Enclosed will be all the evidence of the unforgivable corruption I experienced starting in 1992 to date on the immeasurable acts and the injuries incurred throughout various divisions protected by former premier Hamm who accepted a fabricated letter from minister Michael Baker about the nature of my request for an investigation into the misconduct in the the small claims courts, criminal courts, crown office, victim services, probation services, police, human rights commission and the privacy and freedoms act.
~~~~Have a court matter or appeals hearing or decision you would like to share? We are not in the business of embarrassing people or exposing your issues without your consent, we do not support the breaching of any confidentiality. We are in the business of networking and sharing information so that others can see what is going on so they do not feel so isolated and so that they can use your examples for either their own advocacy or to enable their advocates that will need to gather collaborative and supportive materials.
We also wish to publish names of case workers, police, elected officials or any government employed worker who tend to use appeals process to cause further harm or exhaustion rather than resolve issues to lessen the burden of the community person and tax payer who foots the bill first by paying the wages of these nefarious characters then in the damages created by same said characters then through the damages experienced by the victim either in the guise of medical issues, injury to one's family unit or income causing inter/intra-dependencies on other systems also paid by tax payers.
Since the municipal, provincial and federal government will not act as their own watch dog..we will gladly do that work for them. Your information will help us achieve that goal in helping to create a more accountable system for every Nova Scotian, without ethical and responsible government every citizen rich or poor is vulnerable.
Also keep in mind those who have been notorious offenders of the vulnerable are subject to a RT SHAME certificate.
March 2007 actual date to be posted soon- March 13 2007
On the issue of holding a Community Services Appeal without the recipient being present a NOVA SCOTIA COURT of APPEALS application has been filed against:
Judy Streatch(minister), Diane Wanderer, CB Cushing ( adjudicator), Kim Ferris, Judy Sheddon for conducting an appeal hearing on the issue of necessary medical services knowing that the recipient/plaintiff/applicant was unaware of same hearing and therefore not present as indicated by an unsigned registered mail slip.
This matter was heard at Nova Scotia Court of Appeals and the matter was overturned due to constitutional violations. This lead to another hearing only this time Community Services brought 'little man syndrome ' mysogynist Terry Potter attorney for the province of Nova Scotia.
Despite his temper tantrums he was no match for the ethical adjudicator Robert Covert who ruled in the applicant's favour.
An area of much concern is the judge at the Appeals Court level have the power and jurisdiction to have hearings yet this judge just overturned the matter based on the application submitted by the victims of public servant retaliation.
By not having a hearing at the Nova Scotia Court of Appeals no information is put into transcript and official public record and this is wrong on several accounts:
(1) it allows the crimes/constitutional violations to continue with impunity
(2) it protects the violating public servant from public scrutiny and accountability
(3) it keeps information from others who wish to appeal on similar transgressions.
Just overturning decisions insults the work done by the already vulnerable applicant and places them in further hardship and trauma as they are referred back to the same hearing process and mentality that violated the person(s) in the first place. Talk about redundant government services that waste tax dollars.
We also wish to publish names of case workers, police, elected officials or any government employed worker who tend to use appeals process to cause further harm or exhaustion rather than resolve issues to lessen the burden of the community person and tax payer who foots the bill first by paying the wages of these nefarious characters then in the damages created by same said characters then through the damages experienced by the victim either in the guise of medical issues, injury to one's family unit or income causing inter/intra-dependencies on other systems also paid by tax payers.
Since the municipal, provincial and federal government will not act as their own watch dog..we will gladly do that work for them. Your information will help us achieve that goal in helping to create a more accountable system for every Nova Scotian, without ethical and responsible government every citizen rich or poor is vulnerable.
Also keep in mind those who have been notorious offenders of the vulnerable are subject to a RT SHAME certificate.
March 2007 actual date to be posted soon- March 13 2007
On the issue of holding a Community Services Appeal without the recipient being present a NOVA SCOTIA COURT of APPEALS application has been filed against:
Judy Streatch(minister), Diane Wanderer, CB Cushing ( adjudicator), Kim Ferris, Judy Sheddon for conducting an appeal hearing on the issue of necessary medical services knowing that the recipient/plaintiff/applicant was unaware of same hearing and therefore not present as indicated by an unsigned registered mail slip.
This matter was heard at Nova Scotia Court of Appeals and the matter was overturned due to constitutional violations. This lead to another hearing only this time Community Services brought 'little man syndrome ' mysogynist Terry Potter attorney for the province of Nova Scotia.
Despite his temper tantrums he was no match for the ethical adjudicator Robert Covert who ruled in the applicant's favour.
An area of much concern is the judge at the Appeals Court level have the power and jurisdiction to have hearings yet this judge just overturned the matter based on the application submitted by the victims of public servant retaliation.
By not having a hearing at the Nova Scotia Court of Appeals no information is put into transcript and official public record and this is wrong on several accounts:
(1) it allows the crimes/constitutional violations to continue with impunity
(2) it protects the violating public servant from public scrutiny and accountability
(3) it keeps information from others who wish to appeal on similar transgressions.
Just overturning decisions insults the work done by the already vulnerable applicant and places them in further hardship and trauma as they are referred back to the same hearing process and mentality that violated the person(s) in the first place. Talk about redundant government services that waste tax dollars.
Accused in murder back in court Feb. 15
Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press
Steven Elliot Laffin arrives at court yesterday in Dartmouth.
Last modified: January 19, 2011 1:10 a.m
The man accused of killing Nadine Taylor is having difficulty finding legal representation.
Steven Elliot Laffin, 36, said in Dartmouth provincial court yesterday he has left several messages with Legal Aid lawyers, but has yet to secure counsel.
Laffin is charged with second-degree murder in Taylor’s death. The 29-year-old sex worker was reported missing July 31.
Her body has not yet been found, and police say they don’t believe it ever will be. They won’t elaborate any further.
Laffin was escorted by sheriffs into a Dartmouth provincial courtroom yesterday for arraignment. He requested adjournment in the matter until he has retained a lawyer.
Outside the courtroom, Crown attorney Susan MacKay said she hopes Laffin is able to retain counsel as soon as possible.
“That will help to move the matter along further. We’d like to have it done as expeditiously as possible, however, he has to have a reasonable chance to consult with counsel,” she said.
“For the time being, of course, he’s in custody. Once he gets counsel and has the ability to get some legal advice, then it will proceed further.”
Laffin is right,finding legal aid help, ethical help at that has become extinct.I went thru the exact same thing when I was trying to find a lawyer in a matter against rapist Patrick Murphy, no one wanted to touch it because we live in a province of spineless cowards. After firing the first legal aid worker Nicole Campbell for corruption and coercion,I left messages with every single legal aid lawyer on a certificate list with a polite request to return my message, no one did, manners and lawyers do not go hand in hand it seems. Then I got one return call.Anne Calder, and we all know how that went. As a person with multiple disabilities from being a victim of crime I was forced to do my own defense while traumatized and submitted a 150 paged brief to the judge after Calder corrupted my trial. Anyway it ended well ONLY because I had a great judge. Lawyers are scarce, ethical ones,extinct.
For more info about how corrupt the lawyers in this province are :
also see
and see Brief submitted to Judge Digby on this matter after Anne Calder was fired
also see
and see Brief submitted to Judge Digby on this matter after Anne Calder was fired
posted December 17 2006
Police Sergeant Hart
Regarding Pat Murphy rape investigation
Incident number:06-58970
December marks the time when we take a special moment or two to think about the different acts of violence perpetrated against women, young and old.
This is a very traumatizing time for me as in 1995 I spent 4 days at Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in criminal trials as the individual who raped me for 5 years as a child was on trial. Then Victim Service raped me another for 9 years withholding medical services that were already legislatively mine. ( see article Mail Star/Chronicle Herald 2003 reporter Michael Lightstone)
The trauma that the justice system did to me and my son cannot be measured. The child molester got 6 months on week ends , I am told he did less time than that. I got life after being forced to testify on a crime that was over 20 years old, a crime Community Services, police and crown forgot to investigate while I was a ward of the court.
Now in 2006 I mentioned at a public meeting at Province House on December 6- how many people in that room knew that a city councilman was being investigated for rape?
4 media sources were in the room and not one covered the story-RESPONSES reason for boycotting media to events about TRUTH..Every level of government is supposed to be transparent and we know abuse and violence has a co-dependent relationship with privacy.
In February 2005 each city council member received via email a letter written to Patrick Murphy by his rape victim. Nothing was done.
In 1999 all partisan poli-groups knew about the rape as the victim hand delivered to each head quarters a letter of the graphic details of the rape to each of them when Murphy tried to run for office. City hall already had a copy of the rape in 1999 and the victim was told that it would be left on file.So against her better judgement the victim, me , approached HRM police knowing that they are primary abusers of her for a decade since 1997 and the key facilitators that lead to me attempt to take my life.
Peter Kelly and the NS Police Commission are fully aware of all the police-BEAZLEY-SYKES/Irvine Carvery /Housing abuse as well and did nothing.So in May 2006 I went to HRM to press charges and from moment one this rape was treated differently, three times I asked the commission to remove detective Hart- during this time 4 RESPONSE team members were abused by police. Attempts were made by police ( Dean Simmons) to corrupt one member who was immediately terminated from the RESPONSE team.
The Police commission is also hiding this from the public. Despite my taking the mysogynistic police to the commission in 1999 that resulted in the creation of a supposed progressive and humane sexual assault until, nothing has changed, the sociopaths are still running the police department.It is now December 17 2006 and the case is the shameful reality of how HRM police, crown and legislators do not take rape seriously.I have no doubt that the recent bids for Games is what has kept this story on the down low....
in 1997 Patrick Murphy did commit the hate crime of rape against Gayle McIntyre in the fall of 1997 because she rejected his several arrogant and unwarranted drunken sexual advances from him in his Liberal office the previous year.
Conveniently Murphy cannot locate his best friend Haniff Jiwani who just so happens to be the key witness for the victim....if he chooses truth over loyalty to a best friend that is.The HRM Police Hart state they cannot locate this best friend either...imagine that...this one witness is what will put Murphy in prison where all mysogynistic sociopaths should be..Perhaps I am being unfair, am I a victim of too much CSI?
For those not up on their psychology 101- for the city council to not conduct an internal inquiry into the accusation of rape by one of their own would inherently mean that city council engaged in offensive violations to my constitutional rights and must have assassinated and slandered my character to deem me not a valid victim. Kelly already had a list of people that contributed to the total sum of trauma and suffering of my family because of the sexual abuse in 1997- abuse the police contributed to causing more psychological damage to me and my son than surpassed the damages that were the result of the primary crimes.
Had my childhood rape case been dealt with while I was a ward of the court and when it was disclosed to Community Services, group home staff and police on my 16th birthday: Murphy, Beazley and Sykes and other sociopaths and parasites like Carvery would never have been in my life.Murphy's name was on that list PRIOR to being elected into office.
The fact that Kelly did not approach police or conduct a public inquiry is directly related to previous failings by him to investigate Irvine Carvery's racial violence in Housing supported by HRM police who abused me prior to my being in housing and poverty. Carvery's son is HRM police and yes you should be scared.Through malicious persecution and deliberate abuse set out by Beazley and Sykes and hidden by the commission, Kelly has consistently neglected to eradicate the corruption in his police department and city council.
Please note that the HRM city council Murphy is still employed as a city council.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Haniff Jiwani please contact this website. Thank you.
Federal government grievances on violations to Privacy Rights and the Act: www.privcom.gc.ca or 1.800. 282.1376
Justice Minister Encouraged by Federal Talks
Department of Justice
May 2, 2006 12:39
Nova Scotia's Justice minister is looking forward to public safety improvements in Nova Scotia following meetings in Ottawa. Justice Minister Murray Scott met with federal Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day and Justice Minister Vic Towes on Monday, May 1, to discuss Nova Scotia's priorities for improving public safety and security."Our justice system is a shared responsibility and these meetings were an important step in developing a new partnership to fight crime in Nova Scotia," said Mr. Scott. "We are committed to tackling this serious issue and I applaud the federal focus on addressing crime."
A key issue raised during the meetings was Nova Scotia's continued call for changes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act."It is critical that judges have the discretion to hold a youth in pre-trial detention and also have more sentencing options when young people are behaving in ways that threaten themselves or others," said Mr. Scott. "It's clear from our discussions that there is now federal recognition that change is needed, and they have asked for our specific ideas for improvements."The ministers also discussed anticipated federal funding for additional municipal police and RCMP officers. "As a province, we have made significant investments in policing, but it's clear that we need federal co-operation to put even more officers on the street. This is a priority for the province and Nova Scotia municipalities," said Mr. Scott. "There is now acknowledgment at the federal level that Nova Scotia has unique policing needs, and I will be strongly urging the federal government to consider our input into how any new federal dollars will result in additional officers for Nova Scotia.
"Mr. Scott said Nova Scotia has played a lead role in calling for greater provincial involvement in federal policies and laws that influence our province. "I am very encouraged by the response from these ministers and am confident we share a common goal of reducing crime and making our communities safe."
Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society
July 28 2006
Darrel Pink ,
Please excuse my tardiness in my response to your last communication ( March 6 2006 resent for mismailing in July 2006) as my hands are crippled due to the work I had to do in the house sold by Judith Gass ‘s clients-the ones who lied on their disclosures and with Gass’ help submitted alter photos with a fabricated time line as evidence to the conditions of their property at the time of selling as well as entered fabricated verbal evidence that this house was never a rental property yet 6 governmental agencies say it was.
I am sure you already know that your communication on the lack of new materials to review against Judith Gass who acted in a corrupt and unethical manner is as corrupt and ignorant as you are. You state I did not submit new material for the review: I didnot need to submit new materials, I needed to have an intelligent ethical person from your office to assess the same information properly.
You chose to ignore the blatant changes to the photos that show that they were altered. So you chose to engage in collusion of corruption with Judith Gass who should be disbarred for the deliberate submission of false documents to a Small Claims Hearing for the sole purpose to hide the criminality of her clients- who hid many environmental concerns that dramatically effected my health then lied about through their lawyer, Gass and real estate agents.
This is not a shock coming from you office as those of us who have been harmed by lawyers in Nova Scotia are fully aware of how these unethical lawyers would not be able to have such power without a supportive and enabling base such as yourselves.
Peter Kelly and Frank Beazley go on record as blaming the youth for a failed report card in the area of crime and justice. Only a seriously stupid person would believe such weak and pathetic tactics. The problem lies with you. If the agencies and bodies of lawyers in Nova Scotia are in the business of hiding corruption of lawyers and adjudicators then lets not look any further than to your own culpability in destroying the integrity of justice in Nova Scotia.
Your apathy and indifference is as sociopathic as usual.
So to date you have hidden the corruption, lying and unethical behaviour of the following filed by me only:
Deborah Conrad : Boyne and Clark Community Service lawyer Dartmouth
Kendrick Douglas: ironically also featured in your magazine on integrity ( KD did knowingly manipulate an unethical employment arrangement where I developed a project for him under his pretense that I would be paid. This matter went to the Labour Board who ruled unanimously in my favour since KD violated a legal employment contract. To get into law school, KD sent a letter of intent to the Labour Board stating he would pay me my wages despite claiming bankruptcy for his organization. Dalhousie Law School was made aware by me of the unethical behaviour of KD who never did pay one penny to me a single parent with disabilities, wages he owed me for working on his project for almost a year. He deliberatley lied to the Labour Board just in case the Law School admissions office did an inquiry for suitability. Once accepted into Law School he made no attempt to pay. KD did knowingly lie about funds that would be available for my wages which is how he kept me on the project. He is now a lawyer in NS)
Judith Gass : real estate lawyer and adjudicator
Gayle McIntyre- a victim of lawlessness in the judicial system and Barrister’s Society.
Nova Scotia Barrister Society
July 30 2006
July 30 2006
Re: Terry Potter Attorney General office lawyer for the province of Nova Scotia- did commit violations to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
In the same matter that involved Judith Gass, Terry Potter , a new lawyer for Department of Community Services sought to inflame and degrade and prejudice my character by stating in a public forum for Small Claims matter in front of adjudicator Steven Johnson that I, Gayle McIntyre was faking my disabilities. In fact he emphatically claimed he was going to prove that my illnesses were not legitimate. I can get a witness letter if need be by Eric McIntyre who was present on this evening when this illegal comment was made.
This comment was made after I had already attempted to take my life after the immeasurable violence and abuse I sustained from both the department of justice and community services since 1992 when Deborah Conrad of Boyne and Clarke/ lawyer for Dartmouth Community Services, and Susan Potts of crown forced me to testify through lying about her intent on my sibling’s behalf for damages created by same department.
That I immediately contacted the Department of Justice who did not even know who Terry Potter was but did state that they were shocked that any lawyer from their department would have said such a thing given the well documented history I have with this department and the 9 years of court documentations ( Nova Scotia Utilities and Review Board, Victim Services, Supreme Court criminal hearings, NS Court of Appeals) that do verify the state of my health as the direct result of this abuse from both departments- last court decision acknowledging this abuse and injury is the NS Court of Appeals January 2003 which resulted in the rest of my legislative medical monies to be reimbursed by Victim Services- their lawyer-Ed Gore, who Michael Baker who fabricated information for Premier Hamm to hide the abuse I endured as a victim committed by Ed Gore over several years as he violated the Victims Services Act of NS and was confirmed by three NS Appeals judges-that ‘he acted dangerously….’...so there is a well established history of my injuries and who caused them.
That I immediately contacted his client Pat Lawrence district manger for Housing and told her what he said. She remained silent not letting me know if she told him that or if he made that up to peacock for court. That my medical needs as the direct result of abuse from Pat Lawrence and her manager Irvine Carvery is well documented and that the monies that took my 9 years to fight for that was to last 10 years was spent in 1.5 years as I was severely abused by PL ands IR the clients of Terry Potter.
That despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary Terry Potter did make such an ignorant, provoking, characterlogically degrading comment to persuade the judge to prejudice his assessment of my character and therefore my credibility. His comments caused immediate harm and injury to me which placed me into medical crisis for about 3 weeks until I could control the rage of his pomposity and uneducated and deliberate violating comments.
Such comments in a public forum are a violation to my rights as outlined by the Charter. I am on permanent disability which was already confirmed by Housing staff Jenny Orlando by Housing staff in 2001 rendering me eligible for Housing in the first place. I am a person with multiple illnesses-trauma induced, and have been since the early nineties due to D Conrad and Susan Potts. I did not reach permanent disability status until the negligence of the QEII in 1999 and in October 1999 HRDC gave me this status forgiving me for my loans and debts to provincial and federal student loans arrangements. Bankruptcy was filed in 2000 on disability status without contest. Well documented all over in several areas as to my disabilities so to make such an outrageous and illegal claim goes to the lack of credibility and the deliberate maliciousness of Terry Potter.
This comment was made after I had already attempted to take my life after the immeasurable violence and abuse I sustained from both the department of justice and community services since 1992 when Deborah Conrad of Boyne and Clarke/ lawyer for Dartmouth Community Services, and Susan Potts of crown forced me to testify through lying about her intent on my sibling’s behalf for damages created by same department.
That I immediately contacted the Department of Justice who did not even know who Terry Potter was but did state that they were shocked that any lawyer from their department would have said such a thing given the well documented history I have with this department and the 9 years of court documentations ( Nova Scotia Utilities and Review Board, Victim Services, Supreme Court criminal hearings, NS Court of Appeals) that do verify the state of my health as the direct result of this abuse from both departments- last court decision acknowledging this abuse and injury is the NS Court of Appeals January 2003 which resulted in the rest of my legislative medical monies to be reimbursed by Victim Services- their lawyer-Ed Gore, who Michael Baker who fabricated information for Premier Hamm to hide the abuse I endured as a victim committed by Ed Gore over several years as he violated the Victims Services Act of NS and was confirmed by three NS Appeals judges-that ‘he acted dangerously….’...so there is a well established history of my injuries and who caused them.
That I immediately contacted his client Pat Lawrence district manger for Housing and told her what he said. She remained silent not letting me know if she told him that or if he made that up to peacock for court. That my medical needs as the direct result of abuse from Pat Lawrence and her manager Irvine Carvery is well documented and that the monies that took my 9 years to fight for that was to last 10 years was spent in 1.5 years as I was severely abused by PL ands IR the clients of Terry Potter.
That despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary Terry Potter did make such an ignorant, provoking, characterlogically degrading comment to persuade the judge to prejudice his assessment of my character and therefore my credibility. His comments caused immediate harm and injury to me which placed me into medical crisis for about 3 weeks until I could control the rage of his pomposity and uneducated and deliberate violating comments.
Such comments in a public forum are a violation to my rights as outlined by the Charter. I am on permanent disability which was already confirmed by Housing staff Jenny Orlando by Housing staff in 2001 rendering me eligible for Housing in the first place. I am a person with multiple illnesses-trauma induced, and have been since the early nineties due to D Conrad and Susan Potts. I did not reach permanent disability status until the negligence of the QEII in 1999 and in October 1999 HRDC gave me this status forgiving me for my loans and debts to provincial and federal student loans arrangements. Bankruptcy was filed in 2000 on disability status without contest. Well documented all over in several areas as to my disabilities so to make such an outrageous and illegal claim goes to the lack of credibility and the deliberate maliciousness of Terry Potter.
This behaviour is offensive and illegal and in direct violation to:
Canadian Charter of and Rights and Freedoms. 12, 15(1), 25
Comments made in April-May (?) 2005 - Small Claims can confirm exact day as there were so many adjournments no doubt trying to exhaust my already very delicate medical state. It was our preliminary as Potter was trying to have the matter not proceed at all thus felt justified in attacking my character.
Canadian Charter of and Rights and Freedoms. 12, 15(1), 25
Comments made in April-May (?) 2005 - Small Claims can confirm exact day as there were so many adjournments no doubt trying to exhaust my already very delicate medical state. It was our preliminary as Potter was trying to have the matter not proceed at all thus felt justified in attacking my character.
Again if his government/public servants do no wrong (1) bring the matters to court (2) charge me for filing false allegations against their conduct.
Now do not fall out your chair when you read these words out of Ms. Corrupt Sociopathic Obstructing Liar herself....
And when Greenspan theatrically warned Potts that the trial will be her "nightmare," she coolly reminded him that "there is a code of conduct in this province" under which his comments would be considered "unbecoming."
And when Greenspan theatrically warned Potts that the trial will be her "nightmare," she coolly reminded him that "there is a code of conduct in this province" under which his comments would be considered "unbecoming."
Joanne Marriott-Thorne and Ed Gores are two of the most vile individuals I have ever had the misfortune to be contaminated by and there are plenty. She is the executive director of Victim Services in Nova Scotia yet she is perpetrator of victims.
Because the police and child welfare forgot to do a sexual abuse investigation starting on the day of my disclosure which was my 16th birthday, I was forced to testify by crown Susan Potts who only wished to enhance her career. Of course after forcing me to speak on a 20 year old crime she kicked my file to the curb because Gerald Regan sold more papers. So being forced to testify on past crimes I had long ago left behind, brought on well documented illnesses and injuries and finally in 1994 Potts, two years later, told me to apply with to Victim Services and I did in 1994- I cannot account here the agony, trauma and suffering me and my son endured because Joanne Marriott Thorne with provincial justice lawyer Ed Gores rather not let other victims know they could tweak the wording of counselling to actually get the assistance they needed as being victims of a crime.
These two scumbags are responsible for much of the damage to my family for had they given me the monies legislated allotted to victims of horrific crimes I would have been able to get better and would not have been revictimized further-also well documented. No they had their own agenda which had nothing to do with humanity or healing or sensitivity to victims or ethics. So while my file was opened in 1994 it did not get resolved until 2003 when NS Court of Appeals told these two that they had acted dangerously ...causing injury. I cannot tell you how many times they made me talk about being sexually abused as a child over and over and over just to not give me money for doctor prescribed medical necessities most I had already paid for out of my university tuition.
There are many stories of these two sociopaths inventing new tricks to beat me down so they did not have to give me any money. The Court of Appeals heard everyone of them yet despite all their corruption they were never internally investigated and the public has a right to know that their hard earned money is paying the wages of these two scumbags who should be prison. I was told from a source inside Avalon Sexual Center that Thorne made other rape victims go through their own degradation only to reject their applications.
These two are capable of causing more harm to victims than the original crime did. Thorne and Gores made me recount my sexual abuse so many times even though the rapist was sentence in 1995-1996 they made me fight until 2003 knowing I was very ill by their corruption. The subsequent hearings to beg for money also caused so much trauma that I still, years later, shake my head in shock that these two are not in prison for crimes they committed against persons already harmed. I have filed against these two at the Barristers Society, minister Baker and Ombudsman Office and of course nada was done.
So while the scum that sexually abuse me from 9 to age 14 only got 6 months on weekends my family got assassinated as the two raping sickos fought to not give me any medical monies already court ordered to me by the NS Utility and Review Richard Weldon in 1997. Through their obstruction of justice, gang-raping of the Victims Service Act, lies and degradation they with blatant malice and intent did murder my family.
While they made me beg for 9 years for monies for injuries that were the direct result of being forced to testify on a 20 year old crime, liars who were saying they were sexually abused at Shelburne received, without need of proof, cheques around $100,000 in 5-15 minutes. I received $6,000 in smaller denominations which they made me do hearings for each time and in 7 years I received the rest ($24,000) after the Court of Appeals court ordered them to pay me. Sadly by this time I was so sick that my debt and medical bills spent that in 1.5 years. Had the money been given to me in 1994 as legislated, my family would have been able to get back on track before crown Potts raped my life pretending to be about community moral outrage and justice. WE all know what an outstanding job this Nova Scotia Crown Susan Potts did in the Regan case after spending how much of your money? I thought head master Martin Herschorn said they do not work on prosecutions where they cannot predict a victory.
The entire office should have been fired after the Gerald Regan*** mess..how many victims suffered because of their pathologies that had noting to so with justice and everything to do selling papers and prosperity.
Is crown/prosecution that bored in Nova Scotia they have to resurrect crimes that were not important enough to them 20 years earlier?
I now have to fight and beg Community Services for every single medical supply I need that are the direct result of these injuries and revictimizataion...the toll to my family immeasurable while my child rapist has enjoyed a career, spouse, family of 4 children.
You the tax payer are paying out because our police and crown and CPS are that lazy, stupid, incompetent and unqualified-they forgot to do an investigation into years of sexual abuse when they and now I have to beg for the rest of my life to pay for medical supplies and services that are the direct result of these socio-pathetic public servants.
So the tax payer pays their wages AND for the damages they leave behind.
How many times should the tax payer pay for the mess corrupt public servants create?
Martin Herschorn has hidden every single obstruction of justice and corrupt act by his crown where my name is the listed as the victim and especially if it is a sexual assault crime or when my perpetrators were known Black thugs in public housing. Martin knows that had all these crimes went to court the public would not take long to figure out that my revictimization is the medical result of the trauma his office created that lead to my being in poverty, in public housing with disabilities was the direct result of crimes committed against me by police and his office for forgetting to do a sexual abuse case 20 years earlier and then forcing the person to go to court 20 years later followed by 9 years of fighting with Victim Services for injuries that department caused. Martin has particularly hidden the crimes committed by sociopath Susan Potts who set into motion the inevitable murder of my family by the justice department.
Because the police and child welfare forgot to do a sexual abuse investigation starting on the day of my disclosure which was my 16th birthday, I was forced to testify by crown Susan Potts who only wished to enhance her career. Of course after forcing me to speak on a 20 year old crime she kicked my file to the curb because Gerald Regan sold more papers. So being forced to testify on past crimes I had long ago left behind, brought on well documented illnesses and injuries and finally in 1994 Potts, two years later, told me to apply with to Victim Services and I did in 1994- I cannot account here the agony, trauma and suffering me and my son endured because Joanne Marriott Thorne with provincial justice lawyer Ed Gores rather not let other victims know they could tweak the wording of counselling to actually get the assistance they needed as being victims of a crime.
These two scumbags are responsible for much of the damage to my family for had they given me the monies legislated allotted to victims of horrific crimes I would have been able to get better and would not have been revictimized further-also well documented. No they had their own agenda which had nothing to do with humanity or healing or sensitivity to victims or ethics. So while my file was opened in 1994 it did not get resolved until 2003 when NS Court of Appeals told these two that they had acted dangerously ...causing injury. I cannot tell you how many times they made me talk about being sexually abused as a child over and over and over just to not give me money for doctor prescribed medical necessities most I had already paid for out of my university tuition.
There are many stories of these two sociopaths inventing new tricks to beat me down so they did not have to give me any money. The Court of Appeals heard everyone of them yet despite all their corruption they were never internally investigated and the public has a right to know that their hard earned money is paying the wages of these two scumbags who should be prison. I was told from a source inside Avalon Sexual Center that Thorne made other rape victims go through their own degradation only to reject their applications.
These two are capable of causing more harm to victims than the original crime did. Thorne and Gores made me recount my sexual abuse so many times even though the rapist was sentence in 1995-1996 they made me fight until 2003 knowing I was very ill by their corruption. The subsequent hearings to beg for money also caused so much trauma that I still, years later, shake my head in shock that these two are not in prison for crimes they committed against persons already harmed. I have filed against these two at the Barristers Society, minister Baker and Ombudsman Office and of course nada was done.
So while the scum that sexually abuse me from 9 to age 14 only got 6 months on weekends my family got assassinated as the two raping sickos fought to not give me any medical monies already court ordered to me by the NS Utility and Review Richard Weldon in 1997. Through their obstruction of justice, gang-raping of the Victims Service Act, lies and degradation they with blatant malice and intent did murder my family.
While they made me beg for 9 years for monies for injuries that were the direct result of being forced to testify on a 20 year old crime, liars who were saying they were sexually abused at Shelburne received, without need of proof, cheques around $100,000 in 5-15 minutes. I received $6,000 in smaller denominations which they made me do hearings for each time and in 7 years I received the rest ($24,000) after the Court of Appeals court ordered them to pay me. Sadly by this time I was so sick that my debt and medical bills spent that in 1.5 years. Had the money been given to me in 1994 as legislated, my family would have been able to get back on track before crown Potts raped my life pretending to be about community moral outrage and justice. WE all know what an outstanding job this Nova Scotia Crown Susan Potts did in the Regan case after spending how much of your money? I thought head master Martin Herschorn said they do not work on prosecutions where they cannot predict a victory.
The entire office should have been fired after the Gerald Regan*** mess..how many victims suffered because of their pathologies that had noting to so with justice and everything to do selling papers and prosperity.
Is crown/prosecution that bored in Nova Scotia they have to resurrect crimes that were not important enough to them 20 years earlier?
I now have to fight and beg Community Services for every single medical supply I need that are the direct result of these injuries and revictimizataion...the toll to my family immeasurable while my child rapist has enjoyed a career, spouse, family of 4 children.
You the tax payer are paying out because our police and crown and CPS are that lazy, stupid, incompetent and unqualified-they forgot to do an investigation into years of sexual abuse when they and now I have to beg for the rest of my life to pay for medical supplies and services that are the direct result of these socio-pathetic public servants.
So the tax payer pays their wages AND for the damages they leave behind.
How many times should the tax payer pay for the mess corrupt public servants create?
Martin Herschorn has hidden every single obstruction of justice and corrupt act by his crown where my name is the listed as the victim and especially if it is a sexual assault crime or when my perpetrators were known Black thugs in public housing. Martin knows that had all these crimes went to court the public would not take long to figure out that my revictimization is the medical result of the trauma his office created that lead to my being in poverty, in public housing with disabilities was the direct result of crimes committed against me by police and his office for forgetting to do a sexual abuse case 20 years earlier and then forcing the person to go to court 20 years later followed by 9 years of fighting with Victim Services for injuries that department caused. Martin has particularly hidden the crimes committed by sociopath Susan Potts who set into motion the inevitable murder of my family by the justice department.
Who needs rapists when we have Nova Scotia Socio-pathetic Public Servants!
I came across this great read and started gagging when I read the lying words of one of my greatest raping perpetrators , Joanne Marriott-Thorne.
I came across this great read and started gagging when I read the lying words of one of my greatest raping perpetrators , Joanne Marriott-Thorne.
In Nova Scotia, Joanne Marriott-Thorne would agree. What's missing from the legislative puzzle, she says, is recompense for victims when their rights are ignored. (how ironic she would say this as I tried hard to have her criminally /constitutionally investigated for the damages she did to me-a victim of child sexual abuse they forced me to talk about for 9 years.)
“When I look across Canada, it is absolutely remarkable that there has been a whole new [victims' services] component added to the system,” Marriott-Thorne says. “There has been a tremendous change in the law on paper to give recognition and inclusion to victims in the criminal justice system.”
Unfortunately, Marriott-Thorne says, what's on paper isn't strong enough. “The next wall we have to scale is providing some remedies.” Although the Criminal Code provisions give victims of crimes some rights, such as to make victim impact statements, there is no remedy if they are not accorded those rights.
“From my point of view, at the federal level efforts have to be put forward to bring forth precedent-setting cases in relation to victims not being accorded the rights now embedded in the Criminal Code,” she says. con't in link
Citation:R. v. Regan, 2002 SCC 12, [2002] 1 S.C.R. 297
Date:February 14, 2002
Docket: 27541
Some excerpts from the enclosed legal document of the Gerald Regan appeal, for an in depth fluid read see link
15 Crown Potts was removed from the prosecution of this case by the time the preliminary inquiry began in April 1996. Crown Adrian Reid stepped in as lead counsel at the preliminary inquiry and trial. Crown Reid became involved with the case in December 1995 after charges were laid.
21 MacDonald A.C.J. then reviewed the allegations of Crown misconduct. He found clear evidence of Crown Potts’ blatant attempt at judge shopping, and found this offensive and most troubling. For MacDonald A.C.J., this gave the appearance of a Crown Attorney who was attempting to secure a conviction at all costs. He concluded that Potts’ behaviour had the effect of tainting her entire involvement in the process. (Susan Potts murdered my family, threatened the victim, fabricated a Crown witness and knowingly caused severe injuries/trauma and damages to the victim and her family.....all to get a conviction...keep in mind she forced me to testify on a 20 year old crime then kicked my case to the curb when the Regan case crossed her desk....he sold more papers than mine did..)
2 The pre-charge Crown interviews of complainants were, however, the most contentious issue before MacDonald A.C.J. Crown counsel, particularly Ms. Potts, became heavily involved with pre-charge interviewing. He found that the practice of pre-charge Crown interviewing in this country is not entirely rejected, but where used, its scope is narrow. MacDonald A.C.J. observed that in the provinces like New Brunswick, where pre-charge Crown interviews are done, they serve only as a screen to protect a suspect from the humiliation of being charged, if charges are later dropped or stayed.
In this case, he found that the purpose for at least some of the pre-charge Crown interviews was to have reluctant complainants change their minds and come forward to lay charges. MacDonald A.C.J. held that protection of the appellant was never a factor motivating the Crown’s pre-charge interviews. (I can only imagine how many other victims she forced to testify after threats of charging them as hostile witnesses as she did to me.)
In this case, he found that the purpose for at least some of the pre-charge Crown interviews was to have reluctant complainants change their minds and come forward to lay charges. MacDonald A.C.J. held that protection of the appellant was never a factor motivating the Crown’s pre-charge interviews. (I can only imagine how many other victims she forced to testify after threats of charging them as hostile witnesses as she did to me.)
59 It is important to understand exactly what the Crown said and did in relation to judge shopping. There is direct evidence that the Senior Crown Attorney assigned to this case during the police investigation said in a meeting with police that the laying of charges should be delayed to avoid bringing them before a particular judge, whom she feared might be sympathetic to the accused. This impropriety was exacerbated by her comment that she would monitor the court docket, looking for a different judge who would be more sympathetic to the laying of charges against the accused. There is no evidence that the comment was made more than once, and no evidence that it was acted upon. Nevertheless, it was said to police involved in the case, and set a tone of overzealous and unfair pursuit of a prosecution against the accused.
60 This Court has adverted to the impropriety of trying to influence the outcome of a proceeding by trying to “select” the judge. Where it appeared that the Crown had abandoned a case before one judge to avoid an unfavourable ruling, and then reinstated charges at a new trial before a new judge, McLachlin J. was quick to point out the affront to the integrity of the system (Scott, supra, at pp. 1008-9):
61 The judge shopping in this case was equally offensive. It illustrated another inequality between the Crown and defence, in that only the Crown has the power to influence which judge will hear its case by manipulating the timing of the laying of the charge. Even if this advantage was not ultimately exploited, it must be reasserted that judge shopping is unacceptable both because of its unfairness to the accused, and because it tarnishes the reputation of the justice system.
Furthermore, it should not infect the investigative process by involving police in a conspiracy to manipulate the process. The trial judge quite properly was seriously troubled by this evidence. He nevertheless was mindful that this single comment was not acted upon, and did not find it determinative in his ultimate conclusion that the process against the accused had been abusive to the point of necessitating a stay of proceedings. (Potts and HRM police William Morris, Srgt.Shame Halliday conspired to withhold the medical/gyne/hospital charts of the David Swim rape to hide the damages done to me by Potts and police forgetting to do this sexual abuse trial 20 years earlier. Instead several crown and police mysogynistically attacked my character causing me further injuries and trauma. This outrageous cruelty and criminality has been hidden by Frank Hoskins, Denise Smith, Michael Baker, Martin Herschorn, Premier Hamm, Murray Scott, Barristers Society(NS) and Ombudsman Office (NS).)
Furthermore, it should not infect the investigative process by involving police in a conspiracy to manipulate the process. The trial judge quite properly was seriously troubled by this evidence. He nevertheless was mindful that this single comment was not acted upon, and did not find it determinative in his ultimate conclusion that the process against the accused had been abusive to the point of necessitating a stay of proceedings. (Potts and HRM police William Morris, Srgt.Shame Halliday conspired to withhold the medical/gyne/hospital charts of the David Swim rape to hide the damages done to me by Potts and police forgetting to do this sexual abuse trial 20 years earlier. Instead several crown and police mysogynistically attacked my character causing me further injuries and trauma. This outrageous cruelty and criminality has been hidden by Frank Hoskins, Denise Smith, Michael Baker, Martin Herschorn, Premier Hamm, Murray Scott, Barristers Society(NS) and Ombudsman Office (NS).)
138 The trial judge found as a fact that there was no independent and objective review by the Crown prosecutors in this case. The absence of the usual and proper checks and balances would, he thought, shock the conscience of the community. He cited a number of concerns that reflected this institutional failure (including premature disclosure of the investigation, improper Crown involvement in the charging decisions, laying a charge to bootstrap otherwise inadmissible similar fact evidence, and judge shopping), but his listing of the symptoms should not be mistaken for his important and central finding of fact that the appellant had been denied his constitutional right to a fair pre-trial procedure. What about the Constitutional Rights of the victims?
151 It is clear that Crown Attorneys perform an essential “Minister of Justice” role at all stages of their work. Their role in considering or carrying forward a prosecution is of the highest importance for the integrity of our criminal justice system, and was perhaps most famously described by Rand J. in Boucher, supra, at pp. 23-24:
It cannot be over-emphasized that the purpose of a criminal prosecution is not to obtain a conviction, it is to lay before a jury what the Crown considers to be credible evidence relevant to what is alleged to be a crime. Counsel have a duty to see that all available legal proof of the facts is presented: it should be done firmly and pressed to its legitimate strength but it must also be done fairly. The role of prosecutor excludes any notion of winning or losing; his function is a matter of public duty than which in civil life there can be none charged with greater personal responsibility. It is to be efficiently performed with an ingrained sense of the dignity, the seriousness and the justness of judicial proceedings.
169 Wilson J., in R. v. Keyowski, [1988] 1 S.C.R. 657, developed the notion that abuse of process in this regard does not require a demonstration of prosecutorial bad faith. She wrote that courts should look at all relevant factors. “To define ‘oppressive’ as requiring misconduct or an improper motive would, in my view, unduly restrict the operation of the doctrine. . . . Prosecutorial misconduct and improper motivation are but two of many factors to be taken into account . . .” (p. 659).
The prominence of the accused and the high level of media interest in the case called for a disciplined and dispassionate approach by the Crown to ensure a perception that Mr. Regan was treated as even-handedly as any citizen has a right to expect. Instead the trial judge identified a number of lapses of judgment indicative of over-zealousness by the police and the Crown, three of which figured in his decision to stay what were considered to be lesser charges to preserve the reputation of the administration of justice.
2. Conduct of the Crown Prosecutors
178 There were three aspects, in particular, of the conduct of the prosecutors that indicated to the trial judge that the system of checks and balances did not operate in this case.
(a) Judge Shopping
179 The first aspect was the apparent willingness of the Senior Crown Attorney on the case, Ms. Susan Potts, to manipulate the court system to advantage the prosecution. This emerged in the RCMP minute of a meeting on July 15, 1994 between the Crown Attorney and RCMP investigators where she advocated judge shopping, i.e., using the Crown’s scheduling privilege to get the case before a judge of its own choosing, a practice which undermines both the reality and the appearance of the impartial administration of justice. The RCMP minute reads:
There was some discussion in regards to where charges are laid and an appearance by Regan in court. [Crown counsel] Potts said that Judge Randall is sitting in Sept and it is not advisable to bring the matter before him – political appointment (Liberals). Oct may be the appropriate month. Potts is to keep monitoring the court docket to see who is sitting when and what would be in our best interest. [Emphasis added.]
180 The trial judge considered the note important because of what it revealed, namely that the Senior Crown Attorney with day-to-day responsibilities for the case had identified herself with the police point of view, and was “attempting to secure a conviction at all costs”. The trial judge wrote (at para. 101):
This entry represents a blatant attempt at judge shopping, pure and simple. It is offensive and most troubling. The reference to avoiding a particular judge is one distressing thing, the flagrant attempt at “monitoring the court docket to see who is sitting when and what would be in our best interest” [emphasis added by MacDonald A.C.J.] is even more disturbing. This gives the appearance of a Crown Attorney who is attempting to secure a conviction at all costs. [Emphasis added.]
181 The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal pointed out that eventually Ms. Potts left the case in 1996. This is true, but the trial judge was concerned about the absence of an objective view at the time the charges were laid, at which point (for example, the critical meeting with the RCMP on January 17, 1995) Ms. Potts was very much the heart and sinews of the prosecution team. The Crown says that the “judge shopping” comment was neither repeated nor acted on. We do not know this. The appellant attempted to subpoena Ms. Potts to testify at the abuse of process hearing but it seems that her appearance was successfully blocked by Crown objections. (Potts has been deliberately protected by other scum throughout her department. Ed Gores, provincial lawyer, made sure to prohibit supeonas from being honoured at my request for Susan Potts, Shawna MacDonald and Christine Driscoll, all still crown, for mysogynistic private chats to conspire to hide corruption where my family was harmed.)
193 The Crown’s effort to lay the responsibility for all this on the head of Ms. Susan Potts is unconvincing. As mentioned, when the defence attempted to subpoena Ms. Potts to testify about the extent and depth of alleged loss of objectivity among the prosecutors, the Crown resisted and she never had the opportunity to explain her conduct to the court. I do not say the Crown’s objections to her testimony were either unfounded or unreasonable. I say only that the Crown cannot draw a self-serving conclusion from this unfortunate situation when the critical evidence went unheard because of the Crown’s objection.
228 Society, like the Crown Attorney, has no specific interest in “winning or losing” but it does have an interest in placing the relevant facts before a court for determination on their merits. This factor militates against a stay, but in this case it is a factor that is overwhelmed by competing considerations. Crown openly talks about probabilities of winning set out by scumbag Martin Herschorn so YES winning is what is considered in Nova Scotia.
Okay so for those who have been a drunk binge with kool-aid..what this all means is Susan Potts after committing crimes against me trying to get my childhood matters into court 20 years later after police and child welfare 'forgot'...she went on to commit other crimes under the guise of being a defender of the law. She forced other victims to get involved who did not want to testify but that got casually stated as she just wanted to persuade victims who had not given statements to police. The judge shopping is a huge one but Potts hid behind her lawyers so she did not have to go under oath about her criminal intention to gang rape the integrity of the justice system.
Potts used tax payers money to conduct this rape case then contaminated it so badly for narcissistic reasons that she created immeasurable damages all over the place including hand delivering the right for Regan to successful apply for an appeal.
What was the total in tax dollars for the rape case, pretend prosecution, appeals and further attempts to prosecute never mind the damages she did to victims as she harassed them to testify?
There are still some of us left who have no doubt Regan is a guilty as they come but sadly he never seen a day thanks to our unethical corrupt department of justice and Susan Potts.
Why was she allowed to stay employed, why was she not criminally charged and disbarred? Why have here chums Frank Hoskins, Denise Smith, Michael Baker, Martin Herschorn and Christine Driscoll worked so hard to protect this corrupt piece of shit Susan Potts who murdered my family since 1992?
Who needs child molesters, Gerald Regan and Patrick Murphy as rapists when we have crown prosecutors and her chums gang-raping women all over the place?