of scum to tell someone they will be paid then not get paid to then say you will be paid knowing you had no intention of ever paying and you do this to a person who is a single parent with disabilities relying on that money and the ability to work from home.
He knew my passion for child welfare issues and preyed on me like any other sociopathic parasite...even the Labour Tribunal said they were glad they didnot have friends like him....
Smart Skaters Association
290 Main Avenue, Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
83M 3V3
Attention: Mr. Kendrick Douglas
THE DIRECTOR OF LABOUR STANDARDS FOR THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, on the complaint of Gail McIntyre (see attached) has made inquiry and determined that $4,708.29 is due and owing by you to the complainant(s) as:
$ 4708.29 TOTAL (Subject to applicable statutory deductions.)
"-/ II
Payment may be made by certified cheque or money order payable to the Labour Standards Tribunal ( N.S. ), sent by registered mail to the Labour Standards Tribunal, P. O. Box 697, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2T8 by the 8th day of December, 1999.
If you dispute this direction you may within ten days after the receipt of this direction, or within the further time that the Labour Standards Tribunal allows, apply to the TRIBUNAL for a determination of pay due and owing. Application to the Tribunal for a determination shall be made by filing FORM 3A, in triplicate with the Tribunal. Form 3As should be forwarded to the above mailing address as well.
Dated this 23rd day of November, 1999.
Ross Mitchell
Lawyer accused of smuggling awaits fate
CBC/Metro Halifax
Anne Calder
A former lawyer accused of smuggling drugs to a client in jail will learn her fate today.
Anne Calder is facing three charges relating to trafficking drugs. She was initially charged in July after guards at the Central Nova Correctional Facility in Burnside allegedly spotted her passing an envelope of drugs – the painkiller hydromorphone – to her client.
More drug charges were laid after police searched her west-end Halifax residence.
She had a trial at Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Halifax on Jan. 10 and originally the judge scheduled his decision for April 6. But last week that date was bumped up to this afternoon.
Anne Calder was my lawyer for the Patrick Murphy situation and as you may have read I fired her, this was just months before her bust.I can assure you I fired her for several reason and when I found out that she may be involved with drugs that sho nuff explained a heck of a lot of her behaviour, some said she had been acting like this for awhile so why was she not reported to NSBS, why did other lawyers fail to report her ASAP per NSBS ethics policies-because poor folks have to take the scraps from the ground is why..
I filed with NSBS who to date have not held her accountable for the stunts she pulled on my case to protect her galpals in the crown office who are corrupt, I was forced to do the 150 brief for my defense to clean up her mess. The Nova Scotia Barristers Society needs to be investigated for their violations to their own policies that are harming the most vulnerable..
Former lawyer found guilty of drug trafficking
Kristie Pearce/Metro Halifax
Former lawyer Anne Calder is shown exiting court on Thursday after being found guilty on three counts of drug trafficking.
Hello NSBS,
I am checking in for updates on the grievance I filed against Anne Calder as I have not heard anything from you on this serious matter.
I also came across a Herald article today and Pink seems to want the public to believe that there were no issues before she got caught as if these charges will be the first 'look- see'- into her files when you know this is not true as you know I filed with you and the Legal Aid Commission before she was charged on what she did to my case involving P Murphy..
I have enclosed here a snippet from the article it to be doing legal work.....please add this to my file to substantiate my grievance against her and the reckless mess she made of my case causing me undue harship, trauma, work and inrruy for the stunts she pulled all through the criminal court matter until I fired her. She has fooled this judge as she was very methodical in everything she did...she is no victim....
Coady also accepted that Calder wasn’t fit to be practising law in 2009 and was prone to go to excessive lengths to obtain the support and approval of others. ( oddly she did no such thing on my case-she ranted and raved in her emails to avoid answering why she had not worked on my case in over year, why she was not answering calls /emails, she never spoke to or met with my witnesses nor did she put together a case-as I filed with you she stated when we walked into court that she was flying by the seats of her pants.... As a convicted drug trafficker, Calder’s future as a lawyer is now in the air. A notice on the Nova Scotia Barristers Society website said that Calder advised the society that she had ceased the practice of law effective July 22, 2009 until further notice
G McIntyre
Nova Scotia Barrister Society
1645 Granville St Halifax NS B3J1X3
Request for Executive Director Review to Appeal the decision dated January 6 2011, received by me the third week in March 2011
Re: C-5011 -Grievance against Anne Calder (herein AC),
April 25 2011 sent via email for NSBS
I would usually apologize for such a tardy response but given that any delays I would have in responding to this or any other communication is the direct result of crimes committed against me by lawyers with NSBS and the subsequent complex trauma-medical issues, depravity and poverty issues, I cannot apologize but for the fact of their crimes I would not have the delays in responding as there would be nothing to respond to as I would be busy enjoying the life I worked hard for before lawyers Conrad, Potts, Baker and Gores gang-raped it starting in 1992, bringing a parade of scum just like them into my life taking decades off my life murdering my family's life for generations to come.
I must also 'prepare' to respond to any communications regarding any crimes committed against me since 1992- Conrad and Potts- because of the amount of depravity and ongoing criminality that their crimes and corruption brought into my life which would be every minute since February 1992. Such continual exposure keeps me in serious states of DID, CPTDS and trauma rage and I must endure these symptoms legal criminals gave me starting in 1992. The fact that no one could endure what they did to me and every day since then has its own injuries that need to be considered when addressing these communications especially to a Society who has hidden the depravity and inhumanity of lawyers that brought Calder and more rapists into my life through their crimes as public servants for Dept of Community Services and Dept of Justice.
As I explained via email the other reason for tardiness is I am involved in a hostile tenant issue with slum-landlord again compliments of these lawyers and my mailbox has been broken into a suspicious 15 times and much has went missing and I didnot receive the NSBS document dated January 6 2011 and did request an update via on-line email March 11 2011 and found out at that time that a NSBS reply had been previously mailed to me. This communication, dated April 25 2011, is in response to the NSBS communication of January 6 2011. My tenant court matters were from February 22 to March 23 2011 and subsequent injuries for doing all that work in legal forums so was 'unavailable' before now to respond for a review because of these medical issues. The tenant issues of 2011 are beget form the crimes of 1992-Potts and Conrad and Gores.
I would not hold my breath waiting for anyone to finally admit the wrong doings and subsequent injuries from your agency, it has been my vast experience that those who have the humanity to be honesty and ethical tend not to inflict the offence and injury in the first place. I therefore, expect before reading AC's responses, that this will be a 'she said-she said' , I will do my best to reply.
Direct Response to the document: for the most part my comments are to clarify any confusion or limitations you have created.
Page 2
I believe she understood per her commentary at my home that she knew that the incestuous corruption of various Others namely NSBS lawyers- Potts, Driscoll, Smith, Hoskins, Herschorn, Conrad, Gores and Baker- were exactly why the crown and police were corrupting yet another criminal-victim issue that incriminated aforementioned lawyers and is why no rape charges were laid against Patrick Murphy and I endured ongoing corruption from police who taunted me about not doing an investigation while holding hands with the rapist in opening a community police office and other deliberate negligent aspects of conducting an investigation and that such illegal and pathological behaviour by police and crown was/is a pattern since the crimes of the aforementioned and that such lead to my actions against Patrick Murphy and AC understood this dynamic in full at my home. That this matter was no more than to show that my actions were beget from the rape and those who protected the rapist while taunting me and that these scum were the exact same scum who committed crimes against me since 1992. and that the rape case was corrupted to keep it from the public scrutiny because it incriminates DCS, police and crown since 1981 who failed to protect 4 children from torture and sexual abuse by Eric and Sonya McIntyre and her family members.
AC failed to represent me in the manner and intention as we agreed to at my home at our first visit where she knew it was my intention to submit relevant materials/matters that lead to my actions against Murphy. I would not know at the onset of our relationship the extent of her friendships-that would come at much later date and especially as she talked with crown-later I would know it was Driscoll- in the court lobby on the second day. AC would know that CD was the one who corrupted the Swim/Wright rapes to protect Susan Potts et all who were responsible for those rapes and my inability to defend myself because of the CPTD and DID Potts (Conrad/Gores/Baker) provoked with her crimes in filing a fabricated case to Supreme Court in 1992.
At my home AC ONLY intimated she was former crown and no longer worked for crown for reasons she could not share but did involve Mike Baker- I took her comments to mean she knew as I did how corrupt the justice department was. It would be at this time as she explained who she was talking to that I would find out that she and Potts and CD were all still friends and at one time blurted 'Potts was just doing her job'!
Her conflict of interest position did not only provide me with poor quality of service, she corrupted the entire matter by presenting herself as one persuasion, my defence lawyer who agreed with the plan for action, while methodically and contrarily making sure not to ever be available for comprehensive and coherent communications and coming to court unprepared and without any supportive witnesses yet made a methodical point to bring in a doctor to discuss my childhood which she was told not to do. She methodically made sure to stay away from the relevant and recent matters that incriminated her crown galpals and this was made more clear when Ron Lacey, at sentencing, again talked about my childhood abuse and not one word of any of the criminality of his galpals since 1992 that led to the crimes against Murphy the rapist. My childhood matters should never have been discussed or published in the reduce this to a 'poor quality of service' issue is an attempt for NSBS to act in a a dismissive and insulting manner to downplay the seriousness of the corrupt and nefarious actions of AC and the injuries she created because of her reckless albeit calculating behaviour.
AC didnot fail to follow my instructions-she failed to follow the plan for action we agreed to at my home and what I thought was the plan everyday until the hearing, until she walked in minutes before court citing she was 'winging it' and 'flying by the seat of her pants' and flipped the script on what we had discussed over a year and half earlier, our only meeting. Out of the blue and from her ass she pulled out the Section 16 finally prompting Digby, thankfully, to act on my behalf in concern. Digby knew over 1.5 days of what was passing off as a hearing that AC didnot discuss the Section 16 with me and he knew this because he asked me. Digby agreed with me that it didnot apply once he explained to me what it meant. This was the final straw for Digby who then asked AC to do a rare brief for a summary charge-she had been that nonsensical and negligent the entire hearing, no doubt because she was flying by the seat of her pants and winging it.
She didnot provide me with incompetent advice-she provided no advice at all. To say she was provided me with incompetent representation would be a gross misuse of the English language-she was a shameful disgrace. Oddly she spoke about her doctor's credentials and he is either not as intelligent as she claimed or she is that conniving with her symptoms that he was fooled by her, he was paid to assess me by a nefarious drug dealer and now I take comfort knowing his name will be aligned with hers in disgrace, most fitting.
I did receive emails from AC that were as you report and Victoria Rees and Walter Yeardon both chose not to ask me for any copies when I field with then before firing her and before her charges. I was not worried because my service provider said they would be auto-saved when I moved and this was untrue but crown Denise Smith and Ron Lacey received a couple of emails that were non-nonsensical and had to meet with Digby to go over tapes because AC had gotten all the information and dates confused. As I reported, it was intimated to me after AC was charged and when I asked for a new trial that several staff at the courts talked about AC and that her behaviour was well known in the courts and someone should have reported it but the one thing I have learned while being in poverty compliments of sociopathic lawyers in NS, that public servant lawyers and legal aid lawyers are the most classist and think that the impoverished should be thankful for what they get even the scraps and I have no doubt this is why NS/Dalhousie Legal Aid have gotten away, so far, with their outrageous colluding behaviour that also harmed me as they colluded with depravity and inhumanity of public servant lawyers.
AC did without my consent and knowledge adjourn the matters on a few occasions, a matter of administrative record, and she knew I planned for the matter to be heard before the HRM election October 2008 so voters would know not to vote for a rapist or anyone who supported rapists. AC adjourned twice/thrice and the matter was heard March 2009 almost 2 years after the charges were laid-July 2007-AC denied my right to a speedy trial knowing it was causing immeasurable amounts of stress/medical crisis, rage and trauma the longer she dragged it on. The reasons for her adjournments were never explained or discussed with me, she just forwarded emails to me that she already sent to crown for adjournments. These delays had nothing to do with my unavailability of witnesses or evidence because she never spoke to them despite my several emails to set up meetings, not one was had and I had no witnesses for the hearing which meant I had to rely more on the challenges to crown's witnesses which she did nothing about because she came unprepared and had her own agenda. I had to stay up late that night to prepare questions in hopes to recover from the damages she did on first day after she allowed crown, police, rapist and minister office to perjure/omit/distract under oath repeatedly. She ignored the in -court notations I was forced to do because she was missing all kinds of opportunities to challenge crown's testimony, again court staff mentioned that Digby gave her enough chances to rephrase things and she let each chance drop. She then made sure not to be available during breaks and lunches and after court.
At one time she made sure the doctor said I had depression and ended the first day with me having mental illnesses which I do not have. I would not know until the next day this may have been her own plan and set up for the Section 16 which didnot apply. When she ended the first day with such a rape to my character I, through clenched teeth, asked what she was doing especially since I didnot have mental illnesses, she smiled and said she had depression too like me and I asked her what depression had to do with the crimes I committed against Murphy-she just kept smiling- she had her own agenda. It was called Section 16, unbeknownst to me, I found out when everyone else did, Digby rejected it.
As already reported to you-AC was told to stop adjourning the matter because she was causing me immeasurable stressors and trauma with her continual and unnecessary delays and that such reflected badly on me.
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AC did send me an email that she sent to crown suggesting crown drop charges which set me off in a rage, one of many because of her behaviour. She was told if crown dropped the charges I would have to go out and commit crimes again just to bring the Murphy rape matter back into court and get the justice denied to me. She knew on our first visit that I committed the crimes and why.
AC asked me to set up an appointment with Curtis, I did. Only she neglected to tell me she already spoke with him and he denied seeing me for child sexual abuse and an adult rape- which was not true via notes and tapes I still have. She didnot tell me about his words and months later let me walk into his office to hear what he told AC and police Hart and when I realized that he did this deliberate in retaliation- when I realized I was in the company of yet another pathological scumbag who had already committed chargeable crimes unknown to me at that time-I ran out the office and into crisis. AC let me walk into this situation and should have known it would have caused serious issues since I told her what I seen him for and it was relevant to the case as it pertained to crown corruption and complicity on the Murphy rape matter. As soon as I could I called AC and left several messages for her direction, she never returned them and months later I finally wrote her a letter and mailed it, still no response so had to find her email address and that is how we communicated until a week before trial. She had caused so much trauma and stress by this time I didnot want to work with her but had no choice as a victim of rape in a court system who employed scum just like rapists. Because of the amount of injuries done to me by lawyers NSBS has protected I was living in a home bought for me by the McIntyres for the torture they did to me for 15 years and now was being tortured by him again so was in no shape to represent myself especially since it had been the Murphy rape and the crown and police who harmed me so badly they brought the McIntyres back into my life after I attempted to take my life (2004) after all that Conrad/Potts/Gores and Baker did to me from 1992, they gave McIntyre the chance to torture me more. The RCMP eventually had to be called so I didnot take McIntyres life and next February will be the 20th anniversary of the crimes done to me starting with Conrad and Potts and now that the cancerous corrupt cunt Mike Baker is dead, we will see if you can still protect them.
Because of Anne Calder I had to leave the country before trial so I didnot harm Patrick Murphy while being tortured by Eric McIntyre
Anne Calder's response: first the NSBS then her own worded document
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AC is lying when she says she met with me at my home several other times. The ONLY other time she was at my home after the initial consultation was to drop off the box of materials she was told by Digby to have to my home by a certain time which she was late for. She was supposed to meet me at my home another time prior to hearing but she cancelled at the last minute and during this communication at no time did she inform me she was pulling a Section 16, by this time it was apparent she was not calling any of my witnesses.
At no time did we meet at the court house or court room prior to the hearing, she waltz in with a fashion show walk minutes before trial the first day and was late the second day citing transportation issues. Only once was I able to flag her down during the hearing to go over what she was doing and that is when the issue of her not asking the rapist to read RAPIST I sprayed on the van, twice (because police and crown refused to charge me the first time a for other crimes I committed to get this rape matter into court which AC knew about)-it is when I met the real Ms Anne Calder-the manipulative one, the calculating one, the conniving one- she told me in a tone and smirk that she was not there for my psychological reasons and I told her I did not commit the crimes for her to have work and it was for my healing reasons because her friends denied me that. At my home AC knew that Murphy was to read the words in court because that was the only accountability/justice/reckoning I was going to get thanks to crown/police. It was at this same meeting when I gave her all the questions I worked on the night before so she could clean up the mess she made of my case the first day. I stressed they will bring us back on track. Our meeting was about 10 minutes long if that and again she never mentioned a Section 16. If AC charged anyone for being at my home several times and at the court house this would be fraud.
Failure to Follow Instructions:
I gave AC copious amounts medical information thanks to the crimes committed by Potts/Conrad and Gores (Victim Services)-she said she wanted an evaluation-I had given her two by VS already and she sent me on this arduous task of finding someone she had several emails with-they could not do the evaluation due to conflict of interest so AC asked me to find another-I found Geneste in the phone book and gave that info to her. She knew that I was 'happy' that were going to do an eval of all the damages done to me by since 1992 that led to the Murphy rape and my committing the crimes against this rapist, why else would we be doing an eval except to discuss the relevant and related matters to the current issues filed with the criminal courts. Again at no time did AC and I say we will include childhood information because it was not relevant and AC knew I would not discuss it for trial, but she made sure Geneste did instead, very clever, in fact my hat off to this conniving lawyer for that stunt.
I was shocked that this doctor talked about my childhood most of the time and his words were published in the local paper despite childhood sexual abuse bans, there was nothing about the adult matters/damages at hand and spent a ridiculous amount of time on standardized tests. At no time did I tell AC that I thought him to be thorough, he was not. AC was told when Geneste finished reading his report to me on the phone, I called him back under 2 hours after processing what he said, I called him back with his ommissions. He said he would discuss the corrections under oath which he did not. I sent the report to AC after we spoke yet he told me right after he read it that he could not send me a copy or one to AC until she paid-yet less than 2 hours later when I called him back with clarifications/corrections he said he already sent it to her sent her and refused to give me a copy citing it was her property. This became immediately more suspicious: he spent most of the time with testings and childhood and now would not make corrections and sent off the report after saying he would not until paid-I didnot trust him.
After I initially met with Geneste I did feel 'heard' only because we covered all relevant matters in his office but only the childhood information/testing was in the report, he never once told me he would omit the adult information pertaining to the corrupt dynamics that led to the crimes at hand. I never said I was happy with him because I didnot trust him after he read his report to me and would not make corrections which included the parts he omitted. Pleasant is ambiguous.
I was very angry that Geneste told me that AC was the payer so she he to do what she instructed him to do and not as I wanted which was to focus on the relevant truth since 1992 or even since the night Patrick Murphy raped me in 1998, none of which had anything to do with my childhood. By excluding what was needed and by including the very topic I refused to discuss at trial Geneste revealed that AC wanted historical information, it is why he would not do the corrections that he omitted and why he sent it off in a hurry despite not being paid. He offered no insights to the current matter, most of his report was from the pre-existing medical documents as crown also pointed out until he realized they incriminated Potts/Conrad and Gores then he got off that topic fast. NSBS already has one of the documents that incriminate Conrad, Potts and Gores for damages. Any other observations in his report would have been from me as crown also mentioned-no insights-the testing was ambiguous and didnot measure the scope of my experiences and I told AC he relied too much on them-no doubt it is the easiest thing to do and get paid for.
AC was told repeatedly to stay away from my childhood matters and not only did she make the report all about my childhood she had mentioned it enough in court through Geneste under oath that it was published in the paper causing an immeasurable amount of harm where I could not leave my house for 3months because of panic attacks and public shame of sexual abuse, I had to quit my little job that was paying for medical services I needed for the trauma and to pay a repair debt to child molester Eric McIntyre to get the house deed in my name finally. NO one knew my sexual /physical abuse information and now everyone did, it was banned material anyway and should never have been allowed to be published as CBC knew. This was a new kind of rape thanks to Anne Calder
Unnecessary Medical Assessment:
AC has her agenda confused with mine, she wanted Genest to lay a foundation that blamed my childhood for everything which would be a lie. Had this assessment been about laying a relevant foundation it would have been all about the damages done to me and my son by the Murphy rape and the subsequent and predictable corruption of the crown and police that was related to the corruption started in 1992, it would have been about the damages to my life, career, health and my son-a witness she was to call and never did. It would have been about our homelessness, poverty, hospitalizations and ongoing medical issues/trauma from 1992 caused by Conrad/Potts and Gores that led to the Murphy rape and revealed the reason for the continual corruption-there would have been no mention of my childhood at all-there was no reason to mention it especially since I distinctly told AC not to use my childhood abuses as they were irrelevant. AC used Genest to provide a foundation for her agenda to distract the courts from the truth and information about why I was raped and why I could not defend myself and the reason why the same crown corrupted this matter too as it is beget out of crimes committed by Potts/Conrad/Baker and Gores.
AC has lied here as well regarding Curtis and her citing I should see Genest. At no time did she discuss that my position required a certain foundation which was ample anyway. She said nothing about any concerns about my case and position, it was well substantiated and all was included in my legal brief to Digby anyway which resulted in a suspended sentence because of the outrageous amount of work I had to do because of AC being such a mess, he had privy to information AC deliberately omitted. AC instead chose to do her own thing that just so happened to distract the attention from the relevant truth and away from her galpals' crimes and damages that led to the Murphy rape and the subsequent corruption on that rape matter, that would be 3 rapes the same crown created and corrupted because they are beget from the Conrad-Potts-Gores-Baker crimes. She chose to do her own thing which was exactly what she was told not to do. She did keep information from me about Curtis which is why I walked in as a lamb to slaughter and she ignored all my voice mails where I was then forced to civic mail her months later to respond to what happened and why. She created the mess and left me to clean it up while being severely traumatized.
Poor Communication :
AC lied about this as well. AC knew before the assessment was done that Legal Aid would not pay for it in total but she insisted on doing it anyway which defied logics especially since there were enough medical reports already at her disposal for court and reports that Genest heavily relied on. She told me Legal Aid approved my transportation costs which never was reimbursed and thanks to the crimes committed against me by Baker/Potts/Gores/Conrad I live in unconstitutional and victim created poverty and cannot afford medical needs and groceries let alone extra that AC created, but since she said I would be reimbursed I spent that money I didnot have. Maybe AC lied about it which seems to be her MO. Maybe she did get my money and spent it on drugs for her raping pimp boyfriend?
Calder was aware of the harassing calls to my house by Genest which I never returned to him, I answered the first one and told him that since it was AC report per his own words, he needed to call her not me. He said he called her several times and emailed her to no avail which is why he was calling me. AC is lying about all this. She knew Genest was trying to get paid by her and she ignored him like she ignored everything to do with communications, she didnot seem to ignore the needs of the raping pimp however.
Genest like me, knew AC said she would pay it before the testing and would try to get the entire refund from Legal Aid later. The fact she proceeded knowing Legal Aid refused is confirmation, evidence, to how reckless she was ......maybe she thought she would pay for it pending how well her illegal activities profited?
Conflict of Interest:
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At no time did I say AC previously knew Ron Lacey, in her own words she said she was friends with Potts and Driscoll and MacDonald and Smith, AC lied when she omitted to tell you that Lacey had been the third or fourth crown assigned because I would not allow my case to be heard by scum crown who I had already filed against and are responsible for immeasurable damages/injuries and suffering all to hide Susan Potts crimes since 1992. The conflict arises because AC knew that she was doing her own agenda unbeknownst to me and why she refused to return voice mails/emails to check in and to talk to my witnesses ( son, therapist Bayer and Haniff Jiwani), her agenda was about protecting her galpals that are inherently incriminated in the Murphy rape corruption and my subsequent crimes. She made the case be all about my childhood which she was told not to do and such takes the blame and attention away from the real scum of HRM. Her hidden agenda was to submit a Section 16 and thankfully Digby was paying attention and asked if I knew what that was and if had I agreed to it- a matter on audio record. Nada to both and since that was the last straw Digby wanted a brief from AC to justify several unrelated and incoherent thoughts- a brief that is unheard of for summary charges- and evidence to how outrageous she was in her presentation of my case that even the judge needed her to write it down so it would make more sense because she was not making any sense most of the entire time. In retrospect perhaps she would have failed a drug test?
By saying she did not know Lacey she is distracting from the truth that this was about her galpals and she knew this-Once Digby perused the legal brief I submitted with all the facts AC should have submitted, he was not impressed and read into the sentencing audio about the corruption of police and crown. It is why, despite the crimes I admitted to in total, I still only received a suspended sentence.
Then there is the obvious conflict of interest: that only a very short time after I fired her she was criminally charged so that means while she was allegedly my ethical legal lawyer she was committing crimes with what most would say is a depraved criminal, a raping pimp. Now I am willing to put my name on the line for this but I am certain that other evolved intelligent and ethical people would also agree that while committing drug crimes with depraved scumbags that you cannot also be an ethical lawyer and such is not only a conflict of interest where she cannot possibly act in my best interest as a rape victim and have continual criminal relations with a raping pimp, we are the antithesis of each other.
Inappropriate Conduct and Failure to Follow Instructions:
This section is very confusing, no doubt because we have AC lying and NSBS also acting inappropriately by censoring and paraphrasing. I will do my best. As far as I know AC made 2 court appearances in my absence and without my knowing until after the fact, one to hear a tape because she argued with crown about judge's instruction and dates for trial because she adjourned it a few times and got confused. The other court appearance in my absence was for an adjournment also done without my knowing until after the fact and other adjournments via long illogical emails to Denise Smith and Ron Lacey. On one occasion she cited she needed more time to work on the case which was a lie because she had be doing nothing on the case and then walked into court 'flying by the seat of her pants' and 'winging it'.
She was never asked to present the systemic corruption, it would have been revealed organically throughout had she been an ethical intelligent lawyer. She was asked by me repeatedly to challenge the crown witnesses' perjury and on one occasion told me with a straight face that perjury only happens when some one tells the same lie twice under oath. She refused to challenge any one on anything- I am sure everyone was embarrassed for me. Because of her outrageous behaviour and lack of preparation--she caused arguing between us while we sat in court.
I never asked her to ask crown to drop charges, AC did via email to DS and RL which angered me because I would have to go commit more crimes if they were dropped and she did this behind my back and without my consent. She fluffed it off saying lawyers do that all the time and not to worry, it is just to scare them and for them to produce a witness list timely. She shocked me at how frivolous this all was for her, I guess being a drug dealer for a raping pimp- all else was cake?...
AC tried to say I did what I did because of my childhood and depression and she knew both were lies, she made up her own defences without my consent and with my explicit lack of consent and did it anyway which is why she never returned emails or calls or contacted witnesses, she had it planned the entire time to be unavailable so she could stick to her sly agenda because to answer any of my communications which were about my case and how it should have been conducted, she would out what she was doing and I would have fired her. Instead her emails which DS and RL also received, went on long tangents about nothing or her father and brother's issues and her house and cats, all had nothing to do with my case. She denied me the right to fire her and kept silent and unavailable so I could not and would know what tricks she was up to. I have no doubt now that all those tangent irrelevant emails were for me to feel sorry for her so I would not fire her and I didnot fire her because I DID feel sorry for her. All communications after our first visit were on her time through the emails until right before trial when she cancelled our meeting days before trial never once having met with my witnesses.
I did what I did because I was raped by Patrick Murphy and the minister/mayor/council/ police/crown covered it up and such would have been revealed had she not been a corrupt piece of pimp shit who allowed crown witnesses to overtly lie and contradict each other and their own selves, at one time sociopath scumbag copper Penny Hart made a gangster face to me and still nothing was done. AC is pathological liar, she must have picked up those skills being a lawyer in this province or being the drug whore for a raping pimp.
Failure to challenge witness statements:
My unhappiness???? Are you ethical, intelligent evolved human being would be happy with the incestuous and blatant lying that took place right in front of the judge and my lawyer allowed it, but then maybe because she lay down with a raping pimp, lying is common for her and she did not realize she was to challenge each lie? She tried to lie to her own judge and thankfully he was paying attention, he knew her to be a liar and a criminal too. Only I knew before he did, I should get a prize.
AC is lying when she says I was unhappy because she could not get Murphy to say the word and instead had him spell it out. The audio recording supports my version of events throughout and in particular this section. At no time did she ask PM to speak or spell the word and that should not make any sense to anyone intelligent. This was the very point that revealed how depraved she really was/is. But for witnessing this I would have been taken back when the news broke about her being in cahoots with the scum of our society. When we met for a minute before the trial commenced on the second day I was so angry about what she did the day before that I could not sleep hence the up all night doing questions- I reminded her that in my house I explained to her that the entire reason why I spelled 'rapist' on the van repeatedly was for him to read it aloud, I knew that this was the only way I could get justice and healing and this was explained to AC in my home and she understood it, justice and healing denied to me by the corrupt crown/police. So on the second day when I told her that I needed her to have him read the word she answered in a tone that suggested she might have either multiple personalities or was possessed by satan himself, she sneered that she was not there for my psychological reasons of which despite my shock I reminded her that I was, I did not commit the crimes to give her work to do and that because of the corruption I had to invent my own opportunity for justice and healing through that word being public. Even as the pictures were being discussed in court I wrote several notes to AC to get him to say the word and she refused and now we all know why—she is involved with drugs for a raping pimp so of course she would not get Patrick Murphy to speak or spell it for fear it may mirror her own corrupt soul. She refused to make him say or spell it which would have had the same affect for me, she refused to give me the justice and healing I needed that was denied to me by her cunt crown pals. She denied me the right to heal as a rape victim and that was all about her being a drug whore to a raping pimp because she could not afford to sympathize with me a rape victim for fear of that also being a mirror to her conniving criminal soul.
The audio record shows AC to be a liar on this issue and now the world knows she is too. I will never forget the 'personality' she revealed to me, the one who raped my right to justice and healing, that sneer and tone of voice....all that was missing was the pea soup. This drug whore for a raping pimp....yes she is guilty of many things and sympathizing with rapists is one of them which is why she never had Murphy say the word or spell it, she allowed him to keep calling it variations of 'the word'.. I explained to her that the very reason he was avoiding saying the word was for the very same reason I needed him to say it and she denied me that healing I deserved and was denied yet again. The whole and sole reason as explained to her at my home for writing what I did was to hear him say it publicly and AC knew this and she deliberately denied me the entire and only reason why I sprayed painted those exact words each time, she knew exactly what she was doing by denying me that spoken word. It was so bad I have contemplated committing more crimes against this rapist just to get him to say that word, even spell it- thanks to the corrupt Calder who likes rapists so much she will commit crimes for them.
She would not get Murphy to say or spell 'rapist' because she would have to endure the psychological effect I knew it would have and she knew what scum she was as she committed crimes with a rapist herself. She denied me the healing word to hide her own sins. Kharma is truly awesome.
Inappropriate Conduct:
AC lied about the reporters. She knew they were there because she personally invited each one of them, in fact said she invited more of her pals from the Kings journalism course she took who now all wrote for one forum or another-that they would be interested in this story. AC knew I despised media because of the previous damage did to my life namely on the Swim /Police Commission matter of 1999 where media Nancy Radcliffe wrote a very disturbing attack against me in favour of the mysogynistic officer, another media wrote incorrect info about the 9 years I was forced to fight with victim services thanks to Conrad/Potts/Baker and Gores-media downplayed the crimes and corruption then there was the public housing media who downplayed the racial violence of Irvine Carvery who was gangraping my tenant/constitutional rights-AC knew all this and in fact seen the articles. She knew I viewed media as scum who colluded with corruption.
She said she had a few friends in media that would be great to take the case and get my story out just as I wanted. She offered that these were personal friends of hers and said she would explain to them how I felt. I refused to speak with them despite her telling me I could trust her friends-so I you cannot imagine my shock when her pals Steve Bruce of CH and Elizabeth Chui from CBC were there at the court house at her request. She said she was confused as to where her other journalism friends were. AS we were leaving the court room on day two she warned me that her media pals were in the hall and I was immediately very angry. She told me not to worry, that they were her friends and would report the truth. CBC had the ethics to not run the case because of the sexual abuse ban. Bruce asked me questions after talking to AC on camera but none of that made it to the story, in fact the opposite happened-he made me out to be a rape victim whack job and made the rapist look innocent.....I had no idea about the final article until I received a call and it was read to me over the phone and I went into crisis immediately. She went against all my worries and brought them and put me into the awkward position to speak to them without choice for as soon as I left court their mikes were in my face. AC told me at my house she would call her journalist pals in and at that time she was told not to. All information published in the news article verbatim that caused all the damage is all the information Genest told under oath at AC's direction and questioning-all my childhood information that should never have been part of the trial in the first place. Media didnot get that information from me at any time and AC knows that. They got it from her and Genest and NSBS must have read the article with their eyes closed to ignore that obvious fact. Poetically, the same media did 'out' her for the scum she is......
Failure to Properly Withdraw:
AC signed for a registered mail after I sent her termination to to her via email and she read it and ignored it. If she so chooses to ignore registered mail that is her own doing. She didnot open it because she knew what it was because she knew from all the arguing we did at court that her gig was up, she received a call from me after I read the article and she knew exactly what I thought of her then as well pee that voice mail. She already did irreparable damage to me and I had to get her out of my life, scum usually know what they did because they are calculating and methodical like other sociopaths.
She refused to answer my mail so I had to file with Digby who found her and brought her into his court room and when she started with her tangent and faux victimology he cut her off, she was told I fired her and she was ordered to hand over all materials-she removed some vital pieces that incriminate her cunt crown pals, she was late of course because she is a passive aggressive bitch. She ignored my communications because she knew I was officially firing her after the voice mail I left her about all the damage she did to me and that I could not tell her from the rapists in the story. She ignored my request for my materials for over a month. She knew I needed the materials/disclosures/evidence to prepare the legal brief I was left to do because Calder is a conniving cunt.
Failure to be Honest and Candid regarding trial Strategy
AC did not do anything we agreed to because she never had any intention to do that, she had her own gig on the go and it had all to do with her criminal confusion about being in legion with depraved raping pimp and supposedly representing a rape victim-one would have to be legally and medically stupid to not see this.
She had her own gig on the go which is why she never returned any of my calls in over a year or respond to logistical emails, out of the blue I would get a long ridiculous email about crap that had nothing to do with anything-maybe she was high on illegal drugs, she never met with my vital witnesses especially my son and therapist but went with a therapist I didnot know who did a paid report for AC on her specific instructions and against all I discussed about omitting my childhood information as it was not relevant, she didnot come to court prepared-flying by the seat of her pants and winging it- again drug talk.
She did not ask the rapist to speak or spell the word rapist that I painted- she denied me justice and healing and she knew that, the fact she did this deliberately tells me she is worse than the depraved raping pimp. This trial was never about me and all about Anne Calder. As to my mental health, there was no issue as I do not have mental illnesses but she sought for Genest to make sure to say it under oath and it was published in the paper. She wanted to blame my childhood and depression I do not have. She pulled a Section 16 out of her ass on the second day much to Digby's and my shock. After her excuses for her own trial she clearly likes to blame mental health for her actions too. She knew why I committed the crimes I did and that it had her galpals names written all over it, she knew I would be furious if she made this be about childhood or anything else and what she brought into court was all her own agenda. Digby did give me much room no doubt because he witnessed the mess AC was and what a disgrace she did to my case so he allowed me to get my case across to him and I thank him for his judicial integrity for that, he is simply amazing and must be lonely being one of the very few ethical people in our justice system. Thankfully her own judge didnot buy her crocodile tears and faux victimology. She truly is an Academy Award actress.
AC knew I was testifying on my own behalf, her job was to do the rest which she raped and raped and raped some more. It is why Digby asked for a legal brief and I am so thankful he did as it allowed me to do do my trial properly resulting in a suspended sentence.
While NSBS claims I have not proved my case/grievance, they also claim AC has provide reasonable explanations for her behaviour and version-she has submitted no evidence to support her version though NSBS states that my personal assertions are insufficient grounds to investigate yet they accepted hers, who has been found to be a criminal and unethical lawyer and drug dealer and liar in a higher court. Anne Calder has zero credibility but that matters not to NSBS who is not about accountability but about deniability and avoiding liability. NSBS would not know ethics or integrity if it sodomized their own mothers.
Sadly because NSBS is so incestuous corrupt and enables and hides the pathologies of its own professions while supporting lawyers who are pathological liars, one is forced to find accountability in creative places much like I had to create my own justice for healing that Anne Calder raped anyway. I must rely on lawyers either incriminating themselves eventually as Anne Calder did in her depravity with a rapist and pimp who has harmed several vulnerable women or one waits for them to die painfully of cancer as Mike Baker did, though he should have died in prison where he belonged. With this and the shameful disgrace of Andrew Pavey, no child, born or in utero, or person with disabilities or women is safe from lawyers in this province who put rapists and child molesters to shame in the pathological and depravity departments.
Any personal difficulties Calder was going through is superseded by the crimes she has committed on my case and in her own criminal case just like in the Pavey matter. Any personal difficulty she was experiencing pales in comparison to that she created for me to endure on top of a rape and that which I already endured created by her galpals since 1992. Selling and storing drugs for depraved raping pimps should never be considered a personal difficult time for anyone and it is this nefarious reality that guided Calders' agenda throughout my entire matter and created the need for the grievance that NSBS is so threatened by. Hypothetically, if Calder was not the depraved scum we know her to be and I knew her to be before you did, lets pretend it was just about her father being ill and dying as so many fathers do, she should have removed herself from duty, instead she jeopardized my case that was about real victims, real people, real trauma and suffering, about real rapes that murder families and the corrupt scum who allow it.. Either way you wish to protect it she was in the wrong and did cause immeasurable harm. The fact she was distracted by her father while willingly committing crimes with depraved incarcerated scumbags well, it is a wander she had any time for my case at all.
She is who I say she is, she did what I say she did.
The information submitted by AC has not been supported by documentation and is for the most part, fabricated and false to avoid disciplinary action for her outrageous behaviour that forced me, a rape victim, who was also degraded by police and crown, to have to do my own legal work despite the harm to me as a person with multiple disabilities and brain injuries and CPSTD and DID, I had to leave the country so I did not harm Patrick Murphy because of the angst/anxiety rage AC was creating- she was so outrageous I had to start supportive counselling with two agencies and NSBS received both documents for that as well and the newspaper article that harmed me. AC is a pathological liar.
I was forced to do a 150 paged brief to undo the legal damages done to my case by AC which is never going to be acceptable and Digby ruled based on that information that AC kept from the courts deliberately.
Perhaps the only justice I will ever get is knowing the entire world knows what a sociopathic piece of shit she is for only the true scum of our society protects other scums as she has done and as NSBS has done to date starting with Conrad, Potts, Gores, Baker who brought a parade of scum just like them into my life.... only the most depraved would lay down with a raping pimp and then be criminally charged for drug dealing for that raping pimp......
It was submitted to the NSBS by me that the judge in her drug case stated publicly she should not have been practising law for 2009, he was much too generous for she should have not been allowed to practice sometime before he stated but nonetheless, he included the time she was my lawyer before she was fired by me for her nefarious, pathological and corrupt behaviour.
Right on time NSBS says I have not submitted any evidence to support my claims though never point out that the scum lawyers they protect never submit any evidence to defend themselves.
Talking to NSBS for accountability is like talking to rapists and child molesters-they have the exact same denials, deflections and distractions. Lawyers in this province would not know evidence if it raped them every day and twice on Sundays. Even recalling all of this and having to do this document has its own injuries because of my CPTSD and DID, thanks to Potts/Gores/Conrad and Baker, I cannot talk about trauma without being retraumatized especially if that trauma is created by someone much like those whose depravity injured me previously..... since lawyers created the original injuries that were hidden by Dept of Justice and NSBS, every lawyer they brought into my life who harms me creates new layers of trauma and re-actualizes the original trauma set into motion by Potts/Conrad and Gores. To think that lawyers in this province have harmed me more and for longer than all the torture, depravity and molestation I endured by a few for the first 15 years of my life is just a fact the mind cannot process. The fact that NSBS has protected every single one of these lawyers is less conscionable.
As mentioned 02/2012 marks the 20th anniversary of the crimes started by depraved and nefarious sociopathic lawyers Deborah Conrad of Dept of Community Services ( Anne Bond , Alfred Doucet) and Susan Potts of Dept of Justice who did incestuously rape judicial integrity to feed their own pathologies and to protect their public servant clients and annihilated my family bringing a parade of scum just like them into our lives raping our lives, murdering our lives until we could no longer function. March 2007 a police statement was given about how Potts and Conrad were fully aware of the depravity/torture/molestation by Eric/Sonya McIntyre and used McIntyre testify against another child molester knowing EM was guilty as well. The RCMP have been sitting on it since, they refuse to remove the officer who is in legion with the same cunt copper Penny Hart who raped the Murphy rape investigation. WE are in stalemate because our justice system is so beyond depraved thanks in large part to scumbag Mike Baker. All these sociopaths didnot just hide every single crime they did to me and mine since 1992 for me to walk through the front door in 2007 starting from the beginning of the first crimes in 1992 that incriminate NSBS. RCMP were notified by me that because they have created a stalemate to protect the scum already named to you since 1992 I will be committing crimes against the McIntyres and we shall see NSBS if the public is as confused as you pretend to be about who did what to whom and what lawyers should already be in prison for the two decades of torture I endured so you could hide the crimes of Conrad and Potts and.........................
I have read the document submitted by Anne Calder and I will not dignify it with a response-she has wasted enough of my time and as a Darwinian it would be self defeating for me to respond to her pathetic attempt to redeem herself.
Like all other depraved persons, she is self serving in her own defence, denials and deflections from the truth of her own nefarious and pathological behaviour. Her criminal conviction and her partner choice in crime stands on its own merit as to who Anne Calder really is: a colossal disgrace to my gender, to judicial integrity and ethics and to rape victims everywhere.
G McIntyre
Anne Calder, a former Crown prosecutor and defence lawyer who smuggled drugs to a client in custody, is going to jail.
The 57-year-old, who was convicted of trafficking the prescription painkiller hydropmorphone and possession of both hydromorphone, commonly known as Dilaudid, and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, sobbed as she received a 30-month jail sentence in court this morning.
Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Kevin Coady made the decision after hearing arguments from both Crown and defence lawyers, as well as a statement from the 57-year-old's elderly mother.
Coady was urged to send Calder to jail for three to four years by the Crown attorney who prosecuted the case.
But Calder's defence lawyer said no good would come of sending her to prison and argued instead for a conditional sentence to be served in the community.
"Sending Anne Calder to jail is going to accomplish absolutely nothing," Craig Garson told the court this morning.
He argued that Calder would pose no danger to the public, she's lost her job and her ability to work. She has no money and the amount of media attention on her case "has had a devastating effect on Ms. Calder."
Garson read a statement from Calder's 87-year-old mother, Betty Calder, who was among the dozen people who showed up to support Calder.
"Whatever you sentence her, you will also be sentencing me," Garson said on behalf of the elder Calder, who lives in a New Glasgow apartment. The elderly woman described her daughter as someone who "would go out of her way to help anyone."
While Garson read her mother's words, Calder hung her head and clutched a tissue to her eyes.
Garson said his client was suffering from a serious case of severe depression in 2009, and her father's death in 2008 had a tremendous impact on her.
At the time of the crime, Garson said, his client was "someone who was unfit due to mental illness to practise" law.
But in court his morning, Crown attorney Paul Adams called Calder's actions a breach of trust, "an affront to an important cog in the administration of justice."
"It seems to me . . . no one would know that better than a lawyer."
During his arguments, Adams called Dilaudid a heroin substitute.
The Crown attorney asked the judge to consider that Calder smuggled the painkiller into the Central Nova Correctional Facility in Burnside and intended to do the same with two other packages.
Her actions compromised the integrity of the jail, the safety of guards and inmates and defeated the purpose of rehabilitation, he said.
A surveillance camera video of the July 14, 2009 meeting between Calder and her client Thomas Izzard showed her committing the crime "with calculation and . . . a brazen deceit," Adams said.
That video, which was played during her trial, showed papers shuffled back and forth between the two, and Izzard taking an envelope and then putting something in his pocket.
Corrections officers who were watching the video live searched Izzard and found a small package of tobacco as well as hydromorphone.
Calder has maintained that she didn't know she was passing anything more than tobacco to Izzard, but Coady didn't buy that explanation.
"It is inconceivable that Ms. Calder would not be on the alert to the very real likelihood that the package contained drugs as well as tobacco," the justice wrote in a decision released in March.
"Ms. Calder knew she was being asked to traffic to Mr. Izzard, was ambivalent about it for some time and then decided to take her chances on not getting caught."
At trial, the court heard that some unusual packages showed up at Calder's mailbox in the spring and early summer of 2009. Izzard once called Calder’s Halifax office to see whether she had received a delivery. Another time, a woman called to ask if she could drop something off.
Officers found the parcels when they searched Calder’s office.
The parcels contained small cylindrical packages known as prison packs, which are often hidden in the rectum of a person smuggling goods into jails. Calder carried these packs, which held Dilaudid, tobacco and marijuana, in a briefcase.
Calder stopped practising law after the charges were laid. In April, she agreed to have her licence to practise suspended, pending a possible appeal of her conviction.
Calder's convictions came after her second trial. Her first ended in a mistrial last year after the Crown disclosed new evidence after the proceedings were underway.
Disgraced lawyer sentenced to 30 months in jail
Calder found guilty of smuggling drugs to client in Burnside jail
Calder found guilty of smuggling drugs to client in Burnside jail
Anne Calder, a former Crown prosecutor and defence lawyer who smuggled drugs to a client in custody, is going to jail.
The 57-year-old, who was convicted of trafficking the prescription painkiller hydropmorphone and possession of both hydromorphone, commonly known as Dilaudid, and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, sobbed as she received a 30-month jail sentence in court this morning.
Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Kevin Coady made the decision after hearing arguments from both Crown and defence lawyers, as well as a statement from the 57-year-old's elderly mother.
Coady was urged to send Calder to jail for three to four years by the Crown attorney who prosecuted the case.
But Calder's defence lawyer said no good would come of sending her to prison and argued instead for a conditional sentence to be served in the community.
"Sending Anne Calder to jail is going to accomplish absolutely nothing," Craig Garson told the court this morning.
He argued that Calder would pose no danger to the public, she's lost her job and her ability to work. She has no money and the amount of media attention on her case "has had a devastating effect on Ms. Calder."
Garson read a statement from Calder's 87-year-old mother, Betty Calder, who was among the dozen people who showed up to support Calder.
"Whatever you sentence her, you will also be sentencing me," Garson said on behalf of the elder Calder, who lives in a New Glasgow apartment. The elderly woman described her daughter as someone who "would go out of her way to help anyone."
While Garson read her mother's words, Calder hung her head and clutched a tissue to her eyes.
Garson said his client was suffering from a serious case of severe depression in 2009, and her father's death in 2008 had a tremendous impact on her.
At the time of the crime, Garson said, his client was "someone who was unfit due to mental illness to practise" law.
But in court his morning, Crown attorney Paul Adams called Calder's actions a breach of trust, "an affront to an important cog in the administration of justice."
"It seems to me . . . no one would know that better than a lawyer."
During his arguments, Adams called Dilaudid a heroin substitute.
The Crown attorney asked the judge to consider that Calder smuggled the painkiller into the Central Nova Correctional Facility in Burnside and intended to do the same with two other packages.
Her actions compromised the integrity of the jail, the safety of guards and inmates and defeated the purpose of rehabilitation, he said.
A surveillance camera video of the July 14, 2009 meeting between Calder and her client Thomas Izzard showed her committing the crime "with calculation and . . . a brazen deceit," Adams said.
That video, which was played during her trial, showed papers shuffled back and forth between the two, and Izzard taking an envelope and then putting something in his pocket.
Corrections officers who were watching the video live searched Izzard and found a small package of tobacco as well as hydromorphone.
Calder has maintained that she didn't know she was passing anything more than tobacco to Izzard, but Coady didn't buy that explanation.
"It is inconceivable that Ms. Calder would not be on the alert to the very real likelihood that the package contained drugs as well as tobacco," the justice wrote in a decision released in March.
"Ms. Calder knew she was being asked to traffic to Mr. Izzard, was ambivalent about it for some time and then decided to take her chances on not getting caught."
At trial, the court heard that some unusual packages showed up at Calder's mailbox in the spring and early summer of 2009. Izzard once called Calder’s Halifax office to see whether she had received a delivery. Another time, a woman called to ask if she could drop something off.
Officers found the parcels when they searched Calder’s office.
The parcels contained small cylindrical packages known as prison packs, which are often hidden in the rectum of a person smuggling goods into jails. Calder carried these packs, which held Dilaudid, tobacco and marijuana, in a briefcase.
Calder stopped practising law after the charges were laid. In April, she agreed to have her licence to practise suspended, pending a possible appeal of her conviction.
Calder's convictions came after her second trial. Her first ended in a mistrial last year after the Crown disclosed new evidence after the proceedings were underway.