Enclosed will be excerpts of what media knew what on whom but more importantly why YOU did not know this......only the naive should still believe the media reports the TRUTH.
The RESPONSE TEAM refuses to include the media in any acts of promotion as to reduce their ability to pollute and bastardize the TRUTH about government abuse on vulnerable Nova Scotians.
One of the most embarrassing issues I have with belonging to some of the NPO is besides having their lips surgically implanted on the buttocks of government they have their knees cemented to the floor as they beg media to deem them worthy enough for any coverage. Several times I tried to convince these NPO that they are worthy of standing on their feet with their own spine in tact creating their own merit with its own platform. Instead they prefer to maintain clinical co-dependent relationships while being closet NDP flamers while in the guise of being neutral or non-partisan.
One of the most embarrassing issues I have with belonging to some of the NPO is besides having their lips surgically implanted on the buttocks of government they have their knees cemented to the floor as they beg media to deem them worthy enough for any coverage. Several times I tried to convince these NPO that they are worthy of standing on their feet with their own spine in tact creating their own merit with its own platform. Instead they prefer to maintain clinical co-dependent relationships while being closet NDP flamers while in the guise of being neutral or non-partisan.
It is shameful how NPO must compete to get the attention of media who will favour the wealthiest of their readers anyway. We have no such thing as responsible, unbiased or ethical reporting in Nova Scotia as it is too incestuous in nature.Even self proclaiming CBC has pulled a few fast ones deeming them more cunning than clever.
WE have decided that we will periodically post our RESPONSE to various news stories and editorials. The reason being is we know the media keeps information from the public in various ways, not printing known voices is one of them. We wish we thought of this sooner so you could see for yourself what media outlets knew what and when but best late than never?
We have also had some of our submissions tweaked to not name individuals and we would like you the reader to see who is being tweaked by media edits.....
In Scotland April 2007, on the challenges on Russian political history the topic of falsifying 'facts' to the public was key. The follow comment captures RESPONSE's disgust with our many media sources as they prostitute their own integrity by keeping the facts from the public here in Nova Scotia to make sure their buddies are not scrutinized for criminal activities committed by civil servants and political offices.
In Cardiff Stephen Hanks, a freelance filmmaker, said of the lecture, ....
“One of the main issues in the lecture, which is particularly important and was explained very well, is the necessity for truth. Unless you have fidelity for objective truth then you can’t understand anything. “Take the media as an example. There is no sense of objective truth in the media today. All sorts of lies are propagated and few of them carry corrections columns. They can get away with virtually anything. The issues in the lecture are not just about politics but the necessity for an honest and objective approach on every issue. Without this there can be no rational or reasoned debate on any of the problems we now face.”
Decided not to include the article written by S.Kimber. I do not read his articles any more as he has no credibility with me which was made certain after his THE COAST piece with Carvery, Simmons and Beazley- sociopaths in HRM,.
Clearly Kimber does not do the homework he should be doing before he cites of his rhetoric and rants...his white need to kiss the ass of the black community is annoying. The Transitional Program article was sent to me and it begged for a re-education.....Here is the RESPONSE to his article.
Kimber the kiss ass
The Tragedy of Trevor Zinck's public meltdown
by Stephen Kimber on April 16, 2010
I’ve only met Trevor Zinck once. Back in 2007 when I was working on a story about the far-too-many children who fall through the cracks of our child welfare system and he was a fresh-faced NDP MLA, we both attended a meeting examining other, better child welfare models. Afterward, Zinck handed me his card, offered his assistance. He seemed earnest, and genuinely concerned.
How to square that Trevor Zinck with the off-the-rails unnatural disaster he has become this past month? The Trevor Zinck who allegedly played so fast and loose with his MLA expenses he got kicked out of the NDP caucus? The Trevor Zinck who stands accused of running up a $10,000 gambling debt on the credit card of a disabled friend for whom he was once a care-giver? The Trevor Zinck who now blames everyone else for his troubles?
The simple, and most likely answer is that Zinck’s “problems” with alcohol and gambling—which he has publicly acknowledged in an offhanded way but has clearly not yet accepted as serious, or seemingly done anything to deal with—have warped his political and personal judgments.
Without getting all-Dr.-Phil, it seems obvious Trevor Zinck is in denial.
When he got kicked out of the caucus, for example, Zinck dismissed concerns about his own alleged failure to pay routine bills for which he’d already been reimbursed. If there’d been a problem, he argued, it was just bookkeeping. And he’d taken care of it. He lashed out at Darrell Dexter, accusing the premier of plotting to oust him as a way to scare other unidentified NDP MLAs from voting against the government’s upcoming budget. And he claimed House Speaker Charlie Parker’s decision to ask the auditor general to look into his expenses was partisan and “unparliamentary.”
When his former friend reluctantly went public about Zinck’s alleged failure to repay the credit card debt, Zinck claimed the NDP put the man’s family up to it. The family denied the allegation.
Zinck’s most recent claim that all these unlikely conspiracies are somehow intended to undermine what he claims is widespread public support for him among his constituents appears—to be generous—delusional.
In the end, there are two issues here.
The first, of course, is the public issue of Trevor Zinck’s ability—and legitimacy—to continue as an MLA. Let’s leave that for today.
The larger, sadder and more human issue is that Trevor Zinck needs help. The tragedy is that he still doesn’t—or won’t—recognize just how much. Let’s hope, for his sake, that that changes. Before it’s too late.
On the recent article about how Irvine Carvery's son tried to pay the NDP membership fees for the election nominations with a credit card so he could get the reward points.....there was a comment made by the columnist that smells a lot like Stephen Kimber's amateurish rhetoric,that begged for our RESPONSE to THE COAST website about how Carvery is a prominent and well respected black advocate....I will point out that the article does mention that NDP tried to placate Carvery and WHOSH THERE IT IS!!!!
September 08, 2008 | 07:07 PM
Hello Coast. I am hoping the NDP election will sort some issues out namely the TRUTH. Irvine Carvery is NOT a well respected leader in the black community or any community for that matter. In fact, he has very few supporters in the black community. He is well known for pimping black issues at his convenience and has enjoyed a public servant cheque for socializing( with his friends and family)
The crimes he has committed against poor folks in housing is too detailed to list here but have no doubt he should be in FEDERAL PRISON not PARLIAMENT!
Excuse the pun but Irvine Carvery is a coaster...who has enjoyed employment without qualifications and most of his support are either thugs or ignorant white folk.
His victims know exactly who he is...a bottom feeder not a leader!
Hello Coast. I am hoping the NDP election will sort some issues out namely the TRUTH. Irvine Carvery is NOT a well respected leader in the black community or any community for that matter. In fact, he has very few supporters in the black community. He is well known for pimping black issues at his convenience and has enjoyed a public servant cheque for socializing( with his friends and family)
The crimes he has committed against poor folks in housing is too detailed to list here but have no doubt he should be in FEDERAL PRISON not PARLIAMENT!
Excuse the pun but Irvine Carvery is a coaster...who has enjoyed employment without qualifications and most of his support are either thugs or ignorant white folk.
His victims know exactly who he is...a bottom feeder not a leader!
The second accused, Bradley Rico Oliver, 20, of 3449 Rowe Avenue, Halifax, appeared Wednesday afternoon, represented by Legal Aid lawyer Steve Robertson. The attempted murder charge read out in court accused Oliver of discharging a shotgun in an attempt to murder Riley Lloyd. Oliver was shackled and dressed in khaki pants, running shoes and black zip-up hooded sweatshirt. He was ordered to return for a show cause hearing Thursday, March 27, when he will be represented by Halifax lawyer Cameron Mac Keen. con't in link
This article was in the Pictou Paper and of course I submitted a response... (March 20 2008)
It is about time Bradley Oliver is removed from society permanently. He has a list of victims for serious crimes since he was 15 years old. Many of his victims would not be his victims if the justice system, in particular, the police, did their job. I am one of his many victims that were further disrespected by police who would not get involved with this thug who was allowed to terrorize communities. Because most of his victims were poor and black the police did nothing , the white victims usually could not identify him as he wore a bandana all the time.
LOCK HIM UP and investigate the Halifax police for creating this monster!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So for Chronicle Herald Dartmouth HRM East March 6 2008 Volume 1 Number 26 :
Two councillors came to rescue Jackie O on her being quoted as not wanting to sign the community petition for our community Recreation Center. Gloria and Krista replied in her defense...
Our response to their comments to the editor...
There you have it folks.....We have Gloria M on one side, remember her: she is the one who thinks vulnerable youth depreciate the value of her neighborhood. Then on the other side we have Krista S talking about waiting for the media to see you actually working, I mean signing it.
I live in Eastern Passage and in January sent Jackie old access issues as a person with disabilities and issues of HRM employees who harassed my home on behalf of a private citizen. She has done nothing on either matter.
Guess she is too busy doing...her hair?
Or did she pick up the bad habits of Becky Kent you know ignoring the needs of those they gossip about?
If city council takes any more breaks when will we know when they are actually working?
I live in Eastern Passage and in January sent Jackie old access issues as a person with disabilities and issues of HRM employees who harassed my home on behalf of a private citizen. She has done nothing on either matter.
Guess she is too busy doing...her hair?
Or did she pick up the bad habits of Becky Kent you know ignoring the needs of those they gossip about?
If city council takes any more breaks when will we know when they are actually working?
If I recall correctly JB was quoted as saying she was told not to sign the petition and THAT is
what we took offense to.
what we took offense to.
Chronicle Herald August 23 2007 Metro In Briefs
(Taken third party from an independent website)
Woman ordered to stay away from councillor
An Eastern Passage woman has been ordered to stay away from a Halifax regional councillor after allegedly threatening him and damaging his vehicle.
Gayle McIntyre, 42, of Chater Street was arraigned in Halifax provincial court on Wednesday on four charges involving Coun. Patrick Murphy (Halifax North End).
The Crown alleges that between April 17 and July 4, Ms. McIntyre twice damaged Mr. Murphy’s 2002 Dodge Caravan and uttered threats to Nancy Snow and Justice Minister Murray Scott to cause bodily harm to Mr. Murphy.
The circumstances of the charges have not yet come out in court.
Mr. Murphy declined comment on the case earlier this week.
Ms. McIntyre returns to court Oct. 2 to enter pleas to the charges. Until then, she must have no contact with Mr. Murphy, Coun. Dawn Sloane (Halifax Downtown) or Ms. Snow. She is also barred from going to Mr. Murphy’s home or to city hall.
June 4 2008 Courtroom#4
Spring Garden Road 9:30am
We have responded in depth to this article on this blog for you perusal of just the facts. WE will share more later but as you know this is pending legal matter and you never know who is reading..okay that is a lie we can record IP addresses.....but yanno.....
But without further delay our first newsworthy discussion:
Would this be the same Dawn Sloane city council person who actually had a place on the MRHA/Housing waiting list or are my sources wrong? Is she confused? Or is she following behind Maureen MacDonald's cloak of thinking they actually can reside or set up office among those they pretend to be assisting? Talk about political narcissism!
Page B3 of the Tuesday July 18 2006 Mail Star reports:
WHAT!!!!! The police WERE called and they will try to resolve this? Well Hells Bells........Miss Dawn needs to be more concerned about the mess SHE has colluded with than the mess in her garden......
Now how come you refuse to report anything I have to say about IRVINE CARVERY and what he did to my community and continues to do in Uniake Square, Dawn's neighbourhood? You know, the stuff Human Rights Commission, Police Commission, Mayor Kelly, POlice chief and Superintendant Beazley and Sykes and Ombudsman Office is hiding from the Nova Scotia public. I wonder how many will be confused about what Irvine is allowed to get away with and the fact his son is a HRM police offisewer?
http://www.stephenkimber.com/blog.php?cid=52DAILY NEWS
Politeness will not end poverty
By Stephen Kimber
By Stephen Kimber
My colleagues over in the editorial department at the Daily News got our collective knickers in a righteous knot this past week over exactly what is the oh-so-polite and proper way to express one's... well… one’s discontent with the seeming failure of our political betters to manage to accomplish anything more meaningful than make promises they don't keep, or "talk, talk, talk" about the absolutely critical, highest-priority, job-one importance of wrestling poverty into submission.
snipped-read more in link......
snipped-read more in link......
And shameful too for those of us who live in glass editorial houses to insist that those who speak out on behalf of the poor should continue to entertain us with Hunger Banquets and other polite reminders of poverty while we collectively continue to do nothing to deal with the issues they politely raise.
(Though you aligned with protesters paid by same said government (union) they attacked- check your sources man check your sources, your work is getting quite sloppy with your characters lacking credibility...)
our blog reply:
Great article Stephen and about time. I became so tired of the passive non profit organizations I belonged to as they think the constant talking on their knees while being polite is effective. Too many times I mentioned they are being too polite and passive, too many times they chose not to listen to community being frustrated. It borderlines victims mentality -waiting for their perpetrators- Community Services- to tell them their next move.
I could not stand it anymore so we formed our own community based organization- RESPONSE: A THOUSAND VOICES. Those we have shunned as being hypocrites and poli- genuflectors call us 'radical', I suppose if we spent as much time as they do with sociopathic bureaucrats and poor bashing hypocrites we can see how telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth would appear to be radical..... some of these organizations in HRM are the most arrogant poor bashing classists I have ever met often abusing the rights of the very people they claim they advocate for.
They lose their credibility when they smell like the governmental abusers often selling the voice of community down river for a pat on the head by government. All I can say to them is...grow a backbone and get off your knees!
Posted: October 23, 2006, 7:45 pm
Please reimburse all your students taking your ‘course’….we already have enough puppets and politricking in the NS media as it is.